You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 253 The desperate Naza (2, monthly ticket 3400)

Naza reluctantly took one last look at the big screen. Although she could see the actors in real life right away, she actually liked the story. She didn't care about the male lead and the second lead. She felt that these foreigners were not very good-looking... …ah!

"Director, we're here."

Miss etiquette arrived, and Wang Quan, who was chatting and laughing with Sister Fei Hong, took a look and felt dumb. She didn't look very young, but she was so beautiful that even Wang Quan, who had seen countless women, couldn't help but look at her face. Stayed for a few more seconds.

In Nazha's eyes, she felt that there was a halo around Wang Quan. Is this the director? Why is he taller and more handsome than the actor?

Wang Quan nodded, "Actually, there's no need to rehearse. It's just a small meeting. Let's be casual, interact with fans, and finally drink a glass of blood-like grape juice together."

Immediately someone brought the grape juice and gave it to Naza.

Naza walked straight towards Wang Quan with grape juice. When she walked in front of Wang Quan and Wang Quan stretched out his hand, she panicked and was a little shy and excited. Is the director going to touch my face?

Maybe she was tired from standing while watching a movie, and she was wearing high heels. Coupled with this panic, Naza began to sway.

Before seeing that she was going to spill the wine, Little K, who was next to Wang Quan, immediately stayed away and finally saved himself.

But Wang Quan was miserable. He originally went to get the wine glass, but now all the grape juice was spilled on him, and all his white suits were ruined.

Nazha panicked all of a sudden, wondering if her 300 yuan was going to be lost!

Wang Quan was not angry and asked gently, "How old are you?"

"Ten, sixteen."

It’s not easy for a sixteen-year-old to enter society before he’s an adult. This set of clothes only costs 100,000 yuan, and he should be able to pay it off before he reaches adulthood at eighteen.

"Do you have contact information?" Wang Quan asked again.

Manager Ruan immediately took out paper and pen. Naza was still confused about the situation. Why did she need my contact information? Could it be that he fell in love with me? But she soon woke up.

Gulinaza? She is from the Wei ethnic group, but the ethnic minority feeling in her is not that obvious.

Wang Quan put away the note and patted her shoulder, "Don't be nervous. This is all a trivial matter. Can we still go on? We can't live without you."

Encouraged by Wang Quan, Gulinazha realized her own importance and instantly resurrected with full health. She nodded and said, "I have no problem!"

"That's good."

"Master, why don't you change your clothes into mine?" Manager Ruan made a show of taking them off.

Wang Quan waved his hand, "Just give me a set of studio uniforms, just for publicity."

"Oh, you are still thoughtful!"

After the movie ended, the lights came on, and Wang Quan appeared in front of the stage with the three main creators, as well as the host Liu Yan, a total of five people.

This is the IMAX giant screen hall. The seats for more than 800 people are not only full, but also have many small benches. There are nearly 900 people in total, which is quite large.

Nazha, who was hiding aside, heard shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami. Behind her, there was Yu Feihong, who helped Wang Quan hold clothes. She was bored and chatted with Nazha.

"Are you starting to work at such an early age?"

"Part-time job, actually I came to the capital to participate in the Olympics." Nazha raised her hand.

"Oh," Yu Feihong was a little surprised, "What do you study?"


Thin and long, it really looks like someone practicing dancing.

"From Beiwu?" Yu Feihong asked.

"I'm from Xijiang Art College. I'll graduate next year."

She is 16 years old and is obviously not a bachelor's degree graduate next year. As a former teacher in the performance department of Nortel, when Yu Feihong saw Nazha, she felt like teacher Cui Xinqin saw Huang Xiaoming. The appearance and condition were too superior.

"You are in such good condition, have you ever thought of coming to Beidian to learn acting?"

"Ah, me, is it expensive to learn acting?" Nazha's first reaction was money. Her family is just an ordinary family.

Yu Feihong was stunned for a moment and answered honestly, "The annual tuition fee is less than 20,000."

If not, then it will be close.

"Hiss!" It's so expensive.

"But people like you shouldn't worry about not being able to film. You can make money back quickly. It has a better future than dancing." Since they are both from the literary and art circles, Yu Feihong thought that the little girl might consider choosing a path that is more suitable for her.

Nazha, "I will graduate next year and I can work for two years before thinking about it again."

And she felt she was still young.

At this time, the audience was already asking questions on the stage. After several questions for the actors, someone stood up and asked Wang Quan, "Director Wang, "Twilight 2" has achieved such a great success, do you have anything to say to your North?" That’s what the electrician said."

Wang Quan, "Are you from Nortel?"

"Level 05 directing department, bid for the Olympics." The boy said shyly.

"You have a good name, it fits the occasion," Wang Quan said with a smile, "Then you should graduate next year. I want to say that even after you graduate, don't forget to study. The film industry is changing with each passing day, and I am also studying every day. In addition, I plan to go back to my alma mater to take a postgraduate entrance examination in the past two years for further study. I am also a junior next to me. I also want to say that I hope some of you can get the S fund this year. There is always a vacancy. I can’t spend the money yet. Bar."

Olympic bid smiled and scratched his head and sat down.

Hearing this, Nazha's little head turned slightly, and she turned back to look at Yu Feihong, "Teacher Yu, what preparations do you need to prepare for the Nortel exam?"


Naza went down with the wine glass, and the meeting was over. The security guards began to maintain order, otherwise these enthusiastic fans would really get angry. Seeing how enthusiastic everyone was towards him, the little werewolf simply took off his vest and threw it to audience.

This time it became even more chaotic. Dozens of girls tore up this vest that smelled of men's sweat. In the end, the dress was torn into dozens of pieces and collected by everyone.

Entertainment reporter Yi Longhan, who was ambushing behind the theater, quickly took photos of this scene. It was definitely breaking news!

When they arrived at the theater working area, Wang Quan asked the three of them to go back to the hotel first.

But they were going to the Magic City tomorrow and wanted to see the night view of the capital, so Wang Quan asked his assistant Li Xian to take them around.

Little K asked, "David, aren't you going?"

Wang Quan, don’t you look at how many women I have on hand now, how can I have any time!

"Growing up here, it's no longer fresh. Go ahead and visit the Magic City with you tomorrow."

As soon as they left, Wang Quan took over his clothes and asked Sister Fei Hong to wait for him in the underground garage.

Now only Wang Quan and Gulina Zha were left. Nazha put away her nymphomaniac expression and reluctantly handed Wang Quan the three hundred yuan that had not yet been warmed, "I'm sorry, this is the money for washing clothes."

Wang Quan, "This suit is hand-made in Italy and is worth about 100,000 RMB. I'm afraid of stains. I don't think the suit can be worn anymore."

When Nazha heard the number one hundred thousand, she panicked and even began to sweat on her forehead. She was already thinking about how to turn the situation around.

Why don't you call the police? I feel like I've been scammed. You can't bully people like this even if you're good-looking!

Seeing the little girl's uncomfortable look, Wang Quan stopped teasing her and took out his contact information from his pocket and gave it back to her, "Okay, let's go. Just kidding, just wash these clothes. You can keep the 300 yuan. It’s your labor.”

Seeing Wang Quan's warm smile, Naza felt like it was spring in an instant!

He was such a good person, so Nazha bowed deeply and admitted her mistake, "I'm sorry, but the contact information is actually fake."

Royal power, "..."

I really couldn't tell that she still had this intention. She picked up the pen and wrote a new contact information, "This is my phone number."

Royal Power, "What about the name?"

"The name is true, but not the full name. The name on the ID card is Gulinazar Baihetyar."

Oops, I still have two hands left.

Wang Quan, "Then what do you mean by confessing now?"

Nazha, "I think I should pay for this dress."

"How much is the compensation? One hundred thousand." Wang Quan smiled.


"Oh, are you so rich?"

Nazha, "I don't have it now. I owe it first. I will pay you back when I become an actor and make a lot of money."

Wang Quan, "That's okay. I've kept the contact information and will wait for you to find me in the future."

Nazha said sheepishly, "Also, if I want to be an actor, I have to take the Nortel exam. If I want to take the Nortel exam, I have to find a teacher to teach me, and I will need tuition and living expenses to go to school in the future, so..."

Nazha mustered up her courage and said, "Can you lend me 100,000 first?"

King Quan: "..."

He was stunned. Hey, 110? Is Uncle Yang here? Me, am I experiencing a scam?

She was still talking, feeling a little guilty and not daring to look at Wang Quan, "I will pay you back 200,000 in the future, and you can add some interest."

"You said you wanted to be an actor in the future?"

"Well, Teacher Yu Feihong said I have talent."

She should be talking about the talent of the face and figure, which is indeed a good material for a stunning vase.

Wang Quan searched for this name in the film and television library. Don't tell me, he really found it. He was indeed an actor, and he had acted in one of Mimi's movies. It was a five-point movie. He didn't click to watch it at first, otherwise Maybe you will recognize her at a glance. Sure enough, there are really not many people who will not cooperate with Mimi in the future entertainment industry.

Wang Quanxicai asked, “Do you want to bring your ID card?”

"Yes." Naza obediently handed it over.

Wang Quan, "Is it okay for you to take a photo?"


Wang Quan not only took photos of the front and back of the ID card, but also took a photo of Nazha holding the ID card.

"Don't smile so stiffly, relax your posture, and put your hands here." Even if he was taking this kind of photo, Wang Quan would still make her look beautiful.

"How is it?" Wang Quan looked through the photos in the camera and felt that this girl was very suitable for static beauty.

"Director, your shots are so beautiful!" Nazha stamped her feet happily. If she hadn't held her ID card in her hand, she would have wanted to show it to her sister.

Wang Quan is not greedy for merit, "The main thing is that you have a good foundation. You are still young now, and you will be more beautiful when you grow up. It is difficult to make the photo look ugly."

Naza smiled proudly, "Then shall we write another IOU?"

"The IOU is waived. I'm not afraid that you won't pay it back." Wang Quan called Li Xian in again and asked them to leave each other's contact information. "Go to the bank tomorrow and transfer 100,000 yuan to her."

Li Xian's biggest advantage is that she has no curiosity, "Okay."

"Thank you, director!" Nazha hugged Wang Quan excitedly. She really met a good person, so she couldn't help but kiss Wang Quan on the face.

Wang Quan smiled bitterly and shook his head for actually setting up these honey traps with me.

Wang Quan was about to go to the underground garage when he suddenly found a message from Liu Yifei.

"Are you done?"

Wang Quan was surprised, "Well, are you waiting for me at home?"

Liu Yifei, "I'll leave in less than ten minutes when we get down to the underground garage."

Wang Quan was pleasantly surprised, but when he got to the underground garage, he remembered that there were two Feifei here!

So he called Yu Feihong and said, "Sister Feihong, go ahead and get ready. I'll go to your house to find you when I'm done. It's not convenient to do it in the car."

"Who wants to show off with you in the car, gangster!" Yu Feihong hung up the phone and drove away.

After seeing her car gone, Wang Quan started looking for Liu Yifei's car.

Xiao Wei was sitting in the car waiting for Wang Quan. He saw Wang Quan walking towards him. Just as he was about to open the door, Wang Quan patted the front of the car and walked directly over. Then he saw a car not far away opening the door.

Xiao Wei, who has excellent eyesight, saw Liu Yifei sitting in the car at a glance.

Then Brother Quan got in, and then he couldn't see the details. He only saw the car starting to shake.

Xiao Wei's eyes became moist, and two lines of tears flowed out, Wang Yuyan, Zhao Ling'er, Xiao Longnu, farewell, my youth!

Liu Yifei didn't understand whether it was necessary to make such a big noise when kissing her. She almost suffocated.

Wang Quan let go of her, "I can't help it, who made me miss you."

Liu Yifei didn't understand even more. She had already let go, so why was she still shaking?

Wang Quan, "I'm afraid that others will misunderstand that I only have a few seconds of strength, so let me shake for a few more minutes."

Liu Yifei chuckled. She had been able to understand such adult jokes very easily recently, as if she had suddenly become enlightened. "Then shake it. You won't be able to leave until you shake it for an hour."

Wang Quan chatted with Liu Yifei while shaking, and learned that Wang Quan was leaving tomorrow. Liu Yifei was thankful that she didn't pretend to be reserved, otherwise it would have been a long time before we could see each other again.

Thinking of this, she kissed Wang Quan again, showing a rare initiative.

After shaking for half an hour, Wang Quan got out of the car. At this time, Liu Yan, who had just handed over to the movie studio, came to the parking lot and saw Wang Quan getting out of a car. If she remembered correctly, the car was Liu Yifei in the morning. The one I drove!

It seems that I have discovered some great secret!

When Wang Quan got into Xiao Wei's car, he had wiped away his tears and sent Wang Quan to Yu Feihong's house without asking anything.

When Wang Quan returned to her new home, Gadot was already asleep. Wang Quan kissed her on the face and fell asleep with her in his arms.

Although I said I was sleeping, I was actually watching movies. I watched "The Breakup Master" and "The Sewing Machine Band" which was a relatively high-rated movie by Naza.

Hey, why is Deng Chao's level of director inferior to that of a host?

After watching these two movies, Wang Quan became even more interested in Naza. This child is so beautiful that she has no friends when she grows up. The investment of 100,000 yuan is well worth it.

Ding Jianguo, hey, that’s interesting.

When Wang Quan was watching a movie, Gadot shrugged her nose in the dark. At least the smell of perfume from two women, alas, it was all her nose’s fault~

(Please give me a monthly pass, there is one more!)

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