48 Hours a Day

Chapter 416

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“You see what I do, is there something on my face?”

In the early morning, the crowd of 01 and Zhang Heng had breakfast together at the hotel, the little boy asked with a tray.

“It’s nothing.” Zhang Heng said, looking away.

Despite having similar faces and exactly the same childhood experience … Zhang Heng knew that the little boy in front of him was not the same person as the little boy who lived with him 12 years later.

It is not DNA or other biological things that determine a person is a person, but all his experiences and memories.

Even now, Zhang Heng is still not very clear what happened to the little boy in the middle 2 years, but after 2 years, in addition to the same stubbornness, she has an extra in her eyes exhausted.

Zhang Heng knew that the woman who would lean against the window to listen to the rain when it was raining had completely disappeared from his world like the heavy rain that night.

Six people said goodbye in the parking lot. Zhang Heng bought a few bottles of black tea in the vending machine next door as a drink on the road. After 6 hours, 2 people drove the newly rented car and arrived at the target ski resort.

Philip parked his car in the open-air parking lot, opened the door, and took a deep breath of cold air from the Alps. On the other side, Zhang Heng and Ponytail had stepped on the snow, and the boots and the snow triggered a rustling sound. .


Because of the high season, there are still quite a lot of tourists on the ski slopes.

Most of them are residents of Grenoble and nearby, as well as some foreign tourists, even the appearance of Zhang Heng Asians is not so conspicuous.

“Have you been here before?” The Horsetail Man asked Philip.

“Well, you know me, I don’t like competitive sports very much, except for e-sports, of course?”

“My wife and I used to pass by here on our honeymoon, but we just drank a glass of wine at the bar on the mountainside and didn’t ski, and that was many years ago.” Mawei looked up at the ski resort, “Look We have a lot of work to do this time. “

This ski area in the south-east direction of Grenoble is not small. The total number of piste on the mountain is more than 300 kilometers long. It ranges from simple to professional level, and it is everywhere. Tourists, the good news is the manpower of the black nest here. Once Leiya comes here, it is obviously impossible for them to clean the details of all tourists, and it is impossible to deal with sudden occurance as quickly as in the urban area.

From this point of view, Zhang Heng’s plan has been half completed, but on the other hand, it also means that their preparatory work will be very long.

“Say there to the little boy, do you want them to act later?” Philip asked.

“But in this case, I’m afraid what will happen to Edward’s side. After all, Black Nest’s main energy is now on finding his whereabouts. I don’t know how long he can last, so the faster we are, the better.” Male frowns saying.

“Do n’t worry, I already have a rough plan. Only some details need to be improved. If the initial estimate is smooth, it will only take 2 days to complete the preliminary preparation, so let the little boy lead Leiya to the ski resort as soon as possible. Good, “Zhang Heng said.” So the people in the Black Nest will not have enough time to make a perfect surveillance plan. “

Ma Weinan and Philip glanced at each other, and both saw a surprised look from each other’s eyes.

“You just stood at the bottom of the mountain and glanced casually, did you plan everything?”

“Because I’m not here for the first time,” Zhang Heng took out the phone. “Now we can divide the work.”

Zhang Heng called the earring man’s phone. About 7 seconds later, the voice of the earring man came down from the other end of the phone. “Hey, if you don’t have the most urgent thing, I will call you in half an hour.”

He didn’t wait for Zhang Heng to answer and he hung up the phone.

About 25 minutes later, the earring man called back, and this time his voice sounded normal.

“What’s the matter?”

“you are busy?”

“Ah, do n’t say it, I was stared by the police after that night. I could n’t get back where I lived. The luggage and so on were also there. Now I only have less than 400 Euros on my body, and I do n’t speak French. When you called me just now, I was stared at by several patrolling police officers before I got rid of it. “Earring man complained,” What about you? When you were with me at the bar, you were also photographed by the camera Is that right? “

“I have technical support and changed my identity information for staying at the hotel.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

“………” The earrings burst into tears. Wasn’t he the earliest technical supporter who died, otherwise he wouldn’t be so embarrassed, singlehanded and language impaired.

“Since you can’t stay in the city, how about going out of town?”

“Out of town? I still have to figure out how to take Lei Ya from the men of Black Nest … wait, don’t you already have a plan?”

“Yes, according to our previous agreement, we acted separately, each responsible for part of the work, you can choose first.”

“Listen to your plan first.”

“Give me a mailbox and send you encrypted mail.”

Ten and five minutes later, the earring man entered the key with anticipation and anxiety, clicked on the email sent by Zhang Heng, and after pulling down the bottom, he could not help looking to get really angry, and immediately dialed someone’s phone, The tone is not good, “You yell at me, use me as bait ?!”

“You can also choose another part of the division of labor and leave the bait job to me.” Zhang Heng calmly said.

“That part of the work must be completed by a whole team! And the core part of the request is too perverted, no one can do it !!!”

“Yes, I can do it.”


“You mean simply did not give me a chance to choose ?!” The earring man was dissatisfied. At the bar, he still felt that Zhang Heng was kind and promised to let him choose first when cooperating.

“Sorry, mainly this is the most suitable plan I can think of, and strictly speaking part of my work is more dangerous.” Zhang Heng said.

This point earring man has to admit that although he took the bait role in this plan, but really speaking about the danger is still directly with the black nest Zhang Heng higher.

So after a moment of silence, the earring man asked, “Are you sure you can take Leiya away in the front of one’s eyes in Black Nest?”

“80%,” Zhang Heng paused again, “If we fail, we will go directly to Edward.”

“Bragg you, don’t rescue Leia, we don’t know where Edward is.” The earring man sneered at it. “But I don’t have a better way. Try it as you say first.”

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