Qin Yao and Liu Ji were covered in dried mud and were too dirty to look at.

The horses and carriages were not much better. Although they were cleaned by the stream before entering the town, they were not so dirty, but now that they were settled, the horses and carriages had to be scrubbed clean again.

It's easy to do things if you have money, so I gave the innkeeper an extra hundred pence, and a waiter helped me wash the car and the horse.

This also includes the hot water for Qin Yao's family to bathe in.

Like its owner, Lao Huang is now a horse that loves to be clean. He is usually very irritable when outsiders approach him. Now he knows that he needs a bath, so he obediently asks the waiter to tie him to the pillar outside the back door and let others wash him.

While Lao Huang was enjoying it, Qin Yao and his wife took turns taking a bath and washing their hair with their children.

After being out for so many days, I was already covered in stinky sweat.

Da Zhuang looked at Qin Yao's family busy washing up, feeling as if he was watching something strange.

He was also covered in mud, but just rinsing his insteps with cold water was all it took.

I rubbed the mud on my clothes with my hands, dusted them off, and then put them on again.

It's not that I'm careless, but I really don't have anything to change, and I'm afraid it will damage the fragile and patched linen clothes on my body.

Qin Yao and Siniang were the first two to wash. After washing, they went out and Liu Ji and the three boys went in.

The mother and daughter were sitting on the stone bench in the backyard, watching the waiter scrubbing the carriage while waiting for Liu Ji to come out to wash the dirty clothes.

Da Zhuang was also washing the carriage. He didn't want to pay the waiter for help, so he fetched water and washed it himself.

Siniang's big curious eyes wandered around. It was the first time for her child to stay in an inn. The experience here made her feel very novel.

His big eyes looked at the half-open room next door. Liu Li lit the lamp and was sitting at the small table reading with a book.

After a while, he looked at the waiter and Uncle Da Zhuang who were washing the carriage, with doubtful expressions on their faces.

Why didn't Uncle Li help Uncle Da Zhuang?

Won't Uncle Zhuang feel tired? Why doesn't he ask Uncle Li to work?

Uncle Da Zhuang and Uncle Li are neither brothers nor relatives, so if Uncle Da Zhuang washes the carriage, will Uncle Li give him extra reward?

Siniang had many doubts in her heart, but she knew that it would definitely not be a good idea to ask them now.

Therefore, the little girl held it in until Liu Ji and his son came out of the shower and Qin Yao led her back to the house to rest. Only mother and daughter were left alone before she asked her doubts.

Qin Yao didn't expect that Siniang actually observed these details. She thought that six-year-old children were like Sanlang, only thinking about eating and sleeping, and playing when they woke up.

Why is this like this, Auntie? Siniang asked, holding her chin.

Qin Yao thought for a while and then said: Because their status is not equal.

Siniang's expression became even more confused, Why? Is it because Uncle Li is rich and Uncle Da Zhuang has no money?

That's not entirely true. In addition to the inequality of money, they also have the inequality of rights.

Now that this is said, Qin Yao feels that there is nothing more that cannot be said, and there is nothing wrong with knowing the gap between classes earlier.

Only by adapting in advance and making good use of the rules can you proceed better.

However, equality and human rights in Qin Yao’s heart will never be erased!

While telling the four ladies about the huge power gap between agriculture, industry and commerce, and the rule of imperial supremacy, he also warned her that no matter what position she would be in in the future, she should not forget essential equality and human rights.

Moreover, there is another thing that cannot be ignored in the prosperous country - under the slaves of scholars, peasants, industrialists and merchants, there are even more vulnerable women.

Seeing that the little girl was listening very seriously, Qin Yao couldn't help but curiously asked: Can you understand what I said?

Siniang nodded heavily, Yeah, and her little fists clenched tightly at some point, and she said:

Auntie, I will study hard. When I grow up, I will become as powerful as you and protect the sisters who are weaker than us!

No! Feeling that it was not enough, Siniang added seriously: It is to protect all weak people!

Qin Yao stroked her thin but straight back, her heart full of pride, Our fourth mother has such a lofty ambition at a young age, it's great, I'm proud of you.

I was praised!

Siniang immediately raised her chin, she wanted to be her proudest daughter!

If her stomach hadn't growled, the little girl would have had to memorize two more texts.

Madam! Madam!

Liu Ji's shouts came from outside the door.

Qin Yao held her forehead, what a troublesome man.

The sound came from far away, and the footsteps were chaotic and dense. After washing clothes and going to the front hall to order food, the four father and son rushed in with exactly the same annoyance.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Ji slapped the small table in the room and complained to Qin Yao angrily, A black shop! This is a black shop!

Erlang also had an expression filled with indignation and said, Mom, how much do you think the shopkeeper here charges for a bowl of plain noodles?

How much? Qin Yao hugged Siniang, who was startled by her own father banging the table, and looked at Liu Ji who was about to explode with anger, Calm down, you are still living in a guest room of an inn, so loud You said it is a black shop, are you afraid that others won’t hear it? Isn’t it convenient for them to kick us out?”

That, that's not the case. Liu Ji glanced at the dark sky outside the house. Who wants to sleep on the street?

But this store is too dark!

Liu Ji gave Erlang a wink, and Erlang exaggeratedly raised one of his hands, raised three fingers, and continued: A bowl of plain noodles costs thirty coins!

He emphasized: “It’s plain noodles!”

Saburo echoed, Some noodles, no meat.

Liu Ji also said: The bowl of plain noodles we ate in another town during the day was only fifteen cents.

He knew that food prices were soaring now, and a bowl of plain noodles at fifteen cents was already three times the usual price. Although it was hard to accept it, he would be hungry if he didn't eat it, so he gritted his teeth and endured it.

After all, the family has just added seven taels of silver to their income, so they can afford it.

But just over twenty miles later, a bowl of plain noodles was actually priced at thirty cents a bowl. What is this if it's not a black shop?

After hearing the whole story, Qin Yao secretly took a breath. The price was indeed exaggerated.

But he sent Liu Ji out to ask, and found out that all the guests were eating noodles at this price today. Liu Li also expressed his helplessness. He just asked Da Zhuang to go to the street to ask other restaurants, but they all closed down. This is the only one in town. It’s expensive but you have to eat it.

And it's not because the shopkeeper is evil, but because the price of food here is more than three times more expensive than in Kaiyang County.

When we think of the nine gangsters who were so bold that they even dared to rob and kill the official inn, we can see that the food shortage problem here is already very serious.

Liu Ji was silent.

Dalang tentatively said: We still have dry food, how about some cakes? It's delicious to boil some hot water and eat it right away.

Thanks to Dalang's efforts in selling, Erlang, Sanlang, and Siniang all expressed that they were looking forward to eating dry food.

Qin Yao waved her hand, It's time to save money and spend money. It's not like we can't afford a bowl of noodles for thirty yuan.

Just think of it as dining in a super luxurious five-star hotel.

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