Chapter 4456 Not a stepmother (70)

 Let’s just dream big when the sky is bright and clear. It’s better to go back to your hometown. If you want to make our money, you have to make products honestly and follow the rules.

 Under Qianyan's operation, this brand with bad intentions and intending to dominate this market came with a high profile and left in disgrace.

 In fact, she does not punish every foreign brand, but only those brands that are dishonest, cheating, and brainwashing local people.

After this wave of business wars, those bosses who had vaguely felt that Qian Yan was playing chess finally understood what she wanted to do. Compared with it, these people feel ashamed.

Qian Yan didn't think so. After all, she was not from this world. She had traveled through countless worlds. She was used to fame and fortune, and she couldn't take it with her. She just took the time to do something that she thought was pretty good. She has experienced a similar world and knows that there is such a history. Since she has just entered this industry, has the opportunity to do something in it, and has the time and money to do it, why not do it?

“If Boss Tong needs anything from now on, just call us.”

“If something like this happens again, Boss Tong, please let us know. How can you do such a thing alone? You must also give us a chance to contribute.”

“Today it’s foreign daily chemical products that want to come in and mess around. Tomorrow it might be food, grain and oil. If we people don’t be careful and get together, they may die of joy.”

"We don't have to exclude those external brands from entering, but we will not allow them to come in if they engage in acquisitions, suppression, and spread rumors as soon as they come in. It's OK to sell them more expensively, but they must be worthy of the price of their products. .”

“That daily chemical brand is also unlucky. When I came in, I got into trouble in front of Boss Tong. Isn’t this looking for trouble?” Someone said with a smile, with a gloating tone.

 Boss Tong’s rise is very strong, and her skills are also very strong, but she is not strong at all in terms of dominating the market. She will allocate the market reasonably and will not eat all the meat, but divide it. Those who are capable can eat meat, and those who are not that powerful can drink some soup. If nothing else works, then just drink the northwest wind by yourself.

 Boss Tong seems to be very gentle, but no one can look down on her.

 On the contrary, with the existence of Boss Tong, businessmen like them feel much more at ease. For example, this time foreign brands came in and blew a big wind. If Boss Tong didn't also play those games and cleverly took advantage of the elderly group, it would be difficult to stop this trend, and they would all suffer losses by then.

 At the banquet, Qianyan responded to the speakers one by one.

When everyone had finished speaking, she added: "This is just the beginning. There must be foreign brands coming in, but it will definitely not work like the ones before. Everyone, please be careful. What they like most is to fight public opinion wars and fight against each other from head to toe. To smear our local products and find people to praise their own products as superior to others, you must also learn from them. When dealing with them openly, don’t forget to steal their homes.”

Everyone was silent for a moment, feeling a chill on their backs.

It's a good idea to steal their home. Boss Tong is really not someone to be bullied.

More than ten years ago, the products under the name of Boss Tong have been sold abroad. It is said that another brand has been secretly made abroad, which looks very much like a real foreign brand.

 (End of this chapter)

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