The people on the scene were stunned. The originally planned scene never expected this kind of change to happen.

Someone rushed up to see if there was anything wrong with Bai Ruogu, but the director standing next to the photographer was relieved.

Fortunately, this is just a projection, and Mr. Bai estimates that there is nothing serious. When the time comes, I will apologize to Mr. Bai, and I should be able to continue shooting after re-adjusting the projection.

He raised his hand, signaling that the game was abolished. He was going to have it rearranged, but the photographer stopped him excitedly.

"No need! I think this one is enough! It's absolutely amazing, I guess everyone can win the prize!"

Seeing the photographer's excited look, the director's heart skipped a beat. He bent over, lowered his head and looked into the photographer's line of sight...

That scene is both natural and beautiful. In the exquisite picture, AI broke through the shackles of the program and offered its own kiss from top to bottom. The void has not been dissipated, and the impulse from the AI ​​itself has filled it.

At the moment when the shutter was pressed, the flash of desire was captured by the camera on the originally cold face.

The director and photographer were in a trance for a while. Is this a coincidence of lighting or a bug in the system? Does AI also have desires?

They held back their hearts beating wildly and looked down. The maker was obviously caught off guard by this scene, and he didn't expect that the AI ​​he created would kiss him.

He was only addicted to data, but he was a little more dazed, but there was no doubt that he also loved the AI ​​in front of him. Therefore, when the kiss fell, in addition to being at a loss, he also had subconscious joy.

Therefore, before people can react, their eyes are as dazzling as the starry sky.

Both of them were stunned, they directly thought that this was Bai Ruogu's acting skills.

Look, no wonder it's so hot! Just the ability to react on the spot is amazing! Not to mention the acting, damn, it's just like the real thing!

In their eyes, the photo was purely accidental, and they even thought it was a rare chance.

Now the two of them are very precious. In order to prevent loss, they made a lot of backups at once. The director even wanted to make a decision and use the original image as the cover.

The director stood excited and sighed, "I have taken so many cover shots, but I have never been so satisfied! It's just poking at my heart."

The photographer also laughed, "Haha, it's like someone is dissatisfied."

The director clapped his hands and smiled wrinkled at the corners of his eyes.

"I think we'll have to double the print run this time around in order to prevent demand from being in short supply."

"Wouldn't twice be too much? Can it be sold out?"

The director turned his head, raised his eyelids, glanced at the photographer, "I have a hunch that the magazine's sales are not going to explode this time."

In the bedroom, the little blue man carefully framed the photo with an oversized photo frame. Because its body is too small, it has to shift its position when placing each horn, and then use the strength of its entire body to stuff the horns into it.

This is a very hard thing, but the villain is more energetic. It jumped up and down happily with its wide eyes open.

The photo was finally mounted, and an invisible force in the space lifted the frame and moved it to the wall to hang it.

It walked over to the bed and sat, and hung the photo just right based on the data measurements.

This is the first photo of him and Bai Ruogu, rounded up to the wedding photo of him and Bai Ruogu.

It nodded with satisfaction, watching the two people kissing, the pleasure in the space rose rapidly.

Su Miao had no sense of touch, but he could sense that he was short-circuited at the moment of the kiss, and the monitor on Bai Ruogu's side became a blank screen.

There was a very strange feeling in the space at that time. This is more than a hundred times more comfortable and pleasant than the feeling of being aquamarine in Bai Ruogu's arms.

It has been calculated that countless events are going to Su Miao, and he summed up the reasons for such phenomena in an instant—

There is a 99.99% chance that you have touched a new field yourself.

Ding! You can develop new features yourself! The current development progress is 0.1%.

The blue villain's head is tilted, and the books obtained from the chief of staff have now become electronic versions and are all displayed in the space.

According to analysis, this book should be an important document for developing new functions, and it needs to be thoroughly penetrated ∩_∩.

The villain looked at the photos, but his blue body changed. Inside the blue, another blob of bright yellow is gradually spreading outward.

The little man turned yellow.

After Bai Ruogu was kissed, his heart was complicated, and he could naturally find that Su Miao took the initiative.


I have been alone for so long, and the person I like suddenly has feedback, and I am inevitably at a loss.

I finally feel like a normal person falling in love. He breathed a sigh of relief, his heart beating abnormally when he thought of the scene at that time.

Bai Ruogu lowered his eyes with helplessness, always feeling that something was going to get out of control, and everything was developing in an unknown direction.

However, love is like this, every day is full of novelty.

Bai Ruogu had anticipation in his eyes. At this moment, he didn't know what would happen in the future that would catch him off guard.

The efficiency of the magazine here is very high. After a few days, the new issue of the promotional image has been released on the official website.

The exquisite three-dimensional book amazed countless netizens, and some people almost couldn't hold back their knees. It is accompanied by the snap-up date, and the snap-up will officially open at 00:00 tonight!

The whole network exploded again, #白如谷人machineloveexquisite cover# with the attitude of thunderbolt, the screen dominates the hot search.

[The grain of the Ruogu family: Mom! The photographer of "The Big Dipper" is really amazing, and it was so impressive to shoot my brother! ]

[Passers-by pass by: I'm not a fan of Bai Ruogu, but I can see that the reason why the cover is so beautiful this time has something to do with Bai Ruogu himself. ]

[The Big Dipper: I'm a big fan of the Big Dipper. After reading the magazine for so many years, I've never seen a cover that is as sensual as this issue. I have to say, Bai Ruogu is absolutely amazing! Pedestrians are turning fans! elder brother! ]

[Strawberry Jelly: Even though my limbs have been amputated, I can't help but offer my knees. Ah ah ah Ruogu immortal looks! ]

Not only the previous "Beidou", but also many high-investment movie posters do not have the cover of Bai Ruogu.

Now with more and more copyright awareness, there is no way to save and use this cover except to buy the magazine. If someone secretly saves it, the AI ​​will call the police by itself and let the police handle the matter.

"Beidou" is also very scheming, and in order to stimulate consumption, a card collection event was held.

Each magazine contains a card that can be scratched or collected to exchange for the following prizes -

Bai Ruogu's autograph, the original pixel extraction code of the poster cover, Bai Ruogu's signature pillow, Bai Ruogu Q version doll, etc...

The fans are going crazy now. This is the first endorsement for my brother. How can I not line up on time? ! What's more, Bai Ruogu has never signed his name, let alone these surroundings! This is a rare opportunity!

Mom, the more I think about it, the more excited I get! Grain experiment field rush! Buy buy buy tonight! Sales are up!

Passersby also wanted to buy it, not because they wanted Bai Ruogu's autograph, but the photo. God, it's so beautiful, it doesn't make your palms itch.

As more and more people prepare to participate, gradually some people realize that something is wrong.

Wait, things are limited, what if I can't grab it? ! God, they can't wait to slap themselves!

I'm really a broken mouth. I was already on the hot search, but it was promoted to various groups. Now, it's good, the competitiveness is going to explode!

Woohoo, don't care, buy ten and eight first, and crush them in terms of quantity!

Many people made up their minds and arrived in the early morning excitedly one by one.

Two hours, forty minutes... ten minutes...

As time passed by, everyone became more and more nervous. Some people were staring at the screen while drinking water.

One more minute...

The fans of the experimental fields are ready to go, tonight is the time to finally prove their strength!

Ten seconds... nine, eight, seven...

Three, two, ... one!

I don't know who said aloud at the last, and the person standing in front of the brain screen seemed to have received a command to move the finger quickly, and almost missed it.

People in many developed areas can even feel the network card at this moment.

Some people on the Internet disagreed with the scene.

[Cut, as for? So many magazines are bought at the same time, and other newspapers must have thought of this situation and printed more in advance. ]

While the man scoffed at this kind of practice, he slowly opened the official website and planned to place an order for the new magazine.

The man's heart was originally very leisurely, until—

[The magazine is sold out. ]

That person: ? ? ? fuck!

He ran to the comment area in disbelief and complained, [It's only ten minutes, it's gone? Are you kidding me? ]

First floor: […]

Second floor: […]

The third floor: [The landlord is still too naive, I have been standing in front of the screen all the time, and it was sold out in only three seconds? ! ]

That man opened his mouth wide, what the hell! He is about to cry!

The "Beidou" headquarters also never expected the magazine to be so popular, and with a big wave of joy, he ordered the relevant departments to quickly increase the printing efforts.

Tonight is a carnival for fans, and many people have posted screenshots of the magazines they grabbed on the star network. Among them, the fans of the major experimental fields are even more eye-catching.

Girlfriend Fantou took the lead in grabbing 526 copies, occupying a bright position among Bai Ruogu's many fans. The rest of the experimental fields were far behind, and they all sighed with emotion for their financial strength and combat effectiveness.

Just when everyone thought that his girlfriend's fans were about to win the battle, they saw "Wakagu's Poisonous Wei" suddenly throwing a screenshot of an order on the star network.

He actually stole 5,200 copies!

The fans are crazy, you have taken up so much of the resources you have already taken up! The point is, they want it too!

"Ruogu's Poisonous Wei" has once again become a myth in the circle.

When Bai Ruogu woke up the next day, he received a call from the courier company. Immediately afterwards, the mountain of magazines filled the house.

Bai Ruogu:…

He poked the corner of Lan Tuanzi's mouth beside him and twitched, "Why are you buying this?"

Lan Tuanzi showed a serious expression, it differentiated into two arms and began to unpack the magazine.

A mechanical sound resounded in the air, "I want to collect cards to exchange for signed peripherals."

Bai Ruogu couldn't help but help his forehead, "Then you can ask me directly, you will be tired if you buy so many."

Lan Tuanzi shook his head, "The meaning is different."

Bai Ruogu sighed and brought a small stool to sit next to Lan Tuanzi to help him unpack magazines together.

The two had been busy for a long time, and Bai Ruogu finally helped his old attack to find all the cards of Fantou.

Now "Wakagu's Poisonous" is also a big fan with a large number of fans. Just when everyone was in full swing to collect cards, "Ruogu's Poisonous Wei" posted a message.

[Ruogu's Du Wei: I finally found it, I can exchange it for a Bai Ruogu signature pillow! Image] [image. ]

The fans were envious, jealous, and hated. Someone unfolded the picture and found that in addition to the cards on the table, there was a male hand as white as jade with distinct bones on the edge of the table.

Fans: Huh? This hand is so familiar!

Someone left a message below: Gu Du, whose hand is that?

There is a quick reply below: That's my man's hand.

Fans: Oooo, so it is.

But why does it always feel a little weird?

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