Chapter 27: Don’t Be a Bad Guy Because You Are Lazy

Hearing Xiao Zhao’s voice, Li Changan’s footsteps were a little sloppy and he said, “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Zhao pondered for a while and then said softly: “But I only met today, notWhy does the son treat Xiao Zhao so well? ”

Until now, Xiao Zhao couldn’t understand Li Changan’s attitude.

Mingming has only known him for an hour, but no matter if he is eating food for himself.

Or to say that now I buy so many things for myself with my own company.

A good attitude is a bit abnormal.

Such an attitude made it difficult for Xiao Zhao not to feel that Li Changan had ulterior motives.

After thinking about it, Li Changan said as a matter of course: “Since we have to live together in the future, it’s my own person. I can’t see you when I look up and not look down. I’m not nice to you. Is it possible that I’ll be swearing at each other?”

“It’s too tiring to be a bad guy, I’m not interested!”

Xiao Zhao looked at Li Changan suspiciously, with a little puzzled tone: “Is it too tiring to be a bad person?”

Glancing at Xiao Zhao, Li Changan said, “Otherwise? You have to keep racking your brains to calculate others. If you are not careful, you will harm others and yourself, and you will be harmed by others.”

“If you have that kind of mind, it’s better to sit in the sun for a while and eat some delicacies made by that girl Rong’er.”

“And still feel at ease, what would you choose if it was you?”

This is obviously the first time Xiao Zhao has heard Li Changan’s statement.

But after thinking about it carefully, I compared it in my mind.

But inexplicably felt that Li Changan did have some truth.

Murder and murder, if you want to kill someone, you must first plan.

Waste of brain power is naturally inevitable.

It’s just that he can’t be a bad person just because he is lazy.

This reason makes Xiao Zhao feel a little speechless.

He rubbed Xiao Zhao’s head and said, “I’ll find out after a long time. On my side, there’s no need to think so much, as long as you don’t need your brain.”

“Don’t think about it.”

Xiao Zhao’s face was slightly strange.

However, I don’t know if Li Changan’s tone was too gentle.

Or to say that the laziness in Li Changan’s voice makes people feel that Li Changan’s way of speaking is extraordinarily interesting.

Suddenly, during the conversation with Li Changan.

Xiao Zhao felt that the light rain that was pattering around was no longer as cold as before.

The feeling of coldness around me also inexplicably subsided a lot.

However, just as Li Changan and Xiao Zhao were chatting without a word, they were walking towards the house.

Several figures quietly appeared outside Li Changan’s yard.

While approaching, a man wearing a green bamboo gang disciple’s clothing lowered his voice and said, “Are you sure there are two women who are as beautiful as fairies?”

The voice came out, and another middle-aged man with bruises on his face and blood on the corners of his mouth responded quickly.

“Master Hui, it is indeed here, the villain saw it with his own eyes a few days ago.”

If Li Changan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that the man with the wound on his face was the mason who was recruited by Li Changan to the hot spring pool a few days ago.

Listening to what the mason said, another disciple of the Qingzhu Gang, who was a little younger, looked disdainful.

“Brother Zhao, we all know all the beautiful girls in the Changshan City. Where could there be any beautiful girls on the edge of this city?”

Zhao Hai snorted lightly with the smell of alcohol all over his body: “It’s okay if there is, if not, I will kill this guy later.”

While speaking, the scabbard in Zhao Hai’s hand tapped on the leg of the mason next to him.

It caused the mason to stumble and almost fell to the ground.

“Don’t dare, even if the villain is a bear-hearted leopard, he would not dare to deceive the uncles of the Green Bamboo Gang!”

Zhao Hai snorted coldly and said, “If you had to be so honest in the tavern before, you wouldn’t be beaten this time.”

The mason kept making amends in his mouth, but in his heart he complained so much that he could not wait to give himself two slaps.

Previously, he was drinking with friends in the tavern. After drinking too much, the mason’s mouth loosened and he told Li Chang’an about digging a hot spring a few days ago.

How did they know that a few people from the Green Bamboo Gang at the table next to them were immediately interested when they heard the two beautiful women.

Then there is the present thing.

And was pushed to the door, watching the closed courtyard door, the mason resisted the pain and raised his hand to knock on the door.

It was only when the hand touched the courtyard door, the door opened a crack.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Hai’s eyes lit up.

“Yo, it’s not locked yet?”

Then, without any explanation, he stepped forward and pushed the door open, and then forced the mason and several other Green Bamboo Gang disciples to chat and laugh and walked into the courtyard.

It was also at the moment when a few people stepped through the gate and entered the front yard, Yaoyue Liumei, who was playing Gobang with Huang Rong in the backyard, frowned and looked at the direction of the front yard.

After a few breaths, Huang Rong quickly turned her head when she noticed the movement.

Later, in the sight of the two women, several figures had already entered the backyard.

muddyThe drunk Zhao Hai and the others saw Huang Rong and Yaoyue under the eaves the first time they stepped into the backyard.

Under the reflection of the hundreds of candles around, the beautiful faces of the two were instantly imprinted in the eyes of several people.

In an instant, Zhao Hai, who was still feeling a little bit of turmoil just now, became quiet in an instant.

Everyone is staring at the two women under the eaves without moving their eyes.

With no ink on their chests, at this moment, the spar can’t find a word that is enough to describe the beauty of the two women.

When he came back to his senses, Zhao Hai and even Qingzhu Gang looked at each other.

Both can feel the surprise and ecstasy in the eyes of the other party.

Especially Zhao Hai, his eyes brightened with excitement.

Throat throbbing constantly.

On the other side, feeling the sight of Zhao Hai and others, Yaoyue’s brows are already tightly wrinkled.

Killing intent pervades his heart.

On the other hand, Huang Rong glanced at the disciples of the Green Bamboo Gang, and his gaze fell on the mason who was being dragged by Zhao Hai.

Eyeballs turned, and a bit of surprise appeared on his face.

Then he sighed and said, “It’s a small place, and the law and order is really chaotic. A small gang who is not in the mainstream dares to be so arrogant.”

Then Huang Rong turned her head to look at Yaoyue and asked, “The uninvited guest came to the door, or it was for us. Sister Leng, what do you think should be done?”

Yaoyue slowly retracted her gaze, and said coldly, “Kill them all!”

The voice is like a knife, but it contains a strong sense of coldness under the dullness, which makes people shudder.

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