The half-orcs are a very magical race, they are collectively called half-orcs, but in fact, there are many sub-categories inside.

For example, the body has some animal signs, such as minotaurs and sheep-headed people.

Or half-human, half-beast, similar to lizardmen, bear people.

Even some well-known mythical monsters are a kind of half-orcs.

For example, a half-human, half-fish mermaid, a werewolf transformed into Tsukino, a beauty with an upper body and a siren with a bird's lower body, even vampires can barely be programmed into the half-orc category.

It can be said that as long as it is a mixed individual with human and other animal signs, it can be called a half-orc.

Therefore, Wang Yi seems to have contracted a family of a race, but in fact, it can be said that he has contracted countless dependents.

When facing some specific environments, it is easy to select the right ethnic group to complete the corresponding task.

For example, this time the sea reptiles.

As a subspecies of lizardmen, sea reptiles are a small group of people living on the seaside, basically divided into turtle people, sea snake people and sea crocodiles.

They fully inherit the excellent habits of amphibians and can live freely in the sea and beach.

Turtle people have strong defenses, and rare life force.

Sea snakes, on the other hand, are not only fast-moving, but also have excellent nesting talents. And a mouth of poisonous fangs, so that they also have the ability to strike fatally.

Sea crocodiles are born warriors! The strength is infinite, the teeth are sharp, and the scales are thick, that is, the number of individuals is slightly smaller.

Summoned by Wang Yi's oracle, the Great Elder selected twenty sea crocodile warriors, thirty turtle warriors, fifteen sea serpent scouts, and thirty-five sea serpent logisticians from the group to form an elite brigade.

In addition to high mountains and flowing waters, there are also vast seas and countless islands.

After a simple intensive training, Wang Yi went down with an oracle and directly threw this hundred people on a desolate island, and directly began to simulate the survival of a desert island.

Practice is the only sign of truth. Mock exams are the best test for learning results!

In this way, this 100-person desert island survival challenge team began their first simulated challenge.

As a result, some are less than satisfactory.

In the first four-day trial, although a hundred people persevered, the process stumbled, the results were ordinary, and they did not meet the requirements at all.

However, after Wang Yi got the results, he did not blame the uneasy members of the elite brigade, but quickly gathered them together and opened the post-war summary meeting.

At the conference, everyone actively spoke to summarize the mistakes and actively think about the solution, and the scene almost got out of control.

But on the whole, this congress can be said to be a successful congress, a congress to forge ahead, a meaningful congress.

After the conference, the 100-man elite team had a good day of rest.

Then, on the sixth day, he was transferred to a new desolate island by an oracle from Wang Yi and began the trial again.

The second time, there was a marked improvement from the first time, and some of the mistakes made on the first time were corrected in time during the second trial.

Although there are still some flaws, the results of the second trial have greatly improved compared to the first.

Then came the second post-war wrap-up conference.

After the conference, it was another full day of relaxation.

Then on the eleventh day, they were thrown to a new uninhabited desert island for the third round of training.

At this time, these hundred sea reptile elites realized that things had become wrong.

But there is no time to think about it, after all, new challenges have begun, and everyone is racing against time to complete their tasks.

Above the sky of the island, Wang Yi watched everything that happened below without sorrow or joy, and began to look for the desert island to be used for the eleventh test.

That's right, this is the solution he gave in the face of the golden four-star challenge roll - sea tactics.

As a former god of inscription sea, Wang Yi was also killed from countless book mountains and sea of inscriptions.

Since childhood, he has understood a truth!

The world's martial arts, only fast and unbroken! Test-taking system, the sea of questions is king!

As long as there is a place for the test, there is a chance to take the test.

However, among all the skills, the sea trick is a dignified yang scheme!

It is the iron sharpened like mud and indestructible after thousands of trials!

If ten desert islands can't train the optimal solution troops, then a hundred!

The Dixia God Domain is vast, and some are desert islands!

So, the five-day island carnival began!

The elite team of 100 people followed Wang Yi and kept simulating! Constant trial and error! Keep summarizing! Keep improving!

They are like a crazy machine, using the simplest, roughest and clumsiest method to eliminate the wrong answers one by one, and accumulate the correct answers one by one.

Finally, quantitative change caused qualitative change.

At the 183rd combat meeting, a set of exquisite battle plans appeared on paper.

Before this, this set of playing methods has been imprinted on the soul over and over again, carved into the bones!

Wang Yi finally nodded in satisfaction and issued an oracle to the warriors who had completed the mock trial.

"Invulnerable, you are my pride!"

At that moment, in the fortress of the desert island, all the marine reptile elites held their heads and cried.

One hundred and eighty-three trials, nearly two and a half years of practice, they finally received the approval of the Lord of Destiny!

They thought they were all numb, but it wasn't until the tears flowed into the corners of their mouths that these half-orcs realized that they had really persevered.

Wang Yi was also a little dizzy, after all, this one hundred and eighty trials, he can be said to have stared from beginning to end.

Even if he is a god, he is not sensitive to the passage of time in the God Domain, and the former brushing maniac is a little overwhelmed.

"Slack, I was a ruthless person who finished an entire book of exercises in one go, and now I even feel tired."

So, before the final battle, Wang Yi gave the elite group a day off to let them rest and recuperate.

Early the next morning, Wang Yi gathered the prepared soldiers together.

He called out the item interface and reached out to point at the golden four-star challenge scroll: "But all the hard work and sweat will eventually be rewarded in another form!"

This challenge! My family and I are bound to win! Let me see if your so-called rich reward is worthy of our upheaval on this road!

My turn! Draw cards!

The golden light bloomed, and a prompt sounded in Wang Yi's ears again.

"Dididi, please ask if you want to use the current challenge ticket. Note that the challenge ticket cannot be paused or withdrawn after use, and it will be automatically destroyed after the challenge fails, please be cautious.

"Use it, otherwise why have I been busy for two and a half years?"

With the sound of the brush, the challenge roll turned into a golden light that soared into the sky, and finally fell on the distant coast, forming a gate cast in gold, and inside the door was a rotating starlight, as if leading to an unknown world.

Wang Yi waved his big hand and issued the oracle again.

"O my hardened warriors! The time has come for God and Emperor Xia to test you! Go ahead! Step through the door to trial! Bring victory and glory back to Emperor Xia!

I, await your triumph! Only

then did the hundred elites understand the purpose of the two-and-a-half-year trial, and they knelt down one after another in the direction of the Altar of the Dixia God.

"Destiny bless me! This battle must be won! I am waiting for victory! Glory! It belongs to Dixia! "

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