Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 46 Competition

The restless and trembling thousand-year-old wheel of wisdom fell silent.

Anzai Liang was eliminated, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom was also controlled by Sok, and Yugi and Jonouchi's souls sealed in the chess pieces were finally liberated and returned to their original bodies!

Suoke looked back at Yami Yugi, who was also looking at him with complicated eyes.

Yami Yugi is not a believer in men, but he still has some instinctive resistance to Sok's straightforward killing method.

But no matter what, the souls of Yugi and others were able to free themselves from the chess pieces, thanks to Sok's help. For a while, An Yugi didn't know whether to be grateful or alienated from Sok.

Of course Sock wouldn't care about these things.

Sock has always only regarded penguins who also come from the third dimension as friends. In his eyes, other people are actually worse than a baboon. It doesn't matter who lives or dies.

Without saying a word, Suok fluttered his wings and left.

As for how they should explain to the police why the house collapsed later, that was not Sok's concern.

Back home, Suoke returned to his human appearance, shook the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom in front of the little penguin and asked: "Hey, Penguin, is it really okay for me to give this to you? I can feel it. The soul of the dark priest inside is still trying to cause trouble!"

The little penguin confidently patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as you embed it into the system, it will no longer be able to cause trouble. This is the absolute suppression of low dimensions by high dimensions!"

Suoke is still a little worried, but with his current strength, the Dark Priest is no match for him at all, so there is no need to be too nervous.

So, Suoke nodded and handed the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom into the hands of the little penguin.

At this time, in the system in Sok's mind, the reward card for the mission to collect millennium artifacts, which was originally completely black, finally revealed one-seventh of its color illustration.

And that part of the illustration is exactly what the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom looks like!

Suoke frowned and touched his chin. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what kind of card this could be...

A long time passed.

The case of the disappearance of the transfer student Tapirang was eventually dropped. It is not clear whether his family continued the investigation, but anyway, the female members of the school's "Tamirang Support Group" who only lived for one day had already discovered Tapirang's case. Everything was forgotten.

Sock's life went on as usual.

I go to class during the day and go out to find fat sheep to bleed some blood at night.

However, Domino Town was only that big in total, and there were only a few wealthy capitalists. Soke repeatedly tried to get money from them dozens of times. To be honest, Soke himself was I'm a little embarrassed.

At first, that group of people hired a lot of bodyguards, each armed with a gun, and there were five or six of them.

Later, after Sock performed a live performance of catching bullets with his bare hands, the big capitalists immediately took Sock to the vault to withdraw money.

Sock was a little tired of the days of collecting money easily, so he signed up to participate in the Duel Monster Card Competition organized by International Illusion Company in Japan. He wanted to have some challenges, and at the same time, he also provided support to those big capitalists, etc. Next time you are short of money, go harvest wool.

In the preliminary round, 200 people registered successfully, and all of them had their nostrils turned up in the sky, and they couldn't hold back a diamond dragon in their hands.

In the dome, Sock, who was sitting in the game seat, watched boredly as the elementary school student opposite made a fancy operation...

"I'll summon the Silver Fang Wolf first!"

"Then activate the Demonic Moon magic card to increase its attack power!"

"Then I'm going to cover a trap card..."

The ramble was endless, and Suoke yawned, stretched out his hand quickly and said: "Okay, okay, please stop for a moment and see what these five cards are in my hand."

The primary school student was quite happy at first, wondering if this person was stupid for being so generous as to show others his hand during the game!

But when he saw the five parts of Exodia in Sok's hand, he was stunned!

After a long time, the primary school student burst into tears and stopped asking for the card. He wiped his tears and went home to find his mother.

This is the first one.

Immediately afterwards, there were only a hundred people left in the rematch. This time, sitting opposite Sock was a junior high school student.

At the age of second grade, he confidently shouted to Sock: "Hey, are you a high school student? What I like most is seeing the unwillingness and anger of those kids who are older than me when they are defeated by me... "

As a result, before he had finished speaking, Suok spread the five cards in his hand on the table: "Sorry, Master Tianhu."

Game 3

Before the opponent's opening cards were drawn, Sock threw five more Exodia parts on the table: "Okay, don't waste time drawing cards, Tianhu!"

In this way, Sock was able to kill all the children in one round or even zero, and he entered the semi-finals by killing all kinds of children!

And this impossible event of catching all Exodia parts in six starts from the preliminaries to the semi-finals finally reached the ears of the organizer of the event, the president of International Illusion Company: Pegasus.

"Big deal, Mr. Pegasus!"

The referee on the scene hurried to the door of Pegasus's lounge, knocked on the door and shouted: "Mr. Pegasus! Are you there? There has been an unprecedented strange event in this game. It is necessary to It's up to you to make up your mind..."

With a "squeak" sound, the door to the lounge opened.

A man with shawl silver hair covering half of his eyes appeared at the door. He was holding a comic in his hand and said angrily to the referee: "Oh, No! The final is not over yet, Mr. Akita, are you disturbing me?" I’m so excited to read comics!”

Akita wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and quickly explained: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Pegasus! But this incident is really special. I think I must inform you..."


Pegasus asked curiously: "What kind of event is it? Is it as incredible as Kaiba Boy being defeated twice in a row by an unknown person?"

"No, it's even stranger than that..."

Akita swallowed deeply, showed Sok's registration information to Pegasus and said, "Look, this is the contestant. From the preliminaries to the upcoming semi-finals, he used Exodia wins..."

Pegasus raised his eyebrows disapprovingly and said, "That's not so incredible..."

"But the problem is... he gets all the parts in the first round every time and wins!" Akita shook his head in disbelief: "How can anyone in this world have such luck!?"

"What? First round?"

Pegasus's eyes finally became serious, and he looked at Sok's information in his hand seriously. When he saw Sok's photo and name, he finally realized, and said in a deep voice: "It turns out it's him..."

Next to him, Akita asked in surprise: "Mr. Pegasus, do you know this person?"


Pegasus smiled mysteriously and returned Sok's information to Akita: "...I have admired my name for a long time."

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