Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 164 The Punishment of Truth

what is that?

In Qi Lu's era, some people stared at the illusory figure appearing in the sky and couldn't help but murmur to themselves.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the sky, with horrified eyes.

No one's eyes fell elsewhere. Even the enemy who was still fighting just now put down his weapons and was distracted by the huge body.

Even the mirrors held by Qi Lu and Zhenzu were temporarily put down at this moment.

Something's wrong. The puppet next to him, who was exhausted, whispered.

At this time, she had fallen to the ground and was standing next to Qi Lu. The two stood side by side, like a pair of closely related comrades.

I can feel a huge amount of pollution coming from that shadow. This pollution is far greater than anything I have experienced in my previous life. Let alone Sequence 2, I even think it may be above this...!

This is the first time a puppet has said so many words.

And Qi Lu could faintly detect a little trembling in her tone.

This is rare for a puppet who is indifferent by nature.

However, it can also be seen from here how nervous she is at this moment.

Opposite the two people, the True Ancestor had far clearer and more real feelings than them.

Impossible, this is impossible...

The voice of the three-meter-tall strong man echoed on the battlefield.

Everyone could detect the deeply buried fear in his voice.

This emotion was so intense that everyone present was infected by this fear and their bodies began to tremble.

This is the power of a high-sequence strong person. Even his wavering can easily trigger low-sequence emotional fluctuations.

My lord... the three nightwalkers next to him whispered.

However, before they could finish speaking, the True Ancestor next to them stretched out his hand.

He simply retreated backwards, tearing off the heads of the three night crawlers at the same time, and draped their bodies over his body.

It's like making a suit of armor for yourself.

The heads of the three people were flying in the air, with astonishment in their eyes. It seemed that they did not expect that the ancestor of the Night Walker would kill them so easily.

The body separated from the head was still dripping with blood, and it looked so terrifying when draped on the True Ancestor.

But it was obvious that the True Ancestor no longer cared about these minutiae.

For him, such armor is only to temporarily resist the power from the sky.

This is just a life-saving straw snatched away.

Why did it become like this? The True Ancestor looked at the shadow in the sky, his voice was very soft.

You should have been sealed thousands of years ago, why did you appear?

He took a few steps back as if he couldn't bear the strong impact of the picture in front of him, and murmured to himself: What on earth is going on with you... Radiation Monitor!

Radiated giant lizard?

After hearing this name, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Although their awareness of this name is not as strong as that of the True Ancestor, even humans are aware of the power behind this name.

That is a great existence.

And the Lord of Truth they believe in is also a great being.

Is that a radiated giant lizard?! Qi Lu said loudly.

Opposite him, the True Ancestor snorted coldly.

His expression was a little depressed, as if realizing this made him a little desperate.

Therefore, he even started to explain to Qi Lu: What else do you think? This huge pollution, this weird shape, and the strange power emanating from Him that seems to be able to melt people...

He pointed at the tall phantom in the distance: What else could it be if it wasn't a radiation giant lizard?

But isn't the Radiated Giant Lizard already...

Before Qi Lu could finish speaking, the True Ancestor interrupted him: It's been sealed, right? I'm also curious about this, but haven't you discovered it yet?

The true ancestor's body was stooped, as if his shoulders had been crushed by some inexplicable force and could no longer straighten up.

That phantom is not in our era. He appeared even further before that.

There was some fear in his words: This is the power of time.

Looking at Qi Lu, the True Ancestor said softly: Who do you think can control the power of time?

Qi Lu could figure this out without the true ancestor explaining it in detail.

The only thing he knew that had control over time was what the ancient mirror in his arms was pointing at...

Lord of Truth!

But why?

Qi Lu was puzzled.

Why does the Lord of truth use the authority of time to do this? !

For this question, True Ancestor could only come up with a vague answer.

Maybe it's because our current actions have offended that great existence.

After all, you know, he patted the forged ancient mirror on his chest, that being values ​​the contract most, and our current behavior is undoubtedly a betrayal of the contract.

Of course I need to say that making fakes is disrespectful of the contract, and you...

The True Ancestor looked at Qi Lu with a bit of ridicule in his eyes: You rely on your status as a contractor to trade the favor of the Lord of Truth like a commodity, and you want to exchange it with me. Isn't this right? Is this also disrespect for the contract?

Therefore, it is natural for the Lord of Truth to send down His wrath.

After all, great existence cannot be disobeyed!

But this is clearly not enough.

Looking up at the sky, the True Ancestor murmured to himself: There should be other reasons - for example, at that point in time, someone also offended the truth, causing him to open the door of time and connect the nodes on both sides of us. …”

Is there any other explanation?

Chen Qing was stunned in the mirror.

He never dreamed that Zhenzu and Qi Lu could come up with such an excuse.

But the current development seems to be consistent with what they said?

After all, the intention of these two people to violate the contract is already obvious. If the Lord of Truth is really a being who pays attention to the contract and has boundless strength, then it is reasonable for him to lower his anger.

But the fact is...

I'm still debating which mirror to wear.

Chen Qing murmured to himself while looking at the picture in the mirror.

Since it was not his handiwork, it could only be because someone released the Radiated Giant Lizard at a certain point in time.

After referring to the time nodes he currently controlled, Chen Qing found the closest time period.

At the foot of the mountain.

The man had said before that he was going to look for the radiation giant lizard and try to see how to avoid the gaze of the great being.

So it was only normal for him to open this space-time gate.

But how did he do it?

Chen Qing didn't quite understand.

To be honest, even if he broke his own head, he could never figure out how Yamashita did this.

But at least he knew that he couldn't let Yamashita continue to act like this now.

Now the two time holes have been opened by the radiation giant lizard, and by coincidence, the opening time is right next to Qi Lu, who controls the mirror.

According to Chen Qing's understanding of the Radiation Monitor, its death ray can penetrate a shelter. If its power can reach Qi Lu's time and space through this phantom, then there is no doubt that this young man will not even need a second...

Will be evaporated by this huge force!

Once Qi Lu disappears and this place becomes a dead place, it will be difficult for anyone to find the ancient mirror in front of them. After that, it will be difficult to find new contractors.

Therefore, Chen Qing must find a way to prevent the radiation giant lizard's attack from reaching here.

Or solve the problem fundamentally.

Seal that radiation giant lizard again!

I've seen people say before that the hole in Sequence 2 was caused by the radiation giant lizard. If I can seal it again here, then maybe it won't happen again.

By that time, Li Changsheng naturally had no need to continue fighting with his friends.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing switched to the picture of Qi Lu in front of him and clicked on a new time node.

That was the time Yamashita was at. As soon as he opened the mirror, Chen Qing felt that the angle in front of him seemed to be looking up at something.

As if being held in someone's hands, he looked up at the ferocious black beast in the sky.

Is that a radiated giant lizard?

After seeing such a monster with his own eyes, even outside the mirror, Chen Qing seemed to feel a strong sense of oppression exerted directly on himself from the giant beast.

This sense of oppression is like a human being face to face with those apex predators. Every move is seen by the opponent, the legs are trembling, and there is no way to escape.

And Chen Qing was like this even by a bystander, so it is not surprising how the witnesses of this incident would react.

He could even clearly feel the perspective shaking.

This is because the people holding the mirror are also shaking together.

what is that?, everyone, run!

Wait, don't leave me!

Countless noises echoed in Chen Qing's ears.

Those were the screams made by people running around and crying.

Then the mirror image slowly looked downwards.

That's what Chen Qing saw at this time, the appearance of the screaming people.

Those people were running, but as they ran, pieces of human flesh fell off little by little, revealing the snow-white skin and red muscles inside.

Afterwards, these muscles also fell down like raindrops, leaving only a pale skeleton still looking like running.

Humanity is dying.

And it is not a simple natural death, but a death with extreme pain, like a candy with its coat peeled off and the inside chewed to pieces.

The dots falling in the sky looked almost like the flesh falling off the bodies of those people at this moment.

Light raindrops fell on Chen Qing's mirror.

He could feel that the drops were not all rain, but also some people's tears.

Why is this happening?

A girl's voice echoed in Chen Qing's ears: Why did that black monster come out? Is it because we dug this place?

Why did my father order the excavation, and why am I the only one who is fine?

The girl seemed to be moving forward slowly: Could it be that all this was arranged by my father, and that the purpose of his digging here was to make this monster appear and make the people around him die?

So this is all because of him?

His voice was mixed in with the gradually amplifying sound of rain, making Chen Qing somewhat inaudible: Playing with human beings wantonly is just like those people in Wonderland...

So this is your purpose, Father?

At this time, the voice of the girl Alice finally burst out.

She seemed to blame all the sins on Yamashita, and her words were filled with pain.

But Chen Qing felt that Shanxia was still somewhat unfair.

That guy doesn't seem like the type to let it all out.

According to his character, he would definitely try it secretly.

Chen Qing guessed that perhaps Yamashita felt that since this place could seal the Radiant Monitor, there must be some key points.

And what he wants to do is to dig out this key point.

What Yamashita probably didn't expect was that before he was halfway through digging, the radioactive giant lizard in front of him jumped out with a scratch sound.

It can only be said that the blame is indeed on him, but he probably didn't even realize it.

Sighing, Chen Qing continued to look at the screen.

Alice outside the mirror seemed to be struggling with something.

After a long time, she adjusted her collar.

Now there's only what I can do.

Looking around, Alice murmured to herself.

Human beings are dying all around, and she is the only one who seems to be a rebel walking on the road of life.

So like he said before, only she can do something now.

After a moment of silence, Alice picked up the ancient mirror and walked slowly towards the mountain.

There was a figure wearing yellow clothes similar to hers.

That's at the bottom of the mountain, standing on the top of the mountain.

Alice didn't know Yamashita's specific purpose.

But there was no doubt that no matter what he did, Alice had to stop him.

Even if this person was her father who had raised her for several months, he was also the person she once felt the warmth of family.

But he was determined.

There is one last resort, Alice looked at her hands. After falling from Wonderland, I have the only way left.

Even if she uses this method, she will never be able to return to Wonderland in her life and endure the curse from that place.

She had to try them all.

She couldn't watch the monster in front of her, unleashed by her adoptive father, destroying everything, and she couldn't watch Yamashita treat human life so suddenly.

It's like throwing away a chess piece.

Because she was abandoned in the first place, she felt extremely empathetic at this moment.

The attachment to home that was once turned into grief and indignation for Yamashita.

After gathering herself, Alice slowly climbed up the mountain.

At the same time, at a certain point in time a thousand years later.

There was also a person named Alice, slowly climbing towards the pothole.

Now she is almost close to her last residence - the place where the Radiant Giant Lizard was once sealed at the foot of the mountain.

The walking trajectories of the two Alices were surprisingly similar at this moment.

Maybe this is just a step of fate.

When they took steps forward, a scene similar to Li Changsheng's appeared on Chen Qing's mirror again.

Two blond girls with almost similar looks turned their backs to the mirror at the same time.

Then move forward slowly.

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