You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 309 After ten years, the champion of mainland film history finally changed hands! (2, both o

In addition to the Most Potential Actress Award, the Audience Choice Award also had the Most Popular Actress Award, but this award was awarded to Yan Ni from "The North Wind Blows".

Yang Mi applauded the other party with a smile on her face, but in her heart she was worried about her mother selling batches. Considering the energy of her fans and the popularity of "Time 1997", how could this award fall by the wayside? It was just that the organizing committee wanted to divide the pork and let everyone enjoy it. There are prizes to be won.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi's heart sank. It seemed that Shi Hou might not have his own share. After all, Magnolia did not have an excellent tradition of double yolk eggs or multi-yolk eggs.

Sure enough, the popularity awards were given out and it was the turn of the serious awards.

In the competition between Song Dandan, Zhu Yuanyuan, Yan Ni, Cai Shaofen and Yang Mi, the final winner was "Latent" Zhu Yuanyuan.

The original time and space award was won by Song Dandan for "Marvin's War", and Yao Chen was not shortlisted at all.

Zhu Yuanyuan, who just became a mother last year, went on stage to accept the award. She burst into tears and even called out to her husband Xin Baiqing, who was taking care of their children at home.

Yang Mi was naturally disappointed. The role of Fan Xiaochun was tailor-made for her. It may not be so easy to win awards in the future.

Although she values ​​money more, winning the award will make Brother Quan look good. My brother Quan hasn't slept with the queen yet.

At this time, at home in Beijing, Yang Mi's parents, who had never cared about this award, were also watching the live broadcast. When they saw that their daughter did not win the award, they couldn't help but pat their thighs.

In the following Best Actor category, "Insidious" won another victory. Sun Honglei won the Best Actor from Duan Yihong, Lin Yongjian, Yu Hewei, and Feng Enhe. Interestingly, Feng Enhe, the station elder in "Insidious" also won the best actor award. Shortlisted.

Then the Best Screenplay Award was presented, and "Time 1997" Acheng won the award. Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, this trip was not in vain, and her couture dress was not in vain.

Teacher Acheng did not come to the scene. He gave full power to Yang Mi. Yang Mi then came on stage to receive the award from Zhang Ruixi and read out Acheng's humorous acceptance speech.

Later, the best director went to Zheng Xiaolong of "Time 1997". The original time and space was Teng Hua of "Wang Gui and Anna". "Time 1997" won two awards, which is worthy of it.

Finally, the exciting moment has arrived, the gold award for the best TV series. There were so many excellent works last year, such as "Insidious", "Time 1997", and "My Leader, My Team", all of which are at the level of divine dramas.

In the end, Magnolia's leadership awarded the best TV series, "The winner is "Time 1997"!"

As producers, Yang Mi, Zheng Xiaolong, and Vice President Duan, the representative of Qiankun Culture, went on stage to receive the award, and each of them spoke a short paragraph.

The atmosphere on the set of "My Leader, My Team" was a little depressing. There was no award for co-writing, and Kang Honglei, Duan Yihong, and Zhang Yi all struggled to applaud their competitors.

Yang Mi suggested that next time there should be some supporting role awards and other small awards so that everyone can have fun.

In the end, the five major awards were divided between "Time 1997" and "Latent". Qiankun all had a share. Even if "My Leader, My Team" won the award, he also had a share. Lao Wang sitting at home seemed to have become A new generation of TV drama tycoons.

After the award ceremony, Yang Mi took Liu Shishi to socialize with the big guys in the industry. Her current status is also very powerful. Vice President Qiankun Duan, who everyone else looks up to, is extremely polite in front of her. Tianren is the young mistress of the Wang family.

This is a completely new experience for Liu Shishi. For those dramas produced by Tang Dynasty, it is impossible to win awards or even be nominated, and there is no way to contact them.

After leaving the scene, Yang Mi and Shishi took Zhang Tianai, Mao Xiaotong and others to order midnight snacks and take them back to the hotel to eat.

Zhang Tianai is extremely self-disciplined now, always watching others eat, especially Yang Tianzhen, who eats delicious food.

Yang Mi hugged Master Liu and said to Zhang Tianai, "You sister Shishi has the kind of physique that you can eat without getting fat. I'm very envious of you."

After being praised by Yang Mi, Liu Shishi took a few more bites, thinking that his personality would not collapse.

After everyone else left, Master Liu comforted Yang Mi, "If you don't win the grand prize this time, you won't win. You are still young, only in your early twenties. There will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Yang Mi was fine at first. She had just posted on Weibo to celebrate "Time 1997" winning three awards. But when Liu Shishi said this, she really felt more and more unhappy the more she thought about it.

You can at least let me win the Most Popular Actress Award. I, the dignified Bei Yang Mi and Nan Yi Fei, are so popular that it’s scary. It’s unreasonable not to have this award!

On the second day of depression, Yang Mi finally felt better, and it was very good, because a piece of news became a hot search, "Liu Yifei was poisoned after eating poisonous mushrooms! She claims to have seen many villains dancing!"

Yang Mi quickly called Liu Yifei to pay attention to her, but found that she was full of energy and in a happy mood. Only after talking about it did she realize that this happened many days ago.

"Then why was it reported today?"

Liu Yifei, "Because I want to increase the topic for "Human Fireworks" which will be released next month, and I also have to promote a new song. Brother Quan gave it to me."


"He also adapted a ditty from Yunnan Province based on my experience of eating poisonous mushrooms. You'll know it in two days. I won't tell you anymore. I have to dig bamboo shoots in the mountains."

Yang Mi: I didn’t expect that Liu Yifei, with her thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also learn how to make a public statement. You are so talented!

However, Yang Mi had to admit that she was a fan of Liu Yi Fei, and only her songs could be easily controlled by herself. In order to hear Liu Tianhou's new songs in advance, Yang Mi called Wang Quan and asked him to sing to her.

Wang Quan, "I'm busy right now. I'll call you later."

"Oh, if you're busy, I'll ask Liu Yifei about the same thing."

Wang Quan had just completed his film promotion work in Latin America and slept with Latin singer Shakira. He had just returned to Los Angeles and the plane had just landed.

Yesterday, Nazha's family of four arrived, waiting to see him before flying to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for consultation.

Before meeting Wang Quan, they first met Wang Quan's partner Dorothy.

When Dorothy saw Naza, she couldn't help but admire her, she was so beautiful! These beautiful and delicate facial features are my thing!

Dorothy took her busy schedule to settle down their residence in Los Angeles, and had to carry Gadot on her back.

When Wang Quan and Little K returned to Los Angeles, Dorothy came to pick them up again and kept praising Wang Quan for being so beautiful.

"Taozi, little K and I are innocent, don't think so, do you have to let me die to prove my innocence!"

"Who said anything about Little K? I know Little K won't do anything sorry for me, right." She kissed Little K.

Little K: There’s no need to be so blindly confident~

Wang Quan, "Then you mean Shakira..."

"What, you slept with Shakira!" Dorothy was shocked. When they went to Colombia to promote, Shakira was a guest speaker. Dorothy knew this, but she didn't expect Wang Quan to be so cowardly.

Wang Quan felt aggrieved, "I was passive this time, and little K can testify!"

He just said that his comic character Xia Qiyang was based on her, and she became extremely enthusiastic and praised Wang Quan for his talent, which directly set both of them on fire and almost brought little K with him.

Little K nodded, "Latin Americans are so enthusiastic!" She was at the scene and observed secretly.

Dorothy waved her hand, "Forget it, don't go to Argentina again. You dare to sleep with the acting president's fiancée."

Shakira's fiancé is the son of the former president of Argentina. Later, when the president stepped down, his son took over his father's power and was considered a prince in the chaotic Argentina.

Wang Quan nodded, "I definitely can't go. By the way, the Yanfu you mentioned..."

"I'm talking about your little darling Gulinaza, she looks so exciting!"

Little K's eyes turned into knives and flew towards Dorothy. Dorothy hurriedly said, "Of course, I still have little interest in meeting Little K."

Wang Quan, "Send me to the hotel first. I'll meet them and then go home. In order not to make Gadot suspicious, you just wait for me in the car. I'll be down soon."

Arriving at the door of the hotel room where Naza was, Wang Quan straightened his hair and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a strange woman, but she looked so similar to Naza. With Naza's beauty, she was even considered a beauty if she had some resemblance to her.

"You are Nazha's sister Guli Janati. I have heard your name, so I will call you Janati." Wang Quan took the initiative as soon as he came in, and his aura was full. "Where is Nazha?"

"Oh, she, she's in the bathroom." Seeing such a big shot, Janati was instinctively nervous.

After saying that, the bathroom door opened, and Nazha held up her pants, "Brother... Director Wang!"

Wang Quan nodded, "How about going to see your parents."


Afterwards, Wang Quan met Naza's parents. His attitude was still cold and kind, not like he was in a relationship with Naza, but just like a boss.

The old couple who had previously been dubious about their daughter's words now believed her. Let's just say, they knew they had a girlfriend, how could their daughter do such a thing.

So they said many words of gratitude to Wang Quan, and held Naza's hand, hoping that Wang Quan would take more care of her and not think she was stupid. They all said things like "Although she is stupid, she doesn't eat much."

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more touching. Wang Quan quickly stood up to leave. Nazha's mother asked two women to see Wang Quan off.

After leaving the room, Naza asked her sister to go back to their room, "I can send them off alone."

Although Janati was worried, he did not follow him in the end.

Walking to the elevator, Wang Quan gently hugged Naza's thin body and said, "Okay, just send her here and spend time with your parents. When the disease is cured, we can slowly reminisce about the past."

Naza nodded obediently, but still came closer and kissed Wang Quan before letting him go.

The reason why Wang Quan was not sent downstairs was because there was surveillance in the elevator and it would not be good to be photographed.

But after not seeing each other for such a long time, they only spent a few minutes together. Not only did it not make her miss him any less, it actually made her miss her brother Quan even more.

Wang Quan went downstairs and saw Dorothy's car shaking. He waited until the shaking subsided before getting in the car and going home.

At home, Gadot and the cook prepared a sumptuous dinner for the royal family, including Dorothy and Little K.

She was going on summer vacation and wanted to go back to Israel during the vacation.

Wang Quan, "How about I accompany you."

"You have so much work to do, no need, I can do it by myself," Gadot said, "And I won't leave for at least half a month, so why are you in a hurry."

This half month is long enough for them to release properly.

Two days later, King Power, who was still taking a break, received good news. The North American box office of "The Twilight Saga 3" reached US$340 million, officially surpassing the US$335 million of "Twilight 2" and becoming King Power's highest-grossing movie in North America. .

As early as two days ago, "Twilight 3" surpassed "Twilight 2" with a global box office of 771 million.

In addition, "Twilight 3" completely surpassed the second part in terms of Rotten Tomatoes freshness and IMDB score.

"Twilight 3" is not only King Power's most successful movie at the box office, but also marks its gradual transition from a fantasy romance film based on a best-selling novel to a commercial blockbuster with King Power's personal style.

While Wang Quan carefully attracted fans of the original work, he also attracted a larger number of movie fans. His personality and this series have been firmly bound together, and countless fans are eagerly looking forward to the finale of this series.

On the same day, Wang Qiankun called Wang Quan and told him the good news, "The mainland box office of "Twilight 3" will soon be 360 ​​million!"

When the box office exceeded 300 million, Pharaoh didn't even make a special call, but he was particularly concerned about 360 million, because the mainland box office of "Titanic" was 359 million.

Of course, the statistics at that time were not accurate. Some areas in the south still used pirated copies from Xiangjiang, and those were not included in the statistics.

However, it is officially recognized that its box office is 359 million.

This data is very scary, and it is like a nightmare on the heads of Chinese filmmakers.

Relatively accurate box office data statistics in China are only available with Hollywood blockbusters. Box office data before that was not accurate. Therefore, in 1995, the first mainland box office champion "True Lies" was released, with 102 million.

This figure was broken by Brother Cheng Long's "Police Story 4: Simple Mission" the next year, with a box office of 112 million.

The box office data in 1997 was almost unimpressive. In 1998, "Titanic" came out and set a terrifying figure of 359 million in the mainland's sluggish movie market at the time.

The total national box office that year was only 1.4 billion, and "Titanic" accounted for 25.6% of the national box office for the whole year!

This box office share was only achieved by Zhang Yimou's "Hero", which accounted for 27.8% of the 250 million box office in 2002!

However, the total box office is still far short of this big ship.

Since then, Chinese-language films and imported films have continued to challenge this figure. Zhang Yimou's "The City of Golden Armor" is very promising, but it has a poor reputation and ultimately stopped at 290 million.

In the same way, there are two parts of "Red Cliff", but one is not as good as the other.

"Transformers" has great momentum, but it only has 280 million.

Although "If You Are the One" and "October Siege" are market surprises, the former is 290 million, while the latter is weak after 300 million, and was finally settled at 3.07.

In the end, the historical mission of surpassing the big ship fell on "The Twilight Saga 3".

On the 30th day of release, under the attention of countless fans and media, the film bureau officially reported the latest receipt.

"Yesterday, the single-day box office of "Twilight" was 5.3 million, ranking first in a single day, and the cumulative box office reached 360.8 million! Let us congratulate Wang Quan. The film history champion "Titanic", which has dominated the mainland box office for 11 years, finally gave way. , congratulations to the new king on his coronation!"

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