Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!

Chapter 301: , it seems there are still fish slipping through the net

  Chapter 301, it seems that there are still fish that slipped through the net

  He was very disturbed.

  He only hoped that the picture he saw now had nothing to do with that boy, and he even secretly hoped that the disappearance of the boy and Adan was because they both died.

   Just like the dead people I saw now, they were killed and died in a corner.

   Such a result is the best for him, and there will be no future troubles.

  Bai Xuan squatted down tremblingly, and checked the wounds on the necks of these people. Without exception, they were all killed by a single blow, and the blood hadn't even completely coagulated. It seemed that the murderer was still here and hadn't gone too far away.

   The most likely place is the granary.

  The murderer is extremely likely to be a spy sent by the enemy country, but when he thinks of the enemy country, the boy's face unconsciously appears in his mind.

  Everything is too coincidental.

  He wanted to go out to call for help, but he was worried, so he stopped abruptly. Under some strange circumstances, he bravely walked towards the granary alone...

  The entire underground warehouse was eerily quiet.

  Although it has been very quiet here on weekdays, it is not as lifeless as it is today.

  Maybe it's because the familiar faces suddenly turned into corpses just now, the more Bai Xuan's heart walks towards the granary, the more restless it becomes...

   Around the corner is the granary.

  He stopped when he heard the sound of water flowing, his palms were sweating.

  The smell of blood floated in the air again...

  There is no doubt, there must be dead people there...

  He suppressed his curiosity, listened intently to the movement, and then calmly stretched out half of his head to look over.

  When Bai Xuan caught sight of the person sitting on the blood-stained steps at the entrance of the granary, his whole brain went blank as if struck by lightning, and he froze in place.

   It turned was really him! !

   It's over.


  Siluo spent a lot of effort and tried his best to get rid of all the soldiers stationed in the granary in a surprise way.

   Sitting down tiredly leaning against the door frame, she slowly eased her messy breathing, recalling the battle just now in her mind.

   Sure enough, none of these mid-level spirits are vegetarians, they are extremely ruthless.

They each have their own means, one can fly and jump, just like the gods with special effects on TV, the colorful aura bombards her as if they don't want money, and the ship board It was broken in several pieces...

  Thanks to the thick deck of the ship, and the underground grain storage in the deep basement, the sound insulation is good, so the abnormal noise caused by the fight was not transmitted to the outside.

   Otherwise, such a big commotion would have already attracted everyone down.

  If it wasn't for the protector who stood in front of her, she, an ordinary human who hadn't learned any spiritual arts, wouldn't be able to bear such an offensive.

  People should make some preparations anytime, anywhere.

  If it wasn’t for the few coins you hid on your body that played a role at critical moments, use them as hidden weapons while the enemy is showing their flaws

  I'm afraid... the one lying on the ground cold now is herself.

  Si Luo took out the miraculous wound medicine he had just exchanged for, and put a few drops on his palm, with a helpless expression on his face.

   Hey, why is it always my right hand that gets hurt?

  Qiaoqiu: "Master, there are people nearby, please be careful!"

  Hearing Qiuqiu's warning, Si Luo paused, her eyes flickered, she didn't give any special reaction, and continued to apply the medicine calmly.


  It seems that there are still fish that slipped through the net...

  (end of this chapter)

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