You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 551 The art concubine takes care of the baby, and Yang Mi rings the bell

It would really be a sensation if one of the six major Hollywood companies quit and replaced them.

Because the six major Hollywood companies have a long history and profound foundations, they are able to survive until now with the support of big capital.

If this fails, it may mean that the entire industry's ecology is unhealthy.

But it’s really not a big deal to change one of the so-called top six domestic film companies.

After all, it has only been established for a few or more than ten years, and the brand value is not that high.

Speaking of brand value, Huayi probably had to be the earliest one at the beginning of the century. It was famous for its many stars, Feng Xiaogang was in charge, and the movie audiences bought it.

Later, he became king. Over the past few years, he has devoted himself to running his own brand. He produces more than 10 works every year, including word-of-mouth literary films and special effects blockbusters. Most of them are commercial and entertaining films, with the primary purpose of serving the audience.

After so many years, the sixteen-character mantra "What is produced by Wang Dao must be high-quality. What is produced by Wang Quan must be divine." This sixteen-character mantra has become deeply ingrained in the hearts of the audience.

As for several other private film companies, they are considered great if they can produce five or six films every year, and most of them are just fake films, and not many of them are of high quality and high box office.

Even Hua Yi looks a bit like a grassroots team in the context of Wangdao. He produced five movies in 2014, and the highest box office was "Little Love: Getting Better" starring Yang Ying and Chen Chichi with 250 million.

It is precisely because of Wangdao's strong brand effect that Wan Qian feels that she starred in "Hello, Madman!" "should have the potential to earn over 100 million yuan at the box office.

She had a dinner date with her friend Liu Yifei today and invited her to watch the movie she starred in.

When Wan Qian got the role, she boasted to Liu Yifei that it was the most challenging role she had ever played.

When I watched it today, it certainly lived up to its reputation. In fact, halfway through the performance, Liu Yifei guessed that those people might be Wan Qian's multiple personalities.

But in the end, Liu Yifei still felt that Wan Qian was awesome when she saw that Wan Qian suddenly changed the tone of many people, held a conference by herself, and was filmed in one shot.

According to her, the four-minute scene was filmed 32 times and she collapsed during the filming.

Liu Yifei also wanted to try it after returning home to see if she could imitate this scene several times and complete it.

But instead of going back to her own home, she went directly back to Yang Mi. Wang Quan asked her to come, saying there was a surprise.

Liu Yifei really wanted him to translate, what the fuck is a surprise.

Then she saw the enthusiastic Xiao Yu'er rushing towards her, oh, so this is called a surprise.

Not only Xiao Yuer, but also Gadot, she is here to promote "The Hobbit 3".

She was mainly responsible for the mainland box office of this movie. The first one was 300 million, and with her in the second one, it became more than 600 million.

After all, this is the final chapter, and the film crew has higher expectations and greater promotional momentum.

Liu Yifei asked: "Xiao Yu'er won't leave once she's here. Are you celebrating the New Year here?"

Gadot: "Yeah, so I'll have to work hard for you next."

Liu Yifei suddenly had a bad feeling.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "I will take care of one child and two children. We will be very busy next, so the two sisters will leave it to you."

Liu Yifei wailed in her heart: It's over, I've really become Dehua!

After dinner, Wang Quan sent Gadot back to her home in the capital, while Xiao Yuer asked Liu Yifei to take her back to her home.

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiaoli said nothing, but she couldn't help but shake her head in her heart, "I am such a wronged girl!"

When Gadot arrived, she actually also prepared a surprise for Wang Quan.

"Don't look at it~" Gadot carried her suitcase into the cloakroom and locked it to prevent Wang Quan from peeking.

Wang Quan took the opportunity to change into his pajamas and felt the door open behind him. Just as he was about to turn around, he heard the sound of a whip.

What the hell, is today an Ansi Anmu theme?

Looking back, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Wonder Woman! Is that a chain of truth in your hand?"

Gadot nodded and turned around in front of Wang Quan, "Because I was worried about the security check, I didn't bring the prop sword. How about it."

Wang Quan sighed with emotion and didn't know what to say. Just do it.

Gadot just finished her small role in "Superman v Batman: Dawn of Justice" some time ago.

Wang Quan and Gadot had done this kind of cosplay before, but at that time Gadot had only confirmed to play Wonder Woman and hadn't filmed "Dawn of Justice" yet, so she wore comic book clothes, and the quality was much different.

Now Gadot gives people the feeling that Wonder Woman is here in person. This kind of heroic female fighting feeling is really not something that ordinary female stars can perform.

That's right, the metallic feeling created by her costume is made of hard plastic. It looks good, but when you touch it and hold it, it's not as good as a rough-made comic version of a skirt.

But for some games, Wang Quan will not be picky.

But before he could take action, Gadot's mantra chains subdued him.

The chain was not very strong, so Wang Quan obediently surrendered, and was tied up and carried to the bed by Gadot, still in the princess's arms.

Wang Quan also weighs more than 160 pounds. This woman's physical fitness is indeed outstanding, even Xianmi can't do it.

"Now that you are bound by the chains of mantra, you have to say whatever I ask you next, and you have to tell the truth."

Wang Quan nodded.

"The first question," Gadot pointed to her chest, "Who is the biggest among me, Sissi or Mimi?"

Wang Quan was stunned: "Isn't this obvious?"

"Answer honestly, I just want to test whether the mantra chain is accurate."

Oh, that’s how it works, Wang Quan said with a smile: “According to the comics, you should be the oldest, but in fact it’s Mimi.”

Gadot frowned and snorted, "If you pass, next question, am I really your first love?"

"Of course, those things in the past were just for fun and not considered love."

Gadot pressed her fingers and clicked, "I knew it. It looks like you have experience for the first time. It's not like first love!"

But in the end, she still couldn't bear to hit him. Gadot asked again: "Which one do you like most, Alice, Alex, or Xiao Xianmi?"

"Now it's Alice. After all, we met first and spent the longest time together."

"Huh, avoid the important and take the easy, cunning, the last question..."

Wang Quan: It’s the last question so quickly. This question must not be simple!

Gadot smiled slightly: "What is the combination of your safe at our house in Beverly Hills?"

Wang Quan's eyes widened, "Duoduo, you are so cruel!"

She knew that Wang Quan had a hobby of photography and liked to shoot short videos. Especially the European and American celebrities were very cooperative and the photos were beautiful.

But it was kept very strictly, and the safe in Beverly Hills was of a very high grade.

"Why, don't tell the truth."

"Say, I'll say," Wang Quanyun said lightly, "the password is **...**, including 12 digits, six letters, and four Chinese radicals, a total of 20 digits, plus my Fingerprints and irises.”

Hearing this, Gadot was dumbfounded. He said it so fast and couldn't remember it at all!

But it’s not over yet, “Even if the safe is opened, the hard drive inside is encrypted and cannot be cracked by brute force.”

Gadot grabbed her slightly curly hair and said, "You're so cruel!"

"Bang!" Wang Quan broke free from the chains of the mantra and prepared to execute Wonder Woman on the spot.

At this time, the phone rang. It was Dorothy's.

But it didn't matter. Wang Quan pressed the answer button and continued to help Gadot remove his armor.

"What's wrong Taozi?"

"Good news, good news!" Dorothy smiled: "The global box office of "The Force Awakens" has exceeded 2 billion US dollars!"

This is the third movie in the world to achieve this result, following "Titanic" with $2.19 billion and "Avatar" with $27.4 billion.

In addition, the North American box office of "The Force Awakens" successfully exceeded 800 million. Since its release, it has maintained the weekly box office champion. It kills gods and Buddhas.

After expressing congratulations, Dorothy suddenly reacted: "Uh, did I disturb you?"

Wang Quan: "Gadot just arrived, I'm catching the wind."

"If you say that, then I won't hide it."

Soon, Little K's voice also appeared on Dorothy's side, and the two of them gradually became abnormal.

So the mobile phone signal across the Pacific Ocean allowed the two pairs of lovers to interact, and they felt that they were more motivated towards each other.

After they all calmed down, Dorothy remembered one more thing.

“Oscar shortlist announced.”

"The Force Awakens" was only shortlisted for a few technical awards. Even if the Star Wars IP is the biggest sentiment among Americans, it cannot change the fact that the story has little depth and is unlikely to be favored by the academy.

In comparison, the treatment of "Lord of the Rings" is completely different.

However, "Birdman" and "American Sniper" produced by Dragon Head Artisans this time were shortlisted for multiple awards, and "Birdman" was particularly popular.

The actor of "Birdman" is Michael Keaton, the actor of the "House of Cards" series, and the director is Lisandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, one of Mexico's three great heroes.

Long Toutou has already collaborated with two other heroes before, with Alfonso Cuaron in "Gravity" and director Guillermo del Toro in "Pacific Rim".

Long Toutou has always paid attention to uniting all the forces that can be united, so as to have many friends and few enemies.

Nowadays, foreign directors want to join Hollywood, and Long Toutou has become their first choice. This has accumulated a lot of outstanding talents for Long Toutou. If he cannot use them, he will be assigned to Netflix. They are now in urgent need of directors who can provide more opportunities.

However, "The Return", which King Quan has been pushing for, still failed to make the shortlist for Best Picture and Best Director. It only had two minor nominations for Best Original Screenplay and Best Editing.

And because the film has too much English dialogue and does not meet the application criteria for Best Foreign Language Film, it is out of the running for this award.

But in the end Dorothy said, "Of course, Zhang Yimou is Zhang Yimou, and you are you. The main reason why he was not shortlisted is that the judges of the academy are not interested, or they have not watched it at all, but for your film that has not been released yet, Academy members are looking forward to that new film."

Wang Quan laughed and said, "You don't have to spend money yet. Let's just follow the prize redemption procedure."

"Well, if I can win something in Cannes, it will be much easier to win the Oscar next time."

In the next few days, Gadot started to work hard, but the effect was obvious.

"The Hobbit 3", with the slogan "The last blockbuster before the Spring Festival", took in 320 million in box office in its first week. During the promotion, a new poster was specially made to put Gadot in the C position.

This performance completely ruined the dream of "Detective Chinatown" reaching 1 billion, and it also made Wan Qian's "Hello Madman" a suspenseful one.

Wan Qian was already a well-known actress in the field of TV dramas, with good ratings and good reputation.

However, her films have performed well in supporting roles, but they have always performed poorly in leading roles. The last film "Liu Rushi" was also a success but not a hit.

When Wan Qian and Liu Yifei sent a WeChat message complaining about Gadot's strong box office appeal, Liu Yifei was busy with her two children, one older and one younger.

Xiaoxianmi is okay, after all, she can't run yet, so she can only let the confinement sister-in-law take her with her, and I can just be a little distracted.

But Xiao Yu'er couldn't. She was five years old when she was lively and active, and her home was relatively big, so she could not be found if she wasn't careful.

Unfortunately, not only Yang Mi and Jia Duo were not there, Wang Quan also hid far away. He hid directly in Xiangjiang.


At Xiangjiang Villa, Wang Quan is receiving his guest, sister Zhiling.

Sister Zhiling not only filmed a movie about Qian Kun some time ago, but she also returned to Taiwan to invest in a drama, a Taiwanese style novel, for which she even invited Andy Lau to make a cameo.

And now she has just flown back from the UK, and this time she is attending Jay Chou's wedding.

Jay Chou is married, and Wang Quan only found out about it from Lin Chiling.

However, the relationship between him and Jie Lun was a gentle friendship. He didn't go to his wedding, and it was normal that he didn't invite himself to his wedding.

According to sister Zhiling, the wedding was very grand, comparable to a concert. The key is that the bride is young and beautiful.

"A mixed-race beauty who is 14 years younger than Jie Lun! You must have never slept with a young girl who is 14 years younger than you."

"Fishing, right? The eldest sister who is 14 years younger than me is breaking the law."

Sister Zhiling covered her mouth and snickered: "Then you must take care of your health and don't waste your time, because when you are 40 or 50 years old, you may have the opportunity to meet girls who are twenty or thirty years younger than you, but don't get to that age. But he is powerless.”

That's not possible. I practice health-preserving boxing. Just look at Mr. Tao Daqi. Now he can pick up foreign girls. He is a role model for our generation!

But his mentality will change. He used to be very playful, but now that he has a wife, he is more restrained. When he has a group of children in the future, he may not be able to bear to deal with girls of the same age as Xiao Yuer or even Xiao Xianmi. .

After all, he is still a scumbag with a bottom line.

Lin Zhiling stayed for one night and then left. If she didn't leave, Yang Mi would catch her.

Wang Quan came here to deal with the later stage of "Parasite". He came for two days first, and then Yang Mi came.

On the auspicious day of January 18th, Mishi will be officially listed on the Hong Kong stock market, and she is here to ring the bell.

Not only her, but also the company's top executives and many leading artists came.

But only Reba received special treatment and lived with her in the Shiao villa.

Wang Quan advised her, "How do you make Zhao Liying think like this? She is not worried about the scarcity but the inequality."

Yang Mi: "So Reba and I are not enough. Let us three heroes fight Lu Bu, right..."

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