
Chapter 111 Destiny (3)

Seeing the royal family's secretive appearance, Yin Ying only felt happy.

He also didn't forget the man's condition.

The secret realm of Li’er Kingdom is opened once every ten years. To open the secret realm, the royal bloodline must board the constellation platform and open the exit in person. If the royal family is forced to open the secret realm by force, the entrance to the secret realm will collapse on its own. There are few people in the sect of the Glazed Tile Sect, only Rong Yu and Senior Brother, who are not easy to be discovered, so he hid in Rong Yu's body and plans to mix in at that time.

However, they did not expect Gu Baiying and the others to come. Even more did not expect that the people of the Taiyan faction would find the truth of the year by mistake.

He didn't come for revenge originally, at least not at all. Now, the moment the truth was discovered, Yin Piao felt that it didn't matter whether he entered the secret realm or not. Anyway, he had achieved his goal.

What does the other party want you to find in the secret realm? Gu Baiying asked.

I won't tell you.

It seems that you don't want Yaodan anymore.

It's a painting, a portrait of a woman! He said I'll know it when I see it. Silver Poppy said angrily. Not everyone can endure the pain of the demon pill being cut open.

I still don't understand, Hairpin Xing looked at him seriously. Whether you were for revenge or to enter the secret realm, I have never had any hostility towards you. But why did you sneak into my room in the middle of the night?

Yin Pian was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on the hairpin star, and it became a little strange in an instant: That's because of you

Just when he said this, the pitch-black scale on his chest suddenly flickered.

Dangerous! Gu Baiying's expression changed, and she pulled the hairpin star behind her.

From Yin Piao's chest, a large block of black mist suddenly rose. It was not so much black mist, but rather a light beam condensed by the black mist. These black beams penetrated Yin Piao's chest in an instant. The merman's expression became painful, as if he had endured great devastation. Those beams gradually diffused and grew, like a foggy swamp, wrapping the silver poppy in it.

Silver Poppy! Yin Li shouted in panic.

But he is only a trace of primordial spirit, and he can't even touch his brother's body. He could only watch helplessly as Yin Ying was swallowed by the black mist, leaving only a broken robe on the ground.

Is he dead? Tian Fangfang asked blankly.

There's something wrong with that scale. Gu Baiying's face was extremely ugly. Perhaps the other party took his weakness in his hands by giving him demon power, and if something happened, he would take the life of the merman.

This is a sure-fire deal.

Silver Li. Hairpin stared at the little merman. He had wandered alone in the corridors of the imperial mausoleum for decades. He thought he could feel freedom, even if it was only for a brief moment, but he just met his close relative and was about to separate. .

She wanted to fulfill Yin Li, but this long story was doomed to a tragic end from the very beginning.

The monks looked at him from a distance, in the world, the figure of this little merman was so pitiful.

Until the woman's voice sounded: Silver chestnut.

Silver chestnut moved and slowly turned around.

The woman in red stared at him blankly, beside her bow and arrow fell to the ground. Her eyes pierced through the years, such as the first encounter at sea, the bewildering, incomprehensible, warmth that he will never forget.

Princess Lizhu approached slowly and walked to Yin Li.

Forty years have passed since then.

Forty years, for mermaids, is just a snap of a finger, but it is enough to turn a human girl into an aged woman.

She still likes to wear red clothes as before, just like killing pirates on a cargo ship, her robes are cut short, and the wide sleeves are rolled up to the elbows. Her bun is still high, but the blue silk has turned into white hair. His eyes were still bright, but the corners of his eyes had crept into wrinkles.

Life has passed for a long time.

Yinli. Is that your name? Princess Lizhu asked softly.

He froze for a moment, then nodded shyly.

Tears welled in her eyes: I'm sorry.

The merman smiled: It's okay.

Those truths, those truths that were hidden in the depths of the imperial mausoleum and vanished along with the Demon Slayer Array, like those bright and ever-bright lamps in the underground corridors, burnt unnoticed and alone. Maybe one day we will see the light of day, maybe we will never know.

The White Jade Palace of the Imperial Mausoleum seemed to become very insignificant in an instant. The wind was blowing from all directions, and the earth was empty. The merman's silver fish tail gradually appeared, drawing a strong brilliance in the empty night sky.

The young man looked at the gray-haired woman in front of him, suddenly leaned over slightly, and kissed her forehead shyly and firmly.

Time and space seemed to stand still.

He remembered a long, long time ago, when the moon on the West Sea reflected a huge sailing boat. He saw a woman in red and black hair standing on the bow of the boat, carefully wiping the horn bow in her hand. country.

On that night, the princess faced the silent little guard for the first time, and said to him, Thank you. He gave her the blue conch that had been wiped countless times, hoping that it would make her look good.

It was painful to walk, but he was happy.

Shemales have always had different paths, and there is no good ending to be together. But he never expected to be with each other. This humble young man likes someone, but he can't say it, he can only hide it in his heart.

The shark said: I want to become a human.

The witch of the snake witch tribe looked at him: I want your demon pill in exchange.

He said, Okay.

I have to pull out the scales from the whole body one by one.

He said, Okay.

It's not easy for a monster to be a human being. Although you have legs, you are walking on the tip of a sharp blade every day.

He said, Okay.

The witch's eyes were filled with compassion that understood everything, as if she had seen the ending long ago. She said, The destiny has already been destined and cannot be changed. You and her, the origin and fate will be destroyed, and the end will only last for a moment, so why force it?

For a moment?

Yin Li felt that his body became very light, like the wind blowing in the summer at the end of the West Sea, and he looked at the woman in front of him.

Her eyes clearly reflected herself, and she called out her name.

That's enough.

Hairpin Xing once said jokingly: the memory of fish is very short, only a moment.

But she doesn't know that sometimes, that moment is eternity.

In the sky, the night sky turned into an inky blue sea. From the fishtail of the merman, it gradually turned into bright white stars. Those twinkling stars floated on the long and wide field, in the darkness. Slowly spread out.

From his tail, to his body, to his arms, until the whole person completely turned into a spot of light and disappeared, only those amazing stars burned brightly and grandly, and then returned to tranquility.

The night sky darkened again.

There is no more merman silver chestnut in the world.

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