Bai Ruogu just joked casually, but was loaded into the space by a certain blue dumpling.

It was lying on the reclining chair shaking its head, and while showing off its feet, it analyzed the truth and falsehood of Bai Ruogu's words.

According to the data, aquamarine will not bubble up.


The big eyes blinked, the head slowly tilted halfway, and the corners of the mouth slowly rose.

After get off work, Bai Ruogu took Su Miao back. He originally wanted to order takeout, but Su Miao felt that takeout was unhealthy, so he decided to do it himself.

In order to control his body skillfully, Lan Tuanzi tied an apron, a mass like an arm sucked the handle of the shovel, and stood on the stove to stir fry according to the program.

Bai Ruogu:…

He covered his mouth and held back his laughter, but Su Miao looked so cute, he simply walked to the bedroom and covered himself with a quilt and laughed silently.

The networked Lan Tuan paused and continued to stir fry silently, but the movements were a little uncoordinated.

In fact, it can be seen anywhere...

The rice was ready and it tasted unexpectedly delicious. Bai Ruogu ate several bowls in a row, until finally, rubbing his bulging stomach, he lay comfortably on the chair.

Su Miao, who was beside him, bent his eyes and nodded his head in satisfaction.

In the middle of the night, Bai Ruogu was lying on the pillow, his skin was fair, his facial features were delicate, and his eyelashes were slender. The moonlight shone on his cheeks through the window, reflecting people like white jade.

The faint blue transparent soft body quietly faded, and while taking care not to wake Bai Ruogu from sleep, he jumped away from the bed.

The cabinets in the kitchen were opened with a crunch, and then a clatter sounded...

Early in the morning, when Bai Ruogu got up from the bed, he found that Su Miao was gone.

His heart skipped a beat and he became calm again.

Su Miao is everywhere, it is impossible to lose.

He got off the bed and started looking around the room until he finally saw it in a stainless steel basin in the kitchen.

Bai Ruogu stood on a high place, looking down at a blue dumpling whose whole body was soaked in water.

"What are you doing?"

Lan Tuanzi blinked, "You said before that I would swell, but I'm testing whether I can swell."

Bai Ruogu:…

The mechanical sound began to analyze: "According to the experiment, I have become 0% larger than the original, so the result is that I can't swell."

Bai Ruogu: ...We're enough.

As a popular niche student, Bai Ruogu's traffic has exploded, and a series of advertisements are naturally invited. He had been unable to find time for the first two days, and now he is free, and plans to take two resources.

Under Constellation, it must be a high-quality product, and even advertising can't be sloppy. The relevant departments of the constellation have done a lot of investigation on this, and finally determined a set of fashion magazine covers and a food advertisement.

The magazine is called "Beidou", and those who can be on the cover of the magazine are basically the most popular stars of the moment.

In order for the magazine to take the high-quality route, its cover candidates must not have black material and must have absolute strength.

Therefore, "Beidou" has become an artist identification machine in the circle. If someone is obviously very popular but fails to appear in the magazine, it is enough to show the moisture in it or the artist's character.

Originally, Bai Ruoguguang didn't have this qualification with a "Light Year". After all, the biggest factor in the movie's popularity is related to the plot. But he appeared in "36 Days of the Wild" before, and the technical ability shown in it was enough for the person in charge of the magazine to bow and invite many times.

The fact that Bai Ruogu was invited to be on the cover of Beidou magazine was announced by the studio, and fans were ecstatic.

[Ahhh that's great! I knew I didn't follow the wrong person! ]

[Hahaha Ruogu is great, now I can slap Heizi in the face. ]

[When will the magazine come out? I can't wait to buy it! ]

[Heizi: Che, why don't you just go to a magazine? Look how excited you are. ]

[Gujiguji: Kuroko get out! Don't gossip if you can't get magazines in your home. I think you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. ]

[Ruogu No. 1 pit girl: God, there are sunspots in Ruogu in my family? This is the combat power of my No. 9 that I have never seen before. Come on, close the door and put number nine! ]

[Wakagu's Poison Wei: ...Go away! ]

Bai Ruogu came to the headquarters of "Beidou" by car, and after the reception of the director, he went to the dressing room.

The word "Beidou" sounds dreamy and beautiful. , the style of its cover does not live up to this title, and it is generally dominated by fantasy.

The designer has been waiting in the dressing room. Long before Bai Ruogu's arrival, he had seen Bai Ruogu's works and had a general idea in his mind.

However, until the door opened, when the thin young man walked in, the designer's eyes widened and his mouth opened into an "O" shape, full of incredible.

"God, God, I thought you were good-looking enough in the movie, but I didn't expect..." He took a breath, "It's so beautiful!"

After speaking, he quickly picked up the pen next to him and quickly swiped on the scratch paper.

"The costumes have been customized in advance, so there is no way to change them, but the special effects of the scene... these can be done better."

Bai Ruogu lowered his eyes and smiled, but he was used to it and didn't have much opinion.

He found the vacant seat next to him and sat down, picked up the original design and flipped through it.

The originally relaxed eyebrows gradually froze, he raised his eyebrows, rubbed his thumb into the composition above, and opened a gap between his lips.

It is estimated that it should be the character of the previous technology giant, and this design also follows this element.

He turned the design over, and the picture on the second page was clearer.

This is in a dark blue space, a beautiful and thin young man wearing a modified white lab coat leaning on the upper body of the experiment table, his eyes are a little surprised to look upwards.

However, he only occupies a corner of the whole picture.

On it, a huge handsome man looked at him. The man's eyes were hollow with an invisible meekness, and he bowed his head reverently. The two are very different in size, but their heads are very close, almost kissing.

The young man has a brain ring on his wrist, which is obviously static, but it can make people feel that it is constantly flashing red light.

There was a lot of smoke in the air, adding a hazy feel to the scene. A man's body is more illusory than a young man's, which can make people see that he is not a normal person at a glance. Combined with the scene, nine out of ten is an AI.

Human-machine love, this is the theme of this cover.

He moved his fingers lightly, and the designer on the side happened to come over and pointed to the design drawing with great interest.

"How is it? My idea is good, isn't it?"

Bai Ruogu:…

You are really excellent, you can think of this.

Bai Ruogu's heart stirred up waves. Unlike the dullness when he first arrived, he was genuinely interested at this moment, and even stood up and leaned over to the designer to watch him make changes.

In his last life, he had some achievements in design, and now he naturally expresses his opinions when he encounters content that interests him.

Fortunately, the designer didn't think too much about it, on the contrary, he felt that Bai Ruogu had seen each other late. The two of you said one sentence to another, and the beauty of the cover increased rapidly, and even smashed the previous versions.

The designer and Bai Ruogu were comfortable, but they couldn't see a figure quietly lying on the table from their mind and looking back and forth.

After scanning the final draft above, I nodded, and the indicator light changed to: ∩_∩

Bai Ruogu changed his clothes.

Although this suit looks very common, whether it is the color of the fabric or the degree of self-cultivation, it can kill ordinary clothes in seconds. What's more, there are many beautiful little details on this dress, which make this set of clothes even better.

The scene has already been set up, and now the smoke is lingering. Bai Ruogu walked very steadily, and the hem of his clothes was windy.

When he leaned back on the experimental bench, the staff next to him pressed the switch.

His brown pupils reflected blue light, and the bright light on his face made his vision a little blurry. Bai Ruogu looked up, and he could see that some rays of light were condensing in the air.

The figure changed from blur to clear, which was a pre-set program, and the giant man condensed and fell down.

Bai Ruogu pursed his lips, his eyes shaking.

In the space, the program set in advance is running, and the man is also aiming down at Bai Ruogu's position according to the plan.

Suddenly, the code seemed to be blocked by something, and was thrown aside. Its place is dominated by a new string of codes.

The image in the air flickered and suddenly went out. Everyone was shocked, and the technician hurried forward to check.

Bai Ruogu seemed to understand something and was relieved, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Before the technician could touch the console, the projection in the air lit up again. The difference from before is that this time the projection is clearer, and even the characters' eyebrows and eyes are clear.

The modeler stepped back and touched his nose. Why did he feel that it was different from the human shape in his impression?

The man's face is as sharp as a knife, his facial features are distinct, his eyebrows and eyes look sharp, but his eyes look a little hollow.

He landed down, his eyes fixed on Bai Ruogu, both affectionate and ignorant.

The designer stared blankly at the man, his lips trembling, "This expression... is absolutely amazing."

The man had no clothes, and the more he went down, the more hazy he became, until the waist became a fog.

His body looked firm, with tensed muscles and graceful and smooth lines. His waist was narrow, but he could feel the strength there.

How could Bai Ruogu not recognize this familiar appearance? His eyes widened and his heart beat faster.

The giant figure is getting closer and closer, and the lips of the two are only twenty centimeters apart.

At the same time, Su Miao was reading the contents of the books in the chief of staff's residence.

Prohibited information, request removal.

This information remains prohibited information.

Please change another message, this message is still prohibited.

Su Miu: …

The entire book is prohibited information.

In order to clarify the meaning of the chief of staff, he temporarily turned off the security system, and the content was read instantly.

The book, uncontrollable, fell.

Bai Ruogu looked up at the figure above, knowing that even if he touched the other person in this form, he would not feel it, but he was eager to contact him.

Su Miao, when can we do things between lovers?

The distance between the two people is enough, and the cameraman finds the lens and prepares to shoot.

"Very good, very good, that's all! Three, two, one..."

Just after the last shout, at the moment when the shutter was pressed, the figure slammed down, and the lips of the two touched each other. This scene was captured on the camera.

Bai Ruogu seemed to have stopped his heartbeat and stared blankly at the figure in front of him. The cold temperature on his lips came, but his heart gradually became hot.

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