Chapter 256 Market and technology

In addition to weapons, Scrooge also negotiated with the Prussians on wireless broadcasting. In America’s market, wireless broadcasting has shown considerable commercial potential. Now in United States, wireless broadcasting has begun to make a profit. Although the money is not much, the profit growth, especially the growth rate of advertising revenue, is quite fast. However, what the Prussians value is actually not the profit aspect, but the role in the control of public opinion.

“Mr. MacDonald, you know that the German nation has been split for many years. Although everyone is a nation, there are great differences in religion, culture and other aspects.” Bismarck said, “Therefore, we need to have a dish of loose sand. The German states are united into one country. There is a lot of work to be done. In addition to economic and political issues, cultural unity is also very important. We think wireless broadcasting is a very good way to spread culture. Therefore, We hope to cooperate with you to establish a broadcasting network covering the entire German states. In addition, we also hope to be able to produce generators, motors and electric lights in Prussia through a joint venture with you.”

This is quite a big business. If such a large agreement is reached, it will definitely bring more benefits to Scrooge. Only in this way, Scrooge must consider a question, and that is whether the economic interests of himself, Prussia, and Germany in the future are tied too tightly.

In Scrooge’s strategic vision, Prussia, or Germany, was used to “be the first to be the king.” Scrooge wants to support them, fundamentally speaking, so that they can one day smash the whole of Europe. Good for the capital of United States, um, it’s too patriotic to say that, and it’s not accurate. Well, let’s be honest, so as to free up the market for Scrooge’s business. Although United States is large, it has been experiencing economic crises in recent years. This shows that the domestic market of United States alone can no longer support the rapid economic development. Oh, no, it should be said that it has been difficult to support Scrooge’s faster development. Earn more money. According to past experience, the best way is to transfer the crisis to the colonies. However, United States is not a colony as large as the United Kingdom (currently there is only one semi-independent Hawaii in United States’ hands. But Hawaii does not provide much help for United States economically), and its naval power is also far away. Inferior to Britain, it is not easy to go outside to grab colonies.

In this regard, the United States, or the big consortium represented by Scrooge and Morgan, behind the United States government’s countermeasures is to stir up conflicts within Europe and create a war in Europe. This war should best cover all of Europe. Going in, it’s best to pull the UK in and let them fight to death. It’s best that they both fight to lose. The domestic industry is completely destroyed. Then, well, there is always a gap in the market. It always needs new productivity to fill. At that time, what will the blood-drained Europe use to resist the economic power of United States?

Supporting Germany and breaking the balance of power in Europe is a decisive move to achieve this goal. But this does not mean that Scrooge was willing and destined to be used as a gunman. The Germans who were destined to be smashed in the end were economically tied up too tightly. They were tied up too tightly. When they abandon them in the future, they will suffer. The loss is too great. The full-scale joint venture is just such an act. However, you can’t just watch where the money is and don’t make it. Besides, it is still too early to sacrifice Germany. It is actually a good way to earn him a hand and then transfer them out when the time is right.

“This is a good idea.” Scrooge said, “but I need to know the specific details so that I can assess how much benefit such cooperation can bring us.”

Bismarck and even His Royal Highness are already very used to Scrooge’s beggars who want money. Well, the United States explosives are like this, even if they are scientists, they have this kind of virtue. Of course, it is not just Scrooge who has the problem of greed for money. Among the Saxon Anglo people, there are definitely many such guys.

Prime Minister Bismarck and the Crown Prince are also familiar with another characteristic of Scrooge, that is straightforwardness. Well, it’s better to talk straight to this United States guy. Because those United States guys are big bosses, well, even famous scientists like Scrooge are no exception. Talking to them is too obscure, and they often fail to react completely. In addition, they are ignorant of complicated polite issues, and they don’t care. Well, they often behave rudely. Of course, if you are rude to them, they probably won’t mind, because they don’t even notice it. So to save trouble, when negotiating with people from United States, especially with Scrooge, well, it’s better to behave like a rough barbarian.

“We can agree that you use part of the technology as the capital for the shareholding. The joint venture will enjoy the same treatment as a fully local enterprise. There will be no taxation or other discrimination, but we believe that you are in the new joint venture The share capital of the company cannot exceed 49%, and you cannot be the largest shareholder in the company. In other words, you cannot have absolute controlling rights. In addition, when you need to sell these shares, German companies have priority The right to buy.”

Isn’t this a replica of “market for technology”? Although he couldn’t get an absolute controlling stake, Scrooge hadn’t planned to get too deep here. So it is not unacceptable. And Scrooge knew that after the Franco-Prussian War ended, stimulated by the victory, coupled with the influence of the second industrial revolution, the German economy will have a very rapid explosion period, and then? Well, the investment boom and speculative fanaticism created the conditions for the arrival of the economic crisis. At the same time, because of the large amount of European capital invested in the railway construction of the United States, the railway fanaticism will also plant the seeds of the crisis. These two factors add Together they will explode like a bomb, bringing another economic crisis sweeping the world.

For ordinary small capitalists or those fools who are not vigilant about the arrival of the crisis, the economic crisis is of course an extinction disaster, but for a savvy predator like Scrooge, the crisis is actually a better opportunity. Scrooge, who knows that crises will happen, and knows why the crises happen, will of course sell part of his railway equity to cash out when the economy is frenzied, and then wait until after the crisis, the railway companies collapse and go bankrupt before using it. The low price controls them back. Of course, these German companies are also the same. Before the crisis broke out, when the economic situation was in a good state, it was definitely not difficult to sell them for cash, as long as you did not force them to sell at the so-called highest point.

When the company in Germany is cashed out at that time, you can turn your head to support France, provoke the French for revenge (well, this hardly needs to provoke), and then provoke the Russians to jump around in the Balkans. Absolutely It will allow the British to divert their attention. At that time, they will cause trouble, let the United States declare war on Spain, and then use the new navy to beat Spain into a stupid bird, and take this opportunity to provoke a global shipbuilding competition. A great deal of money, and finally a great war. All this makes people intoxicated when they think about it, and even makes people want to shout like Faust: “You are so beautiful, please pause!” The only difference is probably that Scrooge doesn’t have to worry about his soul being depleted. Pfister took him to The Underworld, because if there is a so-called area, then in The Underworld, the Throne of Fire should have been prepared for him a long time ago.”Well, that’s a good idea, but the restriction on equity makes me very unhappy. Because it will make me run into a foolish chairman and end up losing my money. Since I took such a risk, so I ask for some more compensation.” Scrooge is actually basically willing to accept such an arrangement, but who is not willing to fight for more benefits for himself?

“Mr. MacDonald, this request of yours is unreasonable.” Bismarck shook his head and said, “Your joint venture should also take risks, so their rights should be equal to you. I think this is the most basic. Business principles.”

“But you don’t let me have a controlling stake. This is making me and my future joint ventures unnecessary risk.” Scrooge argued, “My business capabilities are obvious to all. Those who are under my direct leadership The company has never failed to make money. The risk of this weak leadership is almost zero. But changing someone else… Well, what I am asking for is not a discount for me, but a special discount for the joint venture company in which I participate. In addition, Many of my products have no substitutes in Europe. If there are no special offers, why should I have a joint venture? Isn’t it good to sell products directly? For example, like generators and motors, although I believe in the abilities of German scientists, they think To bypass my patent and produce something that can compete with our current products, that is definitely not possible in one or two years. And after one or two years, I dare to say that we must have gone further ahead. The reason why I am willing to enter into joint ventures with German companies in these areas is because of our friendship. Secondly, it is also because of this that money comes faster. This is an era of rapid development. The faster you have money, the faster you can get money. Increase investment and make the business bigger. McDonald’s enterprise has no time to stay, and it must run as fast as it can. In fact, is this not the case for Germany? What’s more, these joint venture projects are like this for Germany. It’s important. What’s wrong with some appropriate policy tilts? Indeed, I’m asking for supranational treatment, but for such an important cooperation in the development of Germany, shouldn’t there be a bit of supranational treatment?”

After Scrooge finished speaking, he looked at Bismarck very impolitely, and assumed a posture that we would fall down if we couldn’t agree.

“Ah.” Bismarck smiled. “In legal terms, supranational treatment has no possible basis. But for key industries, it is not impossible to give preferential treatment in terms of taxation, but it will take time. Let’s talk about it in detail. For example, if you can co-produce heroin in Germany, I will definitely be able to give this joint venture a lot of tax benefits in the industry in which it is located.”

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