Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 110 Meeting Shinhwa

Although still being chased by the dawn.

But Qi Xiao said that they would go to the town first.

I need to pick up someone, Qi Xiao explained to Colin. This person is very crucial, and it is also the reason why I am looking for you this time.

Qi Xiao's status seems to be quite noble. Under normal circumstances, he would not come to such a remote town.

But because of Colin and another person, he came all the way.

This made Colin even more curious.

Who could be the person who could make Qi Xiao pay so much attention even when he was being chased?

The furnishings in the town are still the same.

The yellow sand seems to stretch to the end of the sight. The snow-capped mountains in the distance just stood there, giving this edge town a completely different sense of coolness, like a pure white veil covering the border.

There was no one in the town at the moment, only Qi Xiao's carriage passing through.

And soon.

Qi Xiao's carriage finally stopped somewhere.

Looking at this place, Colin's eyes widened slightly.

He was very familiar with this place.

Because this was the small clinic that he had rushed over to seek help in becoming a doctor...

Looking at this place, Colin opened his mouth slightly.

At this time, Qi Xiao had already jumped off the carriage: Mr. Zhao!

Qi Xiao bowed to the clinic: The Qi family has invited me. I hope Mr. Zhao can remember our old friendship and accept the invitation to go to the Qi family with me to talk!

You actually invited Brother Zhao? !

Listening to Qi Xiao's clear and clear voice, Colin was a little unbelievable.

His impression of Dr. Zhao, who was guarding the clinic, was that he was lazy and unkempt. Wearing a white coat all day long makes you look unmotivated.

But I didn't expect that this guy actually had a hidden side. Qi Xiao even drove thousands of miles here for Brother Zhao.

After thinking about it, Colin quickly felt relieved.

That's right. Brother Zhao is so familiar with the doctor and even knows about the existence of the ancient oath. It is indeed unusual.

You must know that although this kind of secret knowledge is not taboo, it is impossible for everyone to know it.

After all, You can become a doctor only by taking an oath. To a certain extent, this promotion condition is as difficult to discover as the oath itself.

But Brother Zhao is very familiar with this, and it is obvious that he has known about it for a long time.

Qi Lu also began to wonder about Brother Zhao's true identity.

And with Qi Xiao's voice.

After a long time, the clinic opened the door, and a young man with disheveled hair walked outside: Why is it you Qi's family again...

Brother Zhao yawned: I've told you so many times, I really don't know how to treat that guy in your family. You guys should also know better. That guy is much stronger than me.

Hearing this, Qi Xiao said sternly: My ancestor is indeed talented from ancient times to the present, and his magical powers are very high. However, in the field of medicine, he has personally said that he is not as good as you.

After all, you came out of the 'White Wall Cross', which is a special place that even the ancestors cannot step into.

White wall cross.

Colin secretly wrote down the name of this place.

It seemed that this place was difficult for even the ancestor of the Qi family to set foot in, but Brother Zhao came back alive from it.

Perhaps Brother Zhao's understanding of doctors comes from that place.

And after hearing this name.

Brother Zhao's eyes seemed to be in a trance.

After a long time, he smiled bitterly: That place...

To be honest, I really don't know how to describe it to you, but I actually didn't gain anything there. At least compared to that 'man of destiny', I could only learn a little bit.

I was just a passerby who wandered into it, not the person that the place had been waiting for.

After scratching his hair, Brother Zhao sighed: Forget it, forget it, you all invited me like this, I have given you enough face, and I really can't help but refuse. What's more, I was indeed invited by your Qi family before. Some favors...

But let's talk first, my medicinal skills are not good at all, and I may not be able to solve the problems for your ancestors!

Hearing that Brother Zhao had given in, Qi Xiao was overjoyed: Of course, we know the seriousness! As long as you can agree to go there, it's already great news!

With that said, he pulled Brother Zhao into the carriage: Please sit down. By the way, there will be a friend of mine who I have known for a long time during this journey. He has a kind and gentle personality, and I think he will get along well with you.

Is there anyone else? I'm afraid.

As Brother Zhao said this, he climbed onto the carriage and took a look inside: Hello, friend... what the hell?!

Looking at Colin, Brother Zhao was shocked: Colin?! Why are you here?!

Facing Brother Zhao's shocked and confused eyes.

Colin thought for a moment and raised his hand.

He said: Brother Zhao, have you eaten?


Soon Colin told Brother Zhao about his experience.

Of course, he hid the details of becoming a doctor, the Lord of Truth, and reversing time. He just vaguely mentioned that his family had a relationship with the Qi family, so he was hunted by Dawn.

It's not that I'm worried about Brother Zhao.

But because Qi Xiao was still around, he was worried about Qi Xiao.

At the same time, the relationship with the Lord of Truth is too sensitive, so Brother Zhao knows that the taboo knowledge may have an impact on him.

And Brother Zhao seems to understand this very well.

It's normal to have an adventure.

He sat in the carriage, huddled up and looking very lazy: I have had adventures before, and I never told anyone. Young people are like this. They think about many things and are passionate. Naturally, There’s no sense of security.”

But you have to know that even if you get into trouble or become prosperous outside, you will still be your own person when you return home.

Patting Colin on the shoulder, Brother Zhao said: There will always be someone waiting for you in your family. They won't care what you hide, they will only care about how well you live. So you should cherish it and don't regret it later.

Time...can't go back.

Looking at Brother Zhao who was inexplicably feeling emotional.

Colin wanted to say: No, time can be turned back.

But the atmosphere is here...

It felt inappropriate if he said that again.

Speaking of Brother Zhao, Colin quickly changed the subject, Why is the Qi family looking for you?

This diversionary tactic was successful.

Brother Zhao scratched his hair: Hey, how should I put it...the ancestor of their Qi family is about to die.

He said lightly: After all, I have lived for a long time, so it is normal to be about to die. It's just that after other people die, they all wish to live a little longer, but this one is very open-minded.

He said that he wanted to find immortals. After wasting most of his life, he could finally put aside the shackles of his family and go find immortals.

It's just that the Qi family didn't want their ancestor to leave, so they eagerly looked for various ways to die for him. And I was the method they found, because they felt that my past adventures might be a way to save the ancestor of the Qi family. Hang your life.

Listening to Brother Zhao's words, Colin kept all this in mind.

Brother Zhao looked Colin up and down.

Soon, he smiled a little narrowly: By the way, you said that your ancestor has some relationship with the ancestor of the Qi family, right?

Colin: ?

He nodded slowly, wondering what Brother Zhao meant by this.

Soon, his hair was ruffled by Brother Zhao: It's very simple. Elderly people are nostalgic for the past, and you, the grandson of an old friend, will definitely arouse the interest of that ancestor.

So there's no need to guess. When you arrive at Qi's house, the ancestor will probably summon you.

Looking at Colin whose expression gradually became confused.

Brother Zhao laughed and said, That's right.

You may be about to meet Shinhwa soon. How about it? Do you feel very complicated!

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