Zhan Long

Chapter 1309


    More than 300 Dragon riding soldier steered the Dragons to fly low to the surface of the water, the Dragons issued a low roar, so that the entire East China Sea surface produced a huge ripple, eventually converged into a monstrous wave, the waves flapping on the bow of the warship, snapping, I and Lin Wan ' er, Dong Cheng Yue, Matcha and the others stood on the deck by the bow, with a salty, wet sea breeze blowing head-on.

    Looking at the big map, I said: "At most, it will take another 20 minutes to go to the beach. I hope that Li Mu and Wang Jian can support them for a longer period of time, at least for more than two hours."

    Lin Wan'er thought for a moment and said, "I am afraid it is very difficult, and the number of people is too great."

    Shiro's shuangqing eyes look at the distant waves, said: "Never mind, as long as we appear in the rear of Sky City began to launch attack, basically Magic Mountain will certainly be back, after all, compared to Ba Huang City, their Sky city is more important, but Sky City from Ba Huang City at least two hours trip , we just need two hours to kill the pool in the city. ”

    "If you come in, you have to be guarded."

    I held the sword handle of the butterfly, put it on the deck, behind the mantle flying, said: "Matcha, you inform port city 7k, let them send the city's general strength of the people now marching to Sky City, our 20w Elite task is to rush into the town to seize sovereignty, seize after the use of the entrustment system, let port City people to guard, this sky city to whom is better? ”

    "Take it to Dongdong! Purple bagpipes will be very happy to defend the city of Jiuyi. ”

    "Mm."I nodded and said: "As long as we win the brilliance and then hand it over to the purple bagpipes, it is not so simple to attack the city from the outside."



    I took a deep breath and waited quietly for the beach. If I could really keep the 7K and Dongdong two solid allies guarding Port City and Jiuyi City, then the southeast of the mainland would be officially settled. You can concentrate on which city you are attacking.

    Less than 20 minutes, 1000+ warships all opened sails, sailors paddle, and rushed to the coast at full speed.

    The snails came from afar, and the npcs of Jiuyi City have already discovered us, but they don't have too many people to guard the harbor, and they don't necessarily have players. They don't give them a chance to report.


    When the butterfly was squirted, I suddenly jumped into the form of God and sighed low: "Go, Dragon Riding Soldier blocks the air field, don't let any eagle ride lost, control your information."

    Qing Luo nodded, and with a few squirting, he took hundreds of Dragon Riding Soldier to the sky and quickly controlled the range of the air, so that dozens of eagle hunters in the harbor garrison had just taken off and smashed into the soul of Dragon Rider. The strength gap between the two is too great, and one hundred eagle riders may not be an opponent of Dragon Riding Soldier.

    The battleships were successively docked, 5w[Zhan Long] players quickly landed for the first time, followed by the heavy cavalry of the 5w Yulin Army and the 10w elite army of Dragon City, quickly sweeping the harbor and climbing the hills, far away In the past, Jiuyi City was less than 5 miles away from us, and it was only a few minutes away!


    Frost held Severing Beauty in the air, and after a command, 10wDragon's den squadrons rushed toward the city of Jiuyi.

    And I looked at the god-level players of Lin Wan'er, Dong Cheng Yue, Matcha, Old K, Yue Qing Qian, Yue Wei Liang, etc. [Zhan Long], then raised the butterfly sword and said: "All Dragon Rider Soldiers and god-level players rushed over with me at full speed, using lightning tactics to capture the gates, not destroying the gates, opening the gates is enough, let the rear reinforcements go in right!"

    Everyone nodded, and entered the form of God one by one, and followed me to storm forward.


    Sky City East Gate, several NPC defenders with Iron halberd sitting under the pheasant crest drinking wine, eating roast chicken, a hiccup, one of the veterans said: "Xia, Long, Ice Shield Army three big Ace Regiment out of the city to attack Ba Huang City went, they will win glory, but we forbidden army, just keep the Wangcheng, Sky City is located in the Southeast frontier, where there will be people to attack the town, we are trying to build a build also did not have this opportunity, really hateful! ”

    Another young soldier raised the jug: "Don't say it, drink it!" After eating and drinking, I changed my post. Let’s go to the pub to find out about the style of the **. ”

    "Ah, that's it, drink!"

    When they were drinking, suddenly someone shouted on the wall: "The enemy is coming! The enemy is coming! In the direction of Sumi, the smoke is rising! ”


    A senior general of the Wanfu class suddenly stood up, and hundreds of Dragon Riding Soldiers were caught in the air. Behind them, hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry raised the dust of the sky, for a moment. This Wanfu’s face is green: “Damn, where did so many terracotta warriors come from? Damn, the guards of the gates are all eating? Actually put so many people over! ”

    "Come, close the door! Archer Scout! ”

    "Heavy artillery camp!? Hurry up, if your cannon is not rusting, fire it for me right away. Many Dragon Rider soldiers are coming. Is it the people of Dragon City who came to kill? ”

    "Isn't Feilong Hou sent a tribute to Dragon City? Damn, what the hell is going on? ”



    I slammed over the head of the head of the Wanfu, and suddenly landed behind him. The blade broke out with the violent output of [Strength of a Thousand Men], and it took 10 times of damage three times in a row, letting him HP fell to 40%, Lin Wan'er, Dong Cheng Yue each came to a set of skills, I will come back to the level 7 [Combo], directly slash it!


    Carrying this bloody head of the Wanfu, I flew to the city and lifted my head high. The loud voice: "Jiuyi City has fallen, let go of the weapons and spare you!"

    In the air, a huge shadow skimmed, the Dragon in the Dragon Spit in the city, the Oriental wall of the town of Sky quickly became a sea of fire, a group of soldiers stunned, finally, "Keng" a sound, a forbidden Army blade landed, immediately after a succession of more and more forbidden Army dropped blade, Dragon Rider soldiers how strong, Ordinary humans simply can not resist, not to mention the city under the thousands, so close to the town defense of the NPC Army has lost the courage of the First World War.

    "Open the city gate!"I smiled a little.

    Old K, a second Hero two people flew over, shaking the wrench, the gate opened, this heavy iron gate at least more than 100,000 tons, the movement between the "buzzing" sound, but there are still many people in the city to resist, set up the bow and arrow shooting under the storm of Chinese players and NPC, but this is only praying arm , quickly by Qing Luo with Dragon Rider soldiers to kill off, the entire east wall of the nearly 10w garrison almost bloodless by us to take down, the rest is constantly to the wall crowded Sky City players!

    Magic Mountain has left at least 500w players to guard the city, but how many people can react quickly under our blitzkrieg?

    "DEATH!" Attack the palace! ”

    Literally pointed to the sky City in the direction of the palace, my double sword spiral rushed going out, a sword gas in the crowd raging, full of blood, the whole person seems to become killing God, with [Zhan long] 5w people killed in the City Avenue forward, And the air is Dragon Rider soldiers reinforcements, flames spit around, so that the ground on the Sky City players at a loss.

    Soon, another Sky City of the main NPC army killed, the head of a boss holding a double axe, shoulders appeared on the commander of the command, loudly shouted: "Xuan Yang Brothers, give me attack, protect His Majesty, kill all invading enemies, do not fear Dragon riding soldier, They are also flesh and blood, let this group of bold thieves see the power of the Xuan Yang Army, with Lasso, cover the Dragon Rider! ”

    On the ground, Xuan Yangjun's npc soldiers launched a frame machine, and the "嗖嗖嗖" continuously launched many lassos. The Dragon Rider soldiers who were flying at low altitude were quickly trapped, and the Dragon Dragon was landing. Dragon Riding Soldier struggled hard, but it didn't help. The lasso was made of special materials, and the general blade could not be cut.


    A group of Xuan Yangjun's swords and shields rushed over, and the sword was slashed on the dragon's body, but the Spark splashed out of the road, but it was impossible to break the dragon!

    "That's just a young dragon, on Axe!"Xuan Yangjun’s commander shouted loudly, and personally held Axe and rushed over, followed by dozens of Axe soldiers.

    When Axe fell, the young Dragon's body immediately had a deep wound, blood flowing, and the next moment, this young Dragon was torn together with his own contract Dragon Riding Soldier, flesh and blood!

    I saw a pain in my heart. Dragon Riding Soldier is indeed a human being and will be killed.


    "Ha ha ha ha…Lao Tzu said, Dragon Rider is also a person! ”The Xuanyang army commanded the head of the young Dragon Rider soldier and shouted: "Give me an attack. I don't believe that this group of Dragon Rider can capture the nine cities that we have stood for thousands of years!"

    Just then, after the war has not started to kill the Frost finally have the action, the whole person into a lightning sweep, severing Beauty a sweep, the next moment, the head of the Xuan Yang Army has been rollover in the ground, the neck of the crazy spray of blood, dyed red frost white robe hem, She silently stepped forward, picked up the head of the Xuan Yang Army, suddenly a loud drink: "Dare to resist, kill no forgiveness!" ”


    Frost Voice is with divine power, like shock wave generally let the people's eardrum pain, and even many Xuan Army soldiers directly on the knees trembling kneeling to the ground, in the Frost of the main god under the pressure simply can not lift the head, a moment, Xuan Yang Army's combat effectiveness is reduced to only about 30%, it can only be reduced to the object of blood washing , hand over the ordnance do not kill, the rest of all on the spot to kill!


    When Frost shot, not only the npcs were convinced, but even the players were scared. The 500w garrison left by Jiuyi City was not the elite of the players. Many of them were focused on producing Class, which would be ours. Opponents, and many people are about to give up.

    In fact, they don't know, unless someone else attacks Dragon City, Frost will not take the initiative to kill the player.

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