"Damn, I finally don't have to sweep the streets hard anymore, and I'll be a dog in a different profession in the future!"

Comrade Wang Gaobiao, who had been working hard for a day, finally smiled a little after learning that he could change back to the profession of lobby manager.

Soon, though, his attention shifted elsewhere.

"Xu Tang, that kid changed his profession one day before me, which means that kid will be a doctor's assistant today?"

Thinking of this, Wang Gaobiao directly opened the No. 66 live broadcast room.

That said, during this time, he has become a frequent guest in Xu Tang's live broadcast room, and has contributed a lot of viewing time to the live broadcast room.

"It's not proper to put a good locksmith, is Xu Tang's head show funny?

Now that I have changed to a doctor's assistant, I simply have to thank God that this kid is not dumbfounded today!

Wang Gaobiao's mood suddenly improved a little.

Even if he knew that with his current popularity value, even if it was a month, he might not be able to catch up with Xu Tang's kid.

But as long as the other party's popularity value plummeted, Wang Gaobiao felt that his mood was very beautiful.

"Doctor assistant, hehe, not a person from a medical background, can't play this profession at all!"

Even if you are a doctor by background, what can you do as an assistant? The audience certainly doesn't like to watch it either! Soon

, Wang Gaobiao turned on the video playback.

The more he looked, the more smiles on his face became, because it was no different from what he had imagined.

In the video playback, as soon as Xu Tang's kid arrived at the diagnostic department, he was beaten by the director of the diagnostic department.

And they were ostracized by those around them.

According to the development of such a plot, Xu Tang's kid may really plummet.

"Okay, okay, Xu Tang, you kid also has today, you're finished!"

As long as you limit yourself to this profession, then don't think about turning over in the future! Thinking

of this, Wang Gaobiao wanted to call his uncle a little.

However, when he thought about it, he felt that he did not need to be in such a hurry.

After all, this is only the first day, and Xu Tang's kid does not have the ability to change his career.

Therefore, he didn't have to do it himself at all, he only needed to watch Xu Tang's jokes!

Wang Gaobiao smirked, thinking that today might be his lucky day.

On the one hand, he finally got rid of the profession of a damn cleaner.

On the other hand, he saw that Xu Tang's kid had chosen a garbage profession, which was simply a double happiness!

Soon, Wang Gaobiao saw the scene of Xu Tang and others going to the outpatient clinic together.

In the picture, Xu Tang continues to be excluded, without the slightest chance to play.

"This guy named Li Ding is really good, just to do this, so that Xu Tang that kid has no chance!"

Wang Gaobiao laughed in a low voice and said

, "That's right, this kind of ugly thing can be handed over to that kid in Xu Tang, let that kid carry the black pot!"

This kid really dares to say nonsense, Xu Tang this kid is finished.

Let him treat others, but he said that the patient's wife is cheating, this kid must be finished!

Wang Gaobiao muttered with excitement, and soon laughed out loud:

"Hahaha... Ga!

The sharp laughter stopped abruptly, and Wang Gaobiao, who had just been ecstatic, suddenly opened his mouth:

"How is this possible? How could this kid Xu Tang see a doctor?

Moreover, this patient actually accepted the fact that his wife was cheating? This is outrageous!

In Wang Gaobiao's shocked expression, Xu Tang had completed the diagnosis of this patient.

Fortunately, for a long time afterwards, he did not have the opportunity to play again.

Only then did Wang Gaobiao breathe a sigh of relief, and secretly said in his heart:

"Fortunately, if it's just a chance, it shouldn't matter much."

And this kid named Li Ding shouldn't be so stupid and continue to give Xu Tang this kid a chance, right?

Ma De, is this Li Ding a fool, and he actually let this kid Xu Tang make a move?

Even if you can't diagnose it yourself, you definitely can't let this kid Xu Tang have the slightest chance..."

Wang Gaobiao couldn't wait to get into the network cable and appear on the scene.

It's a pity that on the one hand, he does not have the ability to get into the network cable, on the other hand, what he is seeing now is playing back the video.

As the video played little by little, Wang Gaobiao's face became darker and darker.

Finally, he slapped his thigh and scolded:

"Look, look, now I'm dumbfounded, I said I can't give this kid Xu Tang any chance!"

Alas, but yes, not everyone knows that kid as well as I do.

Even I was careless just now, I naively thought that this kid would be ugly....

So as long as you match that kid, you must not slacken in any way!

Even if I heard the news that kid was dead, I couldn't believe it! Because he may come back to life when he dies! "

Thinking of the scene of Xu Tang's 'coming back from the dead' at that time, Wang Gaobiao is still regretting it now.

How nice it would be if that kid really died!

In the video playback, the time has come to the afternoon.

It was the scene of the big bastard Director Qian leading a group of people to treat aphasia patients.

Obviously, in the picture, Xu Tang did not get much opportunity to perform, but Wang Gaobiao habitually became nervous.

And as it turned out, his nervousness was not untargeted.

Because as time went on, Xu Tang's kid really seized the opportunity and began to scream.

"! Why is this kid so capable, being a doctor's assistant, are you so good at doing things?

Wang Gaobiao felt that his expectations of good beauty not long ago were directly shattered.

He actually thought that Xu Tang's kid could succeed in the profession of assistant doctor.

However, the fact is that Xu Tang, this kid, even the assistant doctor, has the momentum of the director.

Looking at it, Wang Gaobiao's expression gradually became hideous, and finally threw the mobile phone and cursed:

"Why am I so cheap, you said that this good guy suddenly looked at Xu Tang's live broadcast room for what?"

Damn Xu Tang, you completely lost the good mood that I just rose, go to the special doctor assistant..."

"That amateur named Xu Tang, what is his popularity value today?"

Mo Shen's side.

He probably didn't even expect that he would one day care so much about the situation of an amateur.

And hearing his inquiry, his assistant Xiaohuang nodded, sighed, and said

, "Brother Shen, although this Xu Tang changed his profession as a doctor's assistant, he did not encounter a popularity cliff.

I have to say that this player is really terrifying, and today he won another 7 million popularity value. "

Ahead of me, huh?"

Although he had already expected it, Mo Shen still felt that his mood was very awkward.

Xiao Huang nodded and said

, "That's right, Brother Shen, but the good news is that you don't have to treat him as an opponent now."

Hearing this, Mo Shen didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

He is a star player, but he will feel lucky that he does not have to compete with an amateur player.


As usual, almost all the amateur players were once again shocked by Xu Tang's performance.

But they have long lost the spirit to catch up, so there is no pressure.

Only the few star players who were ranked before and after Xu Tang in terms of popularity that day suddenly felt what Mo Shen felt at that time.

"Groove! This amateur player named Xu Tang, why did the popularity value ranking suddenly rank here? "

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