Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 572: : Want to see her dangling in front of him in a bathing suit?

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Mo Jingshen took a bath in her room, and finally she was thrown over a bathrobe and asked him to roll back to his own room in a bathrobe, and he finally left.

Ji Nuan went to take a bath, and finally lay in bed. In his heart, there was only "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Son of a bitch!

It's already a little bit more at night now, and she can't sleep!


The next day, Ji Nuan went to the restaurant downstairs for breakfast with a pair of dark circles.

At breakfast, it was more than seven o'clock, and Xiao Hu and Mo Depth were both there. I saw Ji Nuan carrying a breakfast plate back and forth at the round table for the Western breakfast buffet. The blind man asked when he got up and went looking for food, "Ji, did you sleep last night?"

Ji Nuneng glanced at him: "Do you look like I'm asleep?"

Xiao Hu stunned: "You look really do not sleep well." And his face is very stink, his tone is still very strong, as if he is angry.

Only in the second half, Xiao Hu didn't dare to say that he just rolled two breads and turned back to the table and sat down for breakfast. Then he looked at President Mo who was drinking coffee and couldn't help asking: It seemed that the quarter was not sleeping well last night. Today, I went to the meeting in the auditorium. Should I sign up for her again? Then she rests in the hotel? "

"No." Mo Jingshen hadn't spoken yet. Ji Nuan had come over holding the plate and said a sentence without expression, then sat down without looking at Mo Jingshen.

Xiao Hu: "..."

Who offended this ancestor again? Wasn't it okay yesterday? Still in the car ... still sleeping on President Mo ...

This night should be all right? how……

Xiao Hu opened his mouth and watched blankly Ji Nuan biting the toast while eating breakfast. Then he looked at the man next to him and whispered, "Mr. Mo, women really feel in these days of each month. Not so good, and the emotions can't be touched? "

The man's face didn't change his color: "Maybe the glasses of champagne were drunk last night, and my mind is not sober."

Ji Nuan gave him a quick look at the fire, but only saw Mo Jingshen's faint look. He picked up the coffee cup and drank it. He had no consciousness of doing bad things in her room last night.

Dare to be relieved once he was satisfied, but he was refreshed.

"I don't know who is not sober." Ji Nuan no longer looked at him, and rolled his eyes directly at the drinking glass on the table.

"Sleep in the room for a while before sleeping well, what do you do so early?"

"I'm here for a business trip in Beijing. I'm here to work, not to accompany a big boss to take a leisurely vacation. I don't have the problem of lazy bed without sleeping well." Ji Nu continued to snor .

Mo Jingshen raised an eyebrow: "I got 600 million paintings on a business trip, and I can get a variety of free and friendly greeting services. Are you still visiting the mountains?"

Ji Nuan: "…………"

She couldn't help but slap the knife and fork in her hand to the table, but to hold back her temper, she grabbed the toast directly with her hands, as if she couldn't wait to squash the toast like a depth of field, but With a pinch in my hand, I thought of last night ...

The touch that has been burning her ...

Ji Nuan's face was even more ugly. How could she promise him to do that kind of thing?

She must have been awake last night because she drank a few glasses of wine at the party! Unexpectedly, she thought that she had gotten a lot better and her drinking volume was still so bad! She must not have been sober last night!

"Mo Jingshen, if you are selfish, you do n’t have to say so boldly. If there is really no serious work on the Beijing side, I can go back to Haicheng at any time. Xia Tian has n’t returned to the company, and other company leaders ca n’t do it yet. No matter what pillars and pillars, if I am not in the company, our company is now in stocking status. If there is nothing serious, I will go back first. "

The man put his hand down for a coffee cup and glanced at her: "In the next two days, there will be several summits and exhibitions in the Beijing business district, including some places arranged by the president of the Financial Council here. Can't sit still for three or four days in Beijing? "

It has already reached this point in three or four days. If she were here for half a month, wouldn't she have no bones left?

Ji Nuan glanced at him quietly: "I applied to exclude my quota, and I gave up all activities here in Beijing."

"No." The man said without hesitation, not giving her a little bit of room.

Ji Nuan gave him a white look and drank his food.

Xiao Hu was trembling inside while drinking milk.

It's really difficult for me.

I usually never take a woman out, and I wo n’t take a woman for any entertainment. This time it ’s hard to bring a woman out when I ’m on a business trip, but I still have such a hard temper as the total of the season ...

Xiao Hu suddenly smiled and said, "Ji, you do n’t have to rush back to Haicheng. The busiest side in Beijing is to have some meetings this week. In two days, some activities arranged by the President of the Financial Council They are all entertainment-oriented exchanges, such as setting up a suburban villa to open a joint queue for everyone, or a resort to let everyone entertain, play cards, play a game of swimming or swim, etc., it is very easy ... "

In China, the big brothers in these shopping malls have nothing but these entertainment methods. In fact, this is also the case in London. There is often a boss who has a place for everyone to play together.

Season warm bowling and golf are all practiced in London's business district.

It's long tired and has no interest at all.

Especially what happened in the sea resort area in Haicheng last time made her feel that the business gatherings in China were not interesting.

When she heard something like nonsense and swimming, her eyes suddenly sank, and she spit out five words resolutely: "I will not die!"

Xiao Hu originally thought that she could relax her heart when she heard this, but she did not expect a cold face rejection.

Mo Jingshen gave him a cold glance, Xiao Hu was shocked, and immediately lowered his head to continue to eat breakfast. I wanted to help the big boss to please the woman, but it seemed like a help ...

Mo Jingshen retracted his gaze and looked at Ji Nuan: "It's okay not to go. I don't have much interest in places where upstarts from all walks of life gather. Why don't we find a hot spring hotel by ourselves and change our vacation for a few days?"

Hehe, hehe!

Hot spring hotel?

Want to see her dangling in front of him in a bathing suit?

no way!

Absolutely impossible!

Ji Nuan sneered twice, and put down the cutlery in his hand: "No!"

Having said that, I got up and went to the buffet breakfast area to take the food without looking back.

Mo Jingshen took a glance at her back, and gently instructed Xiaohu, who was pretending to be transparent, next to him: "Go ask the nearby hot spring hotel, which one has the cleanest water quality and fewer guests, so you can take the entire hot spring area. The best hotel. "

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