Qin Yao broke out three coins and handed them to Liu Ji, Go and ask for eight bowls of noodles. Ask the waiter to add more vegetables and six fried eggs.

Normally, fried eggs cost at most two cents each, but now they may have increased four to five times, and these three cents may not be enough.

We are already halfway through the journey, and I feel tired and hungry today. I need to eat better before I can be in the mood to continue tomorrow's trip.

In the past, Liu Ji didn't feel any distress at all as long as he didn't pay for it himself.

But when Qin Yao handed over the money, he hesitated for a moment in pain before asking Dalang, Erlang and Sanlang to go to the front hall to order food together.

How can one person carry eight bowls of noodles with two hands? Of course we need to call in three more people.

Liu Ji spent all three coins and brought back eight bowls of plain noodles and six fried eggs.

Even though I asked for more vegetables, I didn't add two more. The lack of food is not just a lack of rice and noodles. As long as they are edible, in addition to the unripe rice that is still planted in the ground, we will not let go of wild vegetables.

As expected, the price of these eggs had increased significantly. Liu Ji bargained for ten cents each and went into the kitchen to fry them himself.

I usually pour a little more oil at home, but I accidentally used a little more oil. It was really just a little too much! I was almost scolded to death by the kitchen lady.

However, the six members of the family were very satisfied with the dinner. Qin Yao, the head of the family, also expressed his sincere affirmation on the CD, which was considered worthwhile.

At night, the family crowded into the small guest room. Because they were too tired from traveling during the day, Liu Ji snored loudly while sleeping.

In the middle of the night, he received a kick from Qin Yao, and then he turned over and put away his snoring.

But overall, Qin Yao slept well that night.

But when I came to the inn lobby early the next morning to buy some food to take with me on the road, I found that all the menu items in the store had increased by five cents.

Liu Ji's stretched-out hand immediately retracted in fright, holding the money tightly.

I was even a little lucky that Qin Yao generously ordered noodles and fried eggs for them last night, otherwise they wouldn't be able to eat noodles and eggs at that price today.

Here are ten kilograms of wet noodles. Qin Yao bought it anyway. One kilogram of wet noodles cost thirty cents, and ten kilograms totaled three hundred cents.

Ten kilograms of wet noodles plus the dry food bought yesterday is enough for them to eat for two days, and they are almost in Fucheng. When the time comes, use hot water on a small stove to cook noodles, and the whole family can enjoy hot soup.

Liu Ji's eyes widened in disbelief, Really buy it?

Didn't they bring fifty kilograms of noodles with them in the car? It's a big deal.

Qin Yao shook her head, forbidding him to think about the fifty kilograms of noodles now. She specially prepared this for the return trip. In case of famine when she came back, this would be life-saving food.

If it moves, will the wind go back then?

Of course she can buy it, but now that the price of food has increased to such a high level, it will be so expensive that she won't even be willing to buy it when she returns.

The government said that there is enough surplus grain, but I don't know why they haven't opened warehouses to release grain to alleviate the situation.

No matter what, once the government exam is over, there will definitely be chaos.

It's a pity that ordinary people like them have no right to know about this kind of thing, so they can only hope that God will open their eyes.

Maybe the government still has their own considerations, but Qin Yao can't control them so much. All she can do is how to get to Fucheng and how to return to Liujia Village.

Buy! Qin Yao's tone was unquestionable, and she motioned Liu Ji to pay and settle the account.

After buying noodles, the family of four ate the dry biscuits bought yesterday at noon for breakfast, and asked the kitchen for a bowl of egg soup. Both the adults and children were very satisfied.

Liu Li followed suit. When he saw Qin Yao buying noodles, he endured the high price and asked Da Zhuang to buy them for two days, planning to cook for himself during these two days.

They eat two meals a day, and eat whatever they want to fill their stomachs when they are hungry at noon. Unlike Qin Yao's family, who have three meals a day, food loss is low, so buying three kilograms is enough.

Before he went out, Liu Dafu also prepared twenty kilograms of fine noodles just in case, so he didn't panic.

After leaving the inn, the sun was rising.

Dalang and Erlang took out the clothes that had been washed and not completely dried last night and hung them on the bamboo poles with lanterns in front of the car door to dry.

Liu Li walked ahead today and saw it when he turned back. He couldn't help but shake his head. In this tense atmosphere, the family seemed to be out for fun. He couldn't help but envy their character.

Needless to say, Liu Ji, the ones lying directly on the ground after the sky fell, the ones who really made Liu Li envious were the four brothers and sisters of Dalang.

Being able to have such a memorable trip at such a young age should feel wonderful when I think of it in the future.

And he had just left Kaiyang County for the first time in more than 20 years.

There were gradually more and more cars and horses on the road, all heading in the same direction. It was obvious at a glance that they were scholars going to Fucheng to take the exam.

They were older and younger. One of them looked about ten years old. Liu Li and Liu Ji were shocked when they saw it.

Is this a child prodigy? Liu Ji murmured in surprise.

The opponent's carriage was very luxurious and had many escorts and servants. They had to retreat to the roadside to let them pass first.

Liu Ji's surprised murmur was completely heard by the other party.

The child was riding on horseback with his guard. He turned his head and glanced at him. The brocade he wore reflected the colorful light in the sun, almost blinding Liu Ji's eyes.

It's a pity that the other person turned around too quickly. By the time he came to his senses and wanted to see clearly what this prodigy from a powerful family looked like, he had already ridden away.

But just this one glance made Liu Ji feel uncomfortable for a long time.

This kid dealt him an all-round blow. Even Liu Li's mentality was a bit broken and he couldn't even read a book while sitting in the car.

With such an opponent, how can they still have a chance?

In the past, only in the small Kaiyang County Academy, I felt like I was the best among people when my teacher praised me for a few words.

Now when I step out and take a look, what are they compared to those real geniuses?


While resting at the roadside pavilion for lunch, Liu Ji and Liu Li looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Unfortunately, reality didn't give them much time to adjust. Liu Ji looked enviously at Da Zhuang, who was leaning against the car door and taking a nap. He took the firewood brought by Qin Yao's mother and made hot water to cook noodles.

Absently, he almost put his hands and noodles into the boiling water when he went down. If Qin Yao hadn't found out in time and grabbed his hand, he wouldn't have even thought about taking the government examination this year.

What's the matter with you? Are you absent-minded? Qin Yao asked displeasedly.

Liu Ji realized it later and realized it. Looking at the noodles being cooked in the boiling water, he felt a little scared.

However, there were emotions in my heart that needed to be resolved. I sighed and muttered: These candidates who are rushing to take the exam are BMWs and have escorts and servants. Anyway, I can't pass the exam. How about we forget it? Food prices here are still high. It’s so high, why don’t you go home?”

The more he spoke, the softer he spoke. Looking at the vast sky, Liu Ji felt that he was smaller than a grain of dust.

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