Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 240: : Apart from him, the sun and the moon are no light

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Suddenly the whole light was darkened in the gym. The school leader on the stage said in a very grand tone that everyone welcomed the honorary principal and so on.

After the thunderous applause in the audience, there was a silence, and no one dared to make any more noise.

Obviously he is her husband, but at this moment Ji Nuan was a little nervous in this atmosphere.

The first time I went to see the depth of field on such an occasion, I didn't know what kind of serious and cold role he would play here today.

Until Mo Jingshen's figure finally appeared on the stage, almost all of the girls under the stage took a breath.

The man who was kindly invited to the stage by several school leaders has already stood on the right side of the podium.

Where he stood, there was a podium in front, a large screen with a big blue sky background behind the big T logo, and soaring white clouds on the screen. Mo Jingshuang wore a white shirt, but it was not covered by that big screen. White swallowed up, but was particularly conspicuous.

He was not as Ji Nuan had originally thought. She thought he might be a rigorous and cool black suit today, just like in some important meetings, he would be the most decisive and cold. The neat and sloppy gesture made him be caught off guard, thinking that with the title of honorary principal, he would be as serious as a suit and tie and even holding a microphone like other school leaders.

But he didn't.

His body is a casual shirt and trousers, not at all intentional. He loosened an expensive and delicate button on the neckline, and pulled the cuff to the forearm.

Although Mo Jingshen is in a high position, he is also the youngest leader in the high society in China after all. He has built the Mos Group within a few years based on his own ability. He is also crowded by his own decisions and methods. At the highest place in the domestic business community, there are countless indescribable business male gods, not to mention the mountainous Mo Mo and the Shine Group in the United States, which are both top priorities.

Everything related to Mo Jingshen is a vast number of figures and domestic business systems that are inestimable in China, but his appearance at this time is casual and indifferent.

"My mother ... so handsome ..."

There are very low and small sighs all around, and there are even people discussing the age of Mo Depth.

Some say that Mo Jingshen looks about the same age as many boys in T Dali, while others say that a man like Mo Jingshen should be at least thirty years old, just long and young.

This exact answer is currently here, and only Ji Nuan knows it.

Many college students are almost 23 years old when they graduate, and Mo Jingshen is only three years older than those of college graduates. Many of the students present have stayed in grades or re-take exams, and they are almost the same age However, after all, they are still under the management of the school, and the image experience is very simple and ordinary, even if the T-girls have been compared in the school, the grass is also inferior.

However, the people on the stage are very low-key and simple today, but the men are clean and do not even need to make any short hair. They have dark eyebrows under the light on the stage. They look good and have a clear sense of hierarchy. They ca n’t use words. Describe such a man that no one can copy.

The man was standing here, just a light smile, and in addition to him, the sun and the moon disappeared.

"Everyone, meet for the first time." Mo Jingshen stood behind such a podium that is often found in schools, holding the desk microphone above, and propped up on the podium with one hand casually, holding the microphone gently with one hand, pale lips. With a three-point smile, a seven-point calmness.

Men's tone is loose and ordinary, not at all deliberate, as if not invited to speak, but as if facing a group of young people who have not yet officially entered the society, and put down their identities, and kindly and approachably gave everyone a simple Simple smile.

"I'm Mo Depth," he said.

Just this sentence, the audience has applauded again in an instant, and Ji Nuan is also busy applauding, but watching the man on the stage attracted much attention, watching him a worldly calm and indifferent, watching this well-dressed The man, inexplicably, remembered the scene when he was oppressed on the bed last night.

Really can't see the traces of violent attacks on her in bed for days and nights!

What kind of man is he?

You can calmly control the overall situation in the company. The life and death of many small and medium-sized cooperative enterprises and many business strategies are in his mind. Obviously, they have a pair of clouds and rain in the mall, but they are walking with foreign arms like Nanheng. People with complicated business backgrounds are very close to each other, and they can stand here with the title of honorary principal of T University as they do now.

"Thank you all for your big T classmates who came here to have a pleasant and simple meeting with me."

Everyone in the audience is quiet. The boys look to the men standing high, all of them are wondering whether they will have such achievements in the future, and the girls look coveted and heartbeat at the same time.

"As we all know, T University is the highest-end institution of higher learning in the country, and has trained talents for the domestic economic industry and the high-level fields of major enterprises. From now on, the Mohs Group will not only invest in rebuilding the century-old library in T University, but Da has reached a consensus that T will be the first choice for future job fairs in domestic universities. "

Speaking of which, Mo Jingshen always saw the third-row Ji Nuan sitting in front of her with a three-point smile. The position of Ji Nuan was not particularly obvious, but the eyes of the man had fallen on her face.

In the stadium of thousands of people, everyone was seriously watching the men on the stage, but the serious scene suddenly began to whisper in whispers, asking Mo What were you looking at just now? Which direction are you looking at?

The school leaders also looked subconsciously because of his glance down, but the lights on the stage were too dim, and the faces of the students were basically indistinguishable. It was impossible to see who he was looking at.

When everyone was curious, instead, the depth of field of ink was calm and retracted his eyes, and he flexed his lips with a perfect arc, and raised his hand to signal that everyone should not be distracted. It was also a moment when Ji Nuan mentioned his throat. The heart of the eyes slowly fell back into place.

He returned the desk microphone in his hand to the podium, and took the cuffs that had been pulled upwards in a leisurely manner, and turned up a circle, which was more casual and approachable.

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