You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 374 Twilight 4 faces a big crisis, Peach Blossom K’s courage explodes (1, guaranteed)

Before "Twilight 4," the top movies in May were "Iron Man 2" and "Shrek 4."

With the success of the first film, "Iron Man 2" has an opening score of 128 million. Obviously this is another 300 million movie in North America. Downey is gradually becoming a box office superstar.

"Shrek 4" was almost boring. Although it tried to attract passionate fans with the title of "the last one", the audience was already tired. The first weekend box office was 70 million. The second part was the peak, with more than 400 million in North America, and the third part dropped to 300 million. Yes, this 200 million movie is a hurdle, so it really should be over.

After all, there is an old saying in China that only three things happen, and the fourth part will usually not end well.

However, as the fourth installment, the "Twilight" series has gained momentum. It grossed 90 million at the first-day box office on the day it was released, breaking both first-day and single-day historical records in North America!

In the next three days, it grossed a total of 201 million U.S. dollars at the box office, becoming the first North American movie to open over 200 million U.S. dollars, breaking relevant historical records again!

According to the consistent opening and final box office ratio of the "Twilight" series, this movie will definitely break 400 million in North America, and 450 million is also very likely. Even considering the special attributes of 3D movies and the excellent reputation of the movie, it may even fill the gap. There are no slots for 500 million-rated movies in North America.

In mainland China, other films have given way, and the market is almost monopolized by "Twilight 4". Due to the lack of competitive old films and the lack of new films in the same period, "Twilight 4" accounted for 70% of the films scheduled in the mainland on the day of its premiere. , 3D shows are almost all occupied.

This time, Wangdao and Qiankun are jointly responsible for the promotion and marketing of "Twilight 4". The two companies are a bit competitive, like a left and right hand fighting each other. Of course, Qiankun still has the upper hand at this time.

Domestic King Power fans are very busy. While paying attention to the North American box office, they also have to keep an eye on the country.

The domestic box office exceeded 75 million on the first day, 85 million on Saturday the next day, and 65 million on Sunday. The cumulative box office in the three days of the first weekend was 225 million!

Domestic theaters are extremely happy. After "Avatar", there is finally another hit movie.

"Inception" and "Avatar" have really whetted the appetites of theaters, and now movies worth 100 million are no longer taken seriously by them.

From January to the end of May now, after the 1.38 billion "Avatar", many 100 million-level movies were born. Cinemas are also very profitable, but they always feel that if they make less, they will lose money.

It wasn't until the two 200 million-rated movies "Ip Man 2" and "Alice in Wonderland" appeared that things got a little better.

But I still long for a big hit to appear. If it doesn’t hit, it will come.

An important reason why "Alice in Wonderland" failed to become a hit was the so-called 3D. However, only the subtitles were in 3D. Word of mouth spread, so it naturally failed to become a hit.

But "Twilight 4" is a real 3D. Although King Quan's special effects design for Twilight 4 is not as careful as "Inception", at least there are many 3D effects that are amazing. Fans have said that it is worth the price of admission, so Before the summer release, "Twilight 4" completely brought Naruto to the city.

The film bureau is sad but happy. The happy thing is that this year’s total box office will exceed 10 billion and there should be no suspense. The sad thing is that if imported films still account for nearly 60% of the total box office like last year, it will be too shameful. .

At the movie box office, netizens once again played the box office prediction game.

“Where do you think Twilight 4 will end up at the mainland box office?

A. 400-600 million.

B. 600-800 million.

C. 8 to 1 billion.

D. More than 10. "

The result is not suspenseful, more than half of the people chose B.

"It must be between 600 million and 800 million. The poster might as well set four levels between 6 and 8. My personal guess is 720 million."

"Actually, I estimate it to be around 500 million, which is more than "Zodiac". Although this series is popular, it cannot be compared with phenomenal movies like "Inception"."

"It should be at least 700 million. Director Quan is getting better and better at making commercial films. He is so smooth and smooth. And this time he invited Mr. Hopkins. The ancient vampire he played reminded me of Hannibal." Dr. Ba, so elegant, so crazy, so powerful!”

"It seems that no one dares to guess more than one billion, so I will guess this. Director Quan can always create miracles."

"The fourth part definitely won't be worth a billion. If it's the final part of the fifth part, it's still possible. The previous ones I watched were all pirated copies, but if the fifth part is made, I'll have to spend money to go to the cinema once and follow my youth." Farewell."

"Taylor Swift's songs are so good. Do you know this young singer? Her songs have been accompanying this series since the second part. Every song is so classic. I have to listen to her songs a second time! I'm optimistic about 8 Billion+!”

"Speaking of this Swifty, I heard that she had an affair with Director Quan?"

"Taylor Swift is tall and strong. If she and Director Quan have an affair, it will definitely be a thigh!"

"No kidding, go listen to the title song of Taylor Swift's album last year. The description of the boy in the song clearly points to him being a director and a yellow face. Isn't this Director Quan!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter even if it's true. Director Quan has always been known as a romantic person in Hollywood. Let alone Swifty. Little K, who has been filming with him for so many years, do you think the two of them can be innocent?"

"No way, no way, it's her and the leading actor that I keep knocking against!"

"Yes, foreign media said that the hero and heroine are actually together!"

"You guys are too easy to deceive. Xiao K is obviously directed by Quan. Didn't you see that the highlight of this movie is all about the heroine? And haven't you heard that Xiao K's fifth movie got 20 million dollars?" The remuneration, this is the top remuneration only for first-tier superstars, it is higher than that of the leading actor, what do you think you are getting by with."

Gossip is human nature, and a good discussion post about box office data quickly turned into a history of scandals and gossip about King Quan, especially the affairs between him and Little K. The words "husband and wife" were even mentioned.

However, just when netizens were almost defining the matter between Wang Quan and Little K with a few words and speculations, a senior netizen Murong Yanyulang Tianya, an international student living in the United States at this time, said, "You are all wrong. Got it!"

"Actually, the relationship between Director Quan and Little K is the most innocent. Do you know why?"

This guy gave up and waited for more than a dozen replies from netizens before he slowly said, "Because Little K is actually a lesbian, and she is the girlfriend of Boss Tao, and Boss Tao and Director Quan are half-mothers." Brothers, do you think Director Quan and Little K will have anything to do with each other? Absolutely not. If there really is something, will he still be a human being?"

"Damn it, buddy, where did you hear this from? This is too sensational!"

"Exactly, why have you never heard of this term?"

"But for one thing, Boss Tao does seem to be the type who likes women."

"Oh, I even knocked off Director Quan and Boss Tao. Are they just brothers? What a pity!"

"No, do you have any evidence? Just talk nonsense here. I can make up this kind of thing!"

Faced with doubts from netizens, Murong Yanyulang Tianya said calmly, "I heard about it too, but I can't keep it true."

"Damn it, you dare to bring it out based on hearsay, it's so unreliable!"

"I thought there was any solid evidence."

"What am I talking about? It's just a rumor."

"Let's just criticize Director Quan and Little K. Boss Tao and Little K's relationship is too weird."

"But buddy, who did you listen to? Are American netizens also such gossips?"

This was what Murong Yanyulang Tianya was waiting for, and then he sent a photo. The photo was of a few young guys in a bar. Everyone else had coded, except for a tall boy with short hair who didn't code.

He said, "I just listened to this guy when I was drinking."

"Depend on!"


Netizens were shocked, this, isn’t this little werewolf Taylor Lautner!

Did you actually listen to what he said?

"Are you sure this is not a photo taken from the Internet?"

Murong Yanyulang Tianya said, "If you can find this photo on the Internet, I lose. My classmate is a friend of Little Werewolf, so we drank together and heard him tell the secret about Little K. But he drank too much, so the truth and falsehood will be different. I’m not sure, but that’s what he said.”

All of a sudden, several new posts appeared in the bar discussing this matter, and soon the news spread from the box office bar to other bars.

At the same time, the news was spreading wildly in the United States, even faster and more violently than in the country.

In fact, there have been such rumors before, but they were mainly about Dorothy. They said that she was in a relationship with a certain girl, and questioned her orientation. Later, they were suppressed by Boss Tao's money, but this time it was reported directly. Little K and her are more targeted.

As we all know, the "Twilight" series is a fan-oriented movie. Its audience includes fans of the original work, vampire fans, fans of the male and female protagonists, and talented fans of King Power. Among them, the young pair Little K and Robert Pattinson CP fans account for a large proportion.

The emotional drama between Little K and Robert is the main motivation for them to pursue this series. Not only do they pursue it themselves, they also engage in secondary creations online, actively helping to export the "Twilight" culture.

They're the primary audience for the industrial saccharine the Twilight series makes, simple and intense.

So in order to maintain this group of fans, Little K and Robert always have to show off their affection on TV shows, and from time to time let entertainment reporters secretly take photos of their real-life dates, without admitting or denying them, just hanging on.

Although they knew it might be fake, they would rather be hung up like this. At least they still have a thought. Fans want that thought.

But now people on the Internet are saying that Xiao K is actually a couple with Long Toutou’s boss, and there is no way she and Robert will be together!


At this time, Little K and Robert had flown to Europe to promote the movie. Little Werewolf took several supporting characters to Latin America to promote the movie. King Quan was stationed in North America. Dorothy called him early in the morning, "Follow me!"

Wang Quan followed Gadot and Alice outside without even having time to say hello.

Dorothy frowned and said, "Someone took a picture of me and Little K."


"It's an old photo from before. I've obviously settled it with money, but the other party didn't keep their word. They chose this time to send it out. It's obviously a deliberate attack on our "Twilight 4"!"

Wang Quan nodded and joked seriously, "Well, it should be Brother Cheng Long. His latest "Kung Fu Dream" will be released next week. He actually sniped at his compatriots for the sake of box office. He has no martial ethics!"

Dorothy, "?"

Wang Quan touched his chin, "If it weren't for Woody and Buzz Lightyear (the protagonists of Toy Story), their movie will be released this month. They must regard us as their biggest competitors. I didn't expect cartoon characters to be so evil!"

Dorothy was so angry that she couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not targeting Sony and Disney, I'm saying that each of the six major companies are not good things and may attack us!"

After all, last year their Dragon Head was so impressive that it surpassed the six major box-offices to take the first place in the year, and this year they are also sitting on the back foot. If there is a chance to destroy the "Twilight" series, the biggest cash cow of Dragon Head, they will definitely give up their integrity.

"And I was stabbed in the back by one of my own, that little werewolf. I suspect that this incident has something to do with him. He was the original source of several information sources!" Dorothy pointed the finger at the little werewolf again. .

After hearing some details, Wang Quan couldn't help but shake his head. This is indeed a bit too much. Can you say anything after drinking?

He asked, "Is the photo very large? Let me take a look."

Dorothy handed the phone over for him to see. It turned out to be the level of kissing on the face. It was still on the street, but it shouldn't be a street in the United States. It was probably a small country in the Middle East.

Wang Quan, "Then why don't you try to make excuses? After all, it's normal for girls to be affectionate with each other."

If it is a man, it can almost be said to be real.

Dorothy sighed, "This is a series. The other party has only sent this photo so far, but there are actually more outrageous ones."

How excessive? How excessive can it be on the street? Could it be more extreme than Zhang Ziyi’s beach photos?

Dorothy said in embarrassment, "Bite your ears, pinch your butt, and your ass."

Wang Quan: You can do whatever you want on the street, right?

Dorothy spread her hands, "I can't help it, I'm still in love."

Wang Quan thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you just make it public?"

"What's the matter? I don't want the box office for the fifth part!"

Wang Quan spread his hands and said, "There may be some impact, but it's not a big problem. At most, I'll make less money."

"Earn less? It may be more than 100 million!" Dorothy felt distressed.

Wang Quan, "But the problem is that if you don't make it public, it will be exposed by others. What happened between you and Little K is not news in the industry. There is still half a year until the fifth part is released. Instead of trying to hide it for half a year, it is better to be happy." One thing, the main beneficiaries of Twilight 5 are you and me, I don’t care, what about you.”

"This is my own business. If you don't care, how can I care?"

Wang Quan said, "Then what are you waiting for? I think Little K is also having a very hard time in Europe right now."

In just a dozen hours, this matter was discussed everywhere on the Internet. Perhaps the most topical thing than the exposure of a top-notch relationship is the top-notch cheating or coming out.

And Little K is undoubtedly the top star in the United States and even the world at the moment. The global media and fans are paying attention to this matter, hoping for an explanation.

It's a pity that there are no cigarettes now, otherwise Dorothy would have to smoke one.

She paced back and forth on the lawn, and half an hour later she called Little K and talked a lot behind Wang Quan's back.

Finally she made up her mind and said, "I'll lend you your computer!"

Wang Quan took her back to the building, and Gadot also woke up.

"What's wrong with Dorothy?" Gadot asked Wang Quan. She saw that Boss Tao had a serious look on his face.

Wang Quan hugged Gadot and pointed at Dorothy, "Look at how brave she looks now~"

After holding it in for several years, Dorothy finally burst out with courage. She and Little K from Europe posted on Twitter at the same time and @each other.

"Yes, we are together. I hope to get your understanding and blessing~" followed by a rainbow pattern~

(Don’t worry, there will be a big reversal later, and you won’t suffer. Please vote for me!)

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