Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 177 Mirror (End)

The saint's face became extremely ferocious and terrifying at this moment.

The obvious wound on her face also turned outwards at this moment, and the fine fleshy sprouts twisted like tentacles, as if they could touch Colin's face.

The majestic pollution was pressing towards Colin.

Under such pollution, Colin even felt that he would be completely polluted to death in the next second!

Sequence two.

After sensing this pollution, Colin realized this immediately.

The saint opposite is Sequence Two!

It's not like he hasn't encountered Sequence Two people in the past, and Li Changsheng is also at this level. Although Colin only sensed part of Li Changsheng's abilities because he was in a coma at that time, the power left a deep impression on him even in his deep sleep.

But compared to Li Changsheng, the power of the saint in front of him was much more terrifying and abnormal.

If Li Changsheng himself can be said to be upright, then the woman in front of him can only give people a dark and profound feeling of sinking into the abyss. Not even light can escape from this abyss, and even Colin will be completely swallowed by it.


He subconsciously grabbed the ancient mirror in his hand and did not move it, but just hugged it tightly.

This may be a habit he has inadvertently developed when facing danger for a long time.

Just like in the past, when he encountered a crisis that was difficult to face, the great being in the mirror was always able to exchange the future with him and lend a helping hand.

And with this action.

For some unknown reason, the saint opposite suddenly stopped what she was doing.

She let go of Colin's collar and took a step back.

This step almost stepped on the prostrating palm of a Dawn cultist.

The cultist raised his head: Holy Lady?

He could not see the saint's expression.

The Saint hid her entire face in darkness, and just like her power, no light could shine on her.

Then, there was an extremely suppressed low command: ...Get out.

The Dawn believers looked at the saint at the same time in confusion and confusion: What?

I said, get out!

The saint suddenly screamed and cursed.

This sound frightened these Shuguang believers into retreating hastily.

They seemed to be very afraid of this saintly lady, so they did not even dare to say another word. Instead, they hurriedly turned their heads and left quickly with the miniature model: Then we will continue to make arrangements. Please take care of yourself!

After leaving these words, which I don't know are not admonitions, these lunatics disappeared in a few seconds.

It was like meeting a bigger madman, so the little madmen were frightened and ran away.

After they leave completely.

The saint pressed her face with her hands, and her beautiful golden hair fell down, covering her face.

Li Changsheng... she whispered, I [beep] your mother.

Listen to her voice.

Colin was shocked.

He looked at the saint in shock, never expecting that such obscene words would come out of her mouth.

But soon, he noticed the changes in the saint.

The wound on her face that exposed the flesh gradually stopped trembling, and the fleshy shoots at the section also drooped down, making the whole face look much darker than before.

It was as if he had changed into a different person.

Colin was a little overwhelmed by this change.

But the saint raised her head.

After her temperament changed, her impression also went from one extreme to another.

If she looked like a hysterical madman before, now she looks like a gloomy gambler who seems to have nothing.

She looked at Colin blankly, as if looking him up and down.

Then, she laughed out loud: Are you the apostle of this generation?

Hearing her question, Colin said nothing more, but held the mirror harder.

Seemingly sensing his vigilance, the saint twitched her lips and said, Don't be too careful.

She rubbed her hair, turning her soft blond hair into a chicken coop: I'm almost like you. Many, many years ago, I was also an apostle of truth.

Ignoring Colin's gradually opening mouth, the saint's eyes were full of reminiscence: In other words, I am a little more powerful than you - at that time, I was personally given the title of 'Saint' by that person.


Colin was shocked again.

And this time, the level of surprise was even greater than before!

He really couldn't imagine that the woman in front of him, who was so gloomy and homeless, could actually be a saint.

Could it be that the Lord of Truth... had too many things to consider in those years?

Because I thought a lot, I made some oversights in selecting candidates, which is understandable.

Colin kept these thoughts unspoken.

But looking at the look in his eyes, the saint could basically figure it out.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed Colin's hair: Kid, I can tell from one look at you that you are thinking about some messy things.

What I said is true. A long time ago, I did consider myself a 'saint'. And I also did many things, um... for example, do you know 'Black Dragon Eats the Moon'?

Colin hesitated subconsciously for a moment.

He searched his mind, and then said uncertainly: I seem to have some impression. I remember that it was the disaster caused by the witch who destroyed the world in the mythical era. There was once a person who died because of this vision, but in the future, Therefore, the 'Sage of Law' was born, so this is also called the 'Era of Innovation'...

This time it was the saint's turn to be surprised: Do you know a lot? I remember that these are relatively difficult to obtain knowledge. I didn't expect you to understand it?

Colin said with some embarrassment: My parents, they often told me these things as stories when I was a child.

I don’t know why. Colin was a little nervous at first, but as the chat with the saint continued, he surprisingly calmed down.

Perhaps his intuition told him that the current saint was not dangerous - at least it was much better than her previous state.

This is also the reason why he can chat safely now.

The saint rubbed her chin: Story? Well, it seems that your ancestors are not ordinary people. But you know, that really saves me a lot of explanation.

She pointed at the ceiling: The dragon was right above my head back then. Calculating the position, it's probably not too far away. Well, I remember that the 'Red Blood' was still with me at that time, and she and I were also She has been entangled with this for many years. She always thought that the vision was caused by me, although it was quite different...


Colin opened his mouth wide: You, me, mean, you caused that vision?

He looked at the Saint in disbelief: Are you the original 'Saint of Change'?!

That myth that is almost equal to the Law Sage, the sage that has survived from the ancient mythological era to the present day...!

Originally, Colin thought that the name of the Saint was his own within Shuguang.

But I didn't expect that this is a title that has been extended from the mythical era long ago to the present, and belongs exclusively to the person in front of me!

Colin was a little numb.

He found that he had met no fewer than three people from the Mythical Age alone in the recent period.

The leader of the Qi family, Qi Zhengyi, is suspected to be a person passed down from the mythical era, not to mention Li Changsheng, the saint of law, and the same is true for the current saint.

Is he lucky or unlucky? !

It has to be said that if the saint lives for a long time, her knowledge will indeed increase.

She could see Colin's confusion at a glance, and then chuckled: Don't panic.

Every generation of truth apostles is like this, she said seriously. When you are chosen to take up this position, you are destined to be involved in this huge whirlpool of the times.

Since you have received the gift from time, you can turn it into your own strength. Every apostle of truth is weak at the beginning, but because of the mission they bear, they are always able to perform with unimaginable power. The speed becomes stronger.”

Like now.

The saint pointed at Colin: You should be able to feel that your power is constantly expanding. I think it won't be long before you can be promoted to Sequence Nine. I guess it hasn't been long since you became extraordinary?

Listen to her.

Colin glanced down at his body.

It really is.

After taking a glance, Colin was surprised to find that the power in his body was actually quite active.

It seems that since he came to this white wall cross, this power has become extremely active. Thanks to this, promotion that originally took some time seems to be completed in the next second.

Because this is your destiny.

The saint looked at Colin seriously: The path you are taking now is something that every generation of us has experienced. The mission you bear determines the direction you move forward. And now, this is how you become a 'legend' story chapter. Including us, we are all part of your story.

The so-called 'apostles' are just like this. You are destined to be at the forefront of this era. If there is a 'protagonist' in this era, it can only be you!

Hear the words.

Colin blinked.

What about you? He looked at Alice, hesitantly, Why...why did you lose your identity as an apostle?


Colin guessed that Alice gave up her apostle nature actively or passively.

The reason is simple.

There can only be one apostle in an era who does not speak, and...

The mirror that carries the Lord of Truth is in his hands at this moment.

The mirror is undoubtedly a more formal symbol than the gold coin.

And his words made the saint reveal a sad smile.

Her eyes were a little dazed for a moment: Me? What I said was because of some things.

The power of time is too powerful. From the past, present, and future, any discontinuous noise can bring about the collapse of the music. And what I have brought along the way has greatly changed the direction of time. .So, the One withdrew His gaze.

Gently touching the wound on her face, the saint stared at Colin.

She said softly: You will probably achieve greatness in the future, so I will give you a piece of advice as a senior.

Don't leave any competitors for yourself. Once you find someone who threatens your position, don't hesitate to eradicate them! If you are not as strong as the opponent, just be patient and wait until later to torture them to death!

Also, reject those...powers that shouldn't belong to you!

As soon as this sentence is said.

Colin felt that the saint from before seemed to be back.

She became crazy and twisted again, and her eyes were stained with a rich black color that could not be removed.

Kill everyone! Cut off their hope, and then become the deepest despair in the world!

The wound on the saint's face turned outwards again: Bring death to all your enemies equally, and don't let them have the opportunity to control you. Then, when you can devour them, eat those scum until no bones are left!

Until you will eat up this world and completely destroy everyone who disobeys you!!

She laughed wildly and held out her hand to Colin.

Give me the mirror! the saint screamed, that is something that can only belong to me. Anyone who touches it except me is defiling it!!

The biting wind blew again.

This strong wind blew the bangs on Colin's forehead, making him almost unable to see everything in front of him.

In the hazy dust, he could only see the Saint's increasingly larger black pollution, moving towards him bit by bit.

This pollution was so powerful that Colin began to lose consciousness.

And at this time.

There was a faint curse in his ears.

Truth, you fucking bastard, you've already laid an ambush here!

That voice echoed sharply in Colin's ears: You actually planned for a fucking thousand years and planned to catch me all in one go. I really [beep] your mother for being born!

With this voice.

A strange power suddenly rose in Colin's body.

This power was dark and moist, like sticky black mud. After flowing out of Colin's body, it dyed his eyes black little by little.

This is the power from apocalypse.

The power that Apocalypse left in Colin's body was also the reason why Colin felt a little unlike himself.

But now, this power has been inspired by the saint.

It was finally exposed to the sun again.

And with this force inspired.

And thousands of years ago.

The hand of time suddenly went back a thousand years, and the accumulated sand castles turned into loess again at this moment, and the vast ocean also receded, revealing the originally submerged land.

As if someone had pressed the backspace key, time rotated and deep notes echoed among the stars.

Then, time focused on the small negotiation table.

In front of the table, the holy envoy of dawn from thousands of years ago, the knight of the apocalypse of this era, was still staring at Chen Qing across from him.

This he considered, the apostle of truth.

But soon.

His expression changed.

The next second, he stood up suddenly, his eyes filled with horror.

what have you done?

Among the guns raised by those behind Chen Qing, the Holy Envoy of Dawn screamed: What did you do to my 'lord'?!

In the midst of his hoarse rage.

Chen Qing folded his hands.

The expression on his face was calm and indifferent.

I did not do anything.

Time does everything, he said.

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