"You're really different, Mr. Youtian."

"Of course, I'm a sunny boy."

While talking, You Tian's mouth was not idle, and he continued to eat the supper provided by the seahorse.

Not to mention that this Haima Group is worthy of being a monopoly company, the supper provided is really delicious.

"Isn't this my dear sister, what, come and find an outsider to help deal with your brother?"

Dark Malik walked over with a grim smile on his face, still holding the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand.

"Come and eat together, Malik." You Tian said indifferently.

"You guy, you dare to insult me."

Dark Malik clenched the thousand-year-old tin staff, his facial expression was very exciting, and his arm wearing the dueling disc was slightly raised.

I thought that I didn't insult Malik, but You Tian didn't react at first.

It wasn't until Malik lifted the dueling disc that he realized that he was just a card addict who wanted to find someone to play cards, as if he had a deep hatred.

"Young Malikyo, are you really ready to be taught by me?"

"You guy, I hope you can have such a hard mouth when you see God."


Before the word fight was shouted, the referee on the side ran over.

"Private duels are prohibited during the quarterfinals, and violators will be disqualified."

"Oh, then there's no way, I'll teach you next time, Malik."

Damn it, I'm going to make you doubly miserable when you meet me.

Dark Malik's mouth cannon is really not good, so he can only sulk in his heart.

It's a pity that he won't give full play to his strengths, if he performs Yan Yi, You Tian may admit defeat.

After all, You Tian can't make that kind of expression that violates biology.


"Attention all participating duelists, the lottery for the third game is about to begin, please go to the hall to assemble."

After the radio sounded, the crowd gathered again.

This is the last time the lottery is held, and when the two duelists for this match are chosen, the remaining two will automatically become opponents.

Everyone looked nervously at the lottery machine on the stage, not daring to be distracted at all.

Bang, bang, bang, after a few shakes of the number machine, the first number ball popped up.

"The first duelist to participate in the third match is..... Swim the sky! "

Finally, it's my turn, and I don't know who my opponent is.

You Tian stood in front of the stage and began to look at the rest of the people.

"Don't look at me, You Tian, it makes me nervous."

Jonai swallowed his saliva and began to pray silently in his heart that he would not be slotted.

Bang, bang, bang, the last number ball rushed out.

The atmosphere in the hall was also tense to the extreme, and everyone looked at the referee, making the referee very nervous.

"Ahem, that... I declare that the second duelist of the third match is... Miss Isis. "

"Who's Isis?"

After hearing that it was not him, Jonai also breathed a sigh of relief and began to look around.

"Isis, please come to the stage."

After being called by name, Isis was unhurried and stood on the stage with graceful steps.

"Mr. You Tian, you have to be careful in the next duel."

"Don't worry, I'm strong."

"Isis, why are you participating in this competition, obviously...."Seahorse stopped talking.

Since Isis had been covering her face with a veil, the seahorse didn't recognize her immediately.

It wasn't until she stood on the stage and took off her veil that Seahorse realized that this woman was the one who had given her the God Card.

"Mr. Seahorse, I was guided by my own fate."

"That.... Can you say something that a normal human can understand? "

You Tian was also confused, he hated the riddler the most, he didn't explain it when he spoke, he had to be in the clouds.

"I have come to save my brother Malik, who is now possessed by an evil personality."

"If you said that earlier, didn't everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded along with each other, indicating that You Tian was right.

"Invite the two participating duelists to the dueling ring."

You Tian soared directly into the sky, and was the first to stand on the dueling platform.

Isis, on the other hand, remained elegant and walked up step by step.

"You already knew it was me."

"That's right, Mr. You Tian, I believe you also know that this thousand-year-old jewelry has the power to see through the future."

See through the future? If he hadn't read the original book, You Tian would have been really frightened by her.

"Isis, do you know that the future can be changed, if you see the future, the future that has been changed, can you still see through the future?"

Isis's CPU started to be overclocked, her brain was still down, and after being stunned for a long time, she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Mr. You Tian, what will happen in the future can only be verified if it continues, right?"

"That's right, only by relying on yourself step by step is your true future."

The two raised their arms in tacit understanding, and as the duel disc was transformed, the referee also announced the official start of the third match.

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