Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 203 Correcting Mistakes

Logan wasn't going to open the door at first.

Even after experiencing such an outrageous thing in his dream, he did not relax his vigilance towards Pandya.

Rather, it was because he saw Pandya in his dream that he became more and more wary of the little boy outside.

After all, the person in the dream does not use the image of someone else, but Pandya, a guy who looks very problematic. What does this mean?

This means that even if Pandya is not the real owner, he is definitely closely related to the guy in the dream.

Thinking back to Pandya's previous name of God's Daughter, Logan felt that he seemed to have guessed something.

But it was obvious that Pandya outside the door did not agree with Logan's current guess.

If I were you, I'd better open the door now.

The salty voice still echoed outside the door: Because for you, time is not too much anymore. If I am not wrong, you should have a 'divine fetus' planted in your body by now.

Or maybe you want to experience what it's like to give birth to an heir while you're still alive? That's definitely not a beautiful experience, after all...

Outside the door, Pandya said softly: Being chosen by God is never a good thing.

After saying this, Pandya stood at the door and waited silently.

And ten seconds later.

The door in front of me was opened.

The pale Logan stood behind the door, stared at the boy outside, and said slowly: Come in.

Pandya was also unceremonious and walked into the room from outside the door as if he were floating.

He put his head out and took a look outside. After confirming that no one was staring here, Logan closed the door.

Then he immediately turned around: Do you know something?

He stared at Pandya with a hint of timidity and awe in his voice: What exactly is going on?

Pandya did not respond immediately.

He just sat on Logan's sofa, then reached out and rubbed the mirror that Logan had placed on the sofa.

This is it.

Pandya's voice was very soft: The salvation of everything, the key to everything.

It was obvious that he knew the meaning of the mirror in front of him.

This made Logan feel fearful, but at the same time he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because since the other party knows what this mirror represents, then maybe... there is a way to activate this mirror.

And once the mirror is activated, let alone this town.

In this world, there may not be any enemy of them!

This is the meaning of the Mirror of All Dharmas.

It has been passed down since before the disaster, and it is said to be an artifact that can enable anyone to achieve unparalleled achievements!

You know the meaning of this mirror, right?

Logan sat next to Pandya: That's easy. If you can activate this mirror, then I am willing to share it with you. This is a fair deal. After all, the mirror itself is in my hands, and since I can If you bring it, there will be a way to seal it again...

Pandya ignored Logan's chatter.

He just put down the mirror in his hand, and then directly pushed Logan backhand onto the table in front of the sofa!

Logan: Huh?!

Because he didn't expect it, Logan was pushed down by Pandya without even a second of resistance. His whole face was pressed against the wooden table, forming a ridiculous look.

What the hell kind of power is this? !

Logan tried to break free, but found that he couldn't move at all.

The kid in front of him, who seemed to be less than half his height, turned out to be much sharper than he expected, and his strength was also frightening.

In less than a second, Logan was subdued.


Logan's arm was stretched so hard that it hurt, but he didn't dare to say anything more: Wait a minute, I get it! This mirror is yours, you can do whatever you want with it! You just need to tell me a little bit about the mirror. The secret...ahhh!

Don't tell me anything, don't say anything, it's yours!!

Hearing this, Pandya did not let go.

He pressed Logan's body heavily, as if he was trying to embed him into the wooden table.

And the power is getting stronger.

Wait, wait! I can't...can't breathe!

Logan's voice became harder and harder.

He only felt that due to the lack of oxygen in his brain, everything in front of him had a double image.

Consciousness is like a small boat floating on the sea. A huge wave can push the small boat into the bottomless ocean.

Soon, his already shaky thinking finally became unbearable.

Completely disconnected.

And his consciousness also followed this disconnection and fell into the deep pool.

There was bottomless darkness all around.

There was no life, no trace of life.

As if the entire world had been replaced by pure black, countless black soil overflowed from Logan's body, flowing like blood.

His eyes were dilated, his pupils were dilated, and his body was twitching uncontrollably.

And in the deepest layers of his brain.

A bright full moon seemed to be shining with its moonlight.

The moonlight was pure and illuminated Logan's dark world.

And as Logan's body twitched, the moon's light became more and more dazzling.

Soon, it occupied almost all the black areas and dyed the world of Logan into its original white.

The bright silver light approached Logan in the center, spreading from all directions and wrapping the man in the center into a sphere little by little.

And just when this creeping light was about to touch the man in front of him.

The next second, a pair of hands slapped Logan's face hard: Wake up.


Logan woke up with a start.

He stood up like a carp and glanced around with murderous eyes.

This was his instinctive physical reaction every time he woke up.

But when the murderous eyes noticed the little boy in front of him.

Logan suddenly woke up.

At this moment, Pandya was sitting beside his bed, wearing a pure white dress, looking delicate and well-behaved.

If you ignore the expressionless indifferent expression and weird behavior of the child in front of you, maybe Logan will be attracted by his appearance.

There is no way.

Pandya is really the most outstanding person in terms of appearance that Logan has ever seen.

This is a kind of beauty that is unimaginable to ordinary people. It does not belong to this world, but can only be seen at a higher level, and is a characteristic that transcends human limits.

No wonder she is called the daughter of God.

This is indeed a beauty that only gods can possess.

But unfortunately, this guy doesn't seem to have any divinity at all, and is even extremely weird and twisted.

So after a brief absence, Logan quickly regained consciousness: What on earth are you doing?!

Pandya who was questioned by him was just in good shape.

He stared at Logan's face and saw that Logan subconsciously recognized his gaze.

Then he slowly said, I'm measuring.

You have been planted with a 'seed,' Pandya said. I need to determine how much you have been affected by Him. If you are about to give birth, then you really don't have time.

The word labor gave Logan a chill.

And what made him feel even more frightened was.

If we really let nature take its course, then the words Pan Mortgage said...

It's really possible.

Everything he had seen in several dreams had made him realize that the guy in the dream had definitely planted something terrifying on him.

And that thing can never be solved by just relying on the current Logan!

Therefore, even if he hates Pandya Riddler's behavior very much.

Logan also had to be patient: So what's the result?

Pandya looked at Logan: The result is not bad.

It's probably about a week before delivery. At least for now, the conversation between you and me will not be discovered by Him. So, the two of us still have time.

One week…

Hearing this word, Logan's heart tightened.

It turns out that I only have such a short time left?

Thinking of what might happen a week later, Logan said with difficulty: What on earth is going on?

This town, everything that happened to me...what exactly happened?

Hear the words.

Pandya looked deeply at Logan.

He put his hands on his knees, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: This town is the place where God lives.

And not just one god.

Hear the words.

Logan's pupils shrank slightly.

But soon, Pandya once again said words that shocked him: The one who first established this town was the Moon God. He came to this place, raised the bright moon from the ground, and prayed for the protection of mankind.

Then, the god of dreams came here. He protected the people here to have good dreams every night, and the gods of the moon worked together to protect the peace of the night.

God actually helps mortals? !

When Logan heard this, he was no less shocked than before.

Because as far as his current knowledge is concerned, it is impossible for those gods to protect such weak creatures as humans!

They were born due to pollution and possess terrifying power. Their life forms are essentially different from humans. Therefore, they cannot empathize with humans, and naturally cannot have any pity for this kind of bug.

They are the suns that are independent of human beings, and are purely great beings. So let alone protecting humans, I'm afraid it's impossible to even get close to humans...!

As if seeing Logan's shock, Pandya sighed and continued: This is the way the gods here are.

Because this is the 'Place of Destiny', he said in a very soft voice, it is the intersection of 'past', 'present' and 'future'.

“Here, ‘truth’ planted its seeds with its own hands.”


This word made Logan a little confused.

What truth? he asked subconsciously.

Pandya seemed to understand this very well: Sure enough, belief in truth has almost ceased to exist?

His expression was a little sad. This was the first time he showed such rich emotions: The power of time is far more powerful than I imagined.

As if she was sighing for something, Pandya's mood was visibly depressed.

Logan, on the other hand, was wondering if he should comfort the other person.

Although he is an expert at comforting women, he was lucky enough to be called a love prodigal in the past.

But Pandya...

Bring a handle.

This is a blind spot of knowledge that Logan has never touched before.

He had really never seen such a character before, so the skills he originally used to comfort people seemed to have been forgotten in an instant.

He could only look at Pandya stupidly, frozen in place and at a loss.

Fortunately, Pandya has good emotional management skills.

He quickly adjusted his emotions and continued: Truth is the true God that your mirror points to. He is a great existence that is older than time, more unpredictable than fate, and vaster than knowledge.

He once left a mark on this place with his own blood, and said personally that this place will turn into a 'towering snow mountain' in the future.

Pandya said softly: So this is the place of destiny, because the past, present and future all end here. It is the beginning of everything and is destined to be the end of everything.

Snowy mountains.

This time Logan understood.

But the only thing he couldn't understand was.

“What does this have to do with us now??”

He seemed a little impatient.

Does what Pandya said have anything to do with their current predicament? ?

Pandya took a deep look at Logan.

“Precisely because this is the place of destiny,” he said, “there are people who covet it.”

In fact, the Pretender is indeed here. The god in charge of 'space' later visited here and destroyed everything here.

Due to the influence of the God in charge of space, the Moon God and the Dream God have also changed. They are no longer close to humans, but are full of malice towards humans.

With that said, Pandya looked at Logan: And at this time, you are here. And you brought that mirror back to this place of destiny.

This means that you are destined to use this mirror to regain the 'truth'. And in the end, lead this town to the right path!

As soon as this sentence is said.

Something was wrong with the way Logan looked at Pandya.

Because he always felt that the other party had a fanatical feeling when he said this.

It was as if the other party was a fanatical believer in the truth, and he was currently preaching to a passerby like himself...

Therefore, he felt that Pandya's words should be discounted.

And after all, it's just a mirror, right?

Logan said anxiously: If what you said before is true, then there is really a God of Space here! What impact can a mirror have on the God of Space?

However, Pandya shook his head at Logan and said, No, in fact a mirror is enough.

His hand gently stroked the frame: Because the God of Space is very afraid of the truth, even the appearance of His sacrificial vessel is enough to make the God of Space flee.

So what we have to do now is to wake up this mirror. In this way, our next biggest obstacle - the God of Space will leave. After that, we can slowly change this town!

All right.

Logan rolled his eyes.

Then here comes the problem.

How do I wake up this mirror?

This time Pandya did not answer directly.

Instead, hold up the mirror in front of you and take a deep breath.

Soon, he whispered, right away.

The mistake can be corrected immediately! ——

In a dark room.

Only the light of the candle flickered, and the weak candlelight shone on someone's face.

The man was muttering softly towards something with his hands folded.

The Great Lord of Truth.

Please hear my prayer.

In the flickering candlelight.

The man's voice was long.

There seemed to be something lingering in those words, and some kind of faint breath was spreading little by little.

After that, it was that person's voice that echoed in this dark room.

The man whispered, Please make me...a woman.


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