48 Hours a Day

Chapter 415

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

11 months is a long time for a round of games, but short for life.

In the small apartment of less than 60 square meters, Zhang Heng has experienced four seasons, almost familiar with every corner, know where each piece of furniture is placed, know the milk and eggs are on the first floor of the refrigerator, know the small What is the favorite cat food for crocodiles? I know that the old TV in front of the sofa will automatically shut down when the game is intense.

Zhang Heng also proposed to buy a new replacement. He made a lot of money from the fox, and the money could not bring out a parallel copy. As an unidentified black household, he did not have much money to spend. However, this proposal It was rejected by the little boy without the slightest hesitation on the grounds that the newly produced television sets all have microcomputers and can be connected to the Internet.

This means that they will be connected to CTOS.

speaking of which This is also the strangest copy of Zhang Heng’s feelings. Obviously coming is the future. However, apart from learning skills, he rarely encounters electronic products in daily life. The little boy also chooses in actual combat teaching. A place far away from home.

Therefore, in addition to watching TV, old movies, and playing Tetris together, the only entertainment activities for two people are only those casual chats. The little boy especially likes to rain. When the sky is overcast, she will make a drink. and so on, and occasionally when she has more time, she will bake cookies in advance, and then eat the cookies just by the ticking rain outside the window.

Zhang Heng did not know how many cookies a boy had eaten on a rainy day in the same position and in the same posture before he arrived.

As few people know, there are still a group of people fighting for justice in the heart of this city.

There are fewer and fewer members in 01. Some people ca n’t withstand this huge pressure, or they have been wiped out of the enthusiasm in their chests because of the long struggle, and finally chose to withdraw silently. After all, in addition to the pursuit of justice and axiom There are many other things to worry about.

Parents, partners, heirs, friends … Everything must be put in enough energy. When the ideal is low, everyone must face the reality. When the people around them are more and more accustomed to the existence of CTOS, they have even left After not opening CTOS, Black Nest’s victory has been decided, not everyone is as persistent as the little boy to distinguish right from wrong.

The departure of the old man, coupled with the lack of fresh blood, the demise of 01 now seems to be just a matter of time.

Perhaps when the veteran figures of Leiya, the little boy, and the semi-prime number grow old, no one will remember that they have fought.

During this period, Zhang Heng also participated in several 01 operations as foreign aid, but even with his ability, he can do very little. After more than ten years of crazy expansion, Black Nest has completely expanded into a huge monster. Internally, there is an intertwined interest relationship, and even the creator of CTOS has also lost control of it. It is no longer controlled by one person or a few people. Likewise, no one can stop it.

However, Zhang Heng’s information communication, Internet intrusion and defense, electronic equipment transformation and anti-tracking skills have all been improved to varying degrees, and eventually merged into an lv2 geek skill.

This is also his biggest gain in this parallel copy.

Seeing that there will be another month, this parallel copy is coming to an end, and finally it is time to say goodbye.

“Are you leaving?” The little boy leaned against the kitchen counter, holding a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, thank you for keeping me for so long, and teaching me so many things, I am almost going back to my parallel universe.” Zhang Heng said, he bought a suitcase from the 100 store , Collect all the things you need to use on your way.

“How long is it?”

“Less than a month, but I have some other things to do before leaving.” Zhang Heng said, he planned to use his remaining time to go to Grenoble, check the ski area there in advance, and improve the belt. Taking Leiya ’s plan, I ’m also going to try to see if I can sneak into the Black Nest and get more information.

Of course, considering the danger of the latter, he also put this operation at the end.

“You said that Edward was alive when you came, and Black Nest had n’t killed him. Although I still do n’t believe in your set of parallel universe ghost words, but suppose … I ’m talking about suppose that after you go back and 13 01 years ago prevented CTOS together, what will happen to my World? “

“I don’t know,” Zhang Heng said. “I used to go back to the past and have never been to the future. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation, but …” Zhang Heng paused, “but I Guess, no matter whether I succeed or not, we may not be able to meet again. “

This parallel copy is based on the future without player activity. In other words, even after the end of this round of games, Zhang Heng will use the power of an additional round of games. I am afraid that I will never see the little boy at this time.

Therefore, Zhang Heng doesn’t know what this is eleven months, an illusion? But obviously he can clearly remember every day, every detail, the 29-year-old boy standing in front of him at this moment is so real, every time she frowns, those habitual small movements are telling him some experience It is true.

“I understand.” The little boy took a sip of coffee, and his expression remained the same. “Sleep up early when you are done. You will be on the road tomorrow.”


The little boy’s reaction was much calmer than Zhang Heng’s imagination. She even calculated the cost of breakfast in advance and settled the rent and utilities with Zhang Heng.

The broadcast on TV said that there will be heavy rain in the urban area after zero tonight, reminding the public to take care of the doors and windows. In order not to disturb Zhang Heng to rest, the little boy did not sit under the window as usual to listen to the rain.

The two boys exchanged good night and the little boy returned to the bedroom.

The living room fell into the darkness, Zhang Heng divided half of the money earned during this time and placed it under the cushion of the little crocodile. Then he climbed onto the sofa and closed his eyes.

When he was half asleep, he vaguely felt something on his waist. Zhang Heng thought it was a small crocodile climbing up again, but when he opened his eyes, he saw the face of the little boy.

The latter somehow had taken off his pajamas, rode on him, and stretched his hand to cover his mouth.

“Hush, say hello to the 17-year-old self for me.” The little boy said, leaning down at the same time.

The heavy rain outside the window came as expected, the wind blew the leaves hua hua, the tree shadow swayed in front of the window, the sign of the diagonal convenience store was also blown into the sky, the blue lightning cut through the night, the entire world looks like To be completely submerged by the flood.

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