Stepping through a portal made of gold, the valiant warriors came to the barren island.

When the hundredth warrior passed through the portal, the huge golden gate collapsed and disappeared, and on the top of the mountain in the middle of the desert island, a small altar of gods suddenly appeared.

Wang Yi was able to descend on this small altar to observe how his clan completed the challenge.

At the same time, he has only three opportunities to issue oracles, but it is forbidden to use external forces such as miracle cards to interfere with the challenge.

With his return, it symbolizes the official start of a four-day desert island survival challenge.

At the same time, a hundred elites also learned their mission in an instant: for four days, they could move freely during the day and face the attack of monsters like a wave at night.

The goal of the monster is to destroy the altar of the gods in the center of the island, while the challenger protects the altar from destruction until the sun rises on the fifth day.

The island has plenty of wood, stone, ore, and food, as well as some rudimentary altar formations, which can be opened for a period of time to help challengers fend off invasions.

After Wang Yi learned the content of the challenge, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: "Isn't this a live-action version of the survival tower defense?" The temple of the gods is also really boring. When

Wang Yi complained about the content of the challenge, the elite squad of 100 people had already begun to work hard.

These things, they don't know how many times they have been repeated before coming here. Without even thinking about it, the body has begun to act subconsciously.

They cut down trees, collect food, process stones, and even mine a large area of bronze on desert islands.

Although most of the hundred elites selected by Wang Yi were all warrior scouts, only a small number of logistics personnel. But in the absence of enemy attacks during the day, the entire population of a hundred became labor units.

And after the enemy attacked at night, a hundred people, regardless of the soldiers' logistics, were all transformed into combat units.

This kind of challenge mode of preparing during the day and dealing with the wave of monsters at night simply crashed into the cannon muzzle of the Dixia family.

Before you know it, the first day of daylight is nearing its end. The sun is half submerged into the sea, and the afterglow of the setting sun has stained the entire island a blood-red color.

After a day of hard work, the Dixia elites, who had simulated it hundreds of times, had already built dense battle fortifications around the altar.

In just one day, they transformed the middle part of the island into a fortress of death that would make any enemy feel numb!

This is much simpler than when they were training!

In these hundreds of simulation exercises, Wang Yi racked his brains to create countless difficulties for them.

For example, sudden winds, heavy rain day and night, high temperatures that sea reptiles cannot bear, and ice and snow that freeze everything.

Just to train them, Wang Yi used up almost all the weather cards he had on hand.

In addition to environmental factors, Wang Yi also selected a 200-strong alternative team to harass and attack the 100-member elite group.

Even in order to motivate everyone, Wang Yi issued an oracle announcing that individuals or groups left behind in the elite group of 100 people would be included in the alternative team.

Then the outstanding teams or individuals in the alternative team can also enter the elite group of 100 people.

There is competition and elimination, punishment and reward, and naturally there is infinite motivation. Even in the end, the two sides began a constant struggle of wisdom and courage! Sharpen each other's skills and abilities!

In that kind of arduous test, the almost perfect trial was completed, and the 100-member elite group was absolutely worthy of the word elite!

Even faced with such a relaxed working environment during the first day, they were even a little uncomfortable.

Even though it was clear that there would be no enemy attacks during the day, they were still absolutely vigilant at work.

Now, under the call of the three leaders, they have entered their respective combat positions in accordance with the established strategic ideas, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

As the sea swallowed the last trace of the sun, endless dark windswept clouds like black the sky.

The sea surface, which was quiet and peaceful during the day, gradually became restless. The waves rose higher than the other, crashing on the reef on the shore, turning into a miserable white wave.

Woo hoo....

The sound of a conch being blown echoed in the night sky, and everyone's nerves suddenly tightened. Even Wang Yi, whose consciousness was pinned on the altar, was a little nervous.

Gradually, a huge and ugly fish head appeared in the waves. With the waves, slowly walked up to the coast.

It is emaciated, covered in fishy and unpleasant mucus, and in its hand is a harpoon made of the backbone of unknown marine life.

"This is ... Tidal Fish Man? For

this challenge, Wang Yi also consulted a lot of information about the seaside monsters of the major god systems. I was still impressed by the interesting combination of fishman and mermaid.

If a mermaid is a beautiful creature with a human upper body and a fish's tail on the lower body, then a fish-man is a humanoid monster with a special fish feature.

The Tidal Fishmen are a small branch of the Fish-Man species that live on the shore but fear the sun and are dependents of the moon and darkness.

They are called tidal mermaids because they rise day and night. At night, they come ashore with high tide, attack livestock and villagers in fishing villages, and quickly flee back to the sea in the morning with low tide.

Wang Yi was very surprised, because ordinary tidal mermaids were bronze species, and they were the kind that could barely reach the bronze border.

Isn't it too unclassy to use such an ethnic group as an enemy of the Golden Four-Star Challenge?

However, the next moment, Wang Yi knew where the difficulty of this challenge was.

With the successful landing of the first tidal fishman, waves suddenly set off in the sea. Immediately after that, countless fins appeared on the surface of the water, and the whole sea was stuffed from afar.

Just the individuals as far as the eye can see are already a thousand bottoms. The challenge stipulates that the defender has only a maximum population of one hundred.

If it were not for the extreme configuration of their own dependents, ordinary people challenged, and the normal ratio was that a combat unit needed two or three working population supplies, then only twenty or thirty individuals could fight.

Even a one-to-one ratio is far from enough to see in the face of this dense number of enemies.

Working during the day and attacking at night was extremely friendly to Di Xia, but to the other gods, it was necessary to idle a large part of the population day and night, and it was impossible to stare.

"It's a fun challenge."

Wang Yi bowed his head slightly, but his eyes were full of contempt: "But I'm sorry, my dependents are good enough." Tactics of a sea of people... Amusing. With

another dull sound of a conch, countless tidal fish people let out a strange toad-like cry, brandishing bone harpoons and filling the shore.

When the warriors of the Dixia elite group saw the densely packed enemy through the observation opening of the fortress, they not only did not have any fear, but were both excited and disdainful.

There is only one thought in their minds - huh, the tactics of the sea of people? This question, the Savior has come out.

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