The 3301 chapter weird team

“看样子我们鲸之一族太久没有出手,很多人都以为我们鲸之一族实力大不如前了!”此刻海鲸族小Prince 无比震怒,Chu Yi 竟然当着他的面这样远遁,若是你真的让他逃走了,自己的脸面,往哪里放!

It is unbearable!

The little king of the sea whales was angry. The other three tiger whales on the side naturally did not dare to be scornful. In fact, in their hearts, it was quite strange that they just wanted to take Chu Yi to their whale family. The territory will not do anything to him, but the emperor wants to see it.

As for this, do you fight with them and then run away?

But now that Prince is angry, they are naturally only able to make a fortune, but in the heart, Chu Yi has made the world so complicated, and it is extremely annoying. When you catch this little brat, you must make him look good!

A few people chase quickly, but Chu Yi in front is faster!

虽然一直以来鲸之一族就不以速度见长,可是,看着Chu Yi 在水中的速度,竟然比之他们海族还要快,而且对方还举着一个跟高山一般大小的龟灵,就算是他们这样带着龟灵,恐怕都会有影响,这个人族little brat ,竟然越跑越快!

Really unreasonable!

“这人族little brat ,有点不对劲啊!”一头虎鲸powerhouse 忍不住surprisedly said 。

“确实有些古怪,难不成他用了什么battle skill martial arts ?”

“这个应该不可能吧,battle skill martial arts 不是都是用来战斗的吗?怎么还能够拿来带人不成!”

“我们一定要抓住他,对方的battle skill martial arts 层出不穷,先前与我对敌,他就施展了不下五种battle skill martial arts ,要知道一般中等部落,有这五种battle skill martial arts ,早就崛起了,我想这应该就是我皇想要我们带回他的目的,如果我们鲸之一族得到this person ,以我皇之能,将这些battle skill martial arts 改动成适合我们鲸之一族的battle skill martial arts ,这个海洋,谁能够阻挡我们鲸之一族的步伐!”虎明虽然一马当先,心中无比急切的追击Chu Yi ,但是hearing this 忍不住说道。


His words really played a role. At this moment, whether it is the small Prince of the sea whales or the remaining three powerhouses of the killer whales, the this is also a big change.

他们不由想到先前Chu Yi 与虎明战斗的画面,虽然虎明的战斗中,留有余地,但是也不难看出,那个人族little brat 施展的battle skill martial arts 的高明之处,而且对方的battle skill martial arts 数量竟然如此之多,如今想来,倒是真的让人无比惊讶!

这个人族little brat ,不管是他自己自创的还是自己族内所拥有的battle skill martial arts ,这都对于他们来说无比的重要,这可是让自己的鲸之一族再度壮大的大好时机!

此刻明白此事关键的众人,再也不复先前那般太过无所谓的态度,神情皆是无比肃然,他们知晓此事的重要性,心中皆是想要立下这个Merit Points ,因为他们明白这件事情,对于鲸之一族实在太过重要,或许有了对方的battle skill martial arts ,鲸之一族称霸这片海洋,指日可待!

A few people are in a hot heart, and the speed is a bit faster. Move towards Chu Yi is chasing away quickly, but Chu Yi still only gives them a back view, and seems to catch up with him for some time!

“This little brat is holding such a big thing, how can it run so fast!” A killer whale powerhouse couldn’t help but vomit, and the words were full of sorrow.

“Their direction is what they are going!” Suddenly the little whale family Prince asked, “It seems to be going to the East China Sea?”

“Reviewing Prince is indeed the direction to the East China Sea, but what direction do they have, and they have been biased to the north?” Hu Ming said with some doubts.

“Was it to the north?” A killer whale powerhouse suddenly lit up. “Hahaha, that would be great!”

“Hmmm?” Everyone is startled, and some puzzled look at him, don’t understand what he means!

“你们难不成忘记了,在靠近东海域的北边,那里可是迷雾海哪!”那头虎鲸powerhouse 的语气带着几分嘲讽的意味,“这人族little brat 自以为可以逃得掉,可是他哪里想得到,他逃亡的方向可是绝路!,去那里,只要不想死,根本没有人有胆子进入那迷雾海中!”

“That way, we just continue to follow, this little brat, in the end, there is no way to escape!” This killer whale powerhouse, let everyone burst into excitement!

“Is there any tricks?” Hu Ming suddenly started talking, Chu Yi had previously fled, but he still remembered. I am afraid that Chu Yi has other plans.

“He and the turtle family are from the Western Seas, and certainly don’t know about our East China Sea!” said a tiger whale powerhouse. “The kind of people who come out of small places can know what!”

“But in case, they didn’t know, just rushed in?” Hu Ming said again.

This makes the complexity of people change.

If you think about it, the other party doesn’t understand the immensity of Heaven and Earth. You don’t understand the danger of this misty sea. It is very likely that you are rushing into the misty sea because of your own urgency!

That is where no one wants to enter. When they go in, they are lost. They go in, but no one wants to save them!

“What are you still doing! Hurry up and catch up, at least let them know that it is a foggy sea, extremely dangerous and can’t enter!” The little whale of the sea whale can’t help but loudly said!

“Yes!” Everyone is a spirit, thinking that if the other party really enters the foggy sea, then they are really losing money!

This is a good situation!

“喂!前面的人族little brat ,可千万别进那个迷雾海啊!”一干虎鲸族powerhouse 一边追击一边大声喊道。

This strange scene has been staged all the time, so that the passing of the seas are strange and unclear, so I look at everything in front of me.

海鲸族小Prince 和另外四名虎鲸powerhouse ,他们不明白,什么时候鲸之一族竟然这么好心,unexpectedly 提醒别人不要紧迷雾海!

This is really crazy!

这鲸之一族,号称最为顽劣的小Prince ,平时不去坑人就已经谢天谢地了,可是他今天unexpectedly 转了性子,他unexpectedly 在劝阻别人,怕别人遇到危险,这家伙他又想要做什么!

The sea people encountered along the way are looking at them with a look of eccentricity.

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