What is the best way to face the tactics of the sea of people?

The best solution is naturally to damage a wide range of damage, killing it from the front. Soldiers come to cover the water, simple and rude, but effective.

But as we all know, Di Xia is a god who advocates peace and loves life, so this method was rejected by Wang Yi at the proposal stage.

Of course, the main reason is that the current Dixia does not yet have the ability to cause large-scale damage.

Therefore, in view of the current situation of the 100-member elite group, Wang Yi carefully designed a new solution for them - crossing the bridge.

As the saying goes, thousands of troops cross the single-wood bridge.

As long as you create the terrain advantage of Shu Daojian, you can completely achieve the degree of being a husband and a man.

At that time, no matter how many enemies he has, he can only line up to die.

Although this method is a middle policy, it is the only thing that Di Xia can achieve now.

Fortunately, after a lot of training, when the elites built the peripheral fortifications of the Death Fortress, they added difficult checkpoints to prevent the enemy from using human sea tactics.

As a result, the bet hit the point!

Countless tidal fish people suffered a lot of losses in the first few conventional trap defense lines, but they forcibly broke through the defense by relying on the number of groups.

But when they rushed into the second line of defense, the endless maze, they were completely dumbfounded.

Although it is a maze, the internal structure is not complicated, and there are actually only two choices for each fork in the road, left or right.

However, every choice is a choice between life and death.

Behind the wrong road are fire pits, poison pools, and ground spur traps. The right road is safe, but continuing on will be another fork in the road, facing the same choice.

Faced with the maze trap, countless tidal fish people followed. They fill almost all the wrong intersections with corpses and then keep advancing along the right path.

After paying an unknown number of lives, they finally found a completely correct path and rushed out of the final tunnel.

Then they saw the endless sea.

This path, while the right way to live, is not the path to the destination.

Those fish people who have gone through countless life and death decisions and finally survived are stunned.

To be honest, they really wanted to plunge headlong into the sea. After all, after so many brushes with death, it was hard to survive.

But the breath coming from the sea made them have to turn their heads and continue to charge towards the altar on the top of the mountain.

However, after the screening and slaughter of the labyrinth, the number of fishmen who reached the third line of defense has been greatly reduced, and it has divided into several regular and rhythmic charges.

Compared to the overwhelming posture at the beginning, they are more like ocean waves, wave after wave.

This effect has greatly relieved the pressure of defense, allowing the elite group to have a respite to resist the attack.

In addition, the third line of defense has entered the central part of the island, and the hard mountain rock has become a natural defense. The tunnels that were carved out became the only way for the fish to attack.

As long as they enter it, it will be difficult to take advantage of their numerical superiority, and they will be easily slaughtered by the Dixia clansmen with ease of labor.

The three lines of defense greatly consumed the enemy's forces, slowed down their offensive and magnified their own advantages.

Although the other party is a bronze species, the half-orcs are known as banished people who are more garbage than black iron.

But the half-orcs were banished for many reasons, not because of the low race value.

Just like a student, although he may be expelled from school because he has zero points in one or two overall exams, it does not mean that his total score must be low.

Let's just say that these sea reptile half-orcs have combat effectiveness far above these tidal fish people, at least they are also silver-level.

What's more, the Dixia civilization has entered the Bronze Age because of the protection of the ancestral spirit.

Before Wang Yi sent these sea reptile warriors into the challenge, he armed them to the teeth with cast bronzes!

Bronze sword, bronze dagger, bronze shield, bronze armor! There are also a number of labor tools that are also elaborately crafted from bronze.

Killing these low-grade tidal fish people is as simple as chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

The battle continued until the next morning, when the fighters took shifts and yawned even because the battle was too boring.

Finally, as the sun rose in the east, the dense tidal fish people began to retreat into the sea in an orderly manner. Some retreated more slowly, because they were exposed to the sun and died directly on the beach.

The retreat of the enemy symbolizes that everyone has survived the first night. However, in this moment of victory, no one cheered.

There is only one thought in their minds - that's it?

"All right! Cheer up! The captain of the Turtle Man team was the wisest and keenly aware of everyone's mental problems: "The Savior said that the four-day challenge must be gradually escalated.

We can't take it lightly because we simply passed the first day, otherwise how can we be worthy of the two and a half years that Lord Savior has trained with us?

Tonight, there must be even stronger enemies! Hurry up and clean up the battlefield! Gather resources! Fix the trap!

We also have to find time for combat meetings, summarize and reflect on yesterday's shortcomings, and make improvements and perfections to future plans!

Hurry up, hurry up! Move it! Destiny bless me! Success is made!

"Three captains!" A sea serpent warrior hurriedly ran over: "There are still hundreds of enemies trapped in our labyrinth. Look, did we kill directly or..." The

sea serpent captain spat out the letter: "Kill? There is no need to bother so much, banish them into the sun and they will perish themselves. The

captain of the sea crocodile, as the backbone of the team, shook his head repeatedly: "No, these prisoners can't be killed!" We...... Win them over!

"You mean missionary? But they are so weak that they can't move during the day..."

"The Savior said, there are many people and great power!" The sea crocodile captain straightened his chest, and his eyes were full of awe: "What's more, we should give them a chance, a chance to join Di Xia to believe in the Mandate of Heaven!"

Old turtle, this matter is yours to go. Captain

Turtle bowed his head slightly: "It will not be humiliated!" Wait for my good news! Escorted

by several warriors, Captain Turtle walked into the maze. After a quick walk along the tunnel, I finally came to the part of the underground tunnel.

There is an empty intersection here, cold and humid without sunlight, and the hundreds of tidal fish stranded here have not turned into revenants under the sun.

Watching the arrival of Captain Turtle and others, the fish people wailed and huddled together, completely devoid of the madness and ferocity of the night.

Seeing such a scene, Captain Turtle hurriedly asked his subordinates around him to distribute delicious Dixia delicacies to these poor fishmen.

"Eat, eat, don't panic when you're full." Don't be afraid, I am the messenger of Dixia and a believer in the Mandate of Heaven.

I'm not here to kill you. On the contrary, I have come to save you.

Next, I would like to take a few minutes of your time to tell you about our great Savior, the Lord of Destiny! Captain

Turtle smiled meaningfully at these poor prisoners.

"But before that, I want to ask you a question - do you believe in destiny? Or rather, you guys... Eager to succeed? "

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