You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 556 Unprecedented, one billion in North America!

Wang Quan gathered these people in Xiangjiang and invited them to his villa for a gathering, purely to support his own movie "Fifty Shades of Grey".

In the private theater at home, they directly watched the original high-definition film. They did not have to go to Hong Kong to watch it in the cinema like other viewers in Guangdong Province.

Because the Spring Festival was coming soon and Zhou Ming's dubbing work had been completed, she reluctantly returned to her home when Wang Quan returned to Beijing.

In addition, her winter vacation homework is progressing rapidly with the help of her assistant Xiaotian, except for mathematics.

Wang Quan came back and persuaded Xiaotian whether to go back to Jinling to celebrate the New Year, but she insisted on standing on the last shift and waiting until she was thirty before returning.

So when I watch a movie, she is one of them. She is no longer a child and can get in touch with the adult world.

Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Wei and the nanny, please help take Xiao Yu'er out.

Because we were watching a very professional movie like "Fifty Shades of Grey", two neon friends, Yui Aragaki and Nozomi Sasaki, specially brought neon specialty props to show everyone.

That night, the guests and hosts had a great time and couldn't sleep all night long. Anyway, Wang Quan didn't go to work the next day.

A few days have passed, and the enthusiasm for the Directors' Association Award has gradually dissipated, but the haze over the Filmmakers Association and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles behind the Golden Rooster Award has not.

What do the people from the Association of Directors mean by this? The two associations jointly held a commendation conference and made it so grand. Do they want to compete with the Golden Rooster? !

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see it, yes, that’s right.

Those who like the Directors Association have basically expressed their dissatisfaction with the Golden Rooster Awards in a clear stance. Angry youths even believe that the outdated Golden Rooster Awards judging system and style are a stumbling block that prevents Chinese-language films from getting better and better.

Every time the awards selected for the Golden Rooster Awards are always very different from the expectations of the public and even industry insiders.

In fact, the judges of the Golden Rooster Awards are relatively scientific. The awards are selected by the Golden Rooster Awards Judging Office. There are more than 20 people in total to prevent the preferences of one or two people from influencing the award.

These people are all selected from the Golden Rooster Awards jury pool. They change every year and take care of most of the film industry, including directors, actors, photographers, screenwriters, musicians, sound engineers, and artists. There are even film critics and producers.

The Golden Rooster Awards feels that the richness and diversity of this configuration is much better than the Golden Horse Awards with a dozen judges. Isn't it the same with the Oscars? People from various industries judge the awards together, but there are more people, thousands of people.

But what they ignore is that most of the judges in their pool have traveled outside the mainstream film market. They are either too old or too biased. Moreover, one of the main principles when judging awards is to take into account the main theme of the film.

So there was a scene where the super bad movie "Flying" won the Golden Rooster Best Picture, and double yolk eggs also appeared one after another.

Moreover, these more than 20 people from various types of work select the ownership of all awards. For the Oscars, all judges select the best film, and then the judges of each type of work select their own category awards. This ensures to the greatest extent that the judges are professional. Well, the difference here is also huge.

However, the Golden Rooster Awards does not care about this. When the Directors Association Awards were presented for the first time, it was this group of people who caused trouble behind the scenes, causing the awards to be discontinued the following year.

Later, it was the efforts of Wang Quan and Han Sanping that resurrected the award, but it was changed to an annual commendation.

Now they are repeating the same trick and have once again complained to the higher authorities for the Directors Association Award. In China, awards are not judged by anyone who wants to.

You think this is just a film award, but it is actually about ideology. How can you directors be allowed to control it at will?

When Wang Quan was in Xiangjiang, Wang Quan received a call from a leader who was talking about the Directors Association Award.

He once again reiterated the necessity of holding the Directors Association Award. If there is no room for even one Directors Association Award in China, then there is no need to talk about cultural self-confidence and the idea of ​​going overseas.

Wang Quan's fierce words were intentional, and he needed to let his attitude be seen clearly by his superiors.

And he also has this capital. It’s not that his royal power can’t survive without Chinese-language films, but that without royal power, Chinese-language films will fall back several years in terms of scale and reputation.

In terms of cultural export, we can go back directly to the last century.

In the past few years, every movie of Wang Quan except "Rich Second Generation" has become an international hit, which has invisibly improved China's international favorability and made great contributions to tourism and exchanges.

Based on this alone, if anyone wants to apply for the Association of Directors Award, they will probably have to think twice.

After hanging up the phone, Li Bingbing asked him what happened, and Wang Quan said something.

Li Bingbing lamented: "Sometimes it is too difficult to do something practical in China. Fortunately, I have you."

As she said this, she arched her head in Wang Quan's arms. She had become a Hong Kong citizen last year and settled in Xiangjiang, so she stayed here directly after Valentine's Day. Anyway, she had no work arrangements for the time being.

"Have you received any satisfactory scripts since "Ghost 3"?" Wang Quan asked.

Li Bingbing shook her head. "Ghost 3" will be released this year. During the filming of the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" trilogy, she filmed "Transformers 4" and "The Master of Hypnosis".

There will be no Ghost Blowing Lantern for the next two years. Whether it is Ghost Blowing Lantern Gaiden or Young Ghost Blowing Lantern, there is no need for their Iron Triangle to appear.

"I want to take over foreign projects. After all, the "Ghost Blossoms" series and Transformers 4 have already broken out of Asia, and I also want to consolidate their international reputation."

Wang Quan patted her gently. No wonder she was so clingy to herself these days. She was probably waiting for him to ask her.

Fan Bingbing was much more irritable. After completing the recording of "Parasite", he returned to the mainland.

Wang Quan said to Li Bingbing: "Long Toutou is currently preparing a monster movie with an investment of over 100 million U.S. dollars. We are in need of a heroine. You can give it a try."

Li Bingbing's eyes suddenly lit up. She didn't say anything and just took action.

The next day in Jiahe's office, Dorothy called Wang Quan and reported the good news about "Fifty Shades of Grey".

"88 million US dollars in the first weekend! Over 300 million US dollars worldwide! Big bang!"

This has fully recovered the cost and made a huge profit. The cost of this movie is only 40 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, for an R-rated movie with no special effects, the cost is already very high and the production is excellent. There was a certain risk when the project was originally established.

"Ma Ling must be very happy. Congratulations to her for finally releasing a work that is a hit at the box office."

"Of course, she also gets box office dividends. This movie is more than the equity dividend she gets every year from Long Head Head. The key is that this is also a series, and there will be 2 and 3 later!" Although it is not as good as Star Wars and Hungry game, but it can also be regarded as a small gold mine. Who would have thought that Twilight Saga spin-off fan fiction could be so popular.

Wang Quan lamented: "It seems that the Valentine's Day schedules all over the world are crazy. We also have a Valentine's Day special movie in the Mainland. The reputation is average, but the box office in the first week was as high as 200 million!"

He was talking about the movie "There's a Place Only We Know" by Xu Jinglei and EXO Xiao Wu. This time they really made the right bet, with a box office of nearly 100 million on Valentine's Day alone.

Hearing what Wang Quan said, Dorothy felt even more uncomfortable, "Long raised his head and was willing to cut out the nudity scene, but the radio and television still didn't let this movie into the film. Have you gone out of style now and can't speak well?"

She feels that if this movie is released in the Mainland, it will earn tens of millions of dollars at the box office, which is much better than Mosquito Leg Meat.

Wang Quan hehe: "Who let the whole world know how big the scale of this movie is when you promote it? It's weird that radio and television can put it in. I have made similar mistakes before, so I must be more cautious, and An Si'anmu is in the country It’s still a relatively taboo topic.”

Therefore, some films do not need to consider the mainland market from the beginning of the project, and the second largest market is useless.

"Then Illumination's "COCO" (Coco) can be produced without considering the mainland market?" Dorothy asked worriedly.

"Fifty Shades of Grey" won't be accepted, but the cost of "COCO" is so high, and it is an animation adapted from a comic created by Wang Quan. The quality is not inferior to "Zootopia". It would be too uncomfortable if you can't get in. .

But Dorothy knows that in principle, mainland movies cannot have ghosts, but "COCO" tells a story from the underworld.

Wang Quan snorted: "If you don't introduce this, I will help you cause trouble in the film bureau."

Dorothy laughed loudly: "With your words, I feel relieved."

"Oh, there's one more thing~" Wang Quan told Dorothy about the heroine of "The Meg", and she said it was no problem at all. She quite admired the old and strong Ms. Li Bingbing.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Quan looked at Jiang Shuying.

She has been relatively free recently, so her former assistant returned for a limited time.

With a look, Jiang Shuying immediately came over and bent down: "What can I do, boss?"

Wang Quan put his hand on the stockings on her legs, "Search for news about the closing ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival and "One Step Away"."

Jiang Shuying immediately took the order, and after some operations: "The score of "One Step Away" in the Berlin screening was only 2.0, which is considered low level, and in the end it failed to make any profit. The distributor Wanda is trying desperately to retain its respect and wants to promote the fictional film festival legacy. Received many compliments from celebrities.”

"What impact does the film schedule on New Year's Day have?" Wang Quan asked.

"Previously, the film schedule of "One Step Away" briefly reached the first place, but after the closing ceremony in Berlin, it was overtaken by "The Lion", but it still ranked first at the pre-sale box office."

Wang Quan said he understood and asked her: "How does it feel to be a star?"

"That's it. It's better to be around the boss."

"Then I'll let you come back and continue being a cow and a horse."

Jiang Shuying immediately smiled: "But we have already signed a contract with Qiankun, so it's hard to break the contract."

Jiang Shuying has signed a contract with Qiankun and will soon star in the heroine of "Pancake Man". The film will start filming later this year and will be released in the summer. The cycle is very short. The studio is very confident in its film.

Wang Quan just teases her. The more famous she becomes, the more fulfilling she will be when she uses it, so I hope her stardom will be smooth and smooth all the way.

Two days later, as the Spring Festival approached, Wang Quan suspended work on "Parasite" and returned to the capital with Zhang Tianai and Xiao Yu'er, while Assistant Jiang and Assistant Xiaotian returned to Magic City and Jinling respectively.

This year Jiang Shuying finally had time to get together with her college classmates. She had long wanted to experience the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

After Wang Quan returned to Beijing, he took his daughter directly to Wangdao Building. As expected, Yang Mi was in the company, and she also brought Xiao Xianmi with her this time. Liu Yifei had already gone to Sanya to celebrate the New Year, so naturally she couldn't take her daughter with her.

"Ah, Xiao Yu'er, you came just in time. You and your aunt will take care of your sister. My sister has other things to do."

Xiao Yu'er: Ah, I've become Dehua too!

However, she likes her pink and tender sister very much and has no objection at all.

Wang Quan settled his daughter and went upstairs.

He still wanted to attend the conference between Wang Dao and Mao Yan years ago.

Last year (2014) was the first year that Maoyan dominated the distribution business.

In addition to Wangdao and Jiahe, Maoyan also accepts the issuance business of other companies. Of course, it will select the best and cooperate with them, and the issuance share of external companies is also high.

Last year, Maoyan released a total of 25 movies, with a cumulative box office of 12.7 billion and distribution revenue of more than 1.05 billion.

However, advertising revenue is the bulk of Maoyan’s income.

Last year, online ticket sales accounted for 75% of all movie tickets!

And of this 75%, Wangdao accounts for two-thirds.

In other words, for every two tickets sold, one was sold through the cat's eye.

Maoyan’s registered users are all high-quality movie audiences, so advertising is more accurate and effective, and it has earned 1.2 billion in advertising revenue through various channels!

Wangdao, the well-deserved big brother in the Chinese film industry, has an annual revenue of over 4 billion, which shows the strength of Maoyan.

Moreover, the investment cost of Wangdao is far higher than that of Maoyan.

In 2014, Wang Dao approved a budget of 2 billion for film production!

Most of these movies were released in 2015, and many of them are large-scale productions. "Zhu Xian" has 500 million, "Ghost Blowing Lantern 3" has 400 million, "Legend of the Shark Pearl" has 280 million, "Operation Mekong" has 200 million, and "Wolf Warrior" 160 million. It would be great if other companies could approve one large-scale production like this every year. Wang Dao has hard cards in his hands.

After that, Wang Quan learned more about the new film plan that Wang Dao had just approved. The first is Lao Mouzi's "Angry Sunny Xiangxi". Now he is busy working on the post-production of "I am not Pan Jinlian". After the year, Lao Mouzi plans to go to Xiangxi for field inspection. It will be launched within this year and will be released next year.

In addition, Chen Zhengdao, who has just finished filming "Ghost Blowing the Lantern 3", is not idle either. He has obtained the rights to adapt the French short film "The Tuner" and plans to make it into a feature film.

In addition, Wang Quan's photographer Song Xiaofei is also planning to make a comedy film called "The Saint", which has been approved. Wang Quan is planning to ask him to consider his former assistant Clara.

In short, in 2015, Wangdao will once again impact the tens of billions of box office in the mainland.

If 15 years is not enough, there will be an even stronger year of 2016!

But everyone is more concerned about King Quan’s new film plans.

It's been so long since "Parasite" was filmed, but there's not even a trace of a script. This is not in line with King Power's style.

"Don't rush me. I'm writing. I'm writing. The amount of work this time is a bit large."

After the meeting, Wang Quan took his wife and daughter home, and received a good news call from Dorothy on the way.

"Good news, good news!" Dorothy's voice became hoarse with excitement, "The box office of "The Force Awakens" in North America has exceeded one billion dollars!"

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