Chapter 255: Pack Your Chemist

Early the next morning, a captain named Heinrich came to the hotel where Scrooge was staying and arranged matters related to the artillery test. This Captain Heinrich is an acquaintance of Scrooge. He is the crown prince, that is, the poor “Hundred Days Emperor” Frederick who died only as Emperor 99 days after suffering from laryngeal cancer. The attendant of Emperor Lie III.

When Heinrich came to the hotel, Scrooge had just had breakfast.

“The prince is here,” Scrooge asked.

“The crown prince knows that you are here with some new toys, so I rushed the way last night and came back.” Heinrich replied, “in addition, the crown prince is very interested in the wireless broadcasting system and hopes to be able to Talk to you in detail.”

“Ah, then doesn’t the prince prince need to take a break now? It’s not good for the body to rush on the road overnight and then not rest.”

“His Royal Highness has slept in the car.” Heinrich said, “And the Crown Prince went directly to the test site and rested there. And we have to walk a long distance to get there, and we should get there. It’s lunch, and then it’s already afternoon.” Heinrich explained.

“Then, let’s go.” Scrooge said.

Scrooge took Chen Guang, and Pluto, and got on the carriage prepared for them by the crown prince. Chen Guang was the last to get on the carriage. When he got on the pedals of the carriage, although there were already three people in the carriage, the carriage still tilted noticeably. Heinrich glanced at Chen Guang in surprise, and secretly estimated the weight of this big man in his heart.

“Looking at this posture, I am afraid it compares with the black bear in the Berlin Zoo.” Heinrich thought.

The carriage left the hotel and drove towards the railway station. Then it changed trains. It ran for more than an hour. The train stopped at a small station. Then it changed into a carriage. Then it walked for another hour and arrived in Prussia. Somewhere in the Army’s weapons test site.

Scrooge brought two cannons, one was the French Snyder 75 Miss during World War I in the cottage. Think about it soon, the Prussians will use this rapid-fire cannon originally from France to shoot France. It’s really comical if you have a bag full of your head. The other gun was showing great power in Cuba, and the 70mm infantry gun that caused the Spaniards to suffer. After the two guns were unloaded from the ship yesterday, they were sent here. However, the Prussians did not get any chance to get close to the artillery. A few Blackwater mercenaries and technical personnel kept guarding the artillery and kept the Pruss from approaching. So until Scrooge arrived, the Prussians could only look at this gun. Until Scrooge arrived, even the crown prince could not lean up and take a closer look.

But the Prince Wang was not in a hurry. He first invited Scrooge to have lunch with him, and then went to see the two baby cannons together after lunch.

Prince Frederick was quite a thrifty man, as can be seen in his lunch. His Royal Highness’s lunch is no different from ordinary low-level officers. That is, a few slices of bread, a glass of milk, some cheese, and, well, a piece of “Spam” luncheon meat.

Scrooge is more picky about eating, but it is not impossible to eat plainly. But when a lunch the same as that of the crown prince was placed in front of him, he hesitated. Originally, Scrooge felt that although the food of this era was quite unreliable, the food that His Royal Highness ate should be relatively safe. But this idea, when he saw Spam on the plate, knew how unreliable this conjecture was.

Now that cheap goods like Spam are all on this plate, there is no need to think about what happened to that piece of cheese. In addition, this bread is as white as the white paint on the wall. If there is no bleach in it, Scrooge would not believe it. Scrooge knew what was in his Spam, um, did you see the attractive pink color? It was dyed with Sudan red, and…, but Scrooge knew that when he was making these foods, it was quite disciplined. He didn’t have anything to eat directly that could easily eat the dead. Dare to put how much into Spam. But for other food merchants, it’s really hard to tell. For example, cheese, it is almost a common practice to add mercury-containing compounds to it to keep it fresh… So Scrooge immediately felt that he had no appetite at all.

“What’s the matter, is the food not to your appetite?” the Prince Wang asked.

“Ah, no, you know, I’m not very picky.” Scrooge said, “It’s just that when I was on the train, I ate some food and I am not hungry at all.”

“Ah, that’s it.” Prince Wang said, “not eating at a fixed time is bad for your health. Of course, I know that many scientists have a bad habit of eating only when they are hungry. It seems Macdonald Sir, you are similar to them. Well, eat as much as you want, my doctor told me, it’s good for your health.”

“Ah, thank you.” Scrooge glanced at the plate in front of him again, and didn’t eat at all. It would be too much for the Prince to face him. What should I eat?

“Your sister’s eating is good for your health. Eating this is definitely destroying your health, okay! These damn black-hearted food vendors!” Scrooge cursed the black-hearted food vendors in his heart, and finally made up his mind. The choice was probably the best Safe food-Spam luncheon meat. Although there are many very bad things in this thing, there are some magical things in this thing, Scrooge himself still knows. He can also guarantee that there is no possibility of poisoning death by only eating this thing. Even if it causes cancer, the chances of it should be very small.

So Scrooge took the knife, cut Spam into two pieces, and ate a small piece by himself. As for other foods, it is not impossible. Scrooge glanced at Chen Guang, who was sitting next to him and was eating enthusiastically, and said, “Bachi, I am very full, or I will give you these things.”

“Ah, thank you, boss.” Chen Guang thanked him as he took Scrooge’s dinner plate. Well, Chen Guang felt that Scrooge was really a good boss.

After eating, Scrooge, who was hungry, pretended to be very full, and accompanied the prince to see the cannon. During this process, Scrooge’s stomach grumbled many times. Fortunately, the artillery in Heishui was firing. The roar of the guns completely suppressed the grunting of Scrooge’s stomach. , Was not discovered by others.

However, even if there were no guns, the crown prince would not have heard it, because the prince prince was immediately fascinated by the “Miss” since the soldiers in Heishui took off the canvas covering the “75 Miss”. Compared with the previous artillery, this gun has a longer barrel, and the lower part of the barrel also has a long barreled cannon with a strange shape, which has a peculiar beauty.

“His Royal Highness.” A Heishui mercenary saluted like the Crown Prince, and then began to introduce him to the shells used by the gun. “What we are about to fire is a white phosphorus burning specially used for arson or smoke screen. bomb.”

“It’s the kind of weapon the Spaniards encountered in Cuba?” the crown prince asked. The crown prince is very clear about the loss suffered by the Spanish in Cuba. He also consulted some chemists about the reason why this incendiary bomb cannot be extinguished with water, even if it is immersed in water, it will start to burn again as soon as it leaves the water. Many chemists thought of it, that most of it is white phosphorus. The crown prince was full of curiosity about this weapon.

The white phosphorous incendiary bomb easily ignited a pile of wood six kilometers away. The efficiency of its arson made the crown prince very satisfied. Next is the highlight, the performance of the high-explosive shells. The mercenaries in Heishui used high-explosive shells to shoot at a target that simulates a field fortification at a distance of 8,000 meters for 20 seconds. In just 20 seconds, the cannon fired eleven at the target. Fired high-explosive shells.

Prince Wang stood in front of a telescope specially used to observe the target, carefully observing the target area. He saw that many field fortifications in the target area were severely damaged. Some bunkers, observation posts, almost half of them were blown up after being hit by artillery shells.

“This is really an epoch-making weapon, such a cannon, such a shell, really can be called the god of war!” The crown prince said such a sentence after doing it for a long time.

After witnessing the effects of this epoch-making cannon, the Prussian government was obviously ascending in reaching a purchase agreement. Although the price of this type of artillery was extremely expensive, and Scrooge gritted his teeth and refused to lower the price, the Prussian government made the first decision to purchase fifty items with cash. At the same time, the Prussians also strongly demanded the purchase of related technology and production licenses.

For this request, Scrooge’s offer is even higher. However, considering that Scrooge agreed to let the Prussians use the future reparations after the defeat of France as collateral, and provide them with loans to buy these things. So in the end, the two sides reached a win-win agreement:

The Kingdom of Prussia used related processing technology, including pressure-resistant steel containers, and other technologies, plus the loan that Scrooge provided to them, and allowed and helped Scrooge to recruit chemists in Prussia. Nano Infantry Weapons Company purchased related technology and patent authorization.

As for what Scrooge wanted so many chemists to do, Scrooge did not hide from the Prussians.

“Mainly doing two things related to agriculture. One is research and ammonia formation, and the other is the development of a widely used pesticide.”

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