For a force, there are many factors that determine whether it can successfully maintain it.

A wise leader, an atmosphere of common hatred, and a stable and desirable order.

But although these factors are important, they are not necessary. As long as one condition is met, this force will exist for a long time.

That is - absolute power.

The smiling Xin Ke stood beside Roland respectfully and said in a voice as clear as an oriole.

"From now on, the Elf Alliance will be officially incorporated into the Elkia Alliance. From military strength to specific governance, everything will be decided by you."

"The same goes for the Goblin Alliance."

Perhaps because of his complicated mood, Ronnie did not use his eloquent qualities as usual, but echoed the words of his old enemy in a rather silent manner.

The reason is also very simple.

At this time, no matter how amazing the wisdom is, it can no longer do anything.

It's like a joke to resist in front of an enemy who can wipe you out with one strike.

Even the Creator agreed to this condition. For the goblins, this was an irrefutable righteousness, so there were no opponents at all.

Although it is unavoidable that the goblins and forest elves make this decision on behalf of other allied races, it is somewhat overreaching, but both the arrogant dragon elves and the die-hard giants have acquiesced in this fact as a step forward.

Following the herd and being strong are the instincts in living things at this moment that have nothing to do with racial differences.

In today's war atmosphere, which is the general trend, they have no other choice. They want to remain neutral among the forces of only two parties, but it requires skill.

In addition, the enemy is a war weapon that has exterminated many races, and the Elkia Alliance, which is willing to accept foreign races, is the best target to rely on.

If they don't want to become like the previous human race, which was almost wiped out by inexplicable stray bullets, those races that want to survive can only follow Roland's will and become a member of the Grand Alliance.

After completing the simple transfer of power and accepting the oath of allegiance from the other races, the leaders of many races left with complicated emotions. They were still busy with the subsequent merger, and even Jibril was no exception.

For a time, although a lot of it had collapsed, there was only one person left in the stands who was looking at Roland with complicated eyes.

"Can you tell me why? The reason why you still keep me conscious without taking away all my marrow."

Okan asked seriously.

If he doesn't get the answer to this question, he may not be able to feel at ease in the days to come.

"Before I answer your question..."

Roland looked sideways at Okan and thought for a moment.

"Okan, why do you think I took away the essence of you and Kainas?"

"In order to prevent us from causing trouble in the battle between you and Artosh...and using our divine marrow as a strange move."

Okan answered without hesitation.

Perhaps thinking from common sense, in order to obtain more benefits, or become stronger, it is more in line with the answer, but for Okan, who has forged even the marrow to the extreme, he can easily discern the quality of the material, and Faintly aware of the deep essence.

He could feel that Roland seemed to value their marrow more than other gods, but he couldn't figure out the reason to support this conclusion.

For the gods, other people's marrow can only be differentiated into strong and weak ones after devouring them, and there are no other ways to use them.

Because the marrow is only the container that supports the concept, not the concept itself. Once the container is broken, it will return to the embrace of the universe. Rather than using it as a treasure or prop, it is more cost-effective to swallow it directly.

"Yes, in fact, for me, the latter is much more important than the former."

Roland nodded and explained.

"Because of this, I am willing to take the risk of letting you go. Although I take away most of your spiritual essence, I still retain a part that prevents you from falling into deep sleep. Because, even if I hold the two great powers of nature and forging in my hands, Concept, there is no doubt about the importance of an auxiliary who helps me when I forge the void."


This is a term that Okan has never heard of. No, this is too absolute. If it is the embers when time and space are broken, he would know it very well, but the meaning in Roland's mouth obviously has nothing to do with it.

"This is my usual term. In this world, I call it spiritual equipment. In a nutshell, it is a material that embodies the human soul in an armed form."

A weaponized mind.

This is an unfamiliar term for the species of gods who were born based on concepts.

However, although this is a blind spot, after the human species demonstrated the spiritual equipment, Okan, who is familiar with the basic theory, cannot reproduce it in a short time, but if he is willing to study hard, it is not impossible to create a fake.

It's just that this behavior has no meaning other than satisfying his curiosity, so he put it aside for the time being.

As a superior race, goblins do not need such things to improve themselves, and this is especially true for Okan. In a sense, he does not even have the conditions to be able to materialize his mind.

Born from the concept, their soul and body are one, and as they develop their power in depth, this characteristic will also be reflected in their dependents, such as the Flügels who become spirits through magic and the Goblins who turn into spirits through minerals. That is to say, the forest elves created by unlearned guys like Kainas still have the difference between soul and flesh.

Roland's essence is obviously the unity of spirit and body, a state of complete integration. How to forge non-existent matter from a perfect thing?

If someone else had said this, Okan would have definitely scoffed and treated the opponent casually, but if Roland, who had defeated him and was about to challenge Artesio later, said it, there was no way he wouldn't take it seriously.

"I know what you want to ask, but the method of forging the void is indeed effective for me."

Roland shrugged, his eyes flashing slightly.

Theoretically speaking, if the existence of void still had the space to be drawn out when he had just obtained the body through the third method, it would be much more difficult.

But with the dual fusion of the Apocalypse virus and apostleship, this road should be completely blocked.

Even if excess mass is added out of thin air, it will be quickly assimilated. For example, Made in Heaven, after the ceremony is over, the substitute merges into Roland's true form.

Because the law of forming a leak-free principle in the spirit, soul, and body is the source of the power of Roland's perpetual motion machine.

If there is a contradiction, it means imperfection, which will create a paradox in the personality of the perpetual motion machine.

But after returning to the moon, Roland was surprised to find that this paradoxical reality was steadily appearing in his body.

-Killer Queen.

This substitute, which has evolved many times with Roland, has been able to modify the reality after integrating with him, but he can still show it as a substitute as long as he wants.

However, in a state of being closely related to himself but not separated, the personality of the perpetual motion machine held by Roland was not affected in any way.

It's like...

"If you really can't understand the paradox, just think of it as a paradox that transcends my existence."

Roland smiled slightly and said words that made Okan's jaw drop.

From an outsider's perspective, Roland would probably think this was the only explanation.

The ritual that allowed Killer Queen to ascend to heaven was to make the origin that conforms to the plurality standard also called a paradox. It seems reasonable to ignore the perpetual motion person.

Because this level of infinity has no qualifications for the existence of this paradox, Roland has personally experienced what kind of {reason} the substitute at the end of the ceremony holds, and knows the huge potential it contains.

"All in all, its existence will give me infinite possibilities to surpass Artosh."

Among the borrowed power through the background of the root, with the Key of All Spirits as a carrier, that part of the power carried in transcending heaven greatly improved Roland's vision.

The principle of eternal calamity, the power to play with the stars at your fingertips, the mind that can understand everything in the universe, and... the feeling as if just moving your body will make the universe shatter.

Mora, who had transformed into a cosmic phenomenon, was directly defeated by the power that was not fully developed, and obediently became a part of Roland. This case is enough to prove the feasibility and potential of this method.

Although this change was slightly beyond Roland's expectations, he had never regretted letting Killer Queen go to heaven. Compared with the illusory alternative future, he was very satisfied with everything he had now.

However, considering that not all worlds would have a kind mother like Xing Yue who would dedicate abundant timelines to his own burning, Roland could only use the void method to realize it.

Part of his purpose in developing spiritual equipment was for this.

Although that extremely powerful state made him instinctively want to recreate it again, from a rational or intuitive perspective, this was not the best option.

"Instead of worrying about the specific consequences, it would be a better choice to grasp the power in front of you."

Roland said lightly, subconsciously pursed his lips and looked at Okan.

"So, God of Forge, what is your answer?"


Okan took a deep breath and his eyes were bright. This kind of god who always had a somewhat aloof temperament before now had a strong desire written on his face.

"That goes without saying! If everything you said is true, then its value will be more precious than Artex... no, more precious than the world itself!"

Because of his excessive excitement, hot white mist appeared on Okan's head, as if magma would spurt out at the next moment.

As a god whose goal is to forge the world, Okan has been pursuing more valuable materials throughout his life, and his criteria for judging other things also come from this.

Even if it's just a start, being able to participate in such a process is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step for him.

"Very good," Roland smiled slightly after receiving a satisfactory reply, "According to the current experiments, using the essence of you and Cainas as the main body, coupled with the cooperation of the Elkia Alliance, my It shouldn’t be a problem to forge it out of the void.”

"But you can't be careless. I will have someone specially assigned to assist you in the future. You should carefully study how the nature of the divine marrow triggers the formation of void power."

Roland raised his head and looked up at the sky leisurely, feeling the breath of the fantasy city, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"If it goes well

——Maybe we can catch Arteo by surprise. "


After confirming some policies, Roland took Jibril and left Haddonfell directly.

Although the current Elkia Grand Alliance is in full swing, the main problem is the arrangements for the newly added races.

Although Cainas has completely disappeared, to be honest, even if he is not around, his absence will not have a big short-term impact on the forest elves. these matters.

According to her, it seems that even the work efficiency has increased several times without taking into account the existence of Cainas.

As for the goblins, Okan's surrender also allowed this dangerous period to pass smoothly.

With most of the opponent's marrow in his hands, and the safety device placed on the remaining marrow, which can put him to sleep with just a thought, and with his own uniqueness of the void, Roland also did not Don't worry about Okan not working hard.

Anyway, Okan is just a tool man, and the main force in the real forging is himself.

However, Roland simply left the alliance not because he was lazy, but because there were more important things waiting for him.


He softly called to the girl following him.

Although Hubie is still not sure if she has won the heart, Jibril pats her chest and assures Roland that she is already perfect.

Roland, who knew that Jibril would not joke about this kind of thing, did not ask her to explore specific evidence. After all, the mystery was also part of the fun.


The two of them were flying almost side by side, but as far as Roland felt it, Hubie seemed to have his body completely pressed against him. He could bury his head in the arms of the machine just by turning his head to the side.

Does this level of closeness count as heart?

Roland hesitated to speak.


Hearing Roland's words, Hubie also blinked and looked at Roland with red pupils that seemed to be wet. Although his tone was very calm, judging from the fact that the answer to the question no longer had that cold mechanical feel, Jipuli Your words are not nonsense.

"It's nothing." Sensing the soft emotion in Hubie's pupils, Roland immediately changed the question, "The headquarters of the Ex-Machina is just ahead."

"Yes, Hubi has received the warning from the Connector. At the current speed, we will be attacked in half a minute."

"Hmph... Ex-Machina without the Heart of Acquisition are really just a bunch of scrap metal that doesn't know how to adapt. It's obvious that the information about the alliance of other races has spread throughout these continents."

Jibril said indignantly, her gaze becoming dangerous.

"This is also a kind of fun," Roland's reaction was much smaller because he knew that Ex-Machina had such a personality. "Isn't the Ex-Machina a race on the mainland famous for its learning ability? In that case, let me teach them a lesson."

Looking at the huge mountain-like machine in the distance, a ferocious smile appeared on his lips.

"Weak people never have the right to choose, they only have the fate of being chosen."

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