Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 143 Mai Li Su

My ancestor was the Bounty King's...other half?

Looking at the inscription behind the door, Alice murmured to herself.

Chen Qing in the mirror also looked puzzled: My clone Xu Xiangyang is Shanxia's best friend?


That guy is absolutely crazy.

Chen Qing couldn't think of any chance that he could become so-called close friends and colleagues with the Bounty King - Xu Xiangyang and Yamashita were essentially two beings who could never get along because they had too many things on their minds.

Xu Xiangyang, played by Chen Qing, attempts to control Shanxia to collect knowledge, while Shanxia wants to find a way for Xu Xiangyang to travel between the two worlds. The success of the former will make Shanxia encounter unknown dangers and the hostility of the truth, while the latter will make Xu Xiangyang lose the foundation to settle down and live in hell.

Therefore, it is impossible for the two of them to have no suspicion as recorded in the inscription.

What's more, Alice's ancestor Celia?

Chen Qing planned it very clearly.

Celia is the one who will definitely kill Yamashita.

How could such a person be the other half of Yamashita's records? !

What kind of thoughts did he have in writing down this line?

Chen Qing didn't know.

But he knew very well that the person who wrote this definitely had an agenda.

And if you want to know what he is seeking.

The only way is to see the secret treasure hidden in the treasure house!

His eyes scanned the treasure trove in front of him.

Perhaps because this was just a collection from Yamashita's young stage, Chen Qing did not feel that there was anything worth paying attention to among these treasures.

From the perspective of the ancient mirror, even if there are taboo items in the pile of treasures, they are just like dead water or carbon paper. There are no more dangerous or special treasures.

Therefore, the answer cannot be found at this stage of Yamashita's life.

Chen Qing quickly came to a conclusion.

Yamashita himself also said that he met those people and obtained certain items at this stage of his life, which means that this stage is just the beginning.

If there is really something that can make him change his mind and leave such...disgusting words, then I'm afraid it will have to happen later.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing raised his head.

He was about to say something.

But the next second.

Oh, you opened it!

Outside the door, Qi Zhengren's voice came over, looking very happy: The efficiency is really high!

Hearing these words, both Alice and Chen Qing outside the mirror were shocked.

Behind them, Qi Zhengren was holding a steaming vessel and greeted Alice with a smile: Come and have a taste.

I just caught a kind of small insect I have never seen before. It is very lively and tastes delicious. I tasted it and it is really good. Come and eat it too.

Hearing this, Alice looked over.

Then the next second, in the bowl of steaming soup, a small black insect as thick as a person's index finger, twisted and twisted like a noodle, twisted its body, as if it was about to jump out of the scalding soup.

And it does jump out a little bit.

A long black line shot out from the soup quickly, and its body stretched in the air was two to three meters long, just like the wires from the Chen Qing era.

And the bug rushed directly towards Alice's face.

The strange mouthparts suddenly opened from the front, and the teeth were as sharp as steel knives, as if they were going to scratch Alice's face.

And it just so happened that Alice knew about this bug.

This is a parasite that attacks humans and uses its mouthparts to cut open human skin, then enters the body and travels to the brain.

It will reside in the human brain and allow humans to act according to its wishes.

And finally it got close to the water source, and then drowned the humans alive in the water.

This bug will drill out through all the holes in humans, expel its eggs, and wait in the water for the next prey to approach.

Its name is...

Mutant Ironworm!

Subconsciously reaching out her hand, Alice was about to swat away the insect body in front of her.

But Qi Zhengren was faster than her.

With a pop sound, Qi Zhengren caught the mutant iron worm in front of him with his fingers, and then fished it out gently.

He directly stuffed the unwilling insect body into his mouth like a noodle.

Because the insect body is so long, even if it is coiled in a circle, it is still quite huge, so it directly makes Qi Zhengren's cheeks bulge. And because they were not completely dead, the iron worms were still very active, which forced Qi Zhengren's mouth to chew hard.

Along with the click sound, his bulging mouth deflated little by little.

And finally, his throat moved slightly.

In Alice's shocked eyes, Qi Zhengren swallowed the wireworm whole.

And gave a thumbs up: Yes, it tastes really delicious!

This expression made Alice even more horrified.

What happened next made her even more numb and sweaty.

Because Qi Zhengren handed the utensil to Alice: There is another one, do you want to try it?

Looking at the long worm that is about to move in the turbid black soup.

Alice swallowed subconsciously: No, no need.

She was not mentally prepared to eat the iron worms and then be parasitized.

This is a physiological resistance and a completely subconscious behavior.

And Qi Zhengren didn't care: Well, I can only give you something else to eat.

As he said that, Qi Zhengren took out something from his pocket: Here, here it is.

Look at what Qi Zhengren is holding.

Alice checked first, and then took it after finding that there was no danger.

When she took the thing in her hand, she realized that it was a dark, strange-looking hard object.

This hard object has strange carving patterns on it. It smells quite fragrant and has a grainy feel, but it is a little sticky when you hold it in your hand. I don't know if it is melting.

Looking at this thing, Alice was a little confused: What is this...?

Qi Zhengren smiled: Small snacks.

I got it from my teacher, he said with a smile. Originally, it was no longer available. But a few days ago, I went to the 'Ghost Valley' and by chance, I returned to the previous room. On the table There were a few bottles lying around, so I just happened to bring them back.”

Saying that, Qi Zhengren was quite regretful: It's a pity that I was in a hurry at the time, so I couldn't bring more things back, so I could only bring back a little of this in the end.

Listening to Qi Zhengren's words, Alice lowered her head and glanced at the strange black object in her hand.

...This thing should be edible, right?

Glancing at Qi Zhengren, who was looking at her with a smile, Alice felt that if she didn't eat it, all her previous efforts to lie to this guy would be in vain.

And there is no reason for the other party to poison himself to death so easily.

So she gritted her teeth, and finally swallowed the thing in one gulp.

Then her eyes suddenly lit up: ...delicious.

Although it was a bit raw, the feeling of this black thing in her mouth still made Alice feel quite sweet. After biting off the outer shell, the inside became slightly hard.

The taste is very good.

At the same time, she could feel that after eating this thing, there seemed to be a surge of energy in her body, and the previous fatigue and injuries had completely disappeared.

Quite magical.

Qi Zhengren laughed and said, Right? I have always thought this thing is delicious, like a snack, but my junior brother is much more rigid and thinks it is some kind of 'panacea'.

According to the master, this thing is called 'Mai Lisu'. I don't know why it is called this name, but it is called that. According to my speculation, it may have been refined by an alchemist named Mai... …”


Alice thought about the name while chewing something in her mouth.

She always felt that this name seemed familiar.

After thinking about it, she probably had something similar fed to her by her mother when she was little.

Also called Malissa, it also seems to have an energy-boosting effect.

It’s just that the Malisu at that time... seemed to be white.

Did the alchemist named Mai refine two kinds? Alice thought to herself.

She didn't understand it very well, but she felt that this thing should be quite valuable.

And Qi Zhengren gave this treasure to himself so coolly.

This made Alice feel better about her witness.

After thinking about it, Alice said: Although I opened this door, it is difficult to open the door behind it. And the Radiated Monitor Lizard you want is most likely at the back.

The door at the back may need a lot of extra stuff that needs to be collected.

Of course Qi Zhengren agreed.

He is really easy to talk to and has a very easy-going personality. If it weren't for the feud between him and the Lord of Truth, Alice would probably feel quite comfortable being friends with him.

However, Alice's will is strong.

As the most sincere believer of the Lord of Truth, of course I need to stand unswervingly on His side.

Therefore, she will continue to inquire about Qi Zhengren's information.

Until one day Qi Zhengren showed his cock... horseshoes!

Be of good cheer, great Lord of truth.

Alice looked at Qi Zhengren with firm eyes.

Alice, your most loyal believer, will solve your problems in her own way.

As long as you hold him back, he will never be able to secretly attack you again!

Alice is ready to fight for it.

Even if I have to stay here for a long time, I won’t hesitate!

Because she always believed that the Lord of Truth would help her.

Chen Qing, who was watching this scene, slowly exited Alice's screen.

He could easily see Alice's persistence.

This made him sigh.

Originally I just wanted to find a useful tool man, but what I didn't expect was that he would be so fanatic.

Alice's persistence made Chen Qing feel a little emotional.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to repay this believer.

If Qi Zhengren really wants to attack me, then get his information in advance from the future.

Chen Qing thought in his heart.

From the time when Qi Zhengren was still alive, find out why he might have done this.

And that era was Colin's timeline.

In this timeline, Qi Zhengren is not dead, he is just hiding somewhere.

Since he is still active, he will leave traces.

Chen Qing didn't mind looking for this trace, and at the same time figured out Qi Zhengren's true purpose.

If he really wants to assassinate him, then he needs to find a way to save Alice from Qi Zhengren;

If he has no intention of assassination, then figure out what Qi Zhengren wants.

This guy is so weird.

It was even so strange that Chen Qing found it difficult to deal with him.

So Chen Qing needs to know more information about Qi Zhengren.

After groaning, Chen Qing turned over Colin's cards.

Besides, if I remember correctly, Colin was once the person chosen by Apocalypse.

If you look at Colin, you may be able to learn more about Apocalypse.

In the era that Chen Qing was living in now, there were only a few days before the apocalypse came.

There are quite a lot of things that need to be done...

Chen Qing sighed and gently pressed his fingers on the mirror.

The next second, the surface of the glass-like material in that simple mirror rippled like water again.

Soon, the picture in Chen Qing's eyes changed slightly again.

He could see that he was looking a little low and seemed to be lying flat on his back.

It's like being held by someone and lying on the bed.

After changing his perspective, Chen Qing found that he was really lying on the bed.

There is a white ceiling above the head, and beside it are various equipment, which look to be in disrepair and have long been scrapped.

Where is this?

Wasn't Colin still in the Qi family residence before?

Chen Qing was a little confused.

And just as confused as he was, there were people holding ancient mirrors.

After a moment, Colin's weak voice slowly came from the mirror: Who are you...

Also, this place? What happened to me?

The words fell.

Outside the mirror's perspective, a cold and impatient female voice echoed in Chen Qing's ears: It's really troublesome, I have to tell you again every time.

My name is Nanding, and I am the one who rescued you. And this place is outside the 'White Wall Cross'.

As for you, the female voice sighed, I don't know the specific situation, but I can only say that due to some stimulation, there is something wrong with your brain now.

The specific manifestation is that whenever you wake up, your memory will return to 'that day', and all other memories will be lost.

And we are here to treat you.

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