A strange world

Chapter 426 Chapter 84 is ready

Chapter 426 Chapter 84. Ready

Children are a symbol of hope, a continuation of life, and an existence that needs protection.

In the bottom nest, these children are hungry, and their toys are only ashes and mud - but they are already the luckiest children in the bottom nest.

Surrounded by children and welcomed by the children, Annan found that he still had to face the cruel reality: the bottom nest still existed.

The girl who serves as the "King" takes Annan's hand and says that the "Mother" wants to see him.

Annan came to the crater and approached the skeleton that had been sheltering the children.

Contrary to the tranquility last time, Annan noticed a slight fluctuation this time:

"My power is going away."

"Are you a 'mother'?" Annan didn't waste time: "How can I help you?"

"You can't help me... This world is like an ocean to me..."

"There will be a way."

Mr. Swaro, the ancestor and "mother" can maintain consciousness with a piece of skeleton, so there might be a chance of recovery.

But the fluctuations of "mother" are getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that she is just trying to see Annan one last time.

"Don't come to our world..."

The last whisper lingered in the ears, and the bones in the pit suddenly turned into ashes, blown away by the invisible wind, and became part of the ash layer.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

The "King" stood firmly beside Annan, holding Annan's hand without crying.

"Mother said you would take care of us, right?"

"Yes, we will return to the surface, play in the sun and go to school."

"what is that?"

"Let you become knights, professionals, merchants, and guards in the future."

"What if I'm going to be the king?"

"It's not impossible... but we have to start a war, kill many people, and make many children homeless..."

"I shouldn't do it." The girl pursed her lips, let go of Annan's hand, and looked up at him, "My name is Cathy, what's yours?"


"Annan, can I call you father?"


Lilliputian Town sheltered a total of 164 children, but there were more than 200 people of similar age to Annan outside the town's low walls.

They are either kicked out of Lilliputian because they are no longer children, or they take refuge outside the town.

News of "Mother's" death spread, and sobs filled the town.

Annan asked Cathy to take her "guards" to ask people outside the town if they would like to return to the surface with him.

This is not a multiple-choice question on the third to last floor. People living here always want to escape from this dark underground cage. And whether they were children or older children, Annan accepted them without hesitation.

With more than 300 slave workers, more than 100 children and more than 200 boys and girls, Annan opened the portal, allowing them to enter the portal that resembled a fairy tale from the ruined land where ashes were falling.

As the portal closed, the empty town became deserted and deserted, making people shudder...

Fortunately, there are a hundred large elements surrounding him.

Annan stretched out his hand and caught a piece of falling ashes, temporarily leaving this dark world.

Syltovis, Diagon Alley.

The children, slave laborers and underhive people sent back by Annan made the merchants who were not well prepared busy. They vacated their houses to accommodate the refugees who had crossed the portal.

The merchants initially thought they would complain of hunger, but it turned out that their eyes could not stand the brightness of the surface. It's still the coldest time of the year, and it's almost dusk.

They saw the refugees spontaneously divide into three groups: one group stood together in confusion, one group was full of children, and another group was in a mess.

"I am the king!" the girl shouted after the businessman came into contact with the group of children. "But that was before. Now my name is Cathy, and I am my father's daughter!"


"He's the one who opens the portal."

"He is my master." Veronica came over.

Cathy put her hands on her hips: "Then you have to call me Miss."

"Okay ma'am."

The businessman didn't know why Annan had a daughter after going out for a while, but he still asked cooperatively: "Miss, did Lord Annan have any instructions?"

"I think I asked you to make arrangements." Cathy bit her dirty fingers.

The businessman straightened up and said, "Then give them a bath first."

These refugees were so dirty that ten of them could not even put together a piece of clothing. If they brought a plague, it would be a big disaster.

Boiled hot water was poured into the pool and the refugees were allowed to soak in it. They screamed as soon as they entered the water and couldn't help but struggle to stand up. However, the people in the bottom nest who knew that they really wanted to start a new life were afraid of being driven back and insisted on getting back into the pool. After a while, pieces of water floated up from the water. of dead lice.

After taking a bath, the refugees with skin diseases were sprinkled with medicinal powder and given clothes. By this time, the food was almost ready.

The merchants had been busy all night, and gathered together after the refugees had fallen asleep, whispering to each other with tired and excited faces on their faces.

The King in the North has brought back so many refugees from outside...is he going to build a new territory?

"Yes. After entrusting the children to me, the 'mother' disappeared..."

Annan sighed, "Do you know its origin?"

The ancestor caressed Lily: "It is not a life in our world."

Only then did Annan understand the meaning of the phrase "This world is like the ocean to me", which further highlighted the kindness of "mother".

"Is our little Annan sad?" The ancestor said in a coaxing tone.

"It's just a pity to see the existence that protected the children lose its last strength... You said it is not the life of our world?"

"It started a long time ago...The whole Montreal Mountain is the splatter of that world."

Annan learned the truth about the imperial capital from his ancestors:

In the long and chaotic elven calendar, a huge meteorite fell from the sky. It was originally going to fall in Wilhelm, but was diverted by the Elven Grand Arcanists at the time, so that it ended up in the southern plains and became Mount Montreal.

The brief contact allowed the elven great arcane masters at that time to detect some kind of ominous mist on the meteorite, and it took hundreds of years to remove most of it, while the rest sank to the ground.

The entire Montreal Mountain is made of solid meteorite iron, so the original Montreal Gold Family built a fortress here to resist aliens.

That "mother" is the visitor from another world who arrived with the meteorite.

"The unknown curse disappeared?"

"If there is no more harm, yes..."

No royal power would build itself on an unstable threat, and the current bottom nest would be slowly corrupting at best.

"Can't we clean it up completely?" Annan asked after learning the origin of the "Rat Man".

"Little Annan, we should not expel darkness just because we yearn for light. We must learn to adapt to the existence of darkness." The ancestor explained patiently: "There are many good and bad in this world, both good and bad."

Annan remembered that someone seemed to have said something similar to him. Olmedo? It's still Mel...but the ancestors were right. There is no point in worrying until you have the ability to solve these problems.

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