13 Mink Street

Chapter 264: Bubble hot spring

Karen told Pu'er about the captain and also mentioned Philias, but Pu'er did not respond at the time.

The cat in the house will have some small thoughts that belong to cats, but they are all within the acceptable limit, and it will never deliberately hide anything from Karen.

The captain's words explained at this time, that is, Pu'er really didn't know Philias.

Pu'er and Jenferni used to be good friends and expedition partners. When Pu'er turned into a cat because of the finger of the **** of light, he came to the Immelis' house to seek shelter. Outside, Pu'er was actually missing.

After that, Jennifer met Philias and fell in love with him. Later, she came into contact with Bernard, and only then did she have a honeymoon period of cooperation between Bright Remains and Darkmoon Island.

However, in this way, Bernard's actions back then can indeed be called disgusting, and it has gone beyond the category of so-called "heroes".

Using the remnants of the light to develop, and then kill them, the method is cruel, but it can be explained from a purely rational point of view.

After all, the remnants of Guangming are the inverse scales of the major orthodox churches, not to mention Darkmoon Island a hundred years ago, even if the current Darkmoon Island dares to disclose its cooperation with Guangming, then what is waiting for it will definitely be destroyed.

But what does Bernard mean by making a statue?

He also made a statue of Pu'er to show Pu'er how her former good friend was suffocated to death?

If Karen had some sympathy for Bernard before he came to Darkmoon Island, now Karen is really full of disgust for this person.

This guy is a complete pervert.

So far, Pu'er has spoken about several of her former friends, but they haven't ended well, but Karen doesn't find it surprising.

The word "exploration" is no different from an outing in the eyes of many people, but it can really kill people, and it is very easy to die, and there are really few people who can have a good death.

If you choose this road, you are ready to lie down and sleep on this road.

If it wasn't for Pu'er becoming a cat, her ending would probably be years in the future, when a new expedition team found Pu'er's legacy in a dangerous place.

Karen sat on her bed, looked at the captain, and asked, "What's the plan?"

"Tell me first, is the meeting going well today?"

"Yes, it went well."

"Then it's a little bit earlier. Bernard's grave is not in the cemetery of the Patriarchs of the Darkmoon Clan, but in the Missing Palace, a palace built by Bernard for Miss Pall."

"So, the plan is to rush in, find Bernard's coffin, open the coffin, pull out the body and throw it aside, and pick up the contract conch?"

"No no no." The captain's expression recovered, and his speech speed became faster, as if he had changed back to himself, "When I came back, someone followed me."

"Following you?"

"Well, but I got rid of him, and I have sufficient reasons to suspect that the remnants of light on the island may have been infiltrated by the Darkmoon clan long ago."

"What's a good reason for that?"

"It's been more than 100 years, and the format of the marks has not changed. My founder can easily read these marks. Are they treating the Darkmoon Clan as fools?"

"Captain, you can conclude based on this alone..."

"This reason is actually enough. Maybe other times the Darkmoon officials are only responsible for supervising them, and it's good to be at peace with each other. After all, the annihilation of the remnants of light can only force them to hide further, it is better to be able to stare clearly.

But this time, things are different when Bernard's grave is involved, and the Darkmoon Clan will definitely prepare in advance.

That group of bright remnants are the bait that came to the door. "

"Let's go after they go up and deliver it?"

"Yes, that's what I plan to do. The plan I helped them make is to start tomorrow afternoon. You can ask Miss Ophelia to visit the palace tomorrow night. It stands to reason that this should be what you will definitely do on this trip. one thing."

"Yes, I will."

"And then I started right then."

"Just you?"

"Isn't there still you?"


"Well, the manpower is indeed insufficient, but I don't trust those remnants of light, and I even suspect that the host, Mr. Sebas, is a spy planted by the Darkmoon Clan.

After the first batch of Bright Remnants are delivered, their defenses will inevitably relax, thinking that the matter is over, and then the effect will be better, you can still pick me up in the palace, if others..."

"I don't want to meet Ophelia tomorrow night."

"A moral burden?"

"Yes, maybe I'm a little pedantic."

"Relax, I can understand, although I always wanted to destroy Eliza's family, but I never thought of involving Eliza in this matter, you can go as an individual and let Ophelia Miss Ya can wait for you outside the palace."

"Okay, thank you, Captain."

Of course, Karen knew that she and Miss Ophelia entered together, and the palace guards would probably deliberately stay away in order to create space for the two of them, so that the chance of a sneak attack would be greater.

"Don't thank me, I said I can understand, otherwise what is the difference between us and Bernard?

Humans, in life, always pay attention to the bottom line. This is not used to restrain us, but to make our life more quality. "

"Captain, you can continue to talk about the plan, manpower..."

"The staff has to figure out a way, I can't bring my team over there, oh no, Memphis can bring it over, it's a pity that Judge Shu is not used there.

But what about his character? "

"very good."

"That would be troublesome, sigh, I don't really like to deal with people with very good character."

"But you can explain to him, for example, we found clues that Guangming and Darkmoon Island once cooperated. This time we are going to prove it, but because of the current cooperative relationship between Darkmoon Island and the Order of God, we cannot reveal it on the bright side. There needs to be a covert warning."

"Is it useful to say that?"

"Mr Memphis just needs a good reason, and I think he's in a rage right now and wants to vent."

After all, it is not suitable to beat his son here, he has to endure the end of the mission and return home. Uncle Eisen must be suffering a lot now.

"That's right, then you're going to tell or I'm going to tell?"

"It's more appropriate for you to talk about it. It can be said that it was the instruction of Bishop Wofron. Let's knock on Darkmoon Island a little to let them know what to do."

"Okay, I understand." The captain smiled. "It can be seen that you are very good at dealing with people with good character. As for the other personnel, I have figured out a way."

"What are you going to do ******** Huishen religion also has a lot of priests, and there are organizations similar to our whip of order team. I will lead a team of them in time, and I will come to the specific method. Time to see, but trust me, no problem.

Well, so it looks like the plan is done. "

"But I still feel a little rough..."

"Karen, this is not called rough, it is called leaving room and room for maneuvering for the specific situation at the time. After all, no plan can keep up with the changes."

"Okay, I know."

"Then it'll be fine for the time being tonight, do you want to rest?"

"Richard asked me to go to the hot springs."

"Oh, well, I won't go, I'll rest early to replenish my energy."

"Captain, there is one more thing."

"you say."

"After getting the contract conch, who will blow it?"


"Okay, I see, Captain."

The captain yawned, stretched again, and said, "You don't have to worry, whether I'm Neo or Philias, I won't hurt you. You don't have Darkmoon blood in you, and you have no relationship with Pall. Miss has a symbiotic relationship and can use the power of light."

"I know."

"If I don't sleep, I'm really going to get lost. Good night Karen. When I come back, the door will be quieter, or I can go directly to the next door to find Fanny and Xiong and the others to borrow a place to sleep."

Karen shook her head helplessly and opened the door.

At this time, I happened to see Fanny and Qiu go out of the house.

When he saw Karen, he immediately said, "Karen, we are ready, let's go."


"Hey smiled and said: "The captain said you asked us to accompany you to the hot springs. "

Karen smiled and nodded.

This is the captain's joke, and I know it's the captain's joke, so I don't need to explain.

"I also made an appointment with Richard," Cullen said.

"Then I'll call him." He walked to the room where Richard and Memphis were, and inside, the two were having dinner.


"Miss Xiu." Richard immediately put down his cutlery and got up to open the door.

But she just said to Richard through the open window, "Take Memphis to the hot springs, and Karen will go with us first."


Memphis, who was eating, said, "Okay."

He walked back again and said to Karen: "Richard and Memphis are having dinner. He said he will go to soak with Memphis later, let's go first."

"All right."

Karen nodded, since they wanted father and son to soak together, Karen had no reason to break them up.

There are two hot spring areas in the hotel, one large and one smaller, one east and one west.

If the people of the Samsara Sect want to soak, it is in the small part.

Darkmoon Island didn't want the priests of both sides to fight directly in the pool when they were soaking in the hot spring.

After receiving the hand card at the front desk, Karen entered the compartment and changed into a bathrobe. Fanny and Xiong also changed into bathrobes, both of which were conservative, and the bathrobes were not much different from normal coats.

The waiter led the three to the hot spring area, and when he passed the public hot spring area, Karen saw that there were already many people inside.

Most of them should be priests of the Church of Order, but Karen really doesn't know a few people.

However, this did not affect someone waving to Karen, whistling, and pressing down on Karen with one arm. This is an action similar to worship, which can also be understood as "admiration".

Originally Karen didn't know why, but when he gradually walked inside, he realized that they chose the private hot spring pool.

The normal accommodation and hot spring fees are all-inclusive on Darkmoon Island, but if you want to open a private hot spring pool, you need to add extra coupons, and the price is not cheap.

It's not that Darkmoon Island wants to make money, but it's for the sake of distinction. For example, when some big figures like bishops come to soak, they will definitely be arranged in the private hot spring pool, and they must be reserved in advance by price.

In the private hot spring pool, there are many fewer people, and there are basically no people in sight. There are patches of green vegetation hidden, and small hot spring pools are hidden inside.

"Adults, this is the place. If you need anything, you can ring the bell. There are drinks and snacks in the cabinet over there. They are all replaced at night and are very fresh."

After the waiter left, Xiong and Fanny took off their bathrobes, revealing their underwear, and sat down by the pool.

Karen asked, "How many coupons?"

"Three thousand order tickets." Fanny replied.

"It's mine," Karen said.

"Hehe, good." Xiong picked up a handful of water and smiled, "I know that although Karen won't be with us, he definitely doesn't want our bodies to be seen by other men. Happy to spend."

"Yes, yes." Karen didn't refute. After taking off her bathrobe, she walked directly into the middle of the hot spring pool and sat down.

He often takes baths at home, and he uses the power of light attribute to maintain the water temperature very luxuriously, so even if the temperature in the pool is very high, he does not need to adapt at all.

However, he had to deliberately control his own habits, so as not to let the light energy in his body overflow, otherwise Xiong and Fanny would definitely notice.

"Aren't you afraid of getting hot?" Qiu asked.

Karen shook her head.

"Well, I actually chose to stay in the innermost and hottest area."

He took off all his clothes and stood on the edge of the pond. Under the reflection of the surrounding vegetation and the dark moon above, there was a kind of beauty combining wildness and nature.

Then, she slowly descended into the pool, but could only stay at the edge.

Fanny also took off all her clothes, and her plump figure seemed to be waxed by the luster of the dark moon, making her look extremely soft.

After she came down, she also soaked in the edge position.

The temperature of the private hot spring pool is indeed much higher than that of the public pool.

The three of them have long been accustomed to this way of getting along. When they stayed in the suite together on the previous missions, the two of them were also naked or dressed very revealingly in front of them. They took it for fun.

This kind of fun is the same as middle-aged men like to play dirty jokes on female employees who have just joined the job, except that once the gender is changed, it is not so offensive.

Of course, the main reason is because Karen's strength has improved rapidly, and he is already recognized as the strongest in the country except for the captain, and they dare not go too far.

At this moment, Xiong opened his mouth and said, "Karen, you said that if Her Royal Highness Ophelia knew that you and the two of us are soaking in the private pool here, what would she think?"

Karen ignored it.

Fanny said: "What else can you think, come down and soak together?"

Xiong laughed: "Hahaha, okay, I don't mind."

Fanny said, "I don't mind either."

Karen twisted her neck silently, still not responding.

At this time, there were footsteps and the sound of armor rubbing from outside, and they were walking straight here.

Xiong and Fanny's eyes narrowed immediately.

They don't mind showing off their figure in front of Karen, but it doesn't mean that they are happy to be seen by outsiders, and the other party is still wearing armor, who wears armor to enter the hot spring area.

Karen, who had closed his eyes and soaked in the hot spring, opened his eyes. He also heard the sound of armor, and thought to himself: No way.

turn out,

The armor pushed aside the fence of the private pool and walked in.

Ai and Fanny's expressions softened a little, because they could see that this armor was a woman's close-fitting style, which meant that the person wearing her was a woman.

And Karen sighed silently. He knew this armor, and in the morning, he went back to the hotel in the carriage with it.

Ophelia took off her helmet, revealing her face.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

Both Fanny and Xiong said hello to Ophelia.

Ophelia nodded to them in turn, and said, "Hello, two sisters."

Xiong and Fanny looked at each other.

Of course they knew why the princess of Darkmoon Island gave them so much face.

"Karen, I'm ready."

"Yeah, it's too hot, I'll go up first to get some air."

"Yes, let's go shopping and take a walk."

"Your Highness, could you please take our bathrobes..."

It didn't matter how the three of them showed their bodies before. Now that there is one more person, it would be a little inappropriate.

"OK, wait."

Ophelia raised her sword and habitually wanted to use the scabbard to pick up the bathrobe hanging there, but she put down the sword, reached for the bathrobe, and handed it to the two women.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Your Highness, let's go first."

Xiong and Fanny immediately put on their bathrobes and walked out.

In the private pool, only Karen and Ophelia were left.

She went to the cabinet next to her, opened it, and took out two cups. There was ice cubes in a small metal bucket next to it. After pouring in the ice cubes, she added water.

Ophelia placed a cup by the sink and motioned for Karen to come over for a drink.

Karen shook her head, signaling that she wasn't thirsty now.

Ophelia herself took a sip and put the cup aside.

However, Ophelia did not take off her armor and went down to the hot spring. Instead, she sat on the ground with her sword in her left hand. The evening wind slowly blew through her hair. Her armor and the dark moon were the same color, which looked like An exquisite work of art.

a long time,

"The negotiation went well today. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Ophelia seemed to be trying to find a topic, but found a frigid one.

Karen immediately answered: "Yes, the main reason is that the Reincarnation God Cult found that our Order God Cult was sincere in negotiating."

Ophelia blinked, realizing something was wrong.

"Of course, I would also like to thank Darkmoon Island for its strong support and careful arrangements for this meeting."

Ophelia smiled,

Reached out and patted on the pool surface, a splash of water exploded,


"I don't know what to say at this time, and you deliberately pretended that you didn't understand?"


Watching her lose her temper, Karen couldn't help laughing.

"Are you kidding me for being stupid?"

Karen shook his head and said, "No, this time is the best. Yes, it will be tasteless."

"You always talk like this, my father sometimes doesn't talk like you do..."

Suddenly, Ophelia's eyes were stunned, and she put one hand on her chest, spit out a mouthful of black blood, and said in astonishment:

"There is poison in the ice cubes!"

Seeing this, Karen immediately got up and quickly approached Ophelia.

Ophelia, who had been poisoned, did not forget to remind Karen at this time:

"Be careful, this poison is on you!"

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