Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 69 The Gate of Competition

In an instant, a darkness richer than the night enveloped Sok and Mr. T!

And the penguin, which had always existed in a virtual form, also became real in this black mist!

The information about the dark duel flashed through Sok's mind like a revolving lantern.

The rules are not complicated, and are very similar to the competitive gate mode I played in Duel City in my previous life. The only difference is probably the special treatment for VIP players...

Suoke nodded slightly, let go and put Mr. T down.

As soon as Mr. T landed, he wanted to turn into a card and escape from this space, but this was a barrier built by a system that was a whole level higher than him. Let alone him, even if DARKNESS, which symbolizes the ruined future of mankind, came in person , and there is no way to escape.

"Don't waste your efforts, Blackie!"

Suoke sneered and stretched out his hand to knock on the barrier of this dark space and said: "You should feel honored to use such a high-level thing to deal with you... Except for defeating me, you have no way to get out. I understand. ?"

Mr.T can sense the dark atmosphere of the barrier built by this system, but it is completely different from ordinary dark games.

Knowing that he could not escape, Mr. T stopped struggling, calmed down, looked at Sok and said solemnly: "Defeat you? Use the Duel Monster card?"

"I would rather fight with my fists, but that doesn't matter..."

Sok shrugged nonchalantly: "Before the game starts, both of us need to mortgage the other party's satisfactory chips on the system's judgment scale. The winner can get the other party's chips. How about it? It's very simple, right?"

Before Suok finished speaking, a huge display screen appeared in the air, displaying the names of Suok and Mr. T respectively.

Mr.T was still surprised, but Sock had already taken the lead and pointed at Mr.T and said: "If I win, I want you to tell me everything!"

At the same time, on the big screen, under Mr. T’s name, the four big blood-red characters “Tell me everything I know” appeared!

Mr. T suddenly thought of something and his heart skipped a beat. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked Sok in a deep voice, "Can I have anything I want?"

Suoke impatiently pointed at the big screen and said: "As you can see, it doesn't depend on the other party's consent or disagreement. As long as you want it, the system will default to betting. The grinding is endless. If you want, Say it stupidly, otherwise I will slap your brains out when I lose my patience!"


Mr.T suddenly laughed wildly: "If I win, I want all the elf power in your body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four bright red words "Elven Power" also appeared under Sok's name on the big screen!

"Tsk, Hei Zai has good eyesight." There was no panic on Sok's face, because for him, this was a dark duel that he could not lose!

"Now, let me announce the rules of the game..."

Suok snapped his fingers in a relaxed and comfortable manner, and at that time, the shadows of many characters appeared in front of Suok and Mr. T, appearing alternately.

"Duel rules apply to the competition gate mode in the Duel City game!"

Suok pointed at the figures that were constantly changing, familiar or unfamiliar, and said: "First of all, neither of us can use our own decks, but can only choose a character recommended by the system. In his card pool, each Select 40 cards as a deck for Dark Duel..."

Mr.T looked at those familiar figures in surprise, unable to react for a while!

Yugi, Kaiba, Jonouchi...even Tapirō!

What's happening here?

Could it be said that this so-called system has copied all these people's decks?

Kaiba and Ryuzaki can understand, after all, they are already famous duel monster card masters!

But who is that woman with the starfish head and dark complexion?

Mr. T was still suspicious, but Sok had already decided on the character he would use: "Okay, I'll choose Ryuzaki, you should hurry up and choose too!"

After hesitating back and forth for a long time, Mr.T finally chose the most familiar Tapirang!

Although the Kaiba deck contains the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon, which is the strongest single card, if this system is really a perfect replica of the Tapirang deck, then the soul card should also be in it... Just take it At that point, you will definitely win!

After both parties confirm their roles, all other character designs disappear.

A golden light flashed, and five different cards appeared in front of them.

Sock continued to explain: "From now on, there will be a total of twenty rounds of card selection. Both of us need to pick two out of the five cards in each round to add to the deck. We cannot give up or select more than once. Until In the end, that's the deck we use to decide each other's fate, got it, Blackie?"

Mr.T snorted coldly, said nothing, and started selecting cards directly.

Standing opposite, watching Mr. T continuously add many high-star monsters to the deck, a treacherous smile gradually appeared on the corner of Sok's mouth.

The rules of Duel City are very similar to the later mature rules. Not only is the initial health value 8,000 points, but high-star monsters require sacrifices! Now this stupid high-star monster is having a great time, wait and see how he gets stuck until he dies!

After thinking about it, Sok also started his own card selection. The five cards that appeared in front of Sok in the first round were: "Bribery of the Demon Palace, Little Pterodactyl, Sneezing Hippopotamus, Chemical Combination-H2O, and Attack Incapacity" ."

Frowning slightly, Sok smacked his lips at the little penguin on his shoulder in dissatisfaction: "What kind of junk cards are these? Is this how the dealer in your system treats me, a VIP 10 player who has made hundreds of millions? "

The little penguin raised his arms to his mouth and said "shush", and whispered in Sok's ear: "Actually, you are very lucky. Look at what kind of cards the guy on the other side gave you."

He raised his head and saw Mr. T looking at the "Goblin Secret Potion, Amethyst, Metalized-Magic Reflective Armor, Chestnut Ball, and Abyss Barrier Statue" in front of him. He didn't know what to choose among these five junk cards. He looked like he had a headache, and Suoke almost smiled crookedly.

Not only is this guy dressed in black, his face is also so dark that it’s unbelievable.

However, although at present, I have better luck than that black boy, I still cannot win steadily.

So Sock quietly reached out to the refresh button under the display screen...

That is a button that only appears on the player interface of VIP 7 or above. It can be refreshed every time you pay 10 gems, and the new cards that appear must be better than the five cards that appeared in the previous batch!

This is the magic weapon for Suok to win!

RMB players’ most comprehensive suppression of the 0 yuan party!

After deducting ten gems, the original five cards disappeared immediately, and the five newly given cards finally revealed their true appearance...

The first one: Gigantic!

Second picture: Harpy Girl’s Feather Sweep!

The third picture: Dark Terror Beast!

The fourth picture: Great evolution medicine!

Picture 5: False prophecy!

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