Zhan Long

Chapter 629: Competent girlfriend

In the evening, at 6 o'clock, the hot pot shop outside the school.

The soup in the hot pot is tumbling. Tonight, Lin Biaoer invited a lot of people, Tang Qi, Dong Chengyue, Qin Wen and me. In addition, I called Simo, a total of 6 people, a group of people around the hot pot, to discuss Something outside the game in the game -

Dongcheng Yue: "Happy brother is suffering from the sword in the hands of today, but it is not too bad, at least he also got the reward of the magic dragon reward order, no loss?"

I nod. "Well."

Lin Yier said: "How about the holy sword?"

I smiled and said: "The fusion of the dragon pool sword, directly to the dragon pool sword to the ghost device."

"Ah! Ghosts?" Missy’s mouth is big and small: "The ghosts are numbered. What is the number of the dragons and swords?"

"0007, what's the matter?"

"Stupid, the number of equipment appears to indicate the number of equipment in the level of ghosts is limited. Look at this number, it should be a total of 1W pieces of the server, and your dragon pond sword, attribute evaluation in 1W pieces The 7th place in the sneaky scorpion, I have inquired, the sword attacked by the sword is very strong, but the ghost number is 1028, which means that the actual attribute of the town sword is inferior to the dragon pond sword. Far and far."

I gave a slight glimpse: "Is there still such details?"

Lin Xiaoer smiles: "Of course..."

Matcha red lips, some uncomfortable said: "Hey, the battle of the dragon's lair, the dragon is only a boss there, or how can it let the sword steal the town sword, really angry, so much People PK boss alone, actually still eager to send the battle video to say that the boss was asked to defeat the sword."

I touched my nose: "If you are defeated, you will be defeated. Nothing. The sword's current tactical genre is really amazing."

Lin Yier looked at me with a pair of bright eyes and smiled and said: "Well, it is the hero's true color to be able to retreat. However, the sword is now equipped with defense and blood, and there is a total of 22.4% blood-sucking effect. In addition to this, he can still master some of the tricks of interception, this person is indeed a terrible opponent."

I nodded: "Well, when we fight in the wild in the future, our dragons must be careful when they ask the sword. On the heads-up, I am afraid that no one of us is currently an opponent of the sword."

Dongcheng Yue smiled lightly: "Well, let's have an accomplice to ask the sword..."

Tang Qi held a small bowl with some embarrassment: "What is the battle of the Dragon Dragon Nest? I didn't shoot well. I didn't play Li Xiaoyao when I entered the effective range. Moreover, the sword did start to tactically target Li. Get away, otherwise it won't take nearly half a month to read the tactical details about the resurrection."

Dongcheng Yuetou smiled and looked at me: "Happy brother, how do you plan to deal with the sword's target? Maybe the sharp swords of the cold, the Yanzhao of Prague, the mythical Lu Chunyang, the first-class heavy armor players are thinking about how Against each other..."

I nodded: "Well, the video of the sword defeated me has already been fired, and the pulsation will surely become the tactic of everyone's pursuit. The rhythm of this game is very fast. If you don't advance, then I will study the interception. Essence..."

Lin Xiaoer said with a smile: "The quality requirements of the players are too high. They must have first-class response speed, first-class judgment speed and first-class technical and tactical awareness. Otherwise, the flow is simply a cumbersome tactic. However, A pig's reaction speed is fast, and the double sword flow operation space is bigger, learning the cut-off pulse should not be wrong. Hehe... sister, why don't you talk?"

Qin Wen holds the mutton roll and smiles: "I don't understand what you are talking about, it doesn't matter, you talk, I concentrate on eating!"



After dinner, send the matcha back to the studio and go back.

When I returned to my place of residence, it was already more than 8 o'clock in the evening. I went online and studied the details of the pulsating flow. Just as Matcha said, I can't grasp the pulsating flow, but I must understand the pulsating flow, so that it will not be like again. I had a big loss in the afternoon.


On the line, appeared in the East Gate Square of Tianzhu City, first took out a bunch of dragon sedges in the parcel, refining one by one, and soon after a ring of reverberation, I was the first person to rush the refining to 12 ——


System Tip: Congratulations, your refining is upgraded! Since you are the first player to master Day 2 Level 2 refining, get an extra bonus - 15 points!


Very good, got 15 charm value.

I didn't continue to manage the medicine. I immediately checked my personal email. I found that there were a total of 4,000 emails, of which more than 50% were for various players to ask for knowledge and MM to seek contacts. I have not checked them, and some others are Members of the famous family, Long Xiang and other guild members insulted me and did not read it. I checked the recent mail and finally found the mail sent to me by Matcha in a pile of spam. I opened it and saw a total of 7 additional documents. , one by one download.

Many of them are the players' experience in the cross-cutting flow, but at least it was a year ago. After all, except for the demon, there are almost no ones who can perfectly grasp the pulsation, and the little enchantress has no news. No one can really grasp the essence.

I continued to look through it, and finally found the matchmaking scent that the matcha searched for me. I sat under the wall, and Longchi sword hugged in my arms. I lazily read the illustration here. In the content, in summary, the cut-off is a skill, but also a process of integration of the game, a total of four steps -

Judging, understanding the opponent, judging his offensive line and attack mode, must predict the opponent's attack trajectory in order to truly interrupt his skill release.

Move, move your position, and put yourself at the best angle so you can do the right thing at the right time.

Insights, understanding the lead time and outbreak opportunities of the other's skills, interrupted opportunities are fleeting, and only 70%-90% of the other's skills are guided, the chances of interrupting skills will be greater.

Shooting, this is the most critical link. Success or failure is the most important part of the timing of the shot. The essence of cutting the pulse is the shot. Otherwise, it is basically the master of the same strength. Who is the first to shoot? I lost half of it.


Continue to see, the demon has a part of the diagram after the text part, which even has a simple human vein, muscle picture, marked with many acupuncture points and muscle hubs, opponents' swords, punches, stomping, etc. In fact, you can intercept this operation by attacking his muscle hub and attack the opponent's weakness position, which can further improve the success rate of the truncation skill.

I am very good at these muscle hubs. I have been learning with the old man for so many years. I know a lot about this kind of thing, but my previous understanding is not to defeat, but to kill people, and the points on the acupoints and muscle hubs are obviously capable. Seeing that the demon has something wrong, but there is no way, she is not a doctor, the ambiguous cognition is enough to make her invincible in the game world.

After watching it for a long time, it took nearly 4 hours to pass, and it was already 12 o'clock in the night.

I suddenly looked up, and I breathed a deep breath. There are so many wonderful things in the world. No one would have thought that playing a game would actually let people learn these many fighting skills.


A message comes from the prospective girlfriend Miss Beauty: "How is the study? I have to sleep..."

Me: "Well, I will sleep again..."

"Forget it, come to the town hall of Longcheng, I will accompany you to discuss it, when your imaginary enemy..."


Lin Biaoer is more intimate, I sent the sword to send, the next moment appeared in the Dragon City, not far away, Chi Yuhan is training a group of Park knife soldiers, Chi Yuqing is sitting on the watchtower of the city, a pair of long The legs swayed in the wind and said: "Several people over there, go to move the stones, don't idle."

I didn't say hello, went straight to the town hall, "brushed" into the hall, I saw Lin Biaoer standing there waiting for me with a double dagger smile, a beautiful face with a smile on the face "How do you feel that Matcha gives you a tutorial?"

I nodded: "Well, it should be."

"Come on, let's start with the first step..." Lin Biaoer sent me a challenge and then smiled with a provocative attitude: "I will always attack you with the blade of the gods, see if you can play Broken."


My double-handed sword was drooping, standing quietly there, only seeing Lin’s standard assassin attack routine, the graceful figure rushed with a strong wind, and the two daggers brought the flame red glow of the gods’ blades. , "brush brush" three consecutive attacks!

too fast!

The town's sword was swaying, and the blade hit the middle of Lin Biao's left-handed dagger. The foot slid and flanks half a step, and the dragon pool sword rolled out. "砰" slammed a Mars, but Lin Biao's gods' blade first hit Just a little offset, still pierced into my dragon hidden green rock, and my arms were staggered, "铿" a parry opened a second hit, even a few steps back, and ate a third hit.

Lin Xiaoer stood still, smiled and shook his head: "The pig's head is not right, the second hit is parry, the first hit, it's really a bit of a spurt, but the speed is still a lot slower, come again!"


The second time, Lin Biaoer still played the three-shot combus of the gods with the same angle and speed. This time I was prepared, the blade of the goddess of the little beauty could be output in 1 second, each hit about 0.3. In seconds, this is equal to when I have 0.2 seconds to make an insight attack, otherwise it will be late.

The mind was calm, and the time seemed to solidify at this moment. Looking at Lin Biao’s straight figure, the sword of the town’s sword in my hand trembled slightly, hitting the middle of Lin’s left-handed dagger in 0.2 seconds. It came out, not the attack, but the impact of the shift, "铿铿" two sounds, Lin Biao's gods of the blade of the first hit hard and so was destroyed, but the second hit quickly, my eyes calm The foot slid down, and stood up, the body leaned back, and the knees hit the top of the right hand wrist of Lin Biaoer!


The second strike of the Blade of the Gods was parried, but Lin Biaoer was not a rookie, his body sank, and a long white snow broke out. "嘭" gave me a fall, and the third strike of the gods was As soon as my neck swayed, she retracted the attack with a smile, saying: "Pig, in order to cut off the pulse, even the basic defense preparations are not needed? This is the success of the cut-off pulse, and it will be stabbed by the weak points of the opponent. ......"

I slowly climbed up from the ground and touched my nose and smiled: "Come back!"


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