Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 306: : Mo Jingshen's voice sounded behind him, "What socks?"

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Mo Jingshen heard this and gave her a meaningful look. Ji Nuan directly put away the red heart that was almost coming out of his eyes, turned around, and walked out holding his clothes.

By the way, I went to the base doctor who had just been idle, and asked him to disinfect and disinfect Mo Jingshen's injury.

The doctor from the base just came from the more serious wounded and was about to come to see Mr. Mo. Seeing Mrs. Mo came out, he nodded politely to Ji Nuan and walked directly inside.

"This is a bath and a change of clothes, and I saw my man returning safely, refreshed? Even walking seems to be floating." A voice came from outside the door, cold and indifferent, with a little ridicule .

Ji Nuan turned his eyes to see the figure standing in front of the door with a cigarette, and saw Nan Heng taking out the smoke from his mouth, and his eyes looked at her coldly.

"I've been nervous for a few days, and I've just relaxed a little bit, can't I let people drift?" She laughed.

Nan Heng sneered: "My T-shirt is new and I haven't worn it yet. Should your man fit well?"

"It's a good fit. Both of you are eighteen in height." Ji Nuan casually answered.

"Just fit." Nan Heng glanced at her again, "But only you and Feng Ling are women in this base, Feng Ling is a little taller than you, and she only has base suits, which is not suitable for you. I can only buy this skirt to deal with it. "

Ji Nuan yanked the skirt: "I am also very good. Rarely wearing such a loose long skirt is very ethnic."

"I haven't found it before. Miss Ji is really crossing and being more casual now. She's really different from that before, and it's really different in the past few days. It's even more obvious in recent days."

This Nan Heng really wanted to say something to her when she was fine.

Ji Nuan was also used to it. She just smiled and didn't say much. She was about to take out the black shirt in her arms. Nanheng glanced and said, "Are you going to wash this one?"

"Yes indeed."

"It's all blood. It's broken a lot in the back. I can't wear it after washing. What else?"

"Wash it, take it home, and keep it as a memorial."

Nan Heng laughed and looked at her with a look of neurosis: "Remember what? Remember the death of your man and your symbiosis? Or to remember the bloodyness of this broken place?"

What this says is really appetizing ...

Ji Nuan poked his mouth, hesitated, otherwise the shirt was thrown away. Suddenly Nanheng seemed to think of something, and glanced at her again, and asked, "Did you tell him about the socks you washed for us? ? "

"No ah……"

Ji Nuan's voice hadn't fallen yet, and suddenly heard Mo Jingshen's voice sounded behind him: "Why wash socks?"

Ji Nuan: "..."

Nanheng: "..."

Nan Heng narrowed his eyes and smoked a cigarette, then threw the cigarette **** on the ground, stepped it out, and said savagely: "Ajib and Dali are still in the jungle, and there is always a team of people around them, concealed The position should be an ambush point that they had set up before entering, just wait for us to pass. But it was useless for them to escape the night. Sergeant I and I will go in and search around tomorrow morning to see if they have already It was blown up by a minefield, and you should heal yourself. "

Mo Jingshen hadn't spoken yet, Ji Nuan looked at him in a blink of an eye: "Did the base just go in? Why did the wound come out without treatment?"

"The doctor is dispensing the medicine and will return to it in five minutes." Mo Jingshen looked at her and glanced at the shirt in her hand again. "Throw it."

Ji Nuan think about it too, not only the blood of Mo Jingshen, but also the blood of those people ...

Thinking that those people had almost lost Huang Quan now, she had a cold chill, and she threw her clothes directly and decisively.

Nanheng suddenly snorted: "I let you throw it away, you do n’t throw it, and you said to keep it as a commemoration, you guys just throw three words like this, you throw it?"

"Yeah, otherwise why is it my man?" Ji Nuan gave him a glance, then looked at Mo Jingshen with a smile.

Mo Jingshen's expression remained unchanged, but he was obviously in a good mood because of Ji Nuan's words, and his lips slightly raised.

Nan Hengpi smiled and smiled: "You just use this way to stuff dog food. I really doubt anyone can live in peace with you in front of you."

"Yes, Feng Ling is very calm and peaceful." Ji Nuan gave him a cold and cold look. "And no matter how I show affection, Feng Ling's heart is not fluctuated, even seems to be completely like love and men not interested."

Nanheng: "........."


That night, Ji Nuan was finally able to sleep peacefully next to Mo Jingshen, but in his sleep he still clutched his palms and let go, until the day was about to dawn, and his fingers gradually became loose because he slept too heavily.

After these few days of storms, Ji Nuan is very sensitive here, but because of Mo Jingshen, she can finally rest in peace.

But she was still afraid that if something happened, he would suddenly disappear in front of her.

Sleeping down overnight, Xiang'an is fine.

Early in the morning, Ji Nuan turned over. In the compartments of this warehouse, there are people sleeping in each compartment. The conditions will not be very good. It is too hot, there are no windows, no air conditioning, and only a small fan. Supported to the ground, whistling and blowing on the bed, blowing the sheets back and forth.

She was a little cold at hand, and did not touch the depth of field of ink. Ji Nuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him, and sure enough he was away.

Ji Nuan was panicked and got out of bed, but because the compartment was too small, the fans were too close, and his feet tripped over the wires. The whole person flew directly to the ground. Fortunately, her hand was fast and she pressed down to the bed beside her. He didn't fall too hard, just kneeled heavily on the ground.

The fan stopped because the wire was pinched, stopped working, and fell to the ground.

Ji Nuan's knee pained a bang, and he was holding up the bed to stand up, and the door of the compartment was suddenly opened.

After hearing the sound, Mo Jingshen, who walked back quickly, saw Ji Nuan, who was half-kneeling on the ground, and came directly to lift her up: "How come you fell? Didn't pay attention to the wires on the ground?"

Seeing him okay, Ji Nuan for a moment forgot the pain in his knee and exhaled a long breath: "I see you are away, I thought you ..."

She paused, then glanced at the wires on the ground, pursed her lips and said, "I'll pay attention next time, I won't be so frizzy in the future."

Knowing that she was still a little scared now, Mo Jingshen didn't pierce her brave armor, took her hand and glanced at the place where she had been bandaged: "Remember to change the medicine today, and keep wrapping in this tropical area It ’s not good. Tell the doctor base to pay more attention and do n’t ignore your hand injury. ”

"I see, what's my scald? I will go to him when the base doctor is free." Ji Nuan put his hand down, but still stuck it in his arms.

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