You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 400: A new level of tens of billions, returning to the second place in film history! (2, mon

Liu Yifei, who has done good deeds, is going to fly to Tokyo with her mother and Huo Jianqi to attend the East Film Festival the next day.

The Tokyo International Film Festival was the first stop for "Human Fireworks" to be promoted in Neon. After the release of the first Japanese trailer, the film aroused strong interest from Neon audiences.

Later, Longtou’s Tokyo branch invited Sibou Tibetan singer A Lan, who works at Neon, to sing a promotional song, which further increased its popularity.

Since you can't make money from Bayan people, try to make money from Neon people. They are richer.

Speaking of this, Director Huo on the plane was very emotional, "I was really rich when I was young. I spent 2 million to shoot "That Man, That Mountain, That Dog", but the domestic audience didn't like it very much. Although I won the Golden Rooster Award, The box office was only tens of thousands, and it was only distributed in a small area in Shonan Province."

"Ah!" Liu Yifei was surprised. He quite liked that movie, and there was sister Azi in the movie.

Huo Jianqi continued, "Later, the film was spotted by Neon Film Dealers, and it sold for 800 million yen there, which was equivalent to about 40 million RMB at the time. I heard that the film sold well on Neon DVD."

"Ah, so much!" Liu Yifei was pleasantly surprised. The cost was 2 million and the box office was 40 million. "That's a lot of money!"

Huo Jianqi smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It was a one-time buyout at that time. It seemed to be sold to someone else for 100,000 yuan. By the way, we are not buying it out in one time this time, right?"

"No, this time Long Toutou's Tokyo branch is responsible for the distribution and gets a share of the profits." Liu Yifei explained.

Huo Jianqi breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know if the Neon audience will accept this trick. The success of "Mountain Dog" was also affected by the atmosphere of the special era at that time."

Wang Quan is also not sure whether "Human Fireworks" will succeed in Neon. After all, the original Neon version of "Little Forest" with a similar style did not have a high box office and was promoted to a relatively high status by Douban.

On the other hand, the box office of the Chinese version of Kimchi was just okay, exceeding the profit and loss point.

This time, Longtou Tokyo has bought the rights to "Little Forest" and is planning to cast Yui Aragaki. Coupled with the differences in the behind-the-scenes team, it will be released next year. I don't know if the box office will be higher.

No matter what, Wang Quan still hopes that Chinese-language films, especially those that reflect the beautiful life of China, can go further. Making money is not even the first priority. Getting the word out is victory.

However, something happened when Liu Yifei and others arrived in Tokyo to prepare for the opening ceremony. Jiang Ping, vice president of China Film Group, announced that the Chinese delegation had withdrawn from the East Film Festival. The reason was that the Wanwan delegation played some tricks in the name. The mayor's protest was not taken seriously, so he simply withdrew from the protest.

China Film Group announced its withdrawal, and the planned promotional activities for "Human Fireworks" were naturally cancelled. Fan Bingbing, who was about to leave for Tokyo, also canceled his tickets and stopped participating.

Since she didn't need to work for the time being, Liu Yifei went to Nara with her mother to see the deer. After playing for two days, she suggested, "Mom, let's go back to our hometown in Northeast China!"

"What are you doing back there?"

"I want to experience life and prepare for the next movie!"

Under Liu Yifei's strong suggestion, Liu Xiaoli once again set foot on the Northeastern land of her childhood memories and began a journey to find her roots. With her hard work, Liu Yifei's accent gradually became Northeastern.

But Wang Quan sounds quite cute, with a bit of a Biao tone. It's hard to imagine that he would use "Biao" to describe his girlfriend. This accent will be very helpful for her to create a new character.

Gadot didn't realize it was Liu Yifei on the other end of the phone, and thought Wang Quan was chatting with another girl. Later, Wang Quan told her it was Liu Yifei, and she was very surprised.

"My impression of Sissi is that she is very gentle. Why does her voice sound a little weird~"

Wang Quan smiled, "She is preparing for a new role, so she has to change her accent."

"Wow, she's so amazing!" Gadot thought that Liu Yifei was the winner of the Best Actress Award at Venice, and she should be regarded as the most powerful actress in China.

Wang Quan also thought about the Venice Best Actress, and should thank Theron. Regardless of whether she was out of public or selfish motives, but tomorrow, he had just arrived in Los Angeles.

After several days of promotional work around the United States, Wang Quan finally landed in Los Angeles and came back to see Gadot and Alice as soon as possible.

The baby is crawling more and more steadily, it’s really amazing! Wang Quan was lying next to him to encourage him, and his mother couldn't help but laugh when she saw how cheap he was.

Mei Yanqiu came back not long after she returned to China, and she also brought a team of chefs, the same one who taught Liu Yifei Wensi Tofu before, so that when her children are older, she can return to China with peace of mind.

After interacting with the baby for a while, Gadot came over to ask her to breastfeed, and the mother turned around to avoid it. Wang Quan looked at his daughter's twitching mouth eagerly, waiting for her to finish her work before he could take the place.

After not seeing each other for another two months, Wang Quan's thoughts surged out. He and Gadot were entangled, and his mother's voice came from downstairs, saying that there was a visitor.

Such a blind guest could only be Dorothy.

Gadot pushed away Wang Quan and said, "You go ahead. I'll change my clothes. I have plenty of time at night."

Wang Quan nodded and went downstairs to see Dorothy. Mei Yanqiu now knew Tao Zi's attributes. She was still very enthusiastic before. After all, this girl could also be his daughter-in-law, and her butt was very fertile. It was impossible now. , that is, treating her as an ordinary guest.

Tao Zi smiled, it seemed that she was not looking for him to accuse him, and Wang Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

He just received a text message from Little K, saying that he kissed Taozi without even washing up after returning home. Taozi was also an old gourmet, so how could she not taste what happened, but she was happy with it.

"Why did you come to my house instead of having a good time with little K?" Wang Quan invited the person into his study.

Dorothy, "It's not just her in my heart, I also have you."

Wang Quan just listens, you won't let me sleep even if I'm here.

"By the way, I'm here mainly to congratulate you. Congratulations on your personal global box office total surpassing Cameron's again. You are second in the world again!"

Prior to the release of "Avatar", Cameron's personal global box office total reached 6.2 billion U.S. dollars, surpassing King Power. Even with the release of King Power's "Twilight 4", it still failed to overtake, but narrowed the gap.

Now with the release of "Twilight 5", after the first week, the North American box office opened at 253 million. The North American box office alone allowed King Power to overtake and return to second place.

Wang Quan only knows now, but the domestic movie box office has already started discussing this matter, and has clearly listed several major ticket offices in North America and around the world. There is even a gust of wind on Weibo and other Internet platforms. Otherwise, it's all over if the director is awesome.

From the data of the data emperors, we can see that the overseas box office of "Twilight 5" is also quite explosive. The global box office in the first week was 638 million U.S. dollars. In just three days, it exceeded the global total of "Iron Man 2" and "Despicable Me". Box office, ranking fifth in the year!

King Quan's total box office now reaches a huge 6.6 billion dollars, and there is only one person standing in front of him, and that is Spielberg's 7.76 billion dollars!

This old man's box office is really high. He has broken several film history records, and he is still filming. Therefore, it is not easy for Wang Quan to surpass him. After all, he has returned to China now, and the box office growth rate will inevitably slow down. .

Nowadays, the total global box office is basically a game between Spielberg, Cameron and Throne. The gap between fourth-placed Peter Jackson and them is still very obvious.

However, I heard that he is planning to make "The Hobbit" and continue to dig into the IP of "Lord of the Rings", so there is still hope to catch up.

Cameron has confirmed that "Avatar" will shoot sequels, and there will be more than one. Considering that each sequel has a box office of more than 2 billion, he still hopes to reach the top.

Wang Quan is still young and has unlimited possibilities in the future. Not only his directorial ability, but also the potential of the mainland market. In the future, Wang Quan will rely on the mainland market and a small number of overseas markets to create a single film worth 1 billion US dollars.

On the contrary, Spielgerber is currently ranked first. He is 64 years old. His golden period as a director has passed. It is difficult to create box office myths again. Now he can only wait for one day to be surpassed by later generations. There is no way. .

In addition to talking about the box office of "Twilight 5", Dorothy also talked about the status of several of the company's films. "The Gambit" has been released and "The Social Network" is ready to go. Both of them are competing for next year's Oscars. of.

If you want to hit the box office, watch next month's "Escape Room 3", which is confirmed to be the final chapter.

Of course, the finale is not a complete end of the story, but the story starring Cassie and Wang Keying is over. Even if it is filmed again in the future, it will be a new story. However, there is no such plan for the time being. There are still many cards that Long Toutou can play. .

Netflix is ​​still developing in an orderly manner, but it has laid out TV series earlier than in the original time and space. When the Big Six reacted and cut off the supply of movies, Netflix could directly launch many exciting series and self-made variety shows, all of which are super hard dishes!

Whether Netflix's stock price can take off, and whether Longtou can bypass the Big Six and join MAPP to become the new Big Seven, the next three or four years will be the key.

Wang Quan patted Dorothy on the shoulder and could only work hard for her.

Her shoulders seemed a little slippery, and Wang Quan's hands slipped from her shoulders to her waist, and then continued to slide.

Dorothy leaned on Wang Quan's shoulder to let him take advantage, but at the critical moment she slammed on the brakes, "I'm home, little K is still waiting for me to eat dumplings."

Wang Quan didn't force it. After all, she and Little K were different. Little K was a double, while Tao Zi was a very determined lace.

There is no other way, just grind it slowly.

The next day Wang Quan went to Theron's house again to see her and Juno.

Now that Juno is over four years old, she has to avoid some things. Wang Quan just played a hide-and-seek game and made her disappear from Wang Quan and Theron for an hour. Well, that was enough time.

While at Theron's house, Wang Quan received a call from Han Sanping, "Director Wang, it's tens of billions, it's finally tens of billions!"

Wang Quan guessed what he was talking about. The total annual box office of the mainland film market exceeded 10 billion, and last year it was 8.7 billion.

Four days after the release of "Twilight 5", it finally exceeded the 10 billion mark, completing the target ahead of schedule, and there is still a Lunar New Year movie to follow!

It’s just that the target of 50% Chinese-language films will definitely not be met this year. King Power’s “Twilight” 4 and 5 and “Avatar” will most likely be among the top three box office performers of the year. This year’s Chinese-language films still have little ability to resist, so Relevant departments are even more afraid to open the door easily and let Hollywood in.

However, Han Sanping has issued a military order to the opponent, and the situation will definitely be reversed next year.

The leader thought, what else can you say? Wang Quan has returned to China to make Chinese-language films. Not only does he lose a powerful Hollywood opponent, but he also has one of his own. If he can't do it in Hollywood, Chinese-language films will be in disgrace. .

Han Sanping has already started to think about how rich his achievements will be next year. He also wants to ask Wang Quan about the overseas release plan of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

"Mr. Han, I will return to China in a few days. Let's discuss this in detail after we meet when I get back. I'm still busy here."

"Is it daytime over there now?"

"I'm busy during the day, haven't I heard that I have everything to do every day?" Wang Quan squeezed Theron gently.

Han Sanping laughed. You could smell his makeup even across the ocean. He likes people who have hobbies, and people who have no desires or desires are scary.

What Wang Quan said about taking care of everything every day was not nonsense. He went to the company the next day.

He is mainly concerned about the distribution of Chinese-language films in North America.

Long Toutou has a company specializing in the distribution of foreign language films called Qinglong Pictures. Not only Wangdao and Qiankun, but also some films from China Film and Huayi will be handed over to Qinglong.

Qinglong has figured out a distribution model that is suitable for niche groups, especially the Chinese group. It is true that it does not make much money, but it is enough to maintain the presence of Chinese-language films in the North American market and keep the flames burning. .

Wang Quan took a look at the report. This year Wang Dao's "Ocean Paradise" and "Drug War", Qian Kun's "East Wind Rain" and "West Wind Break", Huayi's "Detective Dee: Dragon King" and other films have all been released in North America, with the highest box office. The one with "Ocean Paradise" was 1.2 million, and it was the only one to break the million dollar mark. This was because Li Lianjie on the poster attracted some non-audience groups.

As for "Human Fireworks", it is luckier. Long Toutou is preparing to release it himself, just like last year's "October Siege".

Because Li Ziqi's account continues to be popular on YouTube, the company thought it could give it a try, just in case the bicycle turned into a motorcycle.

In addition, Wang Dao has applied to submit this film to the Oscars for Best Foreign Language Film. This is also part of the North American promotion. If it can be shortlisted, it will be easier to make a fuss at the box office.

After watching for a while, Wang Quan met Chen Kexin again, which was regarded as a farewell. He was going back to his country.

In the past two years in the United States, he has filmed two parts of "Orphan" and produced "The Gambit". The former made him a famous horror film director in Hollywood. In the future, if he can no longer work in China, Hollywood will also have him. Eat.

The latter exposed him to the workflow of an international production team, and he was ready to return to China to experiment with what he had learned.

"Is there any project?" Wang Quan asked.

Chen Kexin nodded, "It's the same book as "The Conspirator", and Xingmei decided to invest in it."

He had read this book to Wang Quan before, which was "Martial Arts". Wang Quan was not very satisfied. It was not that he was dissatisfied with Chen Kexin's innovative martial arts, but that he was dissatisfied with the martial arts genre.

He believes that martial arts movies are on the decline, and a great director like Chen Kexin will not make much progress if he continues to be stuck in this genre.

He wanted Chen Kexin to change his creative direction, but in the end he chose to change his boss.

Wang Quan shook hands with him and said, "I wish you success. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me when you return home~"

(Please vote for me, there will be another update!)

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