Another ten years have passed, and Qianyan's family, Zheng family, and Liu family have all moved into the villa area that Qianyan bought and built on the land. The villa where the three families lived was in the best location, right next to it.

Those who were able to buy a villa in this villa area immediately all knew Qianyan and the others and had some business dealings with them.

People in the business circle also have different evaluations of Qian Yan, Zheng Ping and Liu Wen. They say that Zheng Ping is smart, has good vision, sees ten steps at a time, has his own opinions and decisions on everything, and is a very strategic person. . Liu Wen is not as smart as Zheng Ping, but she is a little clever and has a keen sense of crises and markets. Mainly because this person is more diligent, it is not surprising that she will succeed.

As for Qian Yan, no one can see through it. They don't need to praise her for being smart or having a good vision. She is very capable. I feel that as long as she is willing to get involved in an industry, she can 100% succeed.

 This is summed up after knowing her for decades, but they still can't see through this person.

  She is ambitious, but after contacting her, she discovered that she does not value wealth that much. For example, when the layoff wave occurred ten years ago, it is said that she did not hesitate to use all her wealth to stabilize the situation at that time and support one company after another. This kind of thing happened one after another in the following years. She would support any enterprise that she thought was good that could not survive, as if she did not regard money as money.

 Speaking of which, the enterprises she supported have basically been rescued. They may not necessarily make a lot of money in the future, but at least they will have a certain amount of profit, so there is no problem in continuing to survive.

Those who know her have a vague feeling that she is playing a very special game of chess. This game of chess has nothing to do with wealth or fame. They can't guess what it is at the moment. Maybe they won't know until the chess game is revealed.

 When large supermarket chains appeared, Qianyan immediately became a shareholder.

She has not taken the initiative to touch many industries, but she is always paying attention to the rise of those industries and has invested in some stocks appropriately. Everyone believed in her vision and thought that there must be money to be made when they saw her participating. Some people follow it blindly without analyzing it, while some people analyze it secretly and think that they can indeed make money, so they happily follow it.

This year, a foreign brand entered the market and was met with overwhelming advertising. Advertisements are everywhere on the streets and alleys, on TV stations. Exaggerated propaganda, the news that foreign products are more expensive suddenly spread to every household.

Not only that, this brand owner also accurately targeted brands of the same type as them for acquisition. Naturally, the acquisition failed, so they planned to spread rumors and defeat them with various simple business wars.

As luck would have it, the brand they were dealing with was the daily chemical brand owned by Qian Yan.

Qian Yan's response was to analyze their ingredients and report them, and then arrange for people to report them for false propaganda. If the ingredients were wrong, they would be strictly investigated. He also arranged for people to promote them in the streets and alleys, especially the elderly to do this. The effect That's great. Recently, a swindler brand has come from abroad. The ingredients are obviously not as good as their local products. If they change the packaging to a higher-end one, they will sell it to the public for more money, and they claim that it uses foreign products that are more noble.

This kind of brand does not make money honestly and according to the rules. It actually discredits our local brands and rubs the local people's IQ on the ground. It is simply shameless.

As soon as countless news spread, people's rebellious intentions were aroused.

 Okay, you foreigners want to make money from us, but you actually want us to kneel down. (End of chapter)

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