Years: Salted fish life since going to the countryside

Chapter 201 Propagation Trifles Preliminary Attempts

Han Li was teaching Zhang Xiangjun the skills of cutting wood in the clinic. Fortunately, he had practiced for a period of time by himself. His eyesight and hands were very stable and accurate because of the practice of boxing. Otherwise, the teaching might be exposed. up.

But what Han Li didn't know at this time was that Shanghe Village wasn't the only one that was unsealed today, villagers like Zhonghe Village and Xiaohe Village also walked out of their homes.

Uncle He, who came to him last time for treatment of gunshot wounds, couldn't go out because of his own condition, so he invited several good friends to come to his house for drinking and chatting.

Regardless of the age of this man, it is normal for this man to drink a little wine, tease each other a few words, and brag a few words.

During this period, when others teased Uncle He for his hypocrisy, he was of course unconvinced in his heart, so he exaggerated his gunshot wound and the situation at that time "slightly" to justify why he couldn't get off the kang now. .

This time, he not only described himself as a tough guy, but also exaggerated Han Li's medical skills and character a lot.

Uncle He may be just bragging, but the people who can't help but hear have thoughts in their hearts.

Because the fan-shaped striking surface of the iron sand gun is doomed to have a low accidental injury rate, no matter how careful the companion is, this accidental injury still happens frequently. If this injury goes to the hospital for treatment, surgery and hospitalization would be a major A sum of money, and the doctor's operation is to make a cross incision on the wound, and then use tweezers to take out the iron sand one by one.

They have never heard of people like Han Li who open a small mouth and push out iron sand little by little with their hands. For those who often go to the mountains to hunt and trap people, they may not get a gunshot wound once in their life, but trauma is almost a common occurrence. The most important thing is that the clinic in Shanghe Village is not only highly skilled, but also the price of treating injuries is much cheaper, so the name Han Li was remembered in their hearts.

(There are only accidental injuries when hunting in the mountains as companions, and there are basically no accidental injuries in the relevant records. Only when many people are used for hunting, or when there are immediate relatives present, this situation will occasionally occur. Regarding this point, I searched the N County Chronicle And other materials, I feel more and more strange in my heart. In the end, there is only one possibility that people will get lost in the deep mountains, so I will not describe this aspect in the future.)


Zhang Xiangjun got advice from Han Li, so he went home and thought about making it himself.

Han Li took the imperial doctor's manuscript and the medicinal food and prescriptions left by Wufeng Layman to deliberate and study over and over again. After all, this is a matter related to his life's happiness, no matter how cautious he is, he can't be too cautious.

Unknowingly, the sky had already darkened, Han Li stretched himself, closed the door of the bathroom and returned to the main room. At this time, all the sisters from the Yun family went to He Mi's house to play and hadn't come back yet.

Just as Han Li was about to light the lantern, the electric light in the room that had been out for more than three days was turned on.

It has to be said that this electric light is more comfortable to use than a horse lantern, and the bright light made Han Li feel much better immediately.

Before he could sit on the kang, the loudspeakers in the village, which had also been quiet for several days, rang.

I haven't listened to it for a few days, and I still feel a bit like a cheap person in my heart, and this time is not when the broadcast is on, so Han Li listens carefully to what is said in it.

After listening carefully, Han Li realized that it was an educated youth surnamed Liu from Majiatun who could not be found.

What happened was like this, an educated youth surnamed Liu from Majiatun went to Niujiatun next door to play with his classmates before it snowed.

When we went back, it was already dark and it was snowing in the sky. His classmates advised him to spend the night here. As a result, the educated youth surnamed Liu said.

"What are you afraid of when it snows, I'm so familiar with walking back with my eyes closed."

So the people in Niujiatun thought he had gone back, and the people in Majiatun thought he was trapped in Niujiatun because of the heavy snowstorm, neither of them cared.

It wasn't until noon that the snow stopped today that the people in Majiatun felt something was wrong.

Because no one has much rations these days, let alone educated youths like them who have left their hometowns.

This Liu Zhiqing has lived there for three or four days, even if the relationship is good, he has eaten there for many days at this time, but why hasn't he come back when the snow stopped?

The captain of the educated youth from Majiatun took two of them to Niujiatun, but got the news that the other party went back that night.

When the two sides met, they couldn't sit still. The first thing they thought was that someone got lost in the snowstorm. If someone got lost in the snowstorm here for such a long time, it can basically be concluded that there is a lot of bad luck.

But no matter what, you have to search hard to be at ease, but the snow has been too heavy these days, and the footprints that you just stepped on are gone in a blink of an eye. It is impossible to know where Liu Zhiqing went?

In this case, relying on a few of them alone to find a needle in a haystack is similar, so the two sides found each other's brigade headquarters.

The two brigades sent people to report the matter to the commune while they were looking for it. The leaders of the commune thought a little more, so there was a special broadcast for this time period.

Listening to the broadcast, Han Li carefully told Liu Zhiqing's name, height, and characteristics several times, and asked everyone to pay attention to the situation of this surname Liu, so as not to miss any clues.

After several times, I noticed that the combination of these two situations is a bit unusual. Han Li figured it out after thinking about it, because this matter is very big or small.

If something is done because of lack of determination, the problem will rise to a new level. If this situation is bad, many people will be implicated. No wonder the commune will make a special trip at this time because of one person. What about broadcasting?

At this time, people who heard the broadcast had various explanations. Some said that he died of freezing after getting lost in the snowstorm.

Regardless of whether it was Majiatun or Niujiatun, they were all far away from Shanghe Village, so Han Li didn't take this matter to heart.

At this time, Yun Yingying came back from the outside in a bouncing manner, came to Han Li and said with a decorated spike in her hand.

"Brother Li, look, this is the mace pendant given to me by Sister He, isn't it pretty?"

Han Li took it over and took a closer look. This spike pendant gave off a simple, rough beauty.

The sharp front part of the wolf's teeth was tightly wound by He Mi with thin red thread, and a small eye should have been scalded at the back end with a red-hot needle, and a thick thread twisted with thin red thread was strung inside it as a belt. on the neck or wrist.

"I didn't expect He Mi's hands to be quite skillful, and this spike looks pretty good."

Yun Yingying said in a low voice: "Sister He said that she had polished each wolf tooth with sand for a long time, so it became as smooth as it is now. Because the wolf tooth necklace has the meaning of warding off evil spirits and keeping safe, she prepared it for us all. Sister He said that you killed this wolf, and the wolf tooth prepared for you is the sharpest fang, so she has to polish it well, and send it to you when it is ready in a few days. "

Han Li said with a smile: "It doesn't matter what mine is, and it's not easy to talk about evil spirits and security now, but when I have spikes in my hand again, I want to ask He Mi to help me make more and give them away." For the family, when the time comes, even your family's copies will be counted, and they will be delivered as soon as we can communicate, okay?"

Yun Yingying kissed Han Li on the face and said, "I knew you were the best, Brother Li."

Han Li touched the place where he had been kissed, then raised his chin and said.

"Then it's not enough for you to kiss me, shouldn't you show something more sincere?"

"Then try to persuade my sister to move in and live together, okay?"

"Aren't you afraid of being felt by your sister?"

"I thought about it for a while. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to ask about it. It's better to ask her clearly when she finds out."

When Han Li heard Yun Yingying's method, he directly gave her countless praises in his heart. What is a good housemate, Yun Yingying is the standard template.

At this time, Yun Jingjing also came back from the outside, holding the same spike pendant in her hand.

It seemed that she didn't hear what her sister said just now, otherwise, it would be more difficult to pierce the window paper.

Yun Jingjing looked at the two of them meaningfully and said: "Han Li, your pendant will probably be out of reach for a while. He Mi said that the red one is not suitable for men. She wants to find some golden thin threads to help you." Get that pendant, and if you can’t find it in the end, choose a thin black thread.”

Before Han Li opened his mouth, Yun Yingying repeated what he had just said.

Yun Jingjing raised the corner of her mouth slightly when she heard this, and then asked Han Li.

"It's getting late, I'll do it if I want to eat something tonight."

Han Li smiled and said casually, and the two sisters went to work on the stove together.

After eating, Yun Jingjing went home first, and Yun Yingying stayed to talk to Han Li before leaving.

But not long after Yun Jingjing arrived home, her face turned red, and she scolded the first seven, the last eight and the guardian of the Sagittarius in her heart.

Scolding is scolding, but she was not slow at all when she went to find clothes in the kang cabinet.

However, Yun Jingjing discovered a secret while changing clothes today, which made her freeze in place for a long time.

The next day, Han Li started his daily exercise against the cold air outside.

Han Li didn't take back his work and went back to his room after finishing his boxing practice today. He stood where he was and thought about it seriously.

Afterwards, he began to try for the first time the movements that can be practiced in the Spring Wind and Rain Jue. At first, Han Li was very unaccustomed to this way of exerting strength, but after doing a few movements twice, he immediately felt Here comes the difference.

Thanks: Xiao Se Reward: 100 points.

Thanks: book friend 20170703205616242 reward: 100 points.

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