Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 341 Roland was killed in Feng Ping

Einzhi shook his body slightly, raised his head in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and a series of data flow waterfalls began to slide through his pupils.

As an Ex-Machina, he cannot understand such words. A rigid machine may not be able to produce a strategy called surrender, but it will never be without a strategy.

Death in battle or self-destruction is itself an alternative strategy.

But the unfamiliar word Wu Mou still made Einzhi blink his eyes, as if to confirm the operation of his thinking module.

"No plan...no strategy, no response, just sit back and watch things happen."

He murmured the explanation he found in the database, turned his head and looked at his body that was lying aside and loaded with most of the modules. He suddenly gained several new understandings of this word.

"Yes, although there is a possibility, if you don't resist or struggle, you just have to wait for your fate. This is the way for the weak to deal with the incomprehensible gods."

Roland smiled lightly and turned to look at Hubi, who had completed most of the data transmission and flew to his side.

She rushed into Roland's arms like a child who did something unwillingly after being ordered by an adult and rushed over to act like a spoiled child after it was completed.

Although the entire body is made of special alloy and loaded with a large amount of mechanical equipment, Hubi's weight is not much heavier than that of an ordinary human woman, and it is even more unexpectedly light for Roland.

"Master, the data upload about the heart has been completed. Currently, only the part linked to the fully connected command body is still in a stalemate, but it is expected that all resistance will disappear within a minute."

Hubie buried his whole face into Roland's chest, and moved his body as if he felt uneasy.


Einzhi looked at Hubi with some confusion. The Ex-Machina has a module that collects brain waves and analyzes the signals to distinguish emotions, thereby conducting the most basic communication with other races.

But it is quite abnormal to read this kind of emotion in an Ex-Machina.

Although the fluctuations are very weak, Einzich is certain that this is not a design produced through a personality simulation program, but an emotion unique to an abnormal individual.

What's even more unimaginable is that although the analysis of this type of emotion has always been a blind spot for Ex-Machina, Einzxi, who has lost most of his body's support, still understands the reason for this uneasiness.

"I see, Hubie is worried..."

Roland tilted his head and suddenly realized, "It doesn't matter. To me, Hubi is Hubi, and Ex-Machina is Ex-Machina. You are different."

After hearing this, Hubi finally raised his head and looked at Roland.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her ruby-like pupils were as clear as lakes, reflecting Roland's serious expression.

Unlike Einzhi next to him, Hubi's eyes did not flash with cold data flow, but with colors as bright as starlight. Roland also stared at her pupils in fascination until the silver double helix began. It was only when he was surrounded by the two of them that he came back to his senses.

"Even the weapons have basically taken shape... Next, let's officially replace Einzhi and become the supreme commander of the Ex-Machina."

Roland stroked Hubi's smooth hair with gentle movements, but Einzhi's reaction made him stunned for a moment.

"I understand, Master, now start transferring authority to the will body."

It was clear that he had not given up resistance just now, but the next moment, Einzhi suddenly became quiet and stopped moving. He just followed Roland's orders. Then, he closed his eyes completely and let the purple halo saturate himself again. pupils.

I don’t know what he understood...

Roland looked at Einzhi in surprise. It wasn't until Hubie confirmed that the permission transfer was completed and the link between the Ex-Machina and him was clear that he showed a relaxed expression.

——Up to now, the last key factor has been achieved.

Even though the preparations for the subsequent war will be very urgent, no matter how Artosh reacts, the initiative has been handed over to him.

"Now, even if Master Artex declares war now, we can be said to be well prepared."

Jibril flew to Roland's side with a smile, and looked at the Ex-Machinas who had gradually recovered their mobility, but the expressions on their faces were obviously much more vivid, and asked curiously.

"Will these Ex-Machinas have the same feelings as Hubie?"

"Absolutely, but a more accurate statement is that it copied Hubi's thinking mode. Because of the differences in individuality and performance, the details of the performance are still similar."

Considering Jibril's curiosity, Roland also specifically added.

"After that, they will devote all their energy to the task of replacing accessories and stocking up on weapons. Because there are many tasks, don't interfere with them."

"Well... in that case, let's wait until this war is over, and then I can study these Machina species with Lord Roland."

"Although I'm not very superstitious about death flags, it still feels a bit strange to say it out so easily."

Roland sighed, and Jibril turned around, wanting to fall into his arms. Then, as expected, she paused under Hubie's calm gaze.

Being preempted...

Realizing this, Jibril sighed, "Hubi has become a troublesome enemy," and she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed that Roland was inexplicably squatting down, holding Hubi with one hand, and his free hand pressed against his back, making an inviting gesture.

After realizing that Jibril didn't respond, Roland's gentle face was also a little confused.

"Aren't you coming up? I remember you don't hate being carried on my back."


Jibril showed a smile as sweet as honey and once again confirmed the feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, I still want to get Lord Roland's permission to create a life with my soul. In this regard, Hubei is much more convenient...

A rare warmth surged from her cheeks, and she leaned obediently on Roland's back. She tilted her head on Roland's shoulder slightly and looked at Roland's face with wet eyes, showing a rare hint of resentment.

"As expected of Lord Roland, no matter in any aspect, the speed of growth is amazing."

Roland, who had long been accustomed to this kind of scene, stood up without changing his expression and looked at the sky in the distance.

There, the figure of the city that hung alone in the sky, like a throne, became a little clearer again.

"If you don't have speed, you'll be in trouble." Roland smiled, his eyes a little serious, "After that, they will kill each other with real swords and guns."



The roars of wild beasts echoed in the sky, and the smoke turned from the spirit corpses filled the sky, making its color darker and darker, turning into a blood red that matched the ground.

Yes, proportionate.

In this vast continent, the rebels who were not afraid of death used the road paved with flesh and blood to prove their final struggle.


But in the continuous bombings, let alone such traces of tragedy, even their wails were like the aftertaste of this symphony of steel torrent.

After the Elkia Alliance was officially established, rebels appeared all over the continent. Unlike the powerful centralized countries such as the forest elves or goblins, most of the internal connections among other races are very loose due to differences in individual qualities.

Among the dragon spirit species, there are many outliers who do not want to belong to the Conglong and become followers of the dragon. Among the demon species, there are many intelligent superior species. Due to their nature, they instinctively doubt the reliability of the so-called alliance.

This is especially true in the fantasy species where one person is recognized as an army.

Although due to the previous changes in the forest elves, most of the interested fantasy species have united and joined Roland's forces, there are still many who are outside and want to wait and see how the situation changes.

To be honest, this is not surprising. The higher the intensity of the individual, the lower the dependence on race. This is an irreversible truth.

To convince the Phantasmals, you often can't rely on the general trend, but you have to use your character or strength to make them sincerely agree with you, such as surrendering to Artesh and being willing to serve as the Abanthem of the Flügel city-state.

In the past, due to the entanglement between various forces, as long as they used their own power properly, they could often get what they wanted.

But now, the situation has changed.

In the situation of the Grand Alliance, the contradictions and conflicts between various races have disappeared under Roland's absolute power, and the terms such as borders are in vain. As long as you are willing, any land on this planet will become a military force. Wherever the front reaches.

The carpets of flesh and blood paved by the monsters hiding everywhere are the best proof.

Although conventional attacks of this level cannot destroy those truly powerful individuals, the use of these weapons was originally only used by soldiers such as orcs to test the power of new spiritual equipment.

As for the fantasy species and dragon spirits who are extremely confident in their own power, they have real trump cards to deal with them.


What appeared amidst the uneasy roars of the giant dragon and the fantasy species was the shadow of steel that covered the sky.

Although the main body is composed of an aerial battleship of the goblin species, it can be seen from the flickering spells on the parts that are carved with exquisite patterns and wrapped like vines that there is some handiwork of the elf species in it.

But more than this, what frightened the rapidly escaping dragon elves was the muzzles protruding from all four sides of the battleship.

It is completely unlike the traditional spiritual equipment, giving people a sense of super-era technology. Just when it is charging up, countless black cables proliferate and spit out the crimson spiritual bones.

"The battle against the fantasy species begins, prepare the binding technique, and prepare the light cannon to charge up!"


Within the battleship, elites composed of various races performed their jobs in an orderly manner.

Although becoming companions with a strange alien race made them somewhat uncomfortable at first, this kind of thing has long been ignored due to the power displayed by this battleship that can only be formed by gathering the power of multiple races.

The moment he received the order, the gunner couldn't wait to start the massacre.


The beam stream formed by the huge elves directly pierced the body of the Phantasma trapped in the distance, and then spread like a flame, directly destroying the structure of the Phantasma from the inside, leaving only the most basic core.

Only a few minutes later, this natural disaster, which used to require fleets to fight even powerful races like the forest elves, was solved like chopping melons and vegetables.

Although the consumption is also very high, on the frontal battlefield, these new warships have proven with their brilliant achievements why they can become trump cards.

Now, these aces are carrying out large-scale massacres along the entire continent. In conjunction with the interception front composed of conventional firepower below, any possible instability factors have been wiped out in the cradle.

"What a useful tactic. Judging from the results of the rehearsal, this is probably the last training session."

Rick put down the report in his hand, walked to a door and stopped, muttering to himself sentimentally.

"I hope the sacrifices of these people can be turned into nourishment for us and allow more people to survive."

He is a very kind-hearted person and does not want to cause unnecessary sacrifices. However, despite this, he does not object to Roland's order, and his attitude is even very supportive.

No one wants to make unnecessary sacrifices due to unexplained accidents on the battlefield that is a matter of life and death. What's more, whether it is the core of the Fantasy Seed or the body of the Dragon Seed, they are excellent materials that the Alliance urgently needs.

And using them to preview battles is also very important for the tacit understanding and cooperation between various races.

Thinking of this, Rick also raised his head, looked at the gorgeous door, and knocked gently.

"Lord Roland?"

"Rick, come in."

After getting permission, Rick gently pushed the door open, and then his body froze.

What appeared in front of him was Roland, surrounded by beautiful girls.

No, it seems to be exaggerated to use it as a girl. From the perspective of Rick, who is a human, it is still an immature girl no matter how you think about it.

Roland's shoulders, thighs, and arms were all held by these girls, even his waist, like a eucalyptus tree being held by a group of koalas.

Because of the almost unwavering expression, Rick could recognize that it was the Ex-Machina that Roland had recently made a personal trip to join the alliance.

To be honest, it is not incomprehensible for Rick that the race that Roland personally recovered would surrender to the charm of this adult.

But why are these little girl-like machines with flushed faces and contented faces rubbing against this adult's body? !

Thinking of Hubie, who had become very strange after being brought back by Roland, like a pendant, Rick immediately thought about many things.

Although as one of the leaders of the alliance, he knew that the Ex-Machina only had a human-like appearance and no similar structure, but when he saw that mouthless but delicate face, it was natural for him to think it was cute, right?

And given Roland's bad reputation in various senses in the past, Rick's legs were also trembling.

"That... Lord Roland?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is not my original intention," Roland, who noticed Rick's emotions, immediately explained righteously, "Rick, you also know that many of the Ex-Machines I brought back need to be repaired. Body, replace the parts?"

"This strange appearance is entirely caused by a misunderstanding in the information they collected!"

"This has nothing to do with my personal reputation. It is just a misunderstanding caused by fools. Rick, you also have special plans, you should understand it, right?"

"I understand the truth...but can you put down the girl on your hands first?"

Rick nodded heavily, looking at Roland who unconsciously grabbed Hubie's calf and feet wrapped in white socks and played with them in his hands, and said with some tears.

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