Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 60 60. The company hasn’t produced it yet, and the payment has arrived.


At the Fruit Sugar Laboratory of NPU, new instruments donated by Warwick Company arrived. Xia Ning, who was receiving the new instruments, glanced out the window.

The sky outside the window has become cloudy, the whistling wind is blowing towards the Qinling Mountains, and a few beautiful snowflakes are floating in the sky.

Su Yu, who was operating the experimental equipment, glanced out the window and nodded: Oh, it's snowing.

Before, Su Yu would get excited when she saw Xue and thought it looked good.

But since he was able to go to the wasteland world, he was no longer interested in the snow. He glanced out the window and continued his testing.

Su Yu's main job today is to complete the data collection and analysis of a series of samples.

Also doing this work are a national secret laboratory, the NPU campus laboratory, and the Warwick laboratory.

The school and Warwick are very fast. They worked overnight and have already sent over their respective relevant data.

Warwick Laboratory tests the performance of traditional mobile phones, and the test data results are great!

The sample screen produced by Su Yu in the laboratory has parameters such as fineness, flicker, resolution, refresh rate, touch sampling rate, peak brightness, color gamut, color accuracy and color depth, which are much higher than those of its peers. .

Even if this screen cannot generate electricity, as a traditional screen, it is already far ahead!

The experimental data from NPU is a test of the energy conversion system on the screen. Simply put, it is to test whether this sample can generate electricity and how much electricity it can generate.

Su Yu only glanced at the test results of Warwick Laboratory in general. What interested Su Yu most was the thick experimental data from NPU.

After a cursory glance at the data, Su Yu started his own operation.

In the past few days, the world's attention has been focused on China and NPU, which has been sanctioned by the United States.

Electronic products seem to be developing at a rapid pace, but in essence, there has been no revolutionary development in electronic products since Apple's Steve Jobs. Most electronics manufacturers are just assembly factories.

Now, Su Yu from NPU has come up with a truly revolutionary product, a screen glass material that can generate electricity.

Can mobile phone screens generate electricity?

This sounds like a fantasy. Human technology has been developing for hundreds of years, and it has always been boiling water.

Including the most high-end nuclear energy, in addition to killing people, its greatest use is to boil water to generate electricity!

Now you tell the world that you have found a new form of energy conversion that breaks through the boiling water power generation model?

How can it be?

But the problem is, this is possible!

Because the 121 related papers published by Su Yu and NPU have laid a reasonable theoretical foundation.

Therefore, the sample in Su Yu's hands at this moment is not just a mobile phone screen, but something that can bring about a revolution in human civilization.

It can be used on mobile phone screens, so it can also be used on car glass, on the glass of buildings, and even on spacecrafts!

Aircraft power energy has always been the biggest problem plaguing human space exploration.

This heavy snow has been falling intermittently for a day, and the Qinling Mountains in the distance from NPU have been dyed white.

In a small meeting at Western Polytechnic University, Su Yu looked at the data chart sent by a secret laboratory, frowned, and asked:

Academician Liao, the characteristic value of sample No. 1 in your hand is abnormal?

Yes! Academician Liao, who was responsible for the testing of Sample No. 1, nodded and continued: There is no problem with normal sample testing. The various properties of the sample are excellent and can produce electricity conversion reactions.

But when we blew it through a large wind tunnel, there were problems with the power conversion, and the hardness of the sample was not satisfactory.

As expected, secret laboratories with state background are so wealthy that they can use a wind tunnel to test a mobile phone screen!

That's no problem! The wind tunnel experiment is a special situation. Who's going to use their mobile phone to blow up the wind tunnel!

In the conference room, the representative of Warwick mobile phone manufacturer spoke.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he regretted his talkativeness: He was only thinking about the problem from the position of a mobile phone manufacturer, but it was obvious that others were thinking about a higher level!

Has your laboratory found out what the problem is?

Su Yu browsed various data and charts and asked Academician Liao Wenxu.

Unknowingly, Su Yu was on the same footing as the academicians. It could even be said that the resources Su Yu could leverage were greater than those of most academicians!

Facing Su Yu's inquiry, Academician Liao Wenxu shook his head with a hint of disappointment.

Su Yu frowned, and as Su Yu frowned, the atmosphere in the conference room gradually became tense.

In general, Student Su's achievements are brilliant! After all, this project has been about positioning mobile phone screens from the very beginning. Mr. Zhang from Warwick is right, who's mobile phone goes to the wind tunnel!

Academician Tai Shizhong from the School of Materials Science and Technology of NPU spoke.

Yes! I agree with Academician Taishi. The results of this project are very brilliant!

Academician Liao Wenxu also nodded!

Su Yu tapped her right index finger on the table and thought seriously.

From the beginning, Su Yu did not expect that her sample would be treated as a wind tunnel.

Although problems were discovered during the wind tunnel process, these wind tunnel experimental data gave Su Yu a lot of new material.

Academician Tai Shizhong has a decisive say in the field of domestic materials science. He made the final decision, and together with Academician Liao Wenxu's approval, this means that Su Yu's project has received endorsement from the national background.

In the conference room, a representative with the rank of colonel browsed the Acceptance Opinions of a secret laboratory and NPU, made a decision, and said to Su Yu:

Mr. Su, our national defense science and industry industry can sign a screen purchase contract with you now. The payment for the contract will be paid in advance in the form of an interest-free loan from the relevant investment company.


In the conference room, the representative of Warwick Company also hurriedly spoke: We at Warwick are the same. We can sign a screen purchase contract with you immediately. We can pay you the payment in advance. We can even help you build a production line for free.

Su Yu's company hadn't even opened yet, but purchase contracts came to her door one after another, and the payment for the goods was also in place.

But Su Yu did not speak in a hurry, and carefully browsed the sample wind tunnel laboratory data sent by Academician Liao Wenxu of the secret laboratory.

Su Yu spoke: Don't worry, two days, give me two days, I'll see if I can solve it first.

Do you know what the problem is?

After hearing Su Yu's words, Academician Liao Wenxu asked eagerly. He and his entire team were obsessed with finding the problem.

Su Yu did not confirm, but said: I have done all the research on the NS equation, and I want to use the idea of ​​​​the NS equation to study the new mechanical layout design of the sample! Maybe we can solve the problem!

Oh my god, Su Yu, you can't really solve the NS equation, can you? Academician Liao Wenxu said in surprise.

How is that possible? I'm just using the NS equation idea to solve the current problem. Su Yu smiled and said.

Academician Liao Wenxu looked at Su Yu with a sense of disappointment that he had just missed the unparalleled treasure, and said: Hey, when I came here this time, I originally wanted to use my old face to pull you from NPU. Come out and be my student!

Looking at it now, it’s not that I don’t have the ability to pull you out of NPU, but that I don’t have the ability to be your mentor!

Academician Liao, your words are too exaggerated!

Although Su Yu was very proud of what Academician Liao said, it also made him feel embarrassed!

You old guy, you really think we have no one at NPU! Academician Tai Shizhong from the School of Materials Science and Technology at NPU was unhappy and gave Academician Liao Wenxu a roll of his eyes.

To NPU, this Su Yu is a treasure, how could it be taken away by outsiders casually!

Some people complained that such an epoch-making screen was not kept secret. Let me explain here that this epoch-making screen was completed with 100 workers and papers laying the foundation of the discipline.

Secondly, its research and development is completely open. This is a foreshadowing, which will lead to a new plot around Chapter 90.

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