13 Mink Street

Chapter 263: best friend!

In the conference hall, half of the area was laughing.

This is a very funny thing, and the cardinal took the lead in laughing, and the chief bishops of the various districts also laughed, and the priests of order in the spectators naturally followed without any psychological pressure.

Karen was laughing, Leon was smiling, and Memphis, who was sitting beside Karen, saw Karen smiling, and also pulled the corners of his mouth a few times and forced a smile.

At this time, the waiter pushing the snack cart happened to pass by. Leon reached out and took a bag of fried sunflower seeds from the car and put it on the coffee table. Karen reached out and grabbed a handful, and Memphis also grabbed a handful.

The three nibbled on sunflower seeds and continued to appreciate the negotiation.

Finally, the laughter gradually stopped, and in the middle of the process, the Reincarnation Sect did not make any protests.

Negotiation is a model of asking prices all over the world to pay back the money. Everyone shows their needs, and then cut each other before the bottom line.

At this point, the negotiation method of the gods is no different from the aunt who sells cotton wool pants in the market.

After seeing the other side and finished laughing, the handsome male spokesperson of Samsara Sect continued: "I think this is the basis for mutual trust between the two sides, and it is also a basic respect for peace."

At this time, Leon's grandfather, Bishop Wofron stood up and said, "It's over?"

"This is our first negotiating requirement, and we believe that only if this requirement is met first, the subsequent negotiation process can proceed smoothly."


Bishop Waffron looked at Cardinal Creed, who nodded slightly.

Karen, who was sitting in the back, thought: It seems that Bishop Wofron is the spokesperson for the order side.

It's very interesting that the first person in the York City area to participate in a negotiation meeting of this level can only serve as a spokesperson.

Bishop Waffron cleared his throat;

At this time, all the negotiators of the Order of God in the central area began to organize their robes one after another, and the secretaries beside each of them stepped forward and began to clean up the documents on the negotiating table.

This scene made the people on the other side of Samsara unable to continue to calm down, and their faces showed consternation.

The messengers of the other major churches who had just entered the venue not long ago also looked here with some curiosity.

Bishop Wofron said: "Now I declare that the negotiations are terminated and the war continues."

When these words were spoken, the entire venue fell silent.

No one expected that the attitude of the Sect of Order would be so rigid and direct.

At this time, the priests of order in the spectator seats also began to organize their robes, stood up one after another, and prepared to leave the venue collectively.

The situation is rapidly heading towards collapse.

Romil, the gatekeeper of the Reincarnation Sect, said at this time: "You should know that this is a negotiation."

The implication is that since it is a negotiation, then everything can be discussed, everyone sit down and talk slowly.

Wofron said: "You should know who is the loser."

Cardinal Creed stood up at this time, his voice was not loud, but when he spoke, he could ensure that every syllable clearly fell into the ears of everyone present:

"A few days ago, the black crows sent to me by the leaders of the knights who couldn't get on the battlefield were enough to dye my house black.

This is good, the front-line knights can change their defenses and rest, and the next group of knights is responsible for starting the next round of war. "

The handsome spokesman of the Reincarnation God religion immediately opened his mouth and said: "You are a provocation, a war provocation, and a trampling on peace. Isn't the order afraid of causing resistance from the entire church circle!"

Bishop Wofron said: "We have sufficient evidence to prove who was the one who tried to break the cage space and attacked our Knights first."


Bishop Wofron looked around and said, "The one who provokes first is not qualified to raise the banner of peace."

Immediately, all the bishops behind the negotiating table stepped back a few steps, waiting for the cardinal to leave first. The order of exit is naturally the order of entry.

Everyone present knows that this is likely to be the ultimate pressure from the order of the gods.

There is nothing wrong with the negotiation method of the Samsara Sect. They also know that they are defeated, and they also know that they will give up their interests and pay tribute, but they hope to reduce losses as much as possible to protect their face.

In this regard, the Order of God is not interested in playing this game. As the winners, they have a higher degree of freedom. What they want is only interests, interests, and more interests.

But what makes Reincarnation Divine Cult helpless is that they can't bet on whether or not this is one of the means of negotiation. Even if people tell you plainly that I am trying to pinch you in this way, you still don't know. Dare to let the other party leave like this.

Once the two sides have no room for relaxation, the Sect of Order is likely to fight again for its own sake.

And the disastrous defeat of the Reincarnation Sect in the "First Day War" not only lost many holy places, but also a lot of living power. The remaining forces could only consolidate the defense of the Valley of Samsara as much as possible, and were simply unable to carry out a strategic counter-offensive.

The most important thing is that Creed is in the religion of order and is responsible for foreign wars.

Let him be the head of the negotiation team, the meaning is very obvious, can't talk, you can continue the war directly.

The gatekeeper Romil stood up and bowed to Clyde:

"I want to hear the demands from the Order."


Creed let out a sigh, and seemed very disappointed with Samsara's softening.

It seems that he would rather continue the war than face the repeated knocks on the door by the heads of the knights.

Creed said: "There is no next time."

The gatekeeper Romil nodded: "There will be no next time."

Clyde sat back, the bishops also sat back, and all the priests of order in the spectator seats took their seats again.

Bishop Wofron took out a list and said:

"The turn response meets our following 18 requirements..."

Wofron began to recite the order's request, and Karen listened carefully.

The requirements are mainly divided into five points except for some minutiae and things above honor.

First, the Sect of Order will permanently retain a sacred place of the Sect of Reincarnation, and the location of this sacred place is exactly in the sea area where Darkmoon Island is located.

Second, the Reincarnation God Cult will compensate the Order God Cult with 200 million order vouchers for war indemnity. The first 100 million yuan will be settled within ten days after the treaty takes effect, and the rest will be settled in batches within three years.

Third, every three years, the Reincarnation Sect will send a hundred young priests to enter the Order Sect for further study, deepening the exchanges and mutual trust between the two religions.

Fourth, on the opening day of the gate of reincarnation once every ten years, the Church of Order will have twelve qualifications to enter the gate of reincarnation for trial.

Fifth, the two sides revised their respective mythological narratives, and the **** of reincarnation once fought a battle of gods together under the leadership of the **** of order.

Mainly these five points, the rest are diplomatic and face-saving requirements, not substantive implementation clauses.

These five points, the first point of the holy land in this sea area, was not attacked by the God of Order in the "First Day War". It can be seen from this that the God of Order had already thought about it before the war started. the content of the negotiations after the war.

Since it can be obtained through post-war negotiations, there is no need to attack in advance.

With that holy place, the Church of Order can spread its influence to this sea area, and at the same time cut off the threat of its ally Darkmoon Island, and can better force Darkmoon Island to continue to follow the footsteps of Order wholeheartedly.

As for the other holy places that have been captured, they will naturally withdraw their troops and return them to the Reincarnation Sect. Because the resources and accumulations in the captured holy places have already been plundered, but because the distance is too long, it is impossible for them to be extravagant enough to use the teleportation array. Goods, so the massive loot will still be transported by sea to the various branches of the Order of God.

Take everything that should be taken, and destroy what should be destroyed. Continuing to occupy the ground has no other important value. On the contrary, it has to continue to guard against suicide attacks by the local reincarnation believers. At present, this situation has occurred a lot.

The second point is the war indemnity, the amount is not very outrageous, and it can be fully supported by the heritage of the Reincarnation God.

The third point is to send young people into the Sect of Order for further study. This is a copy of what the Sect of Order has always done to the Pamiles Sect. It is a conspiracy here. Because the candidates are selected by the Order of God, so you can choose those who are young and outstanding, and those who have a prominent family background. Do you dare to hide them?

The fourth point is that the gate of reincarnation will be opened every ten years, and contemporary young talents can enter it for trial, and the quota is 30 people each time. In the past, it was not that the Reincarnation God sect did not take the place here to be a favor to other sects.

The Valley of Reincarnation is equivalent to the Temple of Order of the Sect of Reincarnation. Not everyone who enters the Gate of Reincarnation can enter the Valley of Reincarnation to become an elder in the future, but every elder in the Valley of Reincarnation has completed the Gate of Reincarnation when he was young. trial.

The fifth point of the revision of the mythological narrative is a change in jurisprudence. Karen once again realized the importance of the power and development of the religion to God itself, because if your believers are in good spirits, then God can lie down and act. Big brother to other gods, even father.

In other words, if your believers do not live up to their expectations, then no matter how powerful your **** was at that time, you may have to kneel down and call your brother or father for the opponent you defeated in the future.

18 requests have been submitted.

Next, the Reincarnation God Sect sent another spokesperson and began to carefully consider and revise it one by one according to the requirements outline provided by the Order God Sect.

All in all, the negotiations went exceptionally well.

Before the meeting was temporarily closed in the evening, the grass outline was basically determined.

The first point is to carve out a holy land, which is recognized by the Reincarnation God, but the Reincarnation believers who are required to move out of the place cannot be blocked by the Order God.

The second point of compensation is that the Reincarnation God Sect is willing to pay 50 million more in exchange for the third point. The number of selected personnel every three years has been reduced from one hundred to fifty.

The fourth point, the gate of reincarnation once every ten years opens the trial quota, and the discussion between the two sides is extremely intense.

The meaning of the Reincarnation God is that the 12 places that the God of Order wants are too many.

The Church of Order insists that the number "12" is its own lucky number.

The initial intention finally reached is that the next time the door of reincarnation opens, there will be 12 places, and after that, it will be reduced by one year by year, and finally the minimum number of places will be 6.

Article 5: The Reincarnation Theology agrees to add this mythological narrative, but requires an additional sentence: The God of Reincarnation and the God of Order are close comrades-in-arms.


The two main gods, who had little interaction in history, finally became close comrades-in-arms through the unremitting efforts of their descendants.

Strictly speaking, the Sect of Order puts forward all the requirements, which are strict, but not excessive, and basically belong to the acceptable category of the Sect of Reincarnation.

It can also be seen from this that the Church of Order really wants to gain benefits through post-war negotiations, and they do not want to continue fighting.

Starting from the cost of diplomacy and war, if we continue to fight, the Church of Order will definitely continue to lose money.

But the problem is that the Reincarnation God Cult itself does not have the capital to continue the war, and it cannot exchange its own demise for the loss of the Order God Cult.

The demise of Samsara can certainly arouse the sentiments of the entire church circle towards the same hatred of the God of Order, but this is based on the demise of Samsara, but Samsara is unwilling to allow itself to undertake this "historical mission".

On the sidelines of this day, Karen gained a lot and felt deeply at the same time.

Within a street, a town, a city, or a country, people may be judged and restrained by law and morality;

But when it comes to the relationship between the church and the church, if you continue to use the template of getting along with people and insist on "justice, peace and morality", then it is really either stupid or bad.

Because between the church circles, there is no absolutely powerful existence to carry out the supreme restraint and judgment.

Only one's own strength is the real foundation.

After walking out of the conference hall, Karen and Memphis entered the queue, Waffron took Leon and Laurey into the carriage, and the team began to return to the yard.

After entering the yard, everyone disbands, and today's work is over.

Bishop Wofron is not an adult who does a lot of things. He gives the people below a great degree of freedom. Usually, he just stays in the room and reads books.

Karen followed the captain back to the room. The captain lay on the bed, took off his mask, and let out a long sigh, as if exhausted.

Karen, who saw this scene, suddenly had an ominous feeling in her heart.

"Don't look at me like this, it makes me feel like a prisoner you've captured."

"Captain, you today..."

"How was the meeting today? I see Bishop Wofron's expression, it should be going well."

"It's going well, but you've shifted the subject too obviously."

"Oh, is that so?" Neo smiled, "I wouldn't always reject other women if you didn't change the subject naturally."

"Captain, please tell me where you went during the day and what happened."

"Don't be so serious, I went to a seafood restaurant during the day, but I didn't order seafood."

"and then?"

"Then go shopping, take a walk, walk into the basement of a cafe, and happen to find a group of Bright Remnants in a meeting."

"what's next?"

"Hey, you know what, the Bright Remnant sitting next to me is wearing a mask, but I think he looks a lot like you."

"Like me?"

"Yes, at first I really wondered if your kid sneaked out of the conference hall and followed me here."

"How can it be."

"Yes, I taught you your tracking technology. How could it be possible to track me without being discovered by me?"

"Captain, that's not the point."

"Okay, the point is that the purpose of this group of bright remnants of the gathering is to recruit volunteers. I believe they must have a fixed force, but this time they need to recruit some more.

They originally planned to sneak up on Guze Water Pool, where Dorons, a sea turtle captured by Philias a hundred years ago, was sleeping.

They wanted to awaken Dorons to avenge the Darkmoon clan's betrayal of the Light, and then use Dorons' power to re-establish a mission on the outer islands.

Recently, because of hosting this meeting, the defense force at Guze Water Pool is the lowest in the past 100 years, which made them see an opportunity. "

"and then?"

"Then I told them that you are a bunch of idiots. To wake up the sleeping Dorons is not to go to the Guze pool, but to get a contract conch, and then blow it within 30 kilometers, and Dorons can be caught. Summoning to wake up.

I also told them that the contract conch was Bernard's funeral. "

"Contract conch?"


"Is this thing already there and really useful, or did you make it up now?"

"It already exists, how could it be made up."

"Then how do you know that the contract conch is in Bernard's hands or is his funeral?"

"So, Karen, your observation needs to be strengthened. Which hotel are we staying in?"

"Bernard Hotel."

"Yeah, don't you look at the sculptures everywhere in the hotel? There is a large sculpture commemorating Bernard at the entrance of the hotel. Isn't there a conch around his waist?"

"Is there...?"

"Then look at this." The captain got up from the bed, reached out and tapped the oil painting hanging on the wall of the room, which showed a person wearing Darkmoon Island noble clothes with a full moon mark on the collar of his clothes, "Look at his waist. superior."

Karen looked carefully and found that there was a conch around her waist.

"This..." Karen really didn't expect that the answer was always by her side, even in front of her eyes.

"Basically, there is a conch around the waist of every portrait and statue. Bernard likes it so much, what will his descendants do after he dies? If it is other treasures, he may not be willing to seal it up, but this conch blows It will only summon the sea beasts that hate the Darkmoon clan, and naturally it is the safest to seal it in the ancestor's tomb and let the dead ancestors continue to keep it."

"Captain, then what?"

"Then, I personally made a plan for them to attack Bernard's Mausoleum!"

"Captain, you promised me that you would only go to the meeting and would not give them any advice."

"Yes, I promised you, I was wrong."

The captain suddenly admitted his mistake and reflected on it uncharacteristically.

This made Karen a little bit incompetent.

The captain said again: "So I decided to immediately find a way to report this news to the Dark Moon, so that they can be prepared to defeat this conspiracy from the remnants of the light in advance, what do you think?"


"That's it!"

The captain stood up and walked to the door. This scene was very similar to Cardinal Creed during the day.

"team leader."

"Well, what else do you have to do? Or, go and tell Her Royal Highness Ophelia secretly that someone is going to dig her family's ancestral grave?"

"Captain, I think the revenge of Bright Remnant is understandable in this matter."


The captain didn't hold back and laughed.

He pointed at Karen, wiped his tears and said, "Look, I knew you couldn't hold on."

The captain walked back to the bed again, sat down, and continued:

"You and I, Miss Pall and you are in a symbiotic relationship, well, I don't intend to ask in detail how this symbiotic relationship beyond the age was concluded, and I will never understand your grandfather's distress and destroy the order. The choice of the temple is the same, it is something that has already happened anyway.

But I can be sure,

When the beautiful love story on Darkmoon Island was introduced to Ellen Manor, it was passed into the ears of Miss Pall, your symbiote.

When you come this time, she must ask you to do something.

That is:

Raised Bernard's tomb. "

The captain guessed right.

Neo's expression suddenly became lonely, and said:

"Do you know how I met Bernard?"

"Captain, don't make such a joke casually."

Who is your "I" tone?

Neo continued: "It was Jenferni who made the connection between me and Bernard."

"team leader…"

"Givenney once traveled with Miss Pall, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has been followed by a Bernard who is still infatuated with Miss Pall even after being rejected countless times. Jennifer also knew Bell at that time. Na, and became a kind of expedition partner relationship with him.

Later, Bernard returned to Darkmoon Island and became the patriarch. Miss Pall disappeared. Jennifer started searching for Miss Pall by herself. In the process, she met me and fell in love with me.

It was through her that Bernard got to know me, and together they described to me the bright future of bright and dark moons shining on this island in the future, hehe. "

"Captain, if you do this again, I will stab you with a sword?"

"My Jennifer did it to me countless times,


Miss Pall is the best friend of her life. "

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