Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 251: : He's actually here!

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Really dizzy, Ji Nuan tried to stand up a few times or fell into the sofa.

She struggled for a while and gave up, picking up her cell phone with one hand frowning and watching the time.

Stupidly thinking, the phone call she just made, Mo Jingshen should have heard what she said on the phone, right? Her voice was very low at the time, and he was in a meeting, wouldn't he hear clearly ...

Ji Nuan bit her lip and stayed awake.

How long has it passed, one minute, two minutes, or ten minutes?

Just as Ji Nuan's consciousness became more and more chaotic, suddenly, a loud noise came from the door of the box, waking her up.

Ji Nu raised his eyes and saw Mo Jingshen's figure come in. The man's face was stunned. When he saw Ji Nu falling on the sofa, his eyes glanced around in this box and finally stopped on the coffee table. Tea cup.

Ji Nuan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mo Jingshen's face, and felt that the approach of the man was a familiar and reassuring taste of her familiarity, which made her chaotic brain clear a lot, and the man's hand touched her face , Sure she was fine, and saw her a little confused again, and immediately stood up again.

In just a few minutes, people who hadn't seen a few seasons of warmth outside this box fell in front of the door.

Ji Nuan blinked and saw that Mo Depth had opened the window of the box to let the outside wind in.

She breathed the fresh air outside the window and felt much better. She supported her to sit up and suddenly heard the short message prompt from the mobile phone. When the doors and windows were opened, a signal came in.

But the short message reminded me that Mo Jingshen called her one minute ago, two minutes ago, and three minutes ago ...

Only in these short ten minutes, the phone call from Mo Jingshen didn't stop.

Ji Nuan was awake a lot. When I saw people coming out of the door, I heard Mo Jing's voice was cold and frosty. "I'm not interested in who is behind the scene in your club, but I don't think your boss wants me Who is he."

Immediately, the people who followed Mo Jingshen went directly to the bathroom on this floor to find a few rags and blocked the mouths of the people on the ground.

At this time Ji Nuan's cell phone rang again. After being connected, Ji Hongwen's voice took the usual seriousness: "Wan Nuan, have you called me before?"

Listening to his tone, it is obvious that he doesn't know what happened in T city at all.

"Dad, are you in Haicheng or T?" Ji Nuan asked.

"How do you know that I'm in T city? The company recently had a partner from T city. I came to see it, but I was too rushed to see you. Who told you?"

"Where are you now?"

"I can't spare time at the hotel arranged by the partner. The partner's car is already waiting downstairs in the hotel. If I can squeeze some time before returning to Haicheng, I will go to T to see you."

"Then you go first, I'm fine."

"Really okay? You little girl usually makes my phone call. My cell phone was kept in my pocket just now. I didn't notice when I pressed the mute button, and I saw the missed call."

"Well, it's fine."

After speaking, without waiting for Ji Hongwen, Ji Nuan hung up the phone quickly, lest he worry.

She believed Secretary Zhou's words because when she texted and chatted with Xia Tian on the weekend evening, she also texted an assistant to Ji Hongwen by the way and asked her assistant Ji Hongwen's recent schedule. The assistant said that there was a city in T She was convinced.

As a result, the person behind her didn't expect that she knew everything about Ji's family better than her. She knew who the people whom Ji Nuan often met and trusted. The network of Ji's group has always been very simple. Secretary Zhou has been They are reassuring.

Suddenly there was a cold overhead, and Ji Nuan was awake a lot by the coolness.

Looking up, he saw the man who was putting a towel wrapped in an ice pack on her head, and subconsciously raised his hand to hold the towel over his head.

Just now she had been sitting on the sofa after receiving the phone call and had no strength, and did not pay attention to when those people who had been controlled in front of the door were taken out, only looking at the handsome and cold face of the man in front of her.

"Are you better?" Mo Jingshen removed her hand from her head, watching Ji Nuan taking care of her cold compress with an ice bag towel on her head.

Ji Nuan nodded: "Fortunately I called you in advance, otherwise I don't know what will happen."

At this moment, there was another movement outside the door. It was as if the person in charge of the club was called out by someone brought by Mo Jingshen. Mo Jingshen looked at her for a while and then touched her head: "It's okay, leave when you wake up, Go back and talk. "

Ji Nuan said, "Although she doesn't have much strength now, but the fresh air in the box and the coolness on her head have made her mind return to normal sobriety."

Ji Nuan simply talked about the call that he had received from Secretary Zhou before, including what happened after coming here today. Mo Jingshen looked at her, and said tepidly: "Someone can buy Secretary Zhou next to your father. I will lie to you in the name of your father, Ji Mengran, Secretary Zhou, Shen Heru, or others, I will find out. "

"Who do you think it will be?"

The sound outside was already far away. Ji Nuan couldn't hear what the person at Mo Jingshen planned to do with the things in the clubhouse, but presumably it wouldn't be so simple.

Mo Jingshen touched her now forehead again, lest she hurt her because she was too cold, took the towel and ice pack in her hand, and threw it on the coffee table: "Ji's family is so big. Small, who else? You stay here and feel comfortable waiting for me. I'll go to the club first. "

After all, he asked her to sit by the sofa, take off her suit jacket and cover her, and patted her shoulders comfortably, and then took the door out.

Several men in black suits are under Mo Jingshen. They have transferred from the club responsible person a list of all the box appointments here today. When they saw Mo Jingshen's figure, they gave it to him directly.

Not long after, the young girl hiding in the box not far away was taken out, and was still scolding and struggling when she was pulled out. When she saw the man walking with her cufflinks while unbuttoning her shirt, , The expression suddenly froze fiercely.

Probably the reason why I never wanted to do too much in front of Mo Jingshen. Ji Mengran never expected that Mo Jingshen would come in just such a short time.

The man's cold eyes fell on her face, clearly not having any surprise to Ji Mengran who had just been caught.

With a pair of eyes on the depth of field, Ji Mengran froze. He was pressed by the men in black suits in the hallway, and it took ten seconds to return to his mind.

"Brother Depth of Field?" Ji Mengran's expression turned pale. "Why are you here?"

Obviously the news she got was that Mo Jingshen had an important meeting at this time tonight. He couldn't walk away easily, but he was here!

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