
Chapter 107 Fate (2)

Yin Li did not answer.

The Snake Witch Clan is an ethnic group outside the Three Realms. Legend has it that the witches of the Snake Witch Clan can communicate between the human world and the heavenly realm, and they can satisfy any wishes of people, as long as they can provide appropriate rewards.

Silver chestnut found the shrine maiden.

He heard that the witches of the snake witch tribe are moody, and not everyone's wishes can be satisfied, so before meeting the witches, he smoked the eyes with weeping grass for a night, and saved a box full of pearl tears, which he counted as giving to the witches. , asking her to fulfill her wish.

The pearl in the box is big and round, pure white and clear. The witch's face is covered with black veil. She only glanced at it and said indifferently: You have something to ask me.

The little shark nervously said, I want to become a human.

For a woman?

The Snake Witch Tribe can know the future without having to talk about it, and can also see the ins and outs. Yin Li raised his head and looked at her: I want to accompany Her Royal Highness. Can you make a deal with me?

The answer to him was two cold words: No.


Because, the snake witch lowered her eyes calmly, she is a dying person.

What? Yin Li raised his head in a hurry. How could she be a dying person? She's obviously fine. As he spoke, he suddenly realized: Did you see her future? What happened?

The snake witch didn't speak, this is a secret, and naturally it can't be known to him.

If she's in danger, I'll stay by her side. Yin Li murmured, and he looked at the witch: I know that there are conditions for making a deal with you, and I'm willing to give out my most precious things to share with you. You exchange, I just ask you to turn me into a human and accompany her.

Maybe it was the earnestness in his eyes that moved the other party, or maybe he was confused by his most precious thing, the snake witch finally looked at him for the first time, the woman's eyes carried an indifferent pity, she said. : Humans and monsters have different paths, falling in love is against the heavens, and forcibly changing their lives against the heavens will never end well.

My life was saved by her, and it's a big deal to return it to her.

She won't fall in love with you, and she won't remember you. The fate of the two of you will only last for a moment. Even so, you still want to be human, won't you regret it?

In the merman's blue eyes, as clear as the sea, he whispered: I don't regret it.

The snake witch looked at him fixedly, and after a long time, she sighed: Then, exchange it with your demon pill, Yinli.

The demon pill is the inner pill of the demon.

Once the demon clan loses the demon pill, years of practice will be destroyed, and they will become the same as ordinary mortals, both in terms of lifespan and body. He will become as weak as a human being, as incapable of protecting himself. There may still be some small spells left, but they are useless.

The demon pill slowly emerged from Yinli's body, and the snow-white pill didn't seem to have any blemishes, just like his heart at the moment.

The snake witch took his demon pill and said, From now on, you are a mortal. But your demon bones are still there. If you encounter a cultivator, you will still see through your real body at a glance. You must remove it yourself. Scales, and never speak in front of Princess Lizhu, so as not to reveal the secret.

The witch waved, and a crystal shard was planted in his body.

This is the lock spirit crystal. You and I have an unfinished relationship. This lock spirit crystal is even a pearl in return for your gift.

The snake witch disappeared, and Yin Li felt that he was in severe pain. When he woke up, his fish tail had turned into a pair of legs.

Yin Li was very happy.

When Yin Piao learned about this, she angrily quarreled with him, and he said, You actually sacrificed your demon pill for a woman and became a mortal? You will regret it, you will definitely regret it. ! With a flick of his tail, he swam into the West Sea, where there was no trace.

Yin Li waited for a long time at the west coast and did not see him again, so he decided to go ashore to find Princess Lizhu first. He knew that Princess Lizhu had already married into the palace, and if he wanted to stay by Princess Lizhu's side, he could only find a way to become a bodyguard.

The merman was beautiful, and when he pulled out the scales on his body, this beauty surprised everyone. The world is always tolerant of beautiful women, so he successfully entered the palace and became a small guard in the palace and the palace.

Silver chestnut is the first time he has changed from a merman to a human. It feels novel.

The fish tail is gone, and the human race walks on two legs, but it is not easy for the little merman. When walking, he also had to endure the pain in his toes. He often fell somersaults, and the guards in the palace always laughed at him when they saw him: Brother, you have a knife under your feet, why are you walking so slowly!

He smiled awkwardly, stood up and patted the dust on his body, and continued to walk.

But there are also happy things. He can walk in the crowd openly. The food of the human race is not as cold as the food in the sea. It is always hot and has various flavors. He also likes the wind and the moon in Yunhaiyuan.

The happiest and favorite is probably seeing Princess Lizhu occasionally when she is on duty in the outer hall.

Princess Lizhu often went to the garden with Emperor Shengning, and Yin Li was far away. Out of the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of Emperor Shengning putting a flower in Princess Lizhu's hair. Princess Lizhu smiled at him, more than the flowers on her temples. Even more delicate, the little merman looked at it, and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

He didn't know what he was feeling, and he was still a little angry. But at night, when he saw Princess Lizhu staring at the moon in a daze alone in the outer hall, the anger disappeared and quickly turned into worry and injustice.

Yin Li guessed that Princess Lizhu didn't like flowers in the daytime, a woman who could kill pirates with a bow and arrow on her back, flowers were too common for her, she should like something more special, such as blue conch? He found one in the sea last time and hid it in a box behind the reef. Next time he goes back and brings it out, Princess Lizhu will be happy to see it.

But it seems difficult to make Princess Lizhu happy.

When on the boat in the West Sea, Yin Li had seen Princess Lizhu wearing a red wedding dress, sitting on the bow of the boat drinking, chatting and laughing with the attendants. The brows are bright, the smile is genuine, and the West Sea is not so bright and moving red, which makes people unforgettable at a glance. Now, she is in the palace, wearing a snow-white gun uniform with light makeup. Although she often smiles at Emperor Shengning, Yin Li knows that Princess Lizhu often sits alone on the windowsill outside the palace at night, watching Staring in a daze in the distance.

She is not happy.

This made the little merman anxious, and he kept an eye on it secretly. He even went back to the West Sea while he was resting and took out the precious conch, thinking that it would be secretly placed on the ground where Princess Lizhu passed by in a few days.

But that night, he actually met Princess Lizhu.

She drank a little wine, her mind was a little unclear, carrying her horn bow on her back, tried to climb the wall of the outer hall, but woke up halfway, turned back to the bedroom, Yin Li couldn't help but stand up, he was afraid of Li Zhu The princess fell.

Princess Lizhu looked back at him with tears in her eyes.

Yin Li was stunned.

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