The Lawgiver of Knowledge: "Forget it, it's hard to see that you took a lot of notes, so I won't care about it this time." "


"Do you understand?"

It seemed to forgive Susanna, but there was obvious anger in her tone.

Susana hurriedly nodded: - "Yes, yes!"

But at this point, the task must continue to be assigned.

Susana was so frightened that sweat broke out on her forehead, and continued in a low voice:

"The Lady of the Lawgiver is tasked with removing obstacles that may arise in the path of continuous tracing points, such as the monsters of the Quantum Sea. "


The audience outside the light curtain was also a little stunned at the moment when they saw the law of knowledge angry.

It's just a title, why is she angry?

Thinking about the unruly character of the Ruler of Knowledge, it is normal to get angry because of a trivial matter.

[Star Dome March 7: Huh? This is angry?]

[Sister Xing: Tsk, is it so fierce?]

[Honkai Sankiana: Wow, the wrath of the Lawgiver of Knowledge is soaring into the sky!]

[Honkai Impact III Bronia: Little Broken Child.] 】

[Honkai Three Thunderbolt Mei Yi: At that time, the Ruler of the Law of Knowledge seemed to be only three years old? It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a child. 】

[Honkai Tri-Fuhua: Hmm.] 】

[Honkai Lawgiver of the Three Senses: Phew, you're the little kids!I'm the great Lady of the Lawgiver of Knowledge!]

[Honkai Sankiana: Long live the great Lady of the Lawgiver of Knowledge! 】

[The Lawgiver of the Three Senses of Honkai: Kiana, you!!]

[Honkai Impact III Bronia: Boring.] 】

[Elysia: Xiao Zhi looks angry, it's pretty cute!]

[Eden: After all, it's Hua's child.] 】

[Pardophyllis: Yes, yes. 】

[The Law of the Three Senses: You, you!!, all said don't call me Xiaozhi!!]

【Star Dome March 7: Knowledge~】

[Sister Xing: Little Knowledge~]

[Honkai Impact Sankiana: Little Knowledge~]

【The Law of the Three Senses: ..........】

At this moment, the Knowing Lawgiver has completely lost patience, and he can't wait to rush up and fight with everyone now.

It's a pity that these things all happened in the barrage area, and even some people are not in the same world, which makes the law of knowledge angry and helpless.

This feeling makes the Knowing Lawgiver panic.


Outside the light curtain, St. Freya's Academy, inside the Valkyrie's quarters.

Seeing that the video was over, everyone was still a little reluctant.

After all, the content in front of me is actually very interesting.

After all, you can see Vita eating turtles, and you can also see the crazy appearance of the Knowing Lawr.

As for the content of the battle later, it doesn't matter if it appears or not.

After all, they have already seen the final ending.

The results are important, but the process is also curious.

Kiana lay on the edge of the bed, "Well, is this the end?"

Bronya: "Stupid, don't you understand?"

Being stunned by this, Kiana's anger instantly rushed straight to the back of her head.

"If you want to take care of it, I can't ask?!"

Bronya: "Huh!"

Seeing that the two were about to clash again, Raiden Mei sighed.

"Let's look forward to what's next. "


Return to the inside of the Star Dome Train.

After the video ended, Lin Mu also operated the keyboard non-stop.

Under a series of operations, a new light appeared on the screen hanging in the air.

A row of large golden characters appears in the center of the picture.

[miHoYo Character Social Death Rankings!] [TOP21: It turns out that the classic famous scene of a thousand tribulations is from here!(The world of Honkai Impact III)]

When the title appeared, the curiosity of a group of people was instantly hooked.

A thousand eons?

Is there such a person in the world of Honkai Impact III?The audience in the Star Dome World, after hearing this name, only felt very unfamiliar, as if they had never heard of this name.

However, there are some people who remember some fragments.

And the audience of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds, after seeing the name of the Thousand Tribulations appear!

Curiosity soared, I didn't expect it to be his turn so soon.

After all, in the previous video, it is not that he did not appear, but there is too little content about him that it is difficult to remember.


The light curtain spreads outside, in the conference room of the pre-civilization era, the moth of fire.

When the title appeared, everyone's eyes fell on the body of a thousand tribulations.

Facing these big eyes, Qianjiao's body stiffened.

"Look at what, look!"

He couldn't help but shout angrily.

It's all ordinary people who are yelled at like this, I'm afraid they will be extremely aggrieved, and they won't pay attention to a thousand calamities now and in the future.

However, the members of the Fire Chasing Moth are too familiar with the character of the Thousand Tribulations, so he is a little short-tempered and louder, but not bad-hearted.

Seeing that Chiba was so angry, the smile on Elysia's face became brighter.

"Oops~ Don't be so angry!"

"And this time it's about a thousand calamities, I'm sure it's going to be fun~"

Pardophylis blinked and looked at the Thousand Tribulations with excitement.

Master Qian's content? That would be super interesting.

was watched by a pair of fiery eyes, but the mood of the thousand tribulations was extremely irritable.


Under the gaze of the viewers, the text on the screen disappears.

In the spacious living room, Chikumi shouted angrily, "Get out of here." "

Raiden Mei Yi frowned slightly: ".........."

I don't understand at all, how can the anger of a thousand tribulations be so big?

Seeing this, Elysia covered her red lips with her hand, "Hey, don't do this, Thousand Tribulations. "

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Raiden Mei. "Well, Mei Yi, he didn't scare you, did he?"


Outside the light curtain.

The audience from different worlds stared at the picture, and they didn't expect that the temper of the thousand tribulations would be so big!

Oh my God, I actually let the thunderbolt bud get out of the way!

Seeing this scene, the audience of the three worlds of Honkai was all silent.

Qianjiao's temper is so hot? At the beginning of the game, he said "" to Raiden Meiyi!

And the audience in the Star Dome World looked at the picture in front of them and silently felt that the temper of the people around them was actually quite good.

At least there is no existence like Chikuga, his temper is too short-tempered!

And it's not a gentleman at all, how can you say "out" to a girl at the beginning?

In the previous video, they also learned about the personality of Raiden Mei, and it can be said that there are no shortcomings on their bodies.

Kindness and perseverance!

And this thousand tribulations, tsk!

As a result, audiences from different worlds began to complain about a thousand catastrophes in the barrage area.

[Star Dome March 7: Ah! A thousand tribulations are too much, right! Just tell a girl to get out of the way? And that's Thunderbolt Meiyi?]

[Sister Xing: Tsk! I suddenly feel that my temper is actually quite good. 】

[Star Dome March 7: Mmmm, it's a hundred times better than this Thousand Tribulations!!]

[Honkai Sankiana: Damn! He dared to let Mei roll !!]

[Honkai Impact 3 Bronia: This tone is incomprehensible. 】

[Honkai San Fuhua: Alas, he is such a character, and he has never changed. 】

[Honkai Impact III Elisa: How can you say such a thing to a lady?]

[Honkai III Otto: Not a gentleman indeed. 】

[Honkai Impact Three Qi Gefei: This is too much, it's a shame on us..........]

【Honkai Three Cecilia: This ..........】

·· ··· Asking for Flowers · ·········

[Pardo Felis: Alas~, Master Qian, he is really such a character. 】

[Verve: I can testify to this. 】

[Eden: The temper is a little short-tempered, but the heart is not bad, and he is a good person. 】

[Grethai: Uh-huh.] 】

[Elysia: Hmm~ Emergency, emergency! Under normal circumstances, the Thousand Tribulations are not so grumpy. 】

[Thousand Tribulations: Cut!]

[Honkai Sankiana: Obviously he did such an excessive thing, but he still "cut"??]

[Star Dome March 7: I don't understand!]

The thousand tribulations started with the word "roll", which made most people's good impression of him fall to the bottom.

It should be said that except for those who knew the Thousand Tribulations, everyone else began to hate the Thousand Tribulations.

After all, how could he say the word "get out" to Raiden Mei!

It's just unreasonable?!

And the people who know about the thousand calamities also sigh faintly in their hearts.

It is precisely because of the understanding of a thousand eons that my heart is full of helplessness.

Qianjiao's character is like this, he is super angry, and his voice is fierce, but his heart is really not bad!

But it had happened, and now it pale in the face of no matter how they explain it.


0 ...... 0

On the other side of the light curtain, St. Freya's Academy, inside the Valkyrie's quarters.

When the word "roll" passed by the thousand tribulations, the "Royal Three Families" frowned.

Is Chikumi so rude?

Looking at everyone's expressions, Fu Hua also frowned and sighed in his heart.

This way of speaking is indeed annoying to a lot of people!

And the content of the barrage area was also within Fu Hua's expectations.

And Kiana's side, she feels like she's about to explode!

It's the first time I've seen someone talk to Mei like this! Kiana can't wait to rush into the video and fight Chitri now!

How could he say that!

He's really too much!

Such a person, even if he is a good person, is a good person who is annoying!

"It's too much, it's too much! He's so hateful! Why did he do this to Mei Yi! Mei Yi obviously didn't do anything!"

"How can anyone endure such a bad temper!?"

The more she spoke, the more angry she became, and Kiana's fists clenched.

Bronya: "Well, it's hard to understand this kind of character. "

As the party to the thunderbolt bud, but it feels like it's nothing. She shook her head helplessly and said calmly, "It's okay." "

Kiana's eyes widened, "How could it be okay! He talked to you so much, he me off!"

Seeing that everyone hated Qianjiao so much, Fu Hua rubbed his tired eyebrows and explained helplessly:

"Perhaps, he is like this to everyone!"

Bronya tilted her head: "Evenly for everyone?"

Fu Hua: ..........


Back in the video, the content continues to play.

Seeing that Mei didn't speak, Elysia continued to explain to the Thousand Tribulations:

"Don't worry, he's just a little fierce, but in fact, he never hurts his companions.........."

Speaking of this, Elysia paused for a few seconds, "Well, there seem to have been a few accidents, but not now, right?"

When she said this, Elysia herself was a little weak-hearted.

After all, Qianjiao's temper is well known, and it is indeed extremely bad.


PS: Today's third update!

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