A strange world

Chapter 425 Chapter 83 Return to the Nest

Chapter 425 Chapter 83. Return to the nest

That object exudes a magnificent brilliance and contains countless incomparable brilliance.

No earthly gem can compare with it, and the skin of the most beautiful woman in the world is as rough as sandpaper compared to its surface.

There is nothing to support it, and it seems to be suspended in the treasure chest without any dust.

It is not only a treasure of this world, but also the crystallization of human civilization. The person holding it, not even the dragon can refuse his proposal...

Annan was lying outside the treasure chest, as if peeking at a swaddling baby.

"It can make a city float?"

Orin, who was standing aside, was so sane as to be unlike a woman: "No. Low-level arcane energy cores can only levitate a castle or village."

"Low class is too unpleasant to hear..." Annan looked at the arcane energy core as if his eyes were shining, "It's better to call him high class."

"What are the middle and high levels called?"

"The highest and the most advanced..."

"...If you don't want to be corrupted into a void creature, it's best not to touch it."

Annan, who reached out to the treasure chest, felt that Oulin was trying to scare him, but he still retracted his hand.

"You see it's so precious," Orin said.

"This is four hundred thousand gold nuggets..."

A cash box can only hold 1,000 gold coins, and four hundred cash boxes can only hold them. If they are poured out, the pile of gold coins can drown Ilimoyas...

Speaking of Ilimoyas, 400,000 gold coins are enough to exchange for the loyalty of her entire family.

"You'd better give me value for money!" Annan scolded him fiercely at first, and then comforted him gently: "I thought there would be changes, but I didn't expect to get it so easily...I was not making fun of the empire."

Ou Lin felt that Annan's mental state was not right and she did not have the same understanding as him.

"How do I bring it back?"

"You don't even know the relevant knowledge about arcane energy core...?"

"Oh...I remembered, you can't put it in the magic ring, and you can't go through the portal...so how do I take it away?"

"You can ask the Purchasing Department to ship things for 500 gold coins."


Annan was still swollen by the impact of the magic image, forgetting how humble he was in order to earn 500 gold coins.

"Send it to Syltovis, not... to Gem Bay."

Now that he has arcane energy cores and money, he can rebuild his territory.

"I'm going to the bottom of the nest next. Do you want to come with me?" Facing Annan's invitation, Ou Lin suddenly fell silent.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I...have something else to do."

Ou Lin was worried that Annan would gradually overlap with that silhouette——

"Okay, then I'll go find Isabel. We made an appointment before."

It won't happen again.

Annan ran to purchase the delivery service from the warehouse official, and asked tentatively: "Olin said that the Montreal family does not have to pay taxes far away, and there is a 20% discount, right..."

Soon after, Annan, who paid 400 gold coins, said goodbye to Oulin, who responded coldly to him.

He first went to Isabel's residence and learned that she was not at home, so he left her a letter inviting her to film "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". He came to the ruins of Sorundor alone and entered the bottom nest facing the coveted gazes from all around. .

The ill-intentioned figure followed Annan into the bottom nest. Not long after, those who were annoyed and slowed down saw those who had followed before and fled with fear on their faces.

All malice and prying eyes disappeared with the appearance of the Elemental Legion.

Without the protection of the Ministry of Ceremonies, Annan, who lacked a sense of security, summoned a hundred large elements. At this time, even if Annan declares himself the king of the bottom nest, the bottom nest people will accommodate him——

Arriving straight to the Xia District of the treasure floor, Annan saw wild dogs. He was doing well and even had two wives - but the little girl's family still hadn't come back.

"Do you want to go back to the surface with me?" Annan asked the wild dog again.

The answer is of course no. He has a job, is feared by others because of his relationship with Annan, and has two wives. Most people on the surface are not nourished by him.

Annan had no choice but to prepare to go deeper. Just as he was going to the next level, a wild dog chased him and said that some "big shots" wanted to see him.

The leaders of Dichao learned that the nobleman who left a few days ago was back, and wanted to test Annan's purpose in coming to Dichao.

After thinking about it, Annan went to their banquet and told them: "I am building my own territory and I need some people there."

The "big shots" misunderstood something. They captured 500 slave workers for Annan.

The relationship between the surface and the lower levels is quite complicated, and Annan, who originally didn't want to get involved, readily accepted their overtures. Before leaving the treasure floor, he remembered something and asked them if they had seen an ascetic.

They said that not long ago a fakir came to trouble a "big man", and later the "big man" disappeared together with the fakir.

"Try to find him. That ascetic has something to do with Orin Montreal." Annan emphasized the accent on his last name.

The "big guys" look at each other and know where everything they have comes from. And the Golden Family are the masters of their masters.

No longer paying attention to their different thoughts, Annan came to the cautious and restless slave workers: "You don't know me, but I have a long title. Champion Warlock, Lord of Star Moon Bay, King of the North, Nemesis of the Rat People... …”

"I'm here to do only one thing: give you three chances!"

"First chance: you are free."

"Second chance: you can leave the underground and get rid of your identity as an Underhive;"

"The third chance: you will no longer be slaves, but become citizens who will not accept any harm."

The slave workers looked at each other. At first no one moved, and then some began to leave. Annan's indifference caused some people to leave.

"No more?" Annan looked at the remaining three hundred people.

"No more! Sir!" A handsome young man answered loudly.

"what's your name?"

"Veronica, my lord!"

"Are you a girl?"

"No, sir. My father gave me a woman's name when he wanted to sell me to an old man."

"Veronica, you are now their temporary captain, follow me."

"Okay sir!"

Veronica showed her loyalty and ran into the team, beating and scolding the slaves to make them fearful and follow Annan.

One after another, people sneaked away because Annan was running deeper. Veronica wanted to stop them, but Annan stopped her.

This is a screening.

Those idiots who are weak-willed and are still blinded by the "dream of the imperial capital" and cannot distinguish the situation in front of them do not deserve sympathy. Because they personally threw away the opportunity to save themselves.

Layer of ash.

With the arrival of a hundred elements and more than 300 people, the desolate area filled with ashes all day long became completely lonely.

Annan found a person from the slave laborers who knew the way to lead the way. A few hours later, after a month and a half, Annan returned to Lilliputian Town again.

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