Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 383: : Seeing the call from Mo Jingshen, picking up directly

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When the maid saw the situation of Ji Nuan, he was startled. Someone rushed over and helped Chen Ji to help Ji Nuan. Somebody turned around and hurriedly called.

In the middle of busy hands, Ji Nuan woke up just after the call was connected there. Leaning against Chen Ye's arms, she frowned, raised her hands and rubbed the painful forehead, and heard the servant say to the phone: "Mr. Mo, the wife just passed out and fell down on the stairs. When will you come back, Mr. Mo ..."

Ji Nuan heard the words and immediately turned his eyes: "Don't call him back, I'm fine."

Her voice was very soft, but the maid paused for her words, then hesitated, and came over with the phone.

"Mrs. Mr. Mo asked me to give you the phone ..."

Ji Nuan was silent, raised his hand to take the call and put it in his ear.

The man on the other side of the phone had a casual voice, but with the same indifference as before, it made people shudder when listening: "Why, even the most basic healthy lifestyle can't be done. In addition to having a cold and fever, you have to let it go He fell into disability? "

Ji Nuan didn't expect him to come back. Besides, she just became dark before standing for a while, but when she heard this, she was still chilly.

"I didn't want to force you back, just now I was not careful. The maid was too concerned about me so I made a trifle and don't mind. But the Royal Garden is always our home. Are you planning to never return?"

Mo Jingshen's tone is unshakable, which makes it impossible to speculate on his emotions: "It can be seen that you like that place very much, and the property ownership of the Royal Garden has been transferred to your name. Such a set of properties is enough for you. The nourishment of life will not repeat the life of a vicissitudes of displacement. "

Of course there will not be such a life again. She has her own job and a life she has worked hard to support.

Ji Nuan really has no energy to entangle these things that are not important to her. She held her phone tightly and repeatedly asked: "You really don't plan to go back to the garden again. Is it home? "

no answer.

Mo Jingshen hung up the phone directly.

There was a cold sound on the phone. Ji Nuan listened for a long time, as if he wasn't sure if he really hung up the phone, and it seemed as if he didn't believe that he suddenly hung up the phone, not even an extra word. Tell her.

"Mrs. Mo ..."

Chen Yan and her servant wanted to help her, but Ji Nuan was sitting on the ground, looking down at the phone whose screen had gone dark.

"I'm okay, I just fell a bit." Ji Nuan gently pushed Chen Ye's hands away: "I can get up myself, and you should do whatever you want."

"Ma'am, can I help you sit down at the table?" Chen Yan asked softly.

Ji Nuan nodded, and it wasn't until Chen Fu helped him that he felt the dizziness again.

After holding her to the dining table, Chen Min suddenly raised her hand and touched her forehead: "I just felt hot through the sleeves when I was helping you, did I get a cold? I asked a doctor to come over ? "

"It's okay. It's a little rainy. It can't be so serious. I'll just drink the brown sugar **** tea you just cooked."


The man stood in the cold and cold office, with his long legs wide open, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in a hurry. There was no light of stars and moon in the sky on a rainy night, and he could feel the deep coldness across the window An office room full of information files with solid colors and cold accents.

When Qin Shiting received the phone call, he was just off work in the hospital and saw the phone call from Mo Jingshen.

The man at the other end of the phone had a low voice and a clear voice: "Find a doctor with similar medical ethics and skills to you, and go to Yuyuan to see Ji Nuan."

Qin Shiting's hand just about to open the door of the car paused: "What's wrong with her? I don't need to go by myself?"

"You don't have to go. Send someone she doesn't know."

Obviously, he heard that he did not intend to let Ji Nuan know that the doctor had sent him in the past. Qin Shiting frowned and wanted to ask him what he meant, but the call had been hung up.


Ji Nuan had just had dinner and was holding brown tea with brown sugar and ginger, which Chen Chen had cooked for her. The pale face looked slightly red and the body was sweating, and the doctor suddenly came.

"Who called the doctor?" Ji Nuan asked.

"I just called Ms. Feng Ling. Ms. Feng Ling said that she asked Dr. Qin as if Dr. Qin said he was not in Haicheng these days, so he sent colleagues from their hospital over." What I heard on the phone told Ji Nuan completely.

Ji Nuan glanced at the doctor, and the other side smiled politely at her, saying that it was Dr. Qin who asked him to come over, and she nodded.

The warmth of the season is not serious, that is, they do not have a good rest these days, and they always cannot eat much. The physical state is in a fatigue period, and there are some signs of a cold and fever in the rain. Others are fine. Take cold medicine and antipyretics, take more rest, drink more hot water, and eat more to maintain strength.

She understood all of this herself, and after she heard the doctor said there was nothing wrong, she was relieved.

Until the doctor left, Chen Yan told Ji Nuan to take a good hot bath, Ji Nuan obediently went to take a bath, and obediently obediently went back to the bedroom to go to bed after taking the medicine, but just turned over in bed and looked On the other side of the empty bed, reached out and touched it twice.

It's been a long time here, it's been a long time since the taste of the ink depth of field and the temperature of the ink depth of field have disappeared.

Sure enough, when I was taken care of, a little headache and brain heat could be held and coaxed as if she were a porcelain doll that was fragile as soon as she became ill. I could n’t wait to hold her in my palm. Anything in her body seemed to him to be her despicable plan, trying to get him back.

Is she so ingrained in his heart that the image is unobtrusive for the purpose?

How enthusiastic and happy I was when I hugged with Mo Jingshen. After all of this suddenly disappeared, there was a lot of indifference and loss.

I want to give up, I want to leave.

She asked herself, really decided to just give up?

She has no idea what kind of man Mo Jingshan has been in for so long, but no matter what he does, there must be his reason.

But what kind of reason will a man who is not afraid of death push her away again and again?

Ji Nuan took a bit of a flustered nose, and it was not early. Although she had a headache, she had no sleepiness. She sat up in bed and stared at the snow-white wall of the wall lamp. After watching it for a long time, she could not sleep.

There is still much work to do in the studio tomorrow, and we have to sleep.

She rubbed her head, turned around and flipped in the drawer to find only two or three boxes of sleeping pills, which seemed to have been bought when Ji Mengran was here.

Seeing that the medicine had not expired, he got up and poured a glass of water, drank a sleeping pill and lay down again.

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