You didn't follow the routine at all, did you?

Chapter 340 The Glazer (please subscribe)

Chapter 340 The Glazer (please subscribe~)

"Welcome to the Oasis."

——The moment he heard Ryan's words, Gu Chi felt that he had been fooled.

Because Ryan's tone was completely different from before.

There was no longer that sense of superior contempt, nor was he surprised and angry after they logged out of the game. On the contrary, Ryan seemed to be looking forward to this moment.

Gu Chi actually knew what Avreya wanted to say all along.

Rather than saying there is a problem with this copy, it is better to say that there is a problem with Ryan.

His elusive ability is very inconsistent with the setting of Horizon. Being everywhere equals omnipotence to a certain extent. This routine is very familiar to Gu Chi - he does this every time in his dreams.

But this was obviously not a dream, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed it.

The only reasonable explanation is that this is not a real horizon, but a virtual world that looks a lot like the horizon.

Coincidentally, Horizon's technology also has the ability to create such a virtual world - the Light Chaser chip.

They've been in the same game since the beginning, and Ryan is the manager of that game.

The only problem is, if it is a game, how do they exit?

The games developed by Lin Mengyu can be offline after death, and the games developed by Ryan are really dead when they die, otherwise Lemon Dog and others will not have death announcements.

This road is unavailable, and they have been chased all the time and have no time to think about other solutions. Without knowing how to log out, they can only treat the game as the real world for the time being and survive first.

Then think about how to get out.

Or whether to go out.

From a normal player logic, there will be no completely useless settings in the dungeon. The real skimmer chip should be outside of virtual reality. They need to wake up first before they can enter the final stage of grabbing the chip. It is necessary to log out of the game. of.

But Gu Chi is not normal.

He has more achievements than the average player.

Assuming that they are in virtual reality as soon as they enter the book, and everything is data, then the prosthetic body given by his achievement should not appear in the backpack, because the prosthetic body is a real thing, and Bluebird cannot send a bunch of "virtual equipment" "Should I give him a thank you gift?"

Gu Chi does not doubt that Xiaopoyou has the ability to convert physical objects into data and package them into virtual reality. However, this means that the items in virtual reality can be equivalent to physical props. In other words, in virtual reality Finding the Predator Chip in reality can also end the game.

It might even be easier than clearing the level normally.

Past experience tells Gu Chi that not following the process is the easiest way to clear the dungeon.

That's why he took Avreya to break into Ryan's research center.

But the ghost knows that the research center is the outlet of virtual reality.

Listening to Ryan's tone, it seemed that he was deliberately luring them out. On the surface, he was chasing them, but in fact, he was driving him and Avreya this way.

Avelia also realized something was wrong when she saw the ocean of data, but it was already too late.

She clearly felt that her body was changing, and she had a strange feeling of being disintegrated and then reassembled.

Ryan's feeling was more intuitive - it was like watching a movie with 3D glasses. He watched the two people driving a silver car rush out of the screen and turned into a ball of light and dust, condensing into two real people.

"What a great technology." Ryan exclaimed, "No matter how many times I see it, it's still incredible."

Gu Chi and Avreya also saw clearly the situation in front of them at this time.

This is a huge spherical room, measuring tens of thousands of square meters, larger than a football field. The surrounding walls are round and concave, embedded with a 360° wrap-around curved screen, forming a mirror in the physical sense.

On the screen, there are surveillance pictures of the underground city, the oasis, and the surface.

Ryan was standing not far in front of them, surrounded by twenty or thirty people, surrounding them.

The first reaction of Gu Chi and Avelia was to draw their guns, and then they moved closer to each other, back to back, and looked at these "bodyguards" warily.

Gu Chi also brought out the prosthetic eyes. Except for Ryan, there is no real person here, they are all humanoid - even Ryan's body has been greatly modified. In the human body parameter diagram in Gu Chi's field of vision, two-thirds of Ryan's body is The parts are all red representing mechanical components.

"You two, don't be nervous." Ryan said kindly, "You're going to die anyway, why not relax?"

Avelia sneered: "Death will replace you."

Ryan smiled and shook his head: "It's useless. This body is just one of the carriers of my consciousness. Unless you destroy the entire horizon, then you have a chance to really kill me."

Just because you have a chance, you may not be able to kill him.

Gu Chi: "Are you really not Grayman?"

This digital life-like transformation was exactly the same as Grayman's, and the "temperament" of those bodyguards was also very similar to Rhodes. It was hard for him not to suspect that Ryan and Grayman were the same person.

"You seem to know him very well?" Ryan said, "But I am indeed not Grayman. If you really want to say that, I still have a grudge against him."

Gu Chi: "Have a grudge?"

Ryan said: "He created the omnic apocalypse and almost ruined all my hard work."

Avelia frowned slightly.

What's the meaning?

Was the Omnic Doomsday created by Greyman?

Seeing her expression, Ryan couldn't help but laugh: "Do you think the omnic apocalypse is when artificial intelligence awakens its self-awareness and wants to turn humans into captives?"

Many people think so, but in fact, artificial intelligence has never been "awakened".

At least not so far.

"Self-awareness" is based on "life". How can real life be born from a pile of cold, lifeless materials?

Everything is just a program set in advance.

The so-called "wisdom" and "emotion" are also given to them by humans.

Although Diamondback does not specialize in the field of artificial intelligence, it knows a lot about it. They once funded a small company called Bluebird to conduct an experiment called "Mechanical Lover."

There are two key words in this project, one is "thinking" and the other is "emotion", the former includes the latter.

In the eyes of most people, thinking and emotion are one of the most accurate ways to judge whether a person is a robot, because robots cannot think or have feelings, but Bluebird has used a very simple and very clever method to solve the problem. solve these two problems.

They first collect human habits and logic to build a huge database, and then connect the chip implanted in the robot's brain to the database through a specific wave band, so that the data can be accessed at any time.

The data prepared by the robot is called "simple common sense". For example, if you order it to pour yourself a cup of coffee, it will know where to pour it from and how to pour it.

The data in the database is called the "consciousness network". Once it encounters a problem that exceeds its own reserve of knowledge, the robot will access the consciousness network and find answers from the database.

This process is "thinking".

Expanding is "learning".

The same goes for "emotion". When a human invites a robot on a date, the robot will ask itself, what does dating mean?

Thinking will allow it to come up with the answer - this human being may like me, which will trigger the "like" program in the setting and coordinate various parts of itself to show expressions such as "blushing", "shy", "indifferent" and so on.

Even further, it will learn how to get along with the people it likes, make soup for you when the weather is cold, hold an umbrella for you when it rains, kiss you when it receives your gifts, and stop you at all costs when there is danger. In front of you.

This is emotion.

Looking at humans themselves, don’t we think and reflect on ourselves in the same way?

The human brain is just another kind of chip.

So there is no awakening of consciousness. What the robots think is what humans want them to think.

Human beings are the same.

Omnic Doomsday is a lie from beginning to end, a crazy act performed by Greyman to achieve his own goals.

But I have to admit that while Grayman is a madman, he is also a genius.

In the field of artificial intelligence, no one can compare with him.

The doomsday humanoid on the surface is what was left by the Qingguang Enterprise. The Raider chip in its brain was taken away by Ryan - it just acts as a security guard and doesn't need to be so smart.

On the other hand, Ryan also wanted to study this chip, but after decades, he has never been able to crack the chip. What he did get occasionally was a bunch of garbled code that was completely incomprehensible.

"Wait a minute." Gu Chi didn't understand. "Isn't the doomsday doll something in the game? Is it in reality too?"

Ryan hasn't shown too much hostility so far, so Gu Chi naturally doesn't mind chatting with him more.

Every word in Ryan's mouth is part of the world view of this copy.

"Of course, otherwise what do you think I am doing developing this game?" Ryan smiled, "As you said, I am a capitalist."

"Come, let me show you." He waved to Gu Chi and Avreya, motioning them to come over.

Only then did Gu Chi notice a ring on the ground under Ryan's feet, and couldn't help but look at Avreya.

It seems... they have no other choice?

Twenty or thirty humanoids can't be defeated no matter how hard they try.

Take it one step at a time.

The two stood in the ring.

Ryan nodded to a bodyguard, who pressed the switch on the wall, and a circle of glass suddenly popped up from the gap in the ring, carrying them straight up together with the round platform at their feet.

The ceiling above their heads also rotated and opened, and the three of them quickly reached a height of more than 300 meters above the ground, just like taking a viewing elevator.

It's night outside just like in the game, but the difference is that the oasis here is half less than the oasis in the game - only half of the city is full of lights, flashing with neon light and shadow, and the remaining half is still under construction.

Gu Chi's prosthetic eyes could clearly see the cranes and huge 3D printers at work in the west of the city.

On the eastern periphery of the city is a large mountain.

"Go over and you can see the plain." Ryan pointed to the mountain road. "The doomsday humanoid figure you killed in the game is also there."

"Lie down on the ground and you can still hear the sound of the train speeding by."

"From D-7 to D-1, if you take a few stops, you can still reach the dungeon you are familiar with."

Almost everything in the game is 1:1 replica of the real Horizon, including ruins and radiation.

From this perspective, the game world is the real world.

"What's the point?" Avreya asked, "What's the point of doing this?"

Lin Mengyu also develops virtual reality for Diamondback Enterprises, but has never made a game that is so similar to reality.

Even if you are tortured by radiation in reality, you still have to be tortured by radiation in the game. What’s the point?


"Games can be used for more than just entertainment." Ryan looked at the silver building, "Did you see it?"

"It is actually not a building as you think, but a quantum computer - the largest quantum computer in the world."

"It records the entire process of the omnic apocalypse and can simulate with high accuracy what changes will occur to this land in the next hundred years after it is affected by radiation."

"The huge storage capacity allows it to serve as the consciousness network of artificial intelligence, and the super computing power allows it to calculate everyone's life and choices."

“Add virtual reality, four technologies together, and you have the game you’ve seen with your own eyes before.”

Ryan paused and then said: "At the same time, it will also be what it will be like beyond the horizon."

Gu Chi's eyes narrowed: "Are you deducing the future??"

"Yes." Ryan smiled, "Or to put it in a more down-to-earth way, scientific fortune telling."

Only those who have experienced it personally know how completely Grayman destroyed the horizon. The surface of the earth was once a restricted area for life.

Without simulation, they might still be trapped underground, there would be no oasis, and there would be no future games that have been updated for more than ten generations.

This is why Diamondback Enterprises still insists on developing virtual reality when resources are so scarce.

Wrong decisions made in the game will never be wrong again in reality.

Now he is the only one left on the board of directors. As the only leader, he naturally has to lead people to survive until they see the light of day again.

Avelia was silent for a moment and asked: "Are you really just a capitalist?"

Ryan reminded her of someone.


"Why not?" Ryan said, "If everyone dies, who will I exploit?"

Avelia: "..."

Gu Chi: "..."

That makes sense.

"This is actually not a big deal." Ryan looked at the two of them, with a hint of fire in his calm eyes. "In comparison, your technology is what I want most."

Avelia's eyes became wary again, and she subconsciously took half a step behind Gu Chi.

Gu Chi said calmly: "We don't have the technology."

Ryan: "But you have bodies."

Gu Chi: "?"

Avreya: "?"

"You are players, you can't understand how I feel." Ryan's eyes were filled with wonder as he recalled the scene where Gu Chi and Avreya had just appeared.

With the development of Diamondback Enterprise's virtual reality technology, it has been able to escape from dreams. 98% of the entire future game is simulated by quantum computers - it is essentially more like an online game from the old era.

There is no brain-computer interface, and no other players are needed. It is used for observation, not for playing. Only he and a very small number of business executives can log in to the game and perform a series of operations such as adding, deleting, and viewing recordings.

In other words, Lin Zian and Lin Mengyu are just a bunch of data.

The data sea in Silver Building is for their own use, not for Lin Zian and Lin Mengyu to quit the game.

There are no two people in the real horizon. To put it more strictly - Lin Zian and Lin Mengyu are not born yet, how can they retire?

But the fact is that these brothers and sisters are really standing in front of him now.

He also brought out all his "equipment" such as prosthetic eyes, guns, and necklaces.

Ryan once imagined what virtual reality technology would look like when it eventually develops. It might be digital life, it might be dimensionality reduction, or it might just continue like this and deduce the continuation of civilization in the future... He thought about many reasonable possibilities, but the only I never thought that data would become entities.

This sounds unscientific.

Until he met "The Player".

Who wouldn’t want this kind of super technology that’s like the Creator?

Someone has given a beam of light to their world, why can't they give a beam of light to someone else's world?

Know the light, pursue the light, and become the light.

So Ryan gave his chip a name - Light Chaser.

Players like Gu Chi are obviously not the creators of their world - players know nothing about games, such as Coredona, she only knows how to play and complain when she doesn't like it, she doesn't care, let alone understand. Develop the technology and logic of this game.

But it doesn't matter, just leave the person behind.

When the "player" dies, the corpse will be retained. He can study the corpse and reversely deduce the technology in it.

If he hadn't been busy these days and didn't come to observe the game, Ryan wouldn't have let Lemon Dog wait for others to die.

If one more person comes out, he will have one more research subject.

such a pity……

He saw through the video that a group of fools came this time. When he entered the game, only Lin Zian and Lin Mengyu were left.

"This is the Predator chip you want." Ryan took out a chip from his pocket and said, "I can give it to you, but as a condition, you must die."

[Plunderer Chip]

Gu Chi stared at the chip for two seconds and confirmed that it was a mission item. He pursed his lips and said, "Do you have any extra chips? You gave them to us and you didn't study them yourself?"

"You won't take it away." Ryan said with a smile, "I barely know some of your game rules. No matter where you take the chip, as long as it is not destroyed, it will always be on the horizon. I can have someone find it again." .”

"Aren't you afraid that we will run away?" Gu Chi asked.

"As far as I know, there will be a countdown after you complete the mission, and the entire oasis belongs to me..." Ryan paused and said, "You really can't run away this time."

Gu Chi found that this guy knew a lot, and was even trying to imitate Xiao Poyou.

But he doesn’t seem to have any intention of coming to reality?

Ryan really didn't have this idea. Capitalists are very smart and will not do loss-making business. Even the horizon of their lives is created by the player world. What will happen if they go to the so-called reality? Can they survive?

Just a moth flying into the flame.

He is not crazy and would not do such a thing.

You’ve had enough fun, it’s best if you can win-win.

"The only question now is, who should I give this chip to?" Ryan looked at the two of them with an ambiguous smile, "You seem to be working on your own this time?"

"Did we say we would promise you?" Avreya's eyes were cold, "Let us die if you tell us to die. Who do you think you are?"

Gu Chi Leng hummed in agreement: "Yes, it's too simplistic to think that just one chip can change our lives after one breath of life."

"Really?" Ryan already knew the personalities of these two people, so he simply waved his hand and threw the chip high into the sky.

They were still on the round platform, at a height of more than 300 meters. They would definitely die if they tried to get the chip.

At this moment, Avelia, who had just retorted, put her foot on the ground hard, jumped into the air, jumped out of the glass fence like a vaulting horse, and reached out to grab the chip.

But how could Gu Chi let her succeed?

You jump, I jump.

His movements were no slower than Avreya's.

And pressed the phone at the same time.

The necklace around Avreya's neck once again turned into a collar.



Avreya's body trembled in the air, her whole body became weak, and the hand that was about to touch the chip dropped weakly.

Gu Chi, who received the prompt from the prosthetic eye and also jumped out of the high platform, hugged her from behind and used the force to turn her over, facing up, and firmly grasped the chip in the palm of his hand.

[Obtain the "Lavager Chip\

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